Identified: CBS News Confirms White House Leakers Are 3 Holdovers From The Obama Administration

Hey look, it's fake news is not fake news day! Just look at the OP citing CBS! ATTA BOY!

We've been thought this, retard.

You Nazis are some DUMB motherfuckers.

Hey its fake and they should investigate the leaks which aren't fake but when they write the leaks on paper it becomes fake!

See-BS is putting out fake news?

Only 365 days a year..

So this story isn't true And it's true?
I agree. Building a back channel with Russia using their equipment is definitely Treason. Giving away classified material is treason. Kickin millions of Americans is most definitely treason. If these things aren't treason, I don't know what is.

Thank you for being so bold as to admit that you have no clue, period. More than a few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?
Gee, what a surprise. Severely butt-hurt Snowflakes decided to put party devotion and runaway personal emotions before the USA. Liberals dig this shit huh?

You figure they were feminists, LGBT, former professors or all three?
So anyone who doesnt' agree with the MF is a democrat? Don't you think there are republicans or independents who don't agree with you or the president? You are a fucking moron.

A liar who makes shit up to defame Trump is pretty well guaranteed to be a fascist democrat - like you.

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