IBM Digital Health Pass


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
A smart way to return to society

IBM Digital Health Pass, part of IBM Watson Works, is designed to provide organizations with a smart way to bring people back to a physical location, such as a workplace, school, stadium or airline flight.

Built on IBM Blockchain technology, the solution is designed to enable organizations to verify health credentials for employees, customers and visitors entering their site based on criteria specified by the organization.

Privacy is central to the solution, and the digital wallet can allow individuals to maintain control of their personal health information and share it in a way that is secured, verifiable, and trusted. Individuals can share their health pass to return to the activities and things they love, without requiring exposure of the underlying personal data used to generate the credential.

Inside EVERY Progressive is a totalitarian trying to claw his/her way out.
No vax no work, no life.
Glad that I am retired and at the end of my life. Too many changes. Too many control freaks. Freedom is dead.

I can see where you are coming from. Nevertheless, try to hang on as long as you can. Any day above ground beats the best day below it. I often think of my grandfather who died in 2015. I wonder how a man of his generation, fortitude and brutal honesty would have reacted to and dealt with the events of the last year. A large part of me believes he was fortunate to pass on prior to COVID and the 2020 election. The other part of me, however, is ruled to this day by the horror of watching him die in a hospital bed delirious with a full body infection. The pain of living, I firmly believe, is never so grim and soul scorching as the pain and awareness of dying.
A smart way to return to society

IBM Digital Health Pass, part of IBM Watson Works, is designed to provide organizations with a smart way to bring people back to a physical location, such as a workplace, school, stadium or airline flight.

Built on IBM Blockchain technology, the solution is designed to enable organizations to verify health credentials for employees, customers and visitors entering their site based on criteria specified by the organization.

Privacy is central to the solution, and the digital wallet can allow individuals to maintain control of their personal health information and share it in a way that is secured, verifiable, and trusted. Individuals can share their health pass to return to the activities and things they love, without requiring exposure of the underlying personal data used to generate the credential.

Inside EVERY Progressive is a totalitarian trying to claw his/her way out.
No vax no work, no life.

Talented artists and programmers could soon become beacons of light in the ever pressing darkness; men and women skilled enough to imitate any government document imaginable. No one but the Nazis faulted the most gifted document forgers of their time—people who created documents and papers which allowed some Jews and others to escape a ride on their death trains. Just think about it for a moment. Even living under the height of Nazi power many Germans must have still believed their government knew what was best for them and that Nazi state power was not to be defied. Indeed . . . history is repeating as we speak.

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