Idaho wants MyPillow CEO to pay for costs to refute his false election fraud claim

You have no facts, only emotional hyper-partisanship. Also, your agenda is clear.

Go home to your own province of Canada and spread your misinformation and mal-content-ism there. Maybe you can convince your own citizenship how great the communist 4th-reich will be. Otherwise, stay away from the USA.
You didn't follow the pillow guy symposium, huh? You know, the one where he offered a $5 million reward to prove his claims of fraud wrong, failed himself to prove fraud, then reneged on paying out the $5 million to those who proved him wrong.
You are welcome to prove anything CNN presents is a lie

You can’t
Really??? Off the top of my head. Covington high school student Nicholas Sandmann. Easy enough to google Covington high school in order to provide you the proof below. Nicholas suffered, but in the end is a rich man (although exact amount CNN had to pay was not disclosed)

I didn't realize the Washington Post suit had ended as well, and Mr. Sandmann is richer than I thought (Until Biden gets a hold of his money)
...Nicholas Sandmann celebrated his 18th birthday on Friday by notching his second victory against the mainstream media for defaming him, providing pushback in a world where false reporting seems to always go unpunished.
The former Covington Catholic High School student announced a settlement in his $250 million lawsuit against the Washington Post
False reporting didn't go unpunished this time. Great to see CNN and Washington Post getting what they deserve.
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Really??? Off the top of my head. Covington high school student Nicholas Sandmann. Easy enough to google Covington high school in order to provide you the proof below. Nicholas suffered, but in the end is a rich man (although exact amount CNN had to pay was not disclosed)

CNN reported what was recorded at the time
Really??? Off the top of my head. Covington high school student Nicholas Sandmann. Easy enough to google Covington high school in order to provide you the proof below. Nicholas suffered, but in the end is a rich man (although exact amount CNN had to pay was not disclosed)

CNN reported what was recorded at the time
No, CNN lied about what was recorded. Which is why they had to pay him millions, Stupid.
Really??? Off the top of my head. Covington high school student Nicholas Sandmann. Easy enough to google Covington high school in order to provide you the proof below. Nicholas suffered, but in the end is a rich man (although exact amount CNN had to pay was not disclosed)

CNN reported what was recorded at the time
So you at least admit CNN doesn't validate their stories before going to press if the person in the video is wearing a MAGA hat. As you notice Fox News did NOT do the same as they followed the chain of journalistic integrity. Also, they continued to report the story the same AFTER the release of the new video. Therefore a purposeful, and very expensive, lie.
So you at least admit CNN doesn't validate their stories before going to press if the person in the video is wearing a MAGA hat. As you notice Fox News did NOT do the same as they followed the chain of journalistic integrity. Also, they continued to report the story the same AFTER the release of the new video. Therefore a purposeful, and very expensive, lie.
They present the news that is known at the time
They have no way of knowing future developments
They present the news that is known at the time
They have no way of knowing future developments
But they control what they report after they have the correct information. Which they DID NOT do with this specific story, and why they are millions of dollars poorer. Also, how they reported with the initial video was still questionable.

Edit: Also, a part of the lawsuit mentions CNN lack of story validation before reporting.
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But they control what they report after they have the correct information. Which they DID NOT do with this specific story, and why they are millions of dollars poorer. Also, how they reported with the initial video was still questionable.

Edit: Also, a part of the lawsuit mentions CNN lack of story validation before reporting.
So...pretty much fake news? Hu. Imagine that. Just like the OP of this thread: fake news. Seems to be intended to support a failing and failed paradigm that "all election results are spotless and beyond reproach"...says the man behind the curtain.
After MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely claimed election fraud occurred in Idaho, Secretary of State officials audited three counties to disprove that claim. Now, the state plans to send Lindell a bill.

Idaho Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck confirmed to the Idaho Statesman that the office plans to bill the CEO for the costs associated with auditing the three counties, a total estimated at about $6,500. Houck announced the bill on CNN on Thursday.

In Idaho, former President Donald Trump handily won in the 2020 presidential election with 63.8% of the votes. But Lindell, in a widely circulated document titled “The Big Lie,” alleged that presidential election results in all 44 Idaho counties were electronically manipulated to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden.

they should arrest the auditor for being dumb enough to audit the election
It's impossible to rig an election in Idaho.
When I voted I had to show proof of everything
they should arrest the auditor for being dumb enough to audit the election
It's impossible to rig an election in Idaho.
When I voted I had to show proof of everything
Awesome. So at least we see that asking for proof of who you are (IDs, etc) works.
Awesome. So at least we see that asking for proof of who you are (IDs, etc) works.
Obviously, tyrone will deflect to some other issue he feels is more important, probably some sort of personal attack on you. Whereas his own statement evidently implies that, yes, without proof of a legal vote, elections can be swayed and corrupted if those IDENTIFICATION rules are not followed.
Because you can collude and conspire with the Russians to use fake evidence to spy on American citizens in order to falsely accuse and impeach and remove a duly elected president, but you can’t question the results of an election resulting for the first time in this nations history from millions of mail-in ballots - the most fraud ridden form of voting and outlawed in many Western / democratic countries, occuring in Democrat run cities and states known for their corruption and election fraud. We are witnessing a slow crawl towards authoritarianism and fascism directed by the Democratic Party, the orinigal home of the KKK.
So what about freedom of speech, dimbo’s claim that all the time? Somehow contrary statements to their political narrative is not tolerated and perpetrators punished. Love it!

These are not statements “contrary to their political narrative”. These are lies that Lindell and Company have simply made up. Freedom of speech is not the freedom to lie. That’s called “fraud”.
About the same time BLM and ANTIFA reimburse the cities, states, and Federal Government for their “approved” riots, not to mention businesses and minority owned businesses that were vandalized and torched as well? I guess the year plus of ANTIFA riots are exempt for justified political reasons? Love you guys, so witty and hypocritical.

It’s not BLM nor Anti-fa, it the Boogaloo Bois, the Patriot Front, Unite the Right, and all those right wingers who were arrested for rioting, looting and arson. Get THOSE groups to pay for the damage they caused.
After MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely claimed election fraud occurred in Idaho, Secretary of State officials audited three counties to disprove that claim. Now, the state plans to send Lindell a bill.

Idaho Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck confirmed to the Idaho Statesman that the office plans to bill the CEO for the costs associated with auditing the three counties, a total estimated at about $6,500. Houck announced the bill on CNN on Thursday.

In Idaho, former President Donald Trump handily won in the 2020 presidential election with 63.8% of the votes. But Lindell, in a widely circulated document titled “The Big Lie,” alleged that presidential election results in all 44 Idaho counties were electronically manipulated to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden.

These are not statements “contrary to their political narrative”. These are lies that Lindell and Company have simply made up. Freedom of speech is not the freedom to lie. That’s called “fraud”.
Yes, it actually is freedom to lie, you fucking Stalinist. It's only fraud if you told lies to cheat people out of their money.
Yes, it actually is freedom to lie, you fucking Stalinist. It's only fraud if you told lies to cheat people out of their money.
So you're defending the freedom to lie and fact that Trump IS lying.

Yes, it actually is freedom to lie, you fucking Stalinist. It's only fraud if you told lies to cheat people out of their money.

Then why can you be charged for lying in Court, to the FBI, to Congress and to regular people.

If you tell someone you’re selling them a diamond and it’s a cubic zirconium, you’ll be charged with “fraud”. There is no public arena where it is legal to lie to the people.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts.

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