I'd give Kushner a 50-50 probability of being "let go".....

Nepotism meets reality.......and for Trump's advisers their urging for Trump to kick Kushner to the curb must be mounting.

I guess our "best" chance of bringing peace to the ME. would lost without an Orthodox Jew charming the Palestinians into submission......LOL

(of course, maybe Kushner could be named as special, deputy assistant to Ivanka.)

Let go for what?

nat4900 is literally so stupid - he doesn't realize that everybody in the world has a 50-50 chance of being let go. Since statistically only two things can happen (being retained or being let go), it is literally a 50-50 chance for everyone.

Good grief, she continues to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
Yes nat4900 - but then again - you're the tool who gave Hitlery Clinton a 100% chance of becoming the next President. How did that prediction work out for you, snowflake?

You're right....DAMN IT !!!! we did not anticipate the fantastic help that Putin gave the orange buffoon so he could have a stooge in the WH......LOL
nat4900 is literally so stupid - he doesn't realize that everybody in the world has a 50-50 chance of being let go. Since statistically only two things can happen (being retained or being let go), it is literally a 50-50 chance for everyone.

Does that 50-50 probability then ALSO extend to your orange clown??? LOL
Yes nat4900 - but then again - you're the tool who gave Hitlery Clinton a 100% chance of becoming the next President. How did that prediction work out for you, snowflake?
You're right....DAMN IT !!!! we did not anticipate the fantastic help that Putin gave the orange buffoon so he could have a stooge in the WH......LOL
Uh-oh....someone has some brand new tinfoil on his little conspiracy theory hat today! :lmao:

Yeah. They knew all the time where Bin Laden was, It was Valerie who finally said, Damnut, Obama, if you don't pull the rope on this, I'm going to find a real president! The Kenyan didn't want to lose Valerie Jarret so he finally pulled the trigger.

A strong laxative may help you.......
Maybe that was Obama's problem. Too much time on the toilet. That's why they forgot that infamous red line.
You offer 0 proof when you make your allegations. In lieu of proof you simply lie

here's a bit of a challenge for your half brain......Which comes first..."proof" or an "investigation"......???

Take your time in answering. LOL

You have been investigating Trump looking for dirt for a year now, and NOTHING. Lots of investigating, no guilt, no proof.
All roads lead right back to the collusion on the left. There would have been no one for Trump jr. to talk to if it wasn't for Obama and Lynch. Why not start the investigations where the shade began?
Investigate this:
Why was this RUSSIAN gov. connected official given such preferential treatment by the President and the DOJ of the last administration? Are you lying now about her "credentials" or was the last administration, that gave her special entry to the U.S., lying then about her lack of them? Either way, she's your bear, not ours.
You have been investigating Trump looking for dirt for a year now, and NOTHING. Lots of investigating, no guilt, no proof.

Don't mean to interfere with your fucked up ignorance, BUT Mueller investigation began in mid-May...roughly 2 months ago.......What SHOULD worry your sorry asses is that NO leaks have been made from the Mueller team...always a sign that some very interesting things will emerge from the investigation....Just be patient and don;t bite your nails too much......LOL
You have been investigating Trump looking for dirt for a year now, and NOTHING. Lots of investigating, no guilt, no proof.

Don't mean to interfere with your fucked up ignorance, BUT Mueller investigation began in mid-May...roughly 2 months ago.......What SHOULD worry your sorry asses is that NO leaks have been made from the Mueller team...always a sign that some very interesting things will emerge from the investigation....Just be patient and don;t bite your nails too much......LOL

Nepotism meets reality.......and for Trump's advisers their urging for Trump to kick Kushner to the curb must be mounting.

I guess our "best" chance of bringing peace to the ME. would lost without an Orthodox Jew charming the Palestinians into submission......LOL

(of course, maybe Kushner could be named as special, deputy assistant to Ivanka.)

what were your odds on the Trump winning the election?
You have been investigating Trump looking for dirt for a year now, and NOTHING. Lots of investigating, no guilt, no proof.

Don't mean to interfere with your fucked up ignorance, BUT Mueller investigation began in mid-May...roughly 2 months ago.......What SHOULD worry your sorry asses is that NO leaks have been made from the Mueller team...always a sign that some very interesting things will emerge from the investigation....Just be patient and don;t bite your nails too much......LOL

Can't you debate an issue without stooping to personal attack? It's easy, watch:
Dems were desperate to stop Trump and have been looking for something, anything, that they could use against him since well before the election. Ya got nuthin. Russian conclusion turns the magnifying glass on the last administration, not this one.
How did Ms. Russia with all of her Putin connections gain entry to the United States? Investigate that.. :eusa_dance:
How did Ms. Russia with all of her Putin connections gain entry to the United States? Investigate that

Moronic and LAME deflection.......State allows waivers of visas for a foreign attorney to represent a foreign client in federal court......

NO ONE forced the Donnie-baby, the son-in-law-baby and the freaking election boss, Manafort (and who knows who else in that cabal) to meet with her.

Trump is a fraud....
No deflection about it. I want the whole story. Was this Russian spy here because of Obama's lack of vetting properly, or was it part of the leeway Obama promised Putin? Was she here to facilitate the uranium deal? And did Jr. break any laws in meeting with her?

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