Ice??? The Dome Failed Because of Ice??


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Containment Dome Problems at 2010 Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico

Workers at the 2010 Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico have run into a snag with what they hoped would be a silver bullet at stopping thousands of gallons of crude oil from spilling into the Gulf.

The oil spill, which is dumping hundreds of thousands of gallons of crude oil into the Gulf every day, is posing a serious threat to the environment and the economy in the Gulf Coast region. Workers from all over the country have rushed to the site of the spill to try to stop the leak. However, that effort is proving to be a very difficult task.

Coast Guard officials, and officials from British Petroleum (BP,) the company responsible for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, agree that the surest way of stopping the leak is to drill a new relief well to divert oil away from the leak. The problem, however, is that it will take months to drill such a relief well. In the meantime, a variety of efforts are underway to clean-up and contain the oil leak.

The most recent effort, and the one that experts had the most faith in, was to place a giant concrete dome atop the 5,000 foot deep oil leak. Once the concrete dome was in place, workers were hoping to use a large hose to siphon the oil upward to a drilling ship. Experts were cautiously optimistic today, as they began to deploy the giant concrete containment dome.

Unfortunately, however, the first containment dome effort proved to be a failure today. As the containment dome was deployed into the depths of the frigid Gulf of Mexico, ice began to form around the dome, clogging the opening and making the containment dome overly buoyant.

Experts warned that this condition was a possibility all along. According to them, an icy mixture of gas and water known as nitrates, were the biggest threat to the success of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill containment dome effort all along.

The containment workers have not given up on the containment dome effort though. Although they say that it will be at least Monday before a new plan is in place, there are still a few options which could salvage the effort.

This is crazy!
Just blame President Bush. He was the one causing the planet to warm up. And we all know that global warming will cause the next ice age.
Just blame President Bush. He was the one causing the planet to warm up. And we all know that global warming will cause the next ice age.

Starting under the super containment box?

Well, the real OP isn't all that funny... The box failed. Now they say it WILL take three more months to drill relief holes.

SOOOoooo.... That begs a question that no one seems interested to ask. Did the original drill op start more than three months ago BEFORE Obamas announcement to explore offshore?
A more practical approach would have been to simultaneously design and build several different domes and ship them to location.
Monday morning quarter backs are gonna be all over this.

I seriously hope the drilling more holes solution is not the be all end all. Bones is right. This is gonna be so damned nasty that I can't see BP staying in operation after all is said and done. How can any company afford what it's gonna cost to clean up this mess?

I cross my fingers for a successful dome attempt.
o fuck bp..what about the people of the gulf coast? the mainstay of the gulf coast is fishing, shrimping and tourism...they are saying this mess could come around florida and come up the east coast....entire coastlines will be destroyed...lively hoods of millions...destroyed...but lets drill some more...lets destroy what little we have we can have oil for how much longer?
I know the left is thinking up ways to blame Bush for not regulating the formation of the ice crystals.Now Obama will hold a press conference to announce that he is forming a commission to explore why our government was not regulating the formation of said ice crystals because he is focused like a laser on the problem and he was on it from day one.
o fuck bp..what about the people of the gulf coast? the mainstay of the gulf coast is fishing, shrimping and tourism...they are saying this mess could come around florida and come up the east coast....entire coastlines will be destroyed...lively hoods of millions...destroyed...but lets drill some more...lets destroy what little we have we can have oil for how much longer?

When gas starts hitting $4.00 per gallon,people will be screaming for our country to build more refineries and for more drilling.Until we get off oil this is what we will have to deal with.:(
I know the left is thinking up ways to blame Bush for not regulating the formation of the ice crystals.Now Obama will hold a press conference to announce that he is forming a commission to explore why our government was not regulating the formation of said ice crystals because he is focused like a laser on the problem and he was on it from day one.

and you really are just a waste of fucking skin.....

making a partisan issue out of this
I know the left is thinking up ways to blame Bush for not regulating the formation of the ice crystals.Now Obama will hold a press conference to announce that he is forming a commission to explore why our government was not regulating the formation of said ice crystals because he is focused like a laser on the problem and he was on it from day one.

and you really are just a waste of fucking skin.....

making a partisan issue out of this

And you're blaming BP when we are still waiting for any hard facts about responsibility. Much as I hate to agree with Huggy, we need a timeline of the decision making process etc.
i have no sympathy for bp....they have played fast and loose with drilling laws heart goes out to the people who lives and livelyhoods will be ruined..for the homeowners whose houses will lose all their value....its gonna happen to the republicans and democrats both...i dont think oil knows a polticial party now does it?

as for building more refinaries etc..why oil is not going to last that much longer...better to expend the resources for alternative energy...just as the cash for clunkers money would have been better invested in alternative energy
i love how my one comment...fuck now blaming bp....i was simply stating how i feel about being all about sympathy for bp....i have not mentioned blame...when you are up to your ass in gators its not time to discuss draining the swamp
i have no sympathy for bp....they have played fast and loose with drilling laws heart goes out to the people who lives and livelyhoods will be ruined..for the homeowners whose houses will lose all their value....its gonna happen to the republicans and democrats both...i dont think oil knows a polticial party now does it?

as for building more refinaries etc..why oil is not going to last that much longer...better to expend the resources for alternative energy...just as the cash for clunkers money would have been better invested in alternative energy

Which of the major energy companies invests the most $$$s in the US for renewable energy?
o fuck bp..what about the people of the gulf coast? the mainstay of the gulf coast is fishing, shrimping and tourism...they are saying this mess could come around florida and come up the east coast....entire coastlines will be destroyed...lively hoods of millions...destroyed...but lets drill some more...lets destroy what little we have we can have oil for how much longer?

Ahh, I understand. It was not worded well on my behalf. I was wondering if they are gonna bankrupt and leave us with the bill. I could care less if I ever see another BP sign again. Fuck them.
Now is the time for all good men/women to "pray" for their country...pray to your God or gods or for just good Karma....we need ''beyond reason'' help or some kind of "miracle" help, at this point.... :(
Unless this oil issue is taken care before the official Hurricane season starts(June I think, highly doutful) this could turn into something REAL ugly... I guess it would be more prudent to say "uglier." Can't even imagine an oily hurricane.
Unless this oil issue is taken care before the official Hurricane season starts(June I think, highly doutful) this could turn into something REAL ugly... I guess it would be more prudent to say "uglier." Can't even imagine an oily hurricane.

I just saw the Coast Gaurd dude on the tube and he is "Glad" the wind is blowing West and from the South???

Apparently he isn't a fan of TEXAS!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::eek::eek:

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