IDF Cowards!!! dot' dot dot...another jihadi masterpiece!

The Indispensable HASBARA Discipline
Good Morning Rouds ...I see you are up to...your old tricks dot dot dot ...steve
Hey, Dog Shit!
How you doing?
Good Evening Indie...I see you are up to your old tricks of speaking so nicely to me/people,but that's OK because I understand

Theliq Ever Loving,Ever Caring,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure..........I'm back, Sack,Hack,Rack and Whack...but NO CRAP,....lack,sap,tac,wrap,mac,mack,pack,jack,app,bat,cat,dat,fat,gat,hat,kat,lat,mat,nat,rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Dog Shit can type!
Good Dog Shit! dot' dot dot...another jihadi masterpiece!

The Indispensable HASBARA Discipline
Good Morning Rouds ...I see you are up to...your old tricks dot dot dot ...steve
Hey, Dog Shit!
How you doing?
Good Evening Indie...I see you are up to your old tricks of speaking so nicely to me/people,but that's OK because I understand

Theliq Ever Loving,Ever Caring,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure..........I'm back, Sack,Hack,Rack and Whack...but NO CRAP,....lack,sap,tac,wrap,mac,mack,pack,jack,app,bat,cat,dat,fat,gat,hat,kat,lat,mat,nat,rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Dog Shit can type!
Good Dog Shit!
Goodbye Indie,I find I cannot converse with you any longer,for obvious reasons...I wish you and your family all the best in the future.steven dot' dot dot...another jihadi masterpiece!

The Indispensable HASBARA Discipline
Good Morning Rouds ...I see you are up to...your old tricks dot dot dot ...steve
Hey, Dog Shit!
How you doing?
Good Evening Indie...I see you are up to your old tricks of speaking so nicely to me/people,but that's OK because I understand

Theliq Ever Loving,Ever Caring,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure..........I'm back, Sack,Hack,Rack and Whack...but NO CRAP,....lack,sap,tac,wrap,mac,mack,pack,jack,app,bat,cat,dat,fat,gat,hat,kat,lat,mat,nat,rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Dog Shit can type!
Good Dog Shit!
Goodbye Indie,I find I cannot converse with you any longer,for obvious reasons...I wish you and your family all the best in the future.steven
Farewell, Dog Shit.
Good Morning Rouds ...I see you are up to...your old tricks dot dot dot ...steve
Hey, Dog Shit!
How you doing?
Good Evening Indie...I see you are up to your old tricks of speaking so nicely to me/people,but that's OK because I understand

Theliq Ever Loving,Ever Caring,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure..........I'm back, Sack,Hack,Rack and Whack...but NO CRAP,....lack,sap,tac,wrap,mac,mack,pack,jack,app,bat,cat,dat,fat,gat,hat,kat,lat,mat,nat,rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Dog Shit can type!
Good Dog Shit!
Goodbye Indie,I find I cannot converse with you any longer,for obvious reasons...I wish you and your family all the best in the future.steven
Farewell, Dog Shit.
Actually, I think he's a Sunni.
Hey, Dog Shit!
How you doing?
Good Evening Indie...I see you are up to your old tricks of speaking so nicely to me/people,but that's OK because I understand

Theliq Ever Loving,Ever Caring,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure..........I'm back, Sack,Hack,Rack and Whack...but NO CRAP,....lack,sap,tac,wrap,mac,mack,pack,jack,app,bat,cat,dat,fat,gat,hat,kat,lat,mat,nat,rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Dog Shit can type!
Good Dog Shit!
Goodbye Indie,I find I cannot converse with you any longer,for obvious reasons...I wish you and your family all the best in the future.steven
Farewell, Dog Shit.
Actually, I think he's a Sunni.
YAWN,you should know better dot' dot dot...another jihadi masterpiece!

The Indispensable HASBARA Discipline
Good Morning Rouds ...I see you are up to...your old tricks dot dot dot ...steve
Hey, Dog Shit!
How you doing?
Good Evening Indie...I see you are up to your old tricks of speaking so nicely to me/people,but that's OK because I understand

Theliq Ever Loving,Ever Caring,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure..........I'm back, Sack,Hack,Rack and Whack...but NO CRAP,....lack,sap,tac,wrap,mac,mack,pack,jack,app,bat,cat,dat,fat,gat,hat,kat,lat,mat,nat,rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Dog Shit can type!
Good Dog Shit!
Goodbye Indie,I find I cannot converse with you any longer,for obvious reasons...I wish you and your family all the best in the future.steven
The definition of Dog Shit...
Someone who will only not hate a Jew who wants to be anything but a Jew.

You, as an example, are Dog Shit.
I've got a great idea: why not cite an example of 'things not going my way' instead of making vague references?
for most the example was obvious, but for you I will point to it, 'events in the middle east with Israel' that still to vague for you?

LOL!!!!!! thanks for basically proving my point...can you possibly be any more evasive? Ask for an example ---receive bullshit
I've got a great idea: why not cite an example of 'things not going my way' instead of making vague references?
for most the example was obvious, but for you I will point to it, 'events in the middle east with Israel' that still to vague for you?

LOL!!!!!! thanks for basically proving my point...can you possibly be any more evasive? Ask for an example ---receive bullshit
LOL. ..proving my point ... what I was originally referring to, the evasive part was what you answered with originally...which was you whining and crying about events in the M.E...btw, this argument is not going your way now, which, undeniably, is what you have been claiming never happened before, which you no longer honestly claim
I've got a great idea: why not cite an example of 'things not going my way' instead of making vague references?
for most the example was obvious, but for you I will point to it, 'events in the middle east with Israel' that still to vague for you?

LOL!!!!!! thanks for basically proving my point...can you possibly be any more evasive? Ask for an example ---receive bullshit
LOL. ..proving my point ... what I was originally referring to, the evasive part was what you answered with originally...which was you whining and crying about events in the M.E...btw, this argument is not going your way now, which, undeniably, is what you have been claiming never happened before, which you no longer honestly claim

Sorry as soon as I read 'whining and crying' I stop reading, realizing that the old baiting idiocy is in full swing...You continue to claim that some argument is not going my way...when asked for proof you lapse into evasion...
I've got a great idea: why not cite an example of 'things not going my way' instead of making vague references?
for most the example was obvious, but for you I will point to it, 'events in the middle east with Israel' that still to vague for you?

LOL!!!!!! thanks for basically proving my point...can you possibly be any more evasive? Ask for an example ---receive bullshit
LOL. ..proving my point ... what I was originally referring to, the evasive part was what you answered with originally...which was you whining and crying about events in the M.E...btw, this argument is not going your way now, which, undeniably, is what you have been claiming never happened before, which you no longer honestly claim

Sorry as soon as I read 'whining and crying' I stop reading, realizing that the old baiting idiocy is in full swing...You continue to claim that some argument is not going my way...when asked for proof you lapse into evasion...
lol, show me where I said "some claim was not going my/your way", lol ...then show me where it is you pretend to "stop reading"'s your argument going now...steve...?
I've got a great idea: why not cite an example of 'things not going my way' instead of making vague references?
for most the example was obvious, but for you I will point to it, 'events in the middle east with Israel' that still to vague for you?
Why are you communicating with Dog Shit?
I always try to communicate on non-personal levels...allowing the other side to believe in myths puts them at a disadvantage [goes for us well]...if they want to argue with me on something I think is bogus I believe I have an obligation to walk them into an ambush
I've got a great idea: why not cite an example of 'things not going my way' instead of making vague references?
for most the example was obvious, but for you I will point to it, 'events in the middle east with Israel' that still to vague for you?
Why are you communicating with Dog Shit?
I always try to communicate on non-personal levels...allowing the other side to believe in myths puts them at a disadvantage [goes for us well]...if they want to argue with me on something I think is bogus I believe I have an obligation to walk them into an ambush
Dog Shit is quite obviously a troll.
Let Dog Shit starve.
I've got a great idea: why not cite an example of 'things not going my way' instead of making vague references?
for most the example was obvious, but for you I will point to it, 'events in the middle east with Israel' that still to vague for you?
Why are you communicating with Dog Shit?
I always try to communicate on non-personal levels...allowing the other side to believe in myths puts them at a disadvantage [goes for us well]...if they want to argue with me on something I think is bogus I believe I have an obligation to walk them into an ambush

Now you delude yourself that you have successfully sprung and 'ambush"????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Dog Shit is what is useless to higher forms of life.
Dog Shit just lies there ready to, when touched, release an unpleasant smell and stain permeable material.
Dog Shit buried is productive.
I've got a great idea: why not cite an example of 'things not going my way' instead of making vague references?
for most the example was obvious, but for you I will point to it, 'events in the middle east with Israel' that still to vague for you?
Why are you communicating with Dog Shit?
I always try to communicate on non-personal levels...allowing the other side to believe in myths puts them at a disadvantage [goes for us well]...if they want to argue with me on something I think is bogus I believe I have an obligation to walk them into an ambush

Now you delude yourself that you have successfully sprung and 'ambush"????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
If I am wrong then "Indeependent" has to be right: see the doggy-doo-doo thing
Dog Shit comes from the Dog.
Dogs have an edge of arrogance to themselves as they attempt to convince humans that they are also human.
This is a trait shared by the descendants of Ishmael who God describes as "Human Like" Donkeys.
The best example of this is the "toilets" that Arabs built for themselves before 1948.
The Arabs would dig a shallow hole in the ground, expose their nakedness and allow their Shit to simply drop from their anuses into these holes.
Jut like Dogs brazenly shit by raising a leg as though to say, Hey everybody, look! I'm taking a shit!"

That is why it is wise for Humans to avoid all contact with Dog Shit and any human who behaves like the creature from which the Dog emanated.
I lived in Israel for two years, and covered various aspects of the conflict for a European wire service. I can tell any American from direct experience that the Israeli thugs are shocking cowards and racists...this is their standard operational procedure: they target children...their mothers...the elderly---anyone who is unarmed and defenseless. The Jews refer to the Palestinians as 'Arabushim', this is a Hebrew slur equivalent to the N-word. I would advise any American tourist to station themselves at the Eretz checkpoint for crossing into how the ugly, scrawny Jews humiliate and intimidate Palestinian families...they point their American-made weapons at children...curse at the Arabs...spit on them...dare them to respond so they can shoot them. The IDF will grab Palestinian children and break their arms...this is routine...they will grab teenagers and take them away to be beaten or tortured. I think all Americans should know how their tax dollars are spent in this welfare appendage of U.S. taxpayers...
So you're a Liberal...that explains everything you.

I am called a liberal, (I'm moderate) and support Israel.

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