ICE agents descend on dozens of 7-Eleven stores to open employment audits and interview workers

Yeah, that'll root out the problem, boy.

If they do find illegals behind the cash register, I hope the owners get slammed, though. But why why why always the "little guy?" C'mon ICE. Grow a pair and go after some of those major manufacturers and hotel chains and construction companies that are flooded with these people.
Hopefully thats coming.
Derek Benner, a top ICE official, tells the AP that Wednesday’s operation was “the first of many” and “a harbinger of what’s to come” for employers.
Beautiful. ALL countries enforce their borders, most of them more strictly than America does. So for liberal pond life to call America "WAAAAAAYYYYCIST" for enforcing our border controls is rather glaring proof that liberals are so self-righteously treasonous, they WANT America to be the 3rd world's doormat and these evil c-nts don't give a fuck how much it hurts their fellow Americans. Why these dogshit-natured liberal walking obscentiies! An Obama-whore never lived who had the tiniest trace of integrity at all.
People who take advantage of situations like these schemers are doing, know what they are doing and Do Not respect the people they are doing it to. Yet, liberals get all weak kneed and weepy about them
Jail and FINE all owners and investors 100K per employed illegally.
Pass a law they're taxed 35% of their Gross income for LIFE!

Barack Obama’s administration more than doubled employer audits to more than 3,100 a year in 2013, shunning Bush’s flashier approach. John Sandweg, an acting ICE director under Obama, said significant fines instilled fear in employers and avoided draining resources from other enforcement priorities, which include child exploitation, human trafficking and money laundering.

Wednesday’s audits arose from a 2013 investigation that resulted in charges against nine 7-Eleven franchisees and managers in New York and Virginia. Eight have pleaded guilty and were ordered to pay more than $2.6 million in back wages, and the ninth was arrested in November.

The managers used more than 25 stolen identities to employ at least 115 people in the country illegally, knowing they could pay below minimum wage, according to court documents.

Neither 7-Eleven nor was its parent company, Seven & I Holding Co. based in Tokyo, was charged in the case.

Julie Myers Wood, former head of ICE during the Bush administration, said the most recent inspections showed that immigration officials were focusing on a repeat violator. Part of the problem, Wood said, is the lack of “a consistent signal” between administrations that the U.S. government will prosecute employers who hire immigrants without legal status.
Immigration agents descend on 7-Eleven stores in 17 states

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