Idaho toddler shoots mother dead in Walmart store.

And some actual perspective on the reporting of this incident and the reality of concealed carry across the United States...

Tragedy of Idaho permit holder illustrates lopsidedness of news coverage on guns CPRC gets extensive news coverage over number of concealed handgun permits in Idaho - Crime Prevention Research Center

But you get an idea of how rare these incidents are by looking at the number of permit holders nationwide, not just those in Idaho. There are now about 12 million concealed handgun permit holders and if these stories of children shooting adults happened at more than a virtually non-existent rate, we would surely be hearing about children killing their parents regularly.
To put it differently, the day before there were at least a couple of news reports around the country about permit holders using concealed handguns to protect people, but neither of those stories got national news coverage.

1) In Fargo, North Dakota, four people were robbing and assaulting a 36-year-old man. They knocked the man unconscious, but fortunately a permit holder was there to stop the attack. Police reported: “passer-by, who has a license to carry a concealed weapon, brandished his gun to end the robbery.

2) In Kissimmee, Florida, a pastor with a concealed handgun permit protected himself from an employee who he had just had to fire.

Plenty of bad being done by them also:
VPC - The Violence Policy Center - Concealed Carry Killers

679 people killed by concealed carry holders.

And someone actually checking the data from the anti gunner nuts....

CPRC at National Review Bogus Gun-Control Numbers To prove that concealed handguns are dangerous the Violence Policy Center cooks the books - Crime Prevention Research Center

In fact, despite continued attacks by gun-control organizations, permit holders almost never commit violent crimes with their guns.

Nonetheless, this past week, just in time for the NRA convention, gun-control advocates were at it again, touting ridiculous charges that concealed-carry permits were responsible for 636 deaths nationwide over the seven years from May 2007 to March 2014.

The Violence Policy Center regularly puts out these bogus charges in a report called “Concealed Carry Killers.” But how does it claim to arrive at these numbers?
The VPC collects cases of permit holders’ abusing their permitted concealed handguns for each state. For Michigan, for example, it cites state-police reports on permit holders indicating that 185 died from suicide during the period 2007 through 2012. Surely some alarm bells should have gone off, with Michigan suicides supposedly making up 29 percent of all 636 deaths nationwide the VPC attributed to permitted concealed handguns.
But more importantly, the suicides are not in any meaningful way linked to the issue of carrying a permitted concealed handgun outside of one’s home. If you look at page 2 in the latest report from the Michigan State Police, you will see that in the listing of suicides, there is no indication of specific cause of death. The report merely notes that 56 permit holders committed suicide, without saying whether any or all of them used a gun. Interestingly, the suicide rate among permit holders in Michigan in 2010 (13.3 per 100,000 permit holders) is lower than the rate in the general adult population (16.30). But typically suicides — with or without guns — take place at home. So, again, what would these numbers have to do with the concealed-carry debate?
Now a look at the murder and manslaughter statistics as presented by the Violence Policy Center report. These cases would surely be relevant, but they are not counted correctly. This is how the Michigan State Police report the numbers:

2007–08: Pending 5, Convicted 0
2008–09: Pending 0, Convicted 1
2009–10: Pending 1, Convicted 2
2010–11: Pending 5, Convicted 4
2011–12: Pending 3, Convicted 4
Total: Pending 14, Convicted 11

In other words, during 2007–08, five cases were pending and there were no convictions.
The Violence Policy Center makes several fundamental mistakes. First, it can’t add simple numbers up correctly. While the VPC claims 20 pending cases and 14 convictions, the Michigan State Police report a total of 14 and 11 cases respectively.
Secondly, since it can take years for a murder case to go to trial, some of the homicides may have occurred well before 2007. In addition, the Michigan State Police report doesn’t provide information on how the murder was committed, so gun murders make up only a portion of this total.

I agree the numbers are inflated a bit as I wouldn't count a suicide, but looking at what they have for Michigan it appears many of them are convicted. One of the ones that says suicide the guy killed himself after killing someone else.
If you are going to give the good side of carrying you have to also look at the bad and you can't deny some commit crimes. And based on the study you shared once they are more violent when they do commit a crime.

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