Iceland's Top Epidemiologist Gives Up On the Vaccines


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
Iceland was a hugely vaccinated nation with an over 85% vaccine rate. Their cases are exploding for a nation of their size. Their top epidemiologist has now admitted that the vaccines are not stopping transmission (Which the CDC Director also admitted) and the only way to herd immunity is by natural infection. Their goal now is to protect the vulnerable.

In other words: the Sweden model.

So again: leave the unvaccinated alone. They were probably the most rational all along, given the terrible performance of these vaccines.

You will need to translate from Icelandic:

Are we any closer to knowing how long natural immunity lasts? That seems like it might important info.
Iceland was a hugely vaccinated nation with an over 85% vaccine rate. Their cases are exploding for a nation of their size. Their top epidemiologist has now admitted that the vaccines are not stopping transmission (Which the CDC Director also admitted) and the only way to herd immunity is by natural infection. Their goal now is to protect the vulnerable.

In other words: the Sweden model.

So again: leave the unvaccinated alone. They were probably the most rational all along, given the terrible performance of these vaccines.

You will need to translate from Icelandic:

We all had our hopes up for the vaccine, I know I did. Minimizing the symptoms is important, especially for those at high risk. Without immunity to the virus and preventing spread it is severely limited IMO.

In many ways, it is providing a false sense of security and possibly even carelessness by those who are vaccinated.

Indeed, I fear the only end to this is now to have it run its course. Most importantly, the world HAS to get to the origin of this and hold China accountable if it is man-made. What is to prevent them from spreading variants, possibly some transmitted by junk we order online?!

No one has the answer for this virus. The best hope humanity has is to get to the bottom of it and to bind together as a global community. Instead, we have big corporations who need their slave labour and intel agencies who are too arrogant to understand the long game the CCP are playing.
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Are we any closer to knowing how long natural immunity lasts? That seems like it might important info.

Right now, certainly much longer than the vaccines. I haven't looked into this extensively as I'm right now prioritizing the fending off the Jackboots attempting to vaccinate every living creature on earth. However, I did read that SARS immunity was longer than a decade, fwiw
We all had our hopes up for the vaccine, I know I did. Minimizing the symptoms is important, especially for those at high risk. Without immunity to the virus and preventing spread it is severely limited IMO.

In many ways, it is providing a false sense of security and possibly even carelessness by those who are vaccinated.

Indeed, I fear the only end to this is now to have it run its course. Most importantly, the world HAS to get to the origin of this and hold China accountable if it is man-made. What is to prevent them from spreading variants, possibly some transmitted by junk we order online?!

No one has the answer for this virus. The best hope humanity has is to get to the bottom of it and to bind together as a global community. Instead, we have big corporations who need their slave labour and intel agencies who are too arrogant to understand the long game the CCP are playing.

All of this.

1. People do not realize that many of us, if not most, who oppose THIS vaccine do not oppose ALL or even MOST vaccines. This one is a bust at this point. Somewhat helpful perhaps in the short term for cutting down severe symptoms but that's it. And least effective in the most ill.

2. We have to let it run its course not only for herd immunity but also because attempting to limit it is so damaging to society. Lockdowns, school closures, masking our babies--horrid. All of it. Enough.

3. Agree to every word re: China
I know too many people who got laid up in bed due to the vaccine.

I became skeptical of this vaccine reading about it before it came out, but maintained an open mind. When many of my coworkers, after getting the shot, became too ill to come to work for days after--then the real skepticism set in. Combined with the Left saying "That means the vaccine is working" was really creepy tbh.

I have never experienced a vaccine making people ill for 3 days before.
Iceland was a hugely vaccinated nation with an over 85% vaccine rate. Their cases are exploding for a nation of their size. Their top epidemiologist has now admitted that the vaccines are not stopping transmission (Which the CDC Director also admitted) and the only way to herd immunity is by natural infection. Their goal now is to protect the vulnerable.

In other words: the Sweden model.

So again: leave the unvaccinated alone. They were probably the most rational all along, given the terrible performance of these vaccines.

You will need to translate from Icelandic:

There was a global effort to muffle all experts who questioned the route of skipping home health response care treatments altogether. Under Tier 2 of pandemic response guidelines, an effective response is complete utilization of sharing knowledge for families and individuals to treat themselves at home. Kind of like when they were telling people not to go to the hospitals if they were sick early last year because the hospitals were overwhelmed. The national media failed the public yet again. They fell short in telling people what to do to recover completely without hospitalization.

These at-home measures would not be as effective for those with diabetes (reportedly connected to worse severity) or with other serious pre-existing conditions including heart and lungs typically needing medical intervention.

Those who are continuing to push these COVID-19 shots when we’ve moved well beyond COVID-19 with several variants now, are primarily interested in protecting their own name since they publicly signed on and can’t go back to rethink that whole thing. Biden’s administration has an excessive inventory problem now, but reportedly the way they are marketing these outdated shots is with LSM making claims that there is racism going on with the distribution hoping the leaders of poor countries will buy it hook, line, and sinker. The drug companies charge these countries a “lower price per shot”, but since the US taxpayers have already paid for these shots I’m assuming the US will charge these poor countries? That is a real scam if so, especially since the US media continues to claim that kids “need” the shot, infants at two years old given the shots- absolute insanity.

What is needed is better education about what an individual can do when exposed to the virus and has symptoms to better ensure one’s survival without going to the hospital or needing to do so.

It was all about profit and recognition for the drug companies (never having produced a vaccine ever) to sell their wares. The US government’s purpose of agreeing to skip Tier 2 and jump directly in bed with relatively clueless, drug profiteers is inexcusable imo.

Authoritarian wannabes in our government are very interested in expanding it’s Claustrophobia-causing “blanket of doom” over the states. I’m counting on the majority of our populace to reject that blanket of doom completely.
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I became skeptical of this vaccine reading about it before it came out, but maintained an open mind. When many of my coworkers, after getting the shot, became too ill to come to work for days after--then the real skepticism set in. Combined with the Left saying "That means the vaccine is working" was really creepy tbh.

I have never experienced a vaccine making people ill for 3 days before.
One of the guys I work with at the golf course had his second shot and the next day had to be rushed to the hospital with a "stress related" heart attack...which is amazing since he's one of the more laid back people I know and in great health. After seeing couldn't pay me to take the shots. They don't have a clue as to what the long term effects of the so called "vaccines" will be! If someone tells you that they do...then they are lying to your face!
Iceland was a hugely vaccinated nation with an over 85% vaccine rate. Their cases are exploding for a nation of their size. Their top epidemiologist has now admitted that the vaccines are not stopping transmission (Which the CDC Director also admitted) and the only way to herd immunity is by natural infection. Their goal now is to protect the vulnerable.

In other words: the Sweden model.

So again: leave the unvaccinated alone. They were probably the most rational all along, given the terrible performance of these vaccines.

You will need to translate from Icelandic:

Did you even read your own link? It seems more like this Icelandic scientist is trying various ways to make sure the illness is combated. As any good scientist should. Here, from your own link:

He says, however, that the vaccination was not in vain. "The vaccination has prevented a serious illness, there is no question about that," says Þórólfur.

Some need to be revaccinated

Þórólfur says that the priority now is to give booster doses to those who have responded poorly to vaccination. "We need to try to vaccinate and better protect those who are vulnerable, but let us tolerate the infection," he said.

"I think it is quite clear that Janssen's defense is weaker than that of other vaccines," says Þórólfur. He says it is a priority to give those who received the Jansen vaccine a booster dose. Then, for example, teachers and the elderly need to be given a booster dose as soon as possible.

"It is not a priority now to vaccinate everyone with the third dose, as we also need to think: Maybe we should get a new variant? Do we need to be vaccinated with another vaccine? ”He says. Þórólfur says that the fight against the virus will be characterized by such uncertainty.

Does it look like he is against vaccination? Next time, try reading the whole article before posting. Will help you look less of a fool.
Right now, certainly much longer than the vaccines. I haven't looked into this extensively as I'm right now prioritizing the fending off the Jackboots attempting to vaccinate every living creature on earth. However, I did read that SARS immunity was longer than a decade, fwiw
No consensus. I’ve only heard it stated by one research scientist who estimated (he stated as such that is wasn’t known) that likely about 8 months on average, although another USMB poster has it at 7 months. I checked again and found a separate source backing the 8 month estimate on average. I’ll have to look for those sources and more. I would think that 8 months is a conservative average since to be safe as a expert one tends to go conservative.

Just checked and multiple sources now are backing (copying?) the 8 month estimate.
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Did you even read your own link? It seems more like this Icelandic scientist is trying various ways to make sure the illness is combated. As any good scientist should. Here, from your own link:

He says, however, that the vaccination was not in vain. "The vaccination has prevented a serious illness, there is no question about that," says Þórólfur.

Some need to be revaccinated

Þórólfur says that the priority now is to give booster doses to those who have responded poorly to vaccination. "We need to try to vaccinate and better protect those who are vulnerable, but let us tolerate the infection," he said.

"I think it is quite clear that Janssen's defense is weaker than that of other vaccines," says Þórólfur. He says it is a priority to give those who received the Jansen vaccine a booster dose. Then, for example, teachers and the elderly need to be given a booster dose as soon as possible.

"It is not a priority now to vaccinate everyone with the third dose, as we also need to think: Maybe we should get a new variant? Do we need to be vaccinated with another vaccine? ”He says. Þórólfur says that the fight against the virus will be characterized by such uncertainty.

Does it look like he is against vaccination? Next time, try reading the whole article before posting. Will help you look less of a fool.

Please quote where I said he is "against vaccination"
No consensus. I’ve only heard it stated by one research scientist who estimated (he stated as such that is wasn’t known) that likely about 8 months on average, although another USMB poster has it at 7 months. I checked again and found a separate source backing the 8 month estimate on average. I’ll have to look for those sources and more. I would think that 8 months is a conservative average since to be safe as a expert one tends to go conservative.

Just checked and multiple sources now are backing (copying?) the 8 month estimate.

"declining only MODESTLY 6-8 months after vaccination"

"declining only MODESTLY 6-8 months after vaccination"

A recent article from Nature, “Ellibedy’s team tracked antibody production in 77 people who had recovered from mostly mild cases of COVID-19. As expected, SARS-CoV-2 antibodies plummeted in the four months after infection. But this decline slowed, and up to 11 months after infection, the researchers could still detect antibodies that recognized the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

“The good news is that the evidence thus far predicts that infection with SARS-CoV-2 induces long-term immunity in most individuals. This provides a welcome positive note as we wait for further data on memory responses to vaccination.”

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Iceland agrees with this article on escape mutants which can be in either vaxxed or unvaxxed:

Ap 2021 Risk of Rapid Evolutionary Escape from Biomedical Interventions Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
Please quote where I said he is "against vaccination"
Your thread heading:

Iceland's Top Epidemiologist Gives Up On the Vaccines​

Not only did you get the heading wrong but in the article he is also for promoting booster shots In certain cases.

Again, did you read the article before posting?
Your thread heading:

Iceland's Top Epidemiologist Gives Up On the Vaccines​

Not only did you get the heading wrong but in the article he is also for promoting booster shots In certain cases.

Again, did you read the article before posting

The booster is designed precisely for Delta epitopes and Lambda is only one amino acid change. With the booster, Delta gets screwed.
Your thread heading:

Iceland's Top Epidemiologist Gives Up On the Vaccines​

Not only did you get the heading wrong but in the article he is also for promoting booster shots In certain cases.

Again, did you read the article before posting?

Who says I was quoting the heading of the article? I made up my own heading
Who says I was quoting the heading of the article? I made up my own heading
So, you made up your own heading, gist & conclusion of the article? In other words, who cares what the article you are quoting says, you just make up your own!

Well, at least you are honest.

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