Idaho wants MyPillow CEO to pay for costs to refute his false election fraud claim

Ok. They all were. There was no real gallows to hang Pence and you morons want to believe it’s true. The media owns your every thought.
Had they gotten their paws on Pence, they would have killed him. Not by hanging, but in similar fashion to how they almost killed officer Fanone. That's why Pence, among others, were ushered away for their own safety.

The gallows constructed outside, while just a prop, expressed Trump's thugs' deadly contempt for those they believed were preventing Trump from being ascended to the office he lost in the election.
Had they gotten their paws on Pence, they would have killed him. Not by hanging, but in similar fashion to how they almost killed officer Fanone. That's why Pence, among others, were ushered away for their own safety.

The gallows constructed outside, while just a prop, expressed Trump's thugs' deadly contempt for those they believed were preventing Trump from being ascended to the office he lost in the election.

Have another bong hit.
Foreign policy is a mess and illegals are flooding the borders and the Covid restrictions don't seem to be working. For the life of me I can't understand how there is so much interest in the political forum regarding a guy who manufactures pillows. I guess any distraction for left wing hate speech is better than defending the puppet in the W.H.
Had they gotten their paws on Pence, they would have killed him. Not by hanging, but in similar fashion to how they almost killed officer Fanone. That's why Pence, among others, were ushered away for their own safety.

The gallows constructed outside, while just a prop, expressed Trump's thugs' deadly contempt for those they believed were preventing Trump from being ascended to the office he lost in the election.
Had they gotten their hands on Pence or Pelosi or AOC or in fact any lawmakers...they would have succeeded in stopping the handover of power.

After that who knows.

Void the election and throw it into the House?

Martial law and "emergency powers" declared?

Thankfully they failed and Congress reconvened and certified. Democracy was saved.
Just that we won and you are, and will remain, a loser. Let me know if you are still confused.
You stole the election. No matter Dems will get what's coming to them in the mid terms when we kick them right in the groin.
Had they gotten their hands on Pence or Pelosi or AOC or in fact any lawmakers...they would have succeeded in stopping the handover of power.

After that who knows.

Void the election and throw it into the House?

Martial law and "emergency powers" declared?

Thankfully they failed and Congress reconvened and certified. Democracy was saved.
That was their goal.
His rants and lies about Dominion caused damage to their reputation and lost them contracts

Pilow Guys claims were blatantly wrong and easily disproven
He will be badly beaten in court

Really it is Dominion that does not have a leg to stand on.
Voting machines make no sense at all, and even though I do not think anyone put together what it would take to get away with any sort of wide spread election fraud, voting machine are what would make it possible.
No voting machines should ever be legal.
They serve no purpose except to make cheating easier.
So you think Lindell might be right by claiming an algorithm switched votes in counties that have no electronic election systems?

Seems, well, like bullshit to me.

If they have no voting machines, then what does Dominion have to do with a thread on Idaho?
If it is just a paper ballot recount, that is required by law if requested, and is not supposed to cost anything.
Nope, not impossible. Had they managed to assassinate the VP that day, certification wouldn't have happened. Trump would have declared martial law ... or ... according to Sydney Powell, there was a plot in motion to have Samuel Alito step in to find a constitutional reason to cancel the election.
Nope, not impossible. Had they managed to assassinate the VP that day, certification wouldn't have happened. Trump would have declared martial law ... or ... according to Sydney Powell, there was a plot in motion to have Samuel Alito step in to find a constitutional reason to cancel the election.

Yes, impossible.
Certification does not require the VP. There are always alternates. Nor did anyone show violent intent.
Nor could Trump declare martial law.
The SCOTUS would never have allowed any of the things you suggest.
Nor would the military or the FBI.
Yes, impossible.
Certification does not require the VP. There are always alternates. Nor did anyone show violent intent.
Nor could Trump declare martial law.
The SCOTUS would never have allowed any of the things you suggest.
Nor would the military or the FBI.
Certification requires the Congress which would not have been present had any of them been killed.
The consensus is in: leadership in Idaho is confused, but this story is probably fake news anyway.
Really it is Dominion that does not have a leg to stand on.
Voting machines make no sense at all, and even though I do not think anyone put together what it would take to get away with any sort of wide spread election fraud, voting machine are what would make it possible.
No voting machines should ever be legal.
They serve no purpose except to make cheating easier.
These are not the machines that people vote on.
Dominion tabulates the votes. You know those ballots where you pencil in your vote?
They are scanned by machine
These are not the machines that people vote on.
Dominion tabulates the votes. You know those ballots where you pencil in your vote?
They are scanned by machine
They have both, Dumbass.

Dominion produces electronic voting machines, which allow voters to cast their vote electronically, as well as optical scanning devices to tabulate paper ballots


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