ideas for vetting, revised

I'm just worried about our trading partners putting tariffs on our goods in retaliation thus hurting our massive export sector.

Yes its widely accepted that our Hawley Smoot tariffs were a major cause of the Great Depression and in fact the reason that the vast majority of economists support free trade and why we have free trade even when an uber extreme socialist control freak like Obama is in office .
I'm just worried about our trading partners putting tariffs on our goods in retaliation thus hurting our massive export sector.

Yes its widely accepted that our Hawley Smoot tariffs were a major cause of the Great Depression and in fact the reason that the vast majority of economists support free trade and why we have free trade even when an uber extreme socialist control freak like Obama is in office .

To the vast majority of socialists, Obama is just another center right corporatist. :eusa_eh:
I'm just worried about our trading partners putting tariffs on our goods in retaliation thus hurting our massive export sector.

Yes its widely accepted that our Hawley Smoot tariffs were a major cause of the Great Depression and in fact the reason that the vast majority of economists support free trade and why we have free trade even when an uber extreme socialist control freak like Obama is in office .

To the vast majority of socialists, Obama is just another center right corporatist. :eusa_eh:

too stupid!! he had 2 communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders an open communist!!

See why we say slow????
I'm just worried about our trading partners putting tariffs on our goods in retaliation thus hurting our massive export sector.

Yes its widely accepted that our Hawley Smoot tariffs were a major cause of the Great Depression and in fact the reason that the vast majority of economists support free trade and why we have free trade even when an uber extreme socialist control freak like Obama is in office .

that's kind of why I want to subsidize things creatively, like providing public transportation rather than subsidizing bio-fuels, or subsidizing things that replace imports only if they are bought and used only in the US, and only if they are already subsidized in other countries, that way we wouldn't be competing with them internationally, just in our own country - and it would be a direct response to their actions, rather than the initial action that would get a response from them.
I'm just worried about our trading partners putting tariffs on our goods in retaliation thus hurting our massive export sector.

Yes its widely accepted that our Hawley Smoot tariffs were a major cause of the Great Depression and in fact the reason that the vast majority of economists support free trade and why we have free trade even when an uber extreme socialist control freak like Obama is in office .

that's kind of why I want to subsidize things creatively, like providing public transportation

why provide it when you can just let uses pay for it as they use it???

subsidizing things that replace imports

why subsidize at all ???? If Germany wants to subsidize imports to the USA thats great for us. Its like a gift from the German people!!
You don't understand free trade between people or between countries. Both cases are identical.
Yes its widely accepted that our Hawley Smoot tariffs were a major cause of the Great Depression and in fact the reason that the vast majority of economists support free trade and why we have free trade even when an uber extreme socialist control freak like Obama is in office .

that's kind of why I want to subsidize things creatively, like providing public transportation

why provide it when you can just let uses pay for it as they use it???

subsidizing things that replace imports

why subsidize at all ???? If Germany wants to subsidize imports to the USA thats great for us. Its like a gift from the German people!!
You don't understand free trade between people or between countries. Both cases are identical.

the problem with cheap imports is that we have a trade deficit... which is basically the amount of money each year that leaves the country and doesn't come back, which is the problem. even with balanced trade we would still get some great deals on imports, and I'm ok with that... actually part of the point of doing what we need to do to balance trade is keeping the value of the dollar high which will allow us to continue to benefit from cheap imports. it's like, if you got a better deal on candy that u like to buy, but as a result your income shrank every time you bought the newer, cheaper, candy.
as for the public transportation... I think people will be more likely to use it if it was free. that just make sense.
the problem with cheap imports is that we have a trade deficit... which is basically the amount of money each year that leaves the country and doesn't come back,

dear, the Chinese and Japanese don't burn our money!! It always comes back. They must spend it here or trade it to those who intend to spend it here!!

Econ 101 for you. Sorry
the problem with cheap imports is that we have a trade deficit... which is basically the amount of money each year that leaves the country and doesn't come back,

dear, the Chinese and Japanese don't burn our money!! It always comes back. They must spend it here or trade it to those who intend to spend it here!!

Econ 101 for you. Sorry

The problem with that theory is (I'm pretty sure) that foreign nations can buy commodities from one another using US dollars. That would only change if the value of the US dollar was wiped out, and I think that THAT would be worse for us. by closing the trade deficit without raising tariffs we can keep getting rediculously cheap imports, and continue hawking our massive amount of exports. My final point is that in the US, the richest people (the people with the highest incomes) spend the lowest percentage of that income, and I assume that foreign nations work the same way, especially since if the money was going to be spent in the US, we wouldn't have a trade deficit as massive as it is, and we wouldn't have had one for as long as we have. The massive, sustained, trade deficit is a sort of proof that it's not being spent back in this country.
The problem with that theory is (I'm pretty sure) that foreign nations can buy commodities from one another using US dollars.

Sure but you always have to convert them to local currency to pay your workers and run your business. If you exported to China you'd always be under pressure to convert your reminbi to US dollars so you could buy stuff locally. So it always comes back, unlike what you said,namely, it never comes back. Sorry!
The problem with that theory is (I'm pretty sure) that foreign nations can buy commodities from one another using US dollars.

Sure but you always have to convert them to local currency to pay your workers and run your business. If you exported to China you'd always be under pressure to convert your reminbi to US dollars so you could buy stuff locally. So it always comes back, unlike what you said,namely, it never comes back. Sorry!

if that's the case, then why have we had such a massive trade deficit for so long? maybe you can tell me when that will stop, and whether or not you think the trade deficit is a problem at all?
whether or not you think the trade deficit is a problem at all?

A trade deficit is never a problem because it is self correcting. But, if the US declines into liberalism and the Japanese make more reliable cars than Americans, and the Chinese and Indians make cheaper stuff than we do of course that is a problem. The problem is our liberal work ethic not our trade deficit.

We must correct our work ethic and then the trade deficit will take care of itself. But even so if American goods are junk the Chinese won't want to buy them so they will have no need to trade with us and then there will be no deficit.
They will need to raise their prices so they get more and more dollars to buy enough American liberal junk to make selling us their stuff profitable.

Got it?
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whether or not you think the trade deficit is a problem at all?

A trade deficit is never a problem because it is self correcting. But, if the US declines into liberalism and the Japanese make more reliable cars than Americans, and the Chinese and Indians make cheaper stuff than we do of course that is a problem. The problem is our liberal work ethic not our trade deficit.

We must correct our work ethic and then the trade deficit will take care of itself. But even so if American goods are junk the Chinese won't want to buy them so they will have no need to trade with us and then there will be no deficit.
They will need to raise their prices so they get more and more dollars to buy enough American liberal junk to make selling us their stuff profitable.

Got it?

right... you say it's self correcting, but it's not yet, so I'm wondering when it will be, and will the value of our dollar have to collapse before that happens (which I'm saying will be a bad thing). as far as liberalism causing us to make worse cars than japan... the auto bail-outs worked. we know that... I'm wondering if you can tell me what we can easily sell to foreign countries that we are not already... since you seem to know so much about it.
and then there's this part of your post.

"But even so if American goods are junk the Chinese won't want to buy them so they will have no need to trade with us and then there will be no deficit.
They will need to raise their prices so they get more and more dollars to buy enough American liberal junk to make selling us their stuff profitable."

it doesn't make any sense in itself, but I won't hold it against you, cuz I have brain farts too. maybe you can spell it out a little more completely.
and finally, I'm saying that money leaving this country and not comming back, year after year after year is a problem... and your saying it's not because... what?
it doesn't make any sense in itself,

try to imagine a world of just US and japan making equal cars. All of the sudden we become liberal and make crap cars while they become conservative and make good cars.

So now I buy a toyota and send the money to Japan but now the jap does not want to buy a chevy for the same price as the toyota because the liberal chevy is crap.

What does he do?? He decides he must raise the price of the toyota so he gets enough dollars to buy the junk liberal chevy plus a junk liberal ford so he gets even value.

But at the higher price Americans cant afford the Toyota, buy fewer and fewer, and trade comes to a halt and no deficit is possible.
right... you say it's self correcting, but it's not yet, so I'm wondering when it will be,

Its hard to say since there are so many factors involved. Foreign countries have many options other than to buy our products with the US dollars we ship them. They can buy our debt for example rather than our products, they can invest in America in many ways: stocks bonds real estate, new auto factories etc., commodities, and they can trade with other countries that use or hold our currency as a reserve currency.

The important point to remember to is that there is no free lunch. THe way for Mississippi to improve its standard of living versus the USa and the way for the USa to improvre its standard of lliving versus Japan is to make better cheaper products. There is not free liberal lunch!!
I'm saying that money leaving this country and not comming back, year after year after year is a problem... and your saying it's not because... what?

dear it has to come back. The japs have to convert it to pay their workers in yen!!!

now, when you say liberals are making the auto industry worse, do you mean moderates are making the auto industry worse? aren't political conservatives more likely to drive SUV's which focusing on almost destroyed the auto industry? do u consider cars that get good mileage to be politically liberal? isn't that what japan is focusing on, which made them more succesful than the US auto industry as of not too long ago?

a lot of these countries that have trade surpluses are manipulating the value of their currencies for just that purpose... are you saying the US should default on its debts to kill the value of our currency and thus decrease imports, increase exports, and stop our currency from being a "reserve" currency so that it gets spent back in the US?

when you say that the US dollar "has to come back", are you taking into account your own awareness that it can be spent on many other things besides directly on our goods and services(?)... things that can extract even more money from the US? or are you assuming that we'll kill the value of the dollar in order to balance things out? And don't you think that finding a way to balance trade and pay off our debts without killing the value of the dollar would keep our imports cheap the way we like 'em? and that that might be preferable to defaulting on our loans?

and can you please comment in one big post to make it easier to respond to you, and can you please stop refering to foreigners as japs. even if they're japanese. it really is an outdated and kind of derogatory term. it makes me a little uncomfortable. might get you in trouble with the site.
do u consider cars that get good mileage to be politically liberal?

yes, and the Prius the Pious Liberal. AL Gore said the US auto was the most evil invention of mankind. But that was before Americans started buying huge SUVs and China came online buying 20 million new cars a year with India and Brazil following just behind! If cars were evil their incredible proliferation would have destroyed us but we seem fine for some reason.

Its like when the libturd Gore said hurricanes would get stronger and more frequent thanks to global warming. It turned out the opposite is true.

See why we say liberals will be slow??
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a lot of these countries that have trade surpluses are manipulating the value of their currencies for just that purpose

why not name one??? how do you manipulate currency to have a trrade surplus???
According to Nobel Prize-winning economist, Milton Friedman, trade deficits are not harmful because the currency will always comes back to the country in some form or another.
Trade deficits will be naturally be resolved either by currency devaluations, increased foreign ownership of assets or other forms of foreign investment.
A trade deficit is an indication that the currency is desired.
The current method of calculating the trade deficit does not fully account for income derived from foreign sources or for US ownership of foreign stocks.
There are a lot more choices foreigners have with our dollars besides:

1) burn it

2) spend it in the USA, so it is never never lost

They can also:

3) Buy gas driving up prices.

dear this is economics which you lack the IQ for. IF they buy gas then those in the middle east have the dollar and then then have to spend it here or burn it!! either way it is always heading back to the USA, not lost for god's sake.

4) Invest in their countries manufacturing & education.

too stupid!!! they would have to convert it to Yen or Yuan to spend it in their own country

Yet another spastic retarded post from eddie the dumb-ass.

"The Federal Reserve estimates that the majority of the cash in circulation today is outside the United States."

Back in the day there was basic "petrodollar recycling". All crude oil around the world was only sold in US dollars. We bought oil with dollars from Iran & they bought wheat or manufactured goods from US with those dollars or bought our debt. If China wanted oil they had to sell US something to get US dollars to buy oil from the middle east who would in turn spend those dollars right back here in the US. Since all countries needed US dollars for oil trade it naturally became the worlds reserve currency. Countries central banks bought & held US dollars to back their currency & to manipulate their currency up or down. We were firmly in control of world oil & commodity prices.

Recently China has the manufacturing & owns resources around the world. When China buys oil from Saudi Arabia driving up oil prices & demand. Saudi bi-passes the USA & buys manufactured goods from China. In return China buys more oil with those US dollars again from Saudi driving up oil prices even more & the cycle continues while we stand here with our thumb up our ass.

Now China has more automobiles than US making them the worlds largest oil customer. Now since we are no longer their biggest customer or trading partner the world oil suppliers are more concerned with China than the USA. Oil producers are making deals in Chinese currency instead of US dollars. We are losing the "petro-dollar" & "world reserve currency" leverage. We are also losing the ability to control oil & commodity prices.

Cutting our consumption & sending production asset's & jobs to China cost US dollar leverage. I love how Ross Perot put it in the presidential debate with Al Gore. "...the United States, 85 percent. We're the biggest buyer of goods and services in the world. Please remember that tonight, that's one of our aces."

"The Federal Reserve estimates that the majority of the cash in circulation today is outside the United States."

That's awful, we send them green pieces of paper and they send us nice stuff.

Why is that awful?

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