Identical twins, one gay, one ain't

wait a minute.. so, is the premise of this thread REALLY that we expect identical twins to react to life and their individual perception EXACTLY THE SAME? Are you fucking kidding me? Do OTHER identical (looking) twins always share the exact same personality characteristics?

good fucking lord, when did TWINS become CLONES?

I guess the whole IDENTICALLY genetically escapes your idiotic concepts. IF as claimed, Homosexuality is Genetic, then they BOTH should be either homosexual or straight. Since they are IDENTICAL Twins. You know, both GENETICALLY the same?
I'm not sure if anyone ever claimed that homosexuality was genetic...but you seem to have some misconceptions about identical twins. This might help.

Dear Yahoo!: Do identical twins have identical DNA? Ben
Evans, Georgia
Dear Ben: A search on "identical twins DNA" led us into a fascinating world of genetics, cloning, and the old nature vs nurture debate. As we soon learned, identical twins, formed when one fertilized egg splits, are the only people in the world with identical DNA. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, are formed when two different eggs are fertilized. Genetically speaking, fraternal twins are no closer than normal siblings, sharing only about 50% of their genes.
Although identical twins have the same genotype, or DNA, they have different phenotypes, meaning that the same DNA is expressed in different ways.
Traits determined by phenotype, such as fingerprints and physical appearance, are the result of "the interaction of the individual�s genes and the developmental environment in the uterus." Thus, a DNA test can't determine the difference between identical twins, while a simple fingerprint can.

Do identical twins have identical DNA?

So, do identical twins have identical fingerprints? ....
The fingerprints on each of my ten fingers are unique, yet none of them belong to a gay man. Your attempt at equivalence here is meaningless.

...but the premise of your assumption is that identical twins are identical in all physic aspects up to and including their gender identity.

Perhaps you should spell out what you think it means when one twin is strait and the other is gay.
wait a minute.. so, is the premise of this thread REALLY that we expect identical twins to react to life and their individual perception EXACTLY THE SAME? Are you fucking kidding me? Do OTHER identical (looking) twins always share the exact same personality characteristics?

good fucking lord, when did TWINS become CLONES?

I guess the whole IDENTICALLY genetically escapes your idiotic concepts. IF as claimed, Homosexuality is Genetic, then they BOTH should be either homosexual or straight. Since they are IDENTICAL Twins. You know, both GENETICALLY the same?

Where is that claimed? The OP is claiming that since the twins turned out differently then sexuality mustn't be genetic and people are simply refuting that assertion.

I think we each become who we are as unique individuals as a result of several factors including but not limited to our most basic factor, genetics.

What makes an individual prefer vanilla over chocolate? What if those who prefer chocolate got special treatment under the tax laws? Should you have to change your preference in order to be treated equally under the law? Shouldn't the law treat people with either preference equally?
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wait a minute.. so, is the premise of this thread REALLY that we expect identical twins to react to life and their individual perception EXACTLY THE SAME? Are you fucking kidding me? Do OTHER identical (looking) twins always share the exact same personality characteristics?

good fucking lord, when did TWINS become CLONES?

I guess the whole IDENTICALLY genetically escapes your idiotic concepts. IF as claimed, Homosexuality is Genetic, then they BOTH should be either homosexual or straight. Since they are IDENTICAL Twins. You know, both GENETICALLY the same?

Identical twins are never 100% identical, stupid. How many SHARED FINGER PRINTS have you ever heard of? Good fucking lord you people are ignorant as HELL.

hey, I know it might sound CARAZY to you but I hear that even identical twins disagree on the better tasting cola beverage! HOLY SHIT!


I realized I could have said it better, but you get my point?

Some people want to make a case that individuals who turn out to be homosexual are only "choosing" to be "that way" and therefore they should be treated as second class citizens for "choosing" the wrong path in life? Judging by your OP, you seem to be attempting to support that theory?

I agree with Coloradoman -- What makes one become who they are does not determine whether or not one should be treated as a second class citizen, IF that's what your getting at.

I'll assume you're legitimately baffled by identical twins who turn out differently, but I really can't see why. Unique individuals who happen to be identical twins turn out to have all sorts of different tendencies or preferences in life. When one of the identical twins turns out to be a lefty, what does that mean? One tends to enjoy classical music, one tends to excel at mathematics, one tends to be introverted and one is gregarious, etc.

So what? As Shogun said, twins aren't clones.

Again, I'm going to limit my discussion of the scientific facts here, that in this case, the gay twin could not have been born that way. These two gals, obvious not clones, are obviously identical in nearly every way. Others have hypothesized that there may have been a hormonal difference in utero, but for that to be the case other aspects would have to be different as well. The gay twin obviously chose her orientation.

Your opinion about "identical in every other way" means two things: jack and shit. Not only do you totally ignore what SCIENCE and GENETICS tells you about the imperfect nature of twins but you assume that one twin chose her orientation without nary the slightest evidence beyond goofy assumptions.
How many SHARED FINGER PRINTS have you ever heard of? Good fucking lord you people are ignorant as HELL.

Previously addressed:

The fingerprints on each of my ten fingers are unique, yet none of them belong to a gay man. Your attempt at equivalence here is meaningless.
Do you just want to ignore science or is there some deep underlying reason you feel the need to sensationalize like the media?
Non Sequitur
"Again, I'm going to limit my discussion of the scientific facts here, that in this case, the gay twin could not have been born that way."
"Again, I'm going to limit my discussion of the scientific facts here, that in this case, the gay twin could not have been born that way."
We are all waiting for you to actually present a scientific fact for discussion.
"Again, I'm going to limit my discussion of the scientific facts here, that in this case, the gay twin could not have been born that way."

Again ... you ignore the scientific fact that identical twins are NOT identical ....
That's science, if you want to use science you can't cherry pick your "evidence" for any argument like this.
"Again, I'm going to limit my discussion of the scientific facts here, that in this case, the gay twin could not have been born that way."

OK professor glockmail, can you explain how you came to the conclusion that hormones are not a factor?

Others have hypothesized that there may have been a hormonal difference in utero, but for that to be the case other aspects would have to be different as well. The gay twin obviously chose her orientation.
Actually ... physical attraction is 100% hormone controlled. But it's another of the scientific facts that GlockSwallower likes to ignore.
OK professor glockmail, can you explain how you came to the conclusion that hormones are not a factor?
For the reasons previously stated Dr. Valerie. Do you have a specific comment on what I've already argued?

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