Identified: CBS News Confirms White House Leakers Are 3 Holdovers From The Obama Administration

Alright fool let's talk about something you mentioned in open thread about a year ago. You worked for the 2008 Clinton campaign right? And she never paid you right? So why the fuck are you packing water for someone you know that is a goddamn deadbeat?

I worked (tangentially) for Clinton's campaign for 5 days - and yes, I was never paid for it.

As for "packing water" for her, I couldn't possibly give a shit about her. I didn't vote for her (ever), and I don't particularly like her in any way.

Why do you keep trying to change the subject?

If I could interject here..........back to your comments about it not being treason......

If a former President entered into an agreement with some of his staffers that after he left office, they would report on any pertinent information from the new administration that could be compiled to have the new President impeached or other serious repercussions against him or his administration.......

just what would you call that????


But you haven't come close to even demonstrating that as a possibility, so it's not even worth discussing.

The only thing I added to the story was the possible actions of a former President. So even if you take that out and go with the actual story......

3(?) staffers have been found to be responsible for leaking information to the press......ok, that's not a bid deal in & of itself, but what kind of information did they leak? Stuff that was discussed in a closed meeting between 2 heads of state? And what impact did that bit of tattling cause??? Several countries locking US out.

It had little to do with Trump & what he had everything to do with those staffers bellowing to the press and how it's now jeopardized our position on the world stage

If Trump hadn't done it, no one could have leaked it.

Wow, you're going with that?:lmao:
I worked (tangentially) for Clinton's campaign for 5 days - and yes, I was never paid for it.

As for "packing water" for her, I couldn't possibly give a shit about her. I didn't vote for her (ever), and I don't particularly like her in any way.

Why do you keep trying to change the subject?

If I could interject here..........back to your comments about it not being treason......

If a former President entered into an agreement with some of his staffers that after he left office, they would report on any pertinent information from the new administration that could be compiled to have the new President impeached or other serious repercussions against him or his administration.......

just what would you call that????


But you haven't come close to even demonstrating that as a possibility, so it's not even worth discussing.
If you want to remove the filth from politics I suggest you start with the bullshit you post.

Who said I wanted to "remove the filth from politics"?

That's what makes it interesting.
Well now that makes you interesting. You openly support political lies and suppression of fact and freedom.

Politics has always been about lies and suppression.

Are you a communist?


Or socialist?


Maybe a Castro Marxist?

That's not a real thing, but still nope.

It's one thing to be accused of political bias it's another to admit you practice political bias. Do you practice political bias?

When you typed this, did you actually think it made sense?

I have no idea what you're trying to say. "Political bias" cannot be "practiced".
If these stories are true, I'm sure they'll be fired.

But no one is going to be charged with "treason", or sent to jail.

You guys really don't seem to understand how the world works.
Just like we don't understand how polls work?
Or how government works?
Or anything about law?

You keep telling us we are wrong and we keep winning! What the hell does that tell you idiot?


This is "winning" to you?

I would call finding people committing treason winning yes. Over looking it like you do is on its best day foolish and when done deliberate also an act of treason.


I guess we can add "treason" to the list of words you don't understand, but that's my not my point.

Do you really believe that at this moment in history, that you guys are "winning"?
Actually you are wrong, many Dem Politicians went on record saying they intended to do the things they ended up proving to do and party members got caught doing what involved treasonous acts, and espionage.
They openly admited this was a coup and it is. By setting up the false dictator narrative they can avoid being jailed or worst case scenerio use jail as a "see I told you so" or "look what he does to his opponent" ploy. The only threat was by the book hardliner Sessions and so they set him up to be recused.

Could you do me a favor, and translate this post into English for me?
When our glorious leader returns from overseas, it's all over for them. I suspect the Trumpenfuhrer will make an example out of them for undermining him, and the country. They've already been reported to the authorities so there's no escape, unless they take the suicide route.

Ha.Ha. that one was a no brainer.

There were only 3 other Americans in the meeting with the Russians when Trump released highly sensitive classified information to the Russians in the Oval Office.

They were National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, Deputy National Security Adviser, Dina Powell, and Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson--all of them in Trump's cabinet.
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? -

I probably don't find this as strange as most people would. Because I know that these 3 swore an oath to this country--to protect and defend this nation against foreign and domestic enemies, and one or all 3 of them may consider Trump to be the enemy. So they leaked it to the Washington Post.

Trump clearly violated long standing protocol of releasing classified information. Declassification of classifiied information is a process that requires very careful consideration, including communication with our allies--so a blabber mouth like Trump doesn't put foreign agents (whom are put in very dangerous places around the world) at risk of gettting beheaded.
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

US Intelligence warned Israeli Intelligence in January not to release sensitive information to Trump, as he is leveraged or compromised by Russia and may leak that information to the Russians. And sure enough he did.

US spies warned their Israeli counterparts that Russia may have “levers of pressure” over Donald Trump and told them to be careful about sharing intelligence with the White House in case it was passed on to the Kremlin, according to Israeli media reports. The American intelligence officials reportedly told the Israelis not to share sensitive information with Mr Trump’s aides until the incoming president’s relationship with Russia had been fully investigated.
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'
US Spies 'Warned Israel not to Share Intelligence with Trump' : Information Clearing House - ICH
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him


Then Trump gets enraged when the Russians tweeted out this photo of their meeting.
White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos -


When you elect a clown the circus is
going to show up.
Last edited:
I worked (tangentially) for Clinton's campaign for 5 days - and yes, I was never paid for it.

As for "packing water" for her, I couldn't possibly give a shit about her. I didn't vote for her (ever), and I don't particularly like her in any way.

Why do you keep trying to change the subject?

If I could interject here..........back to your comments about it not being treason......

If a former President entered into an agreement with some of his staffers that after he left office, they would report on any pertinent information from the new administration that could be compiled to have the new President impeached or other serious repercussions against him or his administration.......

just what would you call that????


But you haven't come close to even demonstrating that as a possibility, so it's not even worth discussing.

The only thing I added to the story was the possible actions of a former President. So even if you take that out and go with the actual story......

3(?) staffers have been found to be responsible for leaking information to the press......ok, that's not a bid deal in & of itself, but what kind of information did they leak? Stuff that was discussed in a closed meeting between 2 heads of state? And what impact did that bit of tattling cause??? Several countries locking US out.

It had little to do with Trump & what he had everything to do with those staffers bellowing to the press and how it's now jeopardized our position on the world stage

If Trump hadn't done it, no one could have leaked it.

Wow, you're going with that?:lmao:

It's the objective reality.

I understand that it's in your interests to stop the causal chain halfway, and blame it on the "leakers" - but you have to understand that's not how it works in the world of public opinion. Right?
If I could interject here..........back to your comments about it not being treason......

If a former President entered into an agreement with some of his staffers that after he left office, they would report on any pertinent information from the new administration that could be compiled to have the new President impeached or other serious repercussions against him or his administration.......

just what would you call that????


But you haven't come close to even demonstrating that as a possibility, so it's not even worth discussing.
If you want to remove the filth from politics I suggest you start with the bullshit you post.

Who said I wanted to "remove the filth from politics"?

That's what makes it interesting.
Well now that makes you interesting. You openly support political lies and suppression of fact and freedom.

Politics has always been about lies and suppression.

Are you a communist?


Or socialist?


Maybe a Castro Marxist?

That's not a real thing, but still nope.

It's one thing to be accused of political bias it's another to admit you practice political bias. Do you practice political bias?

When you typed this, did you actually think it made sense?

I have no idea what you're trying to say. "Political bias" cannot be "practiced".
You have been accused of political bias in the past so are you admitting you practice political bias?
Trumps tweets leak for themselves.

But you haven't come close to even demonstrating that as a possibility, so it's not even worth discussing.
If you want to remove the filth from politics I suggest you start with the bullshit you post.

Who said I wanted to "remove the filth from politics"?

That's what makes it interesting.
Well now that makes you interesting. You openly support political lies and suppression of fact and freedom.

Politics has always been about lies and suppression.

Are you a communist?


Or socialist?


Maybe a Castro Marxist?

That's not a real thing, but still nope.

It's one thing to be accused of political bias it's another to admit you practice political bias. Do you practice political bias?

When you typed this, did you actually think it made sense?

I have no idea what you're trying to say. "Political bias" cannot be "practiced".
You have been accused of political bias in the past so are you admitting you practice political bias?

What are you attempting to say when you ask about "political bias"?

Are you asking me if I have political opinions?
If I could interject here..........back to your comments about it not being treason......

If a former President entered into an agreement with some of his staffers that after he left office, they would report on any pertinent information from the new administration that could be compiled to have the new President impeached or other serious repercussions against him or his administration.......

just what would you call that????


But you haven't come close to even demonstrating that as a possibility, so it's not even worth discussing.

The only thing I added to the story was the possible actions of a former President. So even if you take that out and go with the actual story......

3(?) staffers have been found to be responsible for leaking information to the press......ok, that's not a bid deal in & of itself, but what kind of information did they leak? Stuff that was discussed in a closed meeting between 2 heads of state? And what impact did that bit of tattling cause??? Several countries locking US out.

It had little to do with Trump & what he had everything to do with those staffers bellowing to the press and how it's now jeopardized our position on the world stage

If Trump hadn't done it, no one could have leaked it.

Wow, you're going with that?:lmao:

It's the objective reality.

I understand that it's in your interests to stop the causal chain halfway, and blame it on the "leakers" - but you have to understand that's not how it works in the world of public opinion. Right?
If you understood public opinion why were you wrong about the election?
When our glorious leader returns from overseas, it's all over for them. I suspect the Trumpenfuhrer will make an example out of them for undermining him, and the country. They've already been reported to the authorities so there's no escape, unless they take the suicide route.

Ha.Ha. that one was a no brainer.

There were only 3 other Americans in the meeting with the Russians when Trump released highly sensitive classified information to the Russians in the Oval Office.

They were National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, Deputy National Security Adviser, Dina Powell, and Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson--all of them in Trump's cabinet.
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? -

I probably don't find this as strange as most people would. Because I know that these 3 swore an oath to this country--to protect and defend this nation against foreign and domestic enemies, and one or all 3 of them may consider Trump to be the enemy. So they leaked it to the Washington Post.

Trump clearly violated long standing protocol of releasing classified information. Declassification of classifiied information is a process that requires very careful consideration, including communication with our allies--so a blabber mouth like Trump doesn't put foreign agents (whom are put in very dangerous places around the world) at risk of gettting beheaded.

US Intelligence warned Israeli Intelligence in January not to release sensitive information to Trump, as he is leveraged or compromised by Russia and may leak that information to the Russians. And sure enough he did.

US spies warned their Israeli counterparts that Russia may have “levers of pressure” over Donald Trump and told them to be careful about sharing intelligence with the White House in case it was passed on to the Kremlin, according to Israeli media reports. The American intelligence officials reportedly told the Israelis not to share sensitive information with Mr Trump’s aides until the incoming president’s relationship with Russia had been fully investigated.
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'
US Spies 'Warned Israel not to Share Intelligence with Trump' : Information Clearing House - ICH
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him


Then Trump gets enraged when the Russians tweeted out this photo of their meeting.
White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos -


When you elect a clown the circus is
going to show up.
He really got "engaged" Boy, better eatch clown tent this year.
If you want to remove the filth from politics I suggest you start with the bullshit you post.

Who said I wanted to "remove the filth from politics"?

That's what makes it interesting.
Well now that makes you interesting. You openly support political lies and suppression of fact and freedom.

Politics has always been about lies and suppression.

Are you a communist?


Or socialist?


Maybe a Castro Marxist?

That's not a real thing, but still nope.

It's one thing to be accused of political bias it's another to admit you practice political bias. Do you practice political bias?

When you typed this, did you actually think it made sense?

I have no idea what you're trying to say. "Political bias" cannot be "practiced".
You have been accused of political bias in the past so are you admitting you practice political bias?

What are you attempting to say when you ask about "political bias"?

Are you asking me if I have political opinions?
I'm asking if you practice political bias. That's a rather simple question.

But you haven't come close to even demonstrating that as a possibility, so it's not even worth discussing.

The only thing I added to the story was the possible actions of a former President. So even if you take that out and go with the actual story......

3(?) staffers have been found to be responsible for leaking information to the press......ok, that's not a bid deal in & of itself, but what kind of information did they leak? Stuff that was discussed in a closed meeting between 2 heads of state? And what impact did that bit of tattling cause??? Several countries locking US out.

It had little to do with Trump & what he had everything to do with those staffers bellowing to the press and how it's now jeopardized our position on the world stage

If Trump hadn't done it, no one could have leaked it.

Wow, you're going with that?:lmao:

It's the objective reality.

I understand that it's in your interests to stop the causal chain halfway, and blame it on the "leakers" - but you have to understand that's not how it works in the world of public opinion. Right?
If you understood public opinion why were you wrong about the election?

You must realize how stupid you look trying to use that as a golden bullet to get you out of trouble.
Who said I wanted to "remove the filth from politics"?

That's what makes it interesting.
Well now that makes you interesting. You openly support political lies and suppression of fact and freedom.

Politics has always been about lies and suppression.

Are you a communist?


Or socialist?


Maybe a Castro Marxist?

That's not a real thing, but still nope.

It's one thing to be accused of political bias it's another to admit you practice political bias. Do you practice political bias?

When you typed this, did you actually think it made sense?

I have no idea what you're trying to say. "Political bias" cannot be "practiced".
You have been accused of political bias in the past so are you admitting you practice political bias?

What are you attempting to say when you ask about "political bias"?

Are you asking me if I have political opinions?
I'm asking if you practice political bias. That's a rather simple question.

It's a meaningless question. I can't answer it, because I don't know what you're asking.
The only thing I added to the story was the possible actions of a former President. So even if you take that out and go with the actual story......

3(?) staffers have been found to be responsible for leaking information to the press......ok, that's not a bid deal in & of itself, but what kind of information did they leak? Stuff that was discussed in a closed meeting between 2 heads of state? And what impact did that bit of tattling cause??? Several countries locking US out.

It had little to do with Trump & what he had everything to do with those staffers bellowing to the press and how it's now jeopardized our position on the world stage

If Trump hadn't done it, no one could have leaked it.

Wow, you're going with that?:lmao:

It's the objective reality.

I understand that it's in your interests to stop the causal chain halfway, and blame it on the "leakers" - but you have to understand that's not how it works in the world of public opinion. Right?
If you understood public opinion why were you wrong about the election?

You must realize how stupid you look trying to use that as a golden bullet to get you out of trouble.
What kind of trouble am I in? Is that a threat?
If Trump hadn't done it, no one could have leaked it.

Wow, you're going with that?:lmao:

It's the objective reality.

I understand that it's in your interests to stop the causal chain halfway, and blame it on the "leakers" - but you have to understand that's not how it works in the world of public opinion. Right?
If you understood public opinion why were you wrong about the election?

You must realize how stupid you look trying to use that as a golden bullet to get you out of trouble.
What kind of trouble am I in? Is that a threat?


A "threat"? You're fucking losing it.

In the thread, dumbass. To get you out of trouble in the context of the conversation.

You're not normally this much of a whiny little pissant.
If I could interject here..........back to your comments about it not being treason......

If a former President entered into an agreement with some of his staffers that after he left office, they would report on any pertinent information from the new administration that could be compiled to have the new President impeached or other serious repercussions against him or his administration.......

just what would you call that????


But you haven't come close to even demonstrating that as a possibility, so it's not even worth discussing.

The only thing I added to the story was the possible actions of a former President. So even if you take that out and go with the actual story......

3(?) staffers have been found to be responsible for leaking information to the press......ok, that's not a bid deal in & of itself, but what kind of information did they leak? Stuff that was discussed in a closed meeting between 2 heads of state? And what impact did that bit of tattling cause??? Several countries locking US out.

It had little to do with Trump & what he had everything to do with those staffers bellowing to the press and how it's now jeopardized our position on the world stage

If Trump hadn't done it, no one could have leaked it.

Wow, you're going with that?:lmao:

It's the objective reality.

I understand that it's in your interests to stop the causal chain halfway, and blame it on the "leakers" - but you have to understand that's not how it works in the world of public opinion. Right?

This isn't the first time they've leaked and if left with only a slap on the wrist & back to business......what will they leak in the future? CBS already said they are doing it to purposefully bring Trump down.
Treason for leaking info to the press? :lol: You cons get crazier with each day. Not that I believe the story. I'll wait on a credible source
The hard right equate undermining Trump with treason. This shows how elevated the American presidency is in the minds of some.
Well now that makes you interesting. You openly support political lies and suppression of fact and freedom.

Politics has always been about lies and suppression.

Are you a communist?


Or socialist?


Maybe a Castro Marxist?

That's not a real thing, but still nope.

It's one thing to be accused of political bias it's another to admit you practice political bias. Do you practice political bias?

When you typed this, did you actually think it made sense?

I have no idea what you're trying to say. "Political bias" cannot be "practiced".
You have been accused of political bias in the past so are you admitting you practice political bias?

What are you attempting to say when you ask about "political bias"?

Are you asking me if I have political opinions?
I'm asking if you practice political bias. That's a rather simple question.

It's a meaningless question. I can't answer it, because I don't know what you're asking.
I think certain people are wrong to practice political bias. Cops doctors and those placed in a position to judge.
These spots should be held to those who hold the rule of law or any other form of judgement.
So now would come the question......have they been doing the leaking of their own accord? Or Obama plants on the take. If so, then treason and other crimes would be in order for more people...

There were only 3 other Americans in the Oval office meeting with the Russians. H.R. McMaster, National Security adviser, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security adviser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. So which one leaked it. They are all members of Trump's cabinet--LOL
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? -

They all swore an oath to this nation to protect against foreign and domestic enemies, and 1 or all 3 may consider Trump to be the enemy.


Trump may fire all of them--LOL

But you haven't come close to even demonstrating that as a possibility, so it's not even worth discussing.

The only thing I added to the story was the possible actions of a former President. So even if you take that out and go with the actual story......

3(?) staffers have been found to be responsible for leaking information to the press......ok, that's not a bid deal in & of itself, but what kind of information did they leak? Stuff that was discussed in a closed meeting between 2 heads of state? And what impact did that bit of tattling cause??? Several countries locking US out.

It had little to do with Trump & what he had everything to do with those staffers bellowing to the press and how it's now jeopardized our position on the world stage

If Trump hadn't done it, no one could have leaked it.

Wow, you're going with that?:lmao:

It's the objective reality.

I understand that it's in your interests to stop the causal chain halfway, and blame it on the "leakers" - but you have to understand that's not how it works in the world of public opinion. Right?

This isn't the first time they've leaked and if left with only a slap on the wrist & back to business......what will they leak in the future? CBS already said they are doing it to purposefully bring Trump down.


No, CBS said that Trump's White House claimed that "they're doing it to purposefully bring Trump down".

If any part of this story is true, there's no doubt that Trump will fire them, and no one can fault him for it.

But they're not going to charged with a crime, and they'll have a better-paying job in DC within minutes of being fired.

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