IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel

You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.

"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

Yes,that NT teaches us to follow the words of Jesus. Hate and killing have no place there.
How about they ALL abandon ALL Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East, that includes Israel, so no nuclear weapons for Iran OR Israel. That would mean that ALL nations in the Middle East would only be allowed Conventional Weapons.

This from The Council of Foreign Relations:


Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
You actually believe Muslims are terrorizing the Phillipines because of Israel?

What a ridiculous comment, this has NOTHING to do with the Phillipines and I have not mentioned the Phillipines, what a bizarro attempt at deflection that is from you.

Read the article from The Council on Foreign Relations that I have linked and then we can keep the thread On Topic.
Muslims bring viola even wherever they go.

Links from Liberal News outlets is worthless.
99% of Media outlets hate Israel.
Israel hate gets ratings.

The Council on Foreign Relations is not Liberal, it is not a Liberal News outlet, the below is directly from The Council on Foreign Relations own website.

Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
The council is linked to secret societies including "Skull & Bones". It is a bunch of neo-liberal world-marxists that love little boys. Joschka Fischer is member.

But they are not part of the Liberal Media which is what Indeependent was commenting his bizarro comment.
You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.

"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

Yes,that NT teaches us to follow the words of Jesus. Hate and killing have no place there.

As opposed to the OT which is full of hate and killing, I often randomly still read some OT but as a Christian I follow the NT. I put the blame on many things on the Scofield Reference Bible because a lot of peoples who have read that think that some verses are Biblical when they in actuality are Footnotes written by C. I. Scofield and are HIS interpretations of what HE thought, they are not the words of Our Lord or the words of the Prophets, Scofieldism is Heresy.
You actually believe Muslims are terrorizing the Phillipines because of Israel?

What a ridiculous comment, this has NOTHING to do with the Phillipines and I have not mentioned the Phillipines, what a bizarro attempt at deflection that is from you.

Read the article from The Council on Foreign Relations that I have linked and then we can keep the thread On Topic.
Muslims bring viola even wherever they go.

Links from Liberal News outlets is worthless.
99% of Media outlets hate Israel.
Israel hate gets ratings.

The Council on Foreign Relations is not Liberal, it is not a Liberal News outlet, the below is directly from The Council on Foreign Relations own website.

Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
The council is linked to secret societies including "Skull & Bones". It is a bunch of neo-liberal world-marxists that love little boys. Joschka Fischer is member.

But they are not part of the Liberal Media which is what Indeependent was commenting his bizarro comment.
Many here make everything a dem vs rep thing. No matter what it is actually about.
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?
Why is it that every single time somebody points out something concerning jews the immediate response is: "antisemite, jewhater, racist, white supremacist, Nazi etc? It is getting old and loses its fang rapidly.

It is safe to assume that you are not going to vote for Patrick Little in U.S. Senate race in case you live in California.

better yet WHY it is everytime pesky facts are given on the murderous atrocities and actions of Israel when they cant counter them,that the only rebuttal we ever hear from them is- you are anti-semetic?:rolleyes:

i love how they really embarrass themselves by that when you point out there are jewish folks themselves that are sick of Israels governments murderous ways. thats like if a white boy i know goes and calls a black the N word and i tell that white boy he is a racist,then I am a racist as well.:iyfyus.jpg: dont you just love the logic of these Israel apologists?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?
Why is it that every single time somebody points out something concerning jews the immediate response is: "antisemite, jewhater, racist, white supremacist, Nazi etc? It is getting old and loses its fang rapidly.

It is safe to assume that you are not going to vote for Patrick Little in U.S. Senate race in case you live in California.

better yet WHY it is everytime pesky facts are given on the murderous atrocities and actions of Israel when they cant counter them,that the only rebuttal we ever hear from them is- you are anti-semetic?:rolleyes:

i love how they really embarrass themselves by that when you point out there are jewish folks themselves that are sick Israels governments murderous ways. thats like if a white boy i know goes and calls a black a ****** and i tell that white boy he is a racist,then I am a racist as well.:iyfyus.jpg: dont you just love the logic of these Israel apologists?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

They have an inability to seperate Jewish peoples from the Government of Israel, so any even tiny criticism of the Government of Israel to them is Hating Jews and being Anti-Semitic and wanting Israel nuked or whatever, it is not the thinking of what is expected of grown ups. This ridiculous and poisonous thinking is even targeted at Jews themselves, the latest example being Natalie Portman who is Jewish, so she refused some award they were going to give her because she disagrees with the Government of Israel and the response as expected was totally hysterical and vile and she of course was subjected to the same name calling that others get.

If someone criticises eg. the American Government or the Japanese Government it does not mean who is criticising hates the American and Japanese peoples.

yeah not hard to understand at all that one wants death,that Is Israel. That video was obviously done by a paid shill of Israel because he ignores the fact it is IMPOSSIBLE for Iran to be a nuclear threat when our corrupt government has HUNDREDS of military bases SURROUNDING Iran.:iyfyus.jpg:

That propaganda video ALSO fails to mention ISRAEL is ALWAYS shooting unarmed women and children in the head all the time just walking the streets minding their own damn business.:rolleyes: get with the program charlie.

Of course you see America as evil, you're a freak leftist turd eater.

thanks for demonstrating you have reading comprehension problems and that when you cant counter the evidence like children,you engage in petty name calling.:clap2::clap2:
I'm so sick of these two countries always itching to take the whole world into a nuclear holocaust!

I hope cool heads will prevail on both sides.

9 May 2018

IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel | Breitbart
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?

Stop with the slurs darling cellblock and being hysterical, essentially all the Israel Firsters have as a response at any given time is to throw up the usual "Jew haters" and "Anti-Semitism" it's getting pretty boring now, nobody cares about the name calling and those names are now reduced to being meaningless in the same way "racist" and "bigot" is, all having been so overused they all are rendered into nothing except being worthy of rolling the eyes :rolleyes-41:

There is nothing hateful about not wanting things to escalate into a full on war that could then involve Russia and Turkey and of course Israel's Bitch aka America, there is nothing hateful in hoping that cooler heads prevail on both sides Palestine and Israel and there is nothing hateful in stating that there are extremists on both sides, there are extremists on the Palestinian side and there are extremists on the Israeli side, the ideal situation would be to remove the extremists on both sides, which would leave only the moderates on both sides, that would be the ideal situation.

The problem is that the Israel Firsters REFUSE to see anything but their one sided position, which essentially is Israel is ALWAYS right, Israel is NEVER wrong, EVERYONE who disagrees is wrong and is NEVER right and EVERYONE who disagrees is a "Jew hater" and "Anti-Semitic" for not agreeing that Israel is ALWAYS right and NEVER wrong. It's a very primitive way of thinking about things and also is basically a low IQ method of argument.

What IS hateful though is the often psychotic and frothing at the mouth sentiment that Israel Genocide the Palestinians, just the other day I read a comment in the Cesspit of The Forum aka the Israel/Palestine section where someone said that Israel should bomb Gaza with napalm bombs and this was considered an acceptable sentiment from the Israel what if someone said that Tel Aviv should be bombed with napalm bombs, would that be acceptable? ROFLAO.

kinda like that child WRONGwinger,USMBS resident troll incapable of ever admitting when he has been proven wrong.this troll runs off when you bring up facts that the rams are in LA now since he insisted they would not go back to LA and says they STILL play in st louis.the Israel loves in the Israel section are every bit as psychotic and arrogant as he is.No surprise, they are shills with no conscience whatsoever sent here by their handlers to troll for paychecks.

cellblock has illustrated he is nothing but a low IQ Troll Boi, not able to cope with ANYTHING outside the Israel First Brainwash Bubble, so resorts to just going full on Troll Boi and Funnying comments. So if cellblock wants to go down that road he is going to be treated exactly like a Troll Boi should be treated.

yep he sounds exactly like WRONGwinger and the majority of the Israel worshippers.
Last edited:
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?
Why is it that every single time somebody points out something concerning jews the immediate response is: "antisemite, jewhater, racist, white supremacist, Nazi etc? It is getting old and loses its fang rapidly.

It is safe to assume that you are not going to vote for Patrick Little in U.S. Senate race in case you live in California.

better yet WHY it is everytime pesky facts are given on the murderous atrocities and actions of Israel when they cant counter them,that the only rebuttal we ever hear from them is- you are anti-semetic?:rolleyes:

i love how they really embarrass themselves by that when you point out there are jewish folks themselves that are sick Israels governments murderous ways. thats like if a white boy i know goes and calls a black a ****** and i tell that white boy he is a racist,then I am a racist as well.:iyfyus.jpg: dont you just love the logic of these Israel apologists?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

They have an inability to seperate Jewish peoples from the Government of Israel, so any even tiny criticism of the Government of Israel to them is Hating Jews and being Anti-Semitic and wanting Israel nuked or whatever, it is not the thinking of what is expected of grown ups. This ridiculous and poisonous thinking is even targeted at Jews themselves, the latest example being Natalie Portman who is Jewish, so she refused some award they were going to give her because she disagrees with the Government of Israel and the response as expected was totally hysterical and vile and she of course was subjected to the same name calling that others get.

If someone criticises eg. the American Government or the Japanese Government it does not mean who is criticising hates the American and Japanese peoples.

yeah I know this one jerk who i had to break off my friendship with because he had the same arrogant attitude of wrongwinger.would not look at the evidence i gave him and said i hated jews even though i told him i had friends that are jewish and even told him how juduism people are good people and he refused to listen to me and only wanted to hear HIMSELF talk.

The hard part was he was a long time friend of mine who was basically a nice guy that i broke off my friendship with since he refused to look at the evidence. would you have done the same thing with that friend? I cant tolerate someone who acts like an asshole like that,not in REAL life.
/----/ In this photo can you tell which is the Jew and which is the Jew hater?
Now, you are derailing the thread since you were called out on your name calling.
That must be a Robert Capa photo. He was famous for fake photos (photo editing or nowadays called photoshopping) as it is illustrated with this photo below from the Spanish civil war:
View attachment 194095

Ever notice how these trolls,how all they ever do is always post a funny when they are backed up against the wall and they cant counter the facts?
I'm so sick of these two countries always itching to take the whole world into a nuclear holocaust!

I hope cool heads will prevail on both sides.

9 May 2018

IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel | Breitbart
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?

Stop with the slurs darling cellblock and being hysterical, essentially all the Israel Firsters have as a response at any given time is to throw up the usual "Jew haters" and "Anti-Semitism" it's getting pretty boring now, nobody cares about the name calling and those names are now reduced to being meaningless in the same way "racist" and "bigot" is, all having been so overused they all are rendered into nothing except being worthy of rolling the eyes :rolleyes-41:

There is nothing hateful about not wanting things to escalate into a full on war that could then involve Russia and Turkey and of course Israel's Bitch aka America, there is nothing hateful in hoping that cooler heads prevail on both sides Palestine and Israel and there is nothing hateful in stating that there are extremists on both sides, there are extremists on the Palestinian side and there are extremists on the Israeli side, the ideal situation would be to remove the extremists on both sides, which would leave only the moderates on both sides, that would be the ideal situation.

The problem is that the Israel Firsters REFUSE to see anything but their one sided position, which essentially is Israel is ALWAYS right, Israel is NEVER wrong, EVERYONE who disagrees is wrong and is NEVER right and EVERYONE who disagrees is a "Jew hater" and "Anti-Semitic" for not agreeing that Israel is ALWAYS right and NEVER wrong. It's a very primitive way of thinking about things and also is basically a low IQ method of argument.

What IS hateful though is the often psychotic and frothing at the mouth sentiment that Israel Genocide the Palestinians, just the other day I read a comment in the Cesspit of The Forum aka the Israel/Palestine section where someone said that Israel should bomb Gaza with napalm bombs and this was considered an acceptable sentiment from the Israel what if someone said that Tel Aviv should be bombed with napalm bombs, would that be acceptable? ROFLAO.

kinda like that child WRONGwinger,USMBS resident troll incapable of ever admitting when he has been proven wrong.this troll runs off when you bring up facts that the rams are in LA now since he insisted they would not go back to LA and says they STILL play in st louis.the Israel loves in the Israel section are every bit as psychotic and arrogant as he surprise they are shills with no conscience whatsoever sent here by their handlers to troll for paychecks.

cellblock has illustrated he is nothing but a low IQ Troll Boi, not able to cope with ANYTHING outside the Israel First Brainwash Bubble, so resorts to just going full on Troll Boi and Funnying comments. So if cellblock wants to go down that road he is going to be treated exactly like a Troll Boi should be treated.

yep he sounds exactly like WRONGwinger and the majority of the Israel worshippers.

Well as I commented with cellblock I can agree on 99% of the issues and he can agree on 99% of the same issues as me but on this issue we have to disagree, I myself am not a One Issue type of person, I also realise that some times we have to disagree but what I don't agree with is cellblock resorting to the usual worn out tactic of name calling, he knows Skye is on the Right and he knows or he should know she's posted previous comments supporting Israel so for him to lower himself to the position of being a Troll Boi to call her a Jew hater because she did Independent Thinking Outside The Box that was disappointing he decided to do that.
"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

What about the Israeli's opening fire with live rounds on THOUSANDS the other day and shooting at them in broad daylight, including shooting children in the head? Do you support that or condemn it? Of course you SUPPORT shooting children in the head BECAUSE the Israeli's shot the children in the head.

We are able to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah when they do something outrageous, we also have the GROWN UP ability to condemn Israel when it does something outrageous, the Israel Firsters however are not GROWN UP and therefore have an inability to say anything against Israel EVER. Period.

What is the difference between Iran or Hamas saying they want to nuke Israel or whatever and the Israel Firsters advocating that Israel nuke Gaza and not only that but just nuke Iran and Lebanon? There is NO difference it makes YOU as disgusting as the Iran and Hamas you are always whining about.
What would you do if thousands of people were storming your border with box cutter knives and throwing rocks.
The reality is that knives and rocks kill.

"What would you do if thousands of people were storming your border with box cutter knives and throwing rocks.
The reality is that knives and rocks kill."

There was tear gas, but rubber bullets and water cannons would have effectively got that situation under control. The thing is Israel knows full well they can massacre x amount of Palestinians INCLUDING CHILDREN AND BABIES and they are the ONLY NATION on this planet that can do that and face NO CONSEQUENCES because they have their bought and paid for and probably blackmailed Bitch America to cover for them. ANY other nation would have had unilateral sanctions put on it by the hypocritical America.

As I have commented I have posted many comments supporting Israel and Bibi, but at some point someone like me draws a line in the sand and the thing is there are many millions like me around this planet now, and if Israel keeps pulling shit like they did the other day you are going to rapidly lose support and you'll just be effectively left with your Bitch America supporting you and the Homidical Head Chopping Off Maniacs and Bank Rollers of September 11th The House of Saud. You cannot expect peoples to support you IF you want to become a Rogue State that doesn't give a shit about how you deal with a situation and instead just indiscriminantly start shooting live rounds from machine guns into HUGE crowds and not giving a shit that you have shot children in the head.
You have zero idea of what you’re talking about.
It’s almost ironic to me that you complain about Muslims in Germany.
I’m beginning to think someone else is using your account.

The difference is none of those Muslims BELONG on this Continent, we did not invite them here, they were directed in professional ways via NGOs and the fucking UN all doing the role of People Traffickers, they were FORCED on this Continent, they do NOT belong.
You actually believe Muslims are terrorizing the Phillipines because of Israel?

What a ridiculous comment, this has NOTHING to do with the Phillipines and I have not mentioned the Phillipines, what a bizarro attempt at deflection that is from you.

Read the article from The Council on Foreign Relations that I have linked and then we can keep the thread On Topic.
Muslims bring viola even wherever they go.

Links from Liberal News outlets is worthless.
99% of Media outlets hate Israel.
Israel hate gets ratings.

The Council on Foreign Relations is not Liberal, it is not a Liberal News outlet, the below is directly from The Council on Foreign Relations own website.

Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
The council is linked to secret societies including "Skull & Bones". It is a bunch of neo-liberal world-marxists that love little boys. Joschka Fischer is member.

But they are not part of the Liberal Media which is what Indeependent was commenting his bizarro comment.
That Council consists of scum who criticize Israel when the sunrises.
"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

What about the Israeli's opening fire with live rounds on THOUSANDS the other day and shooting at them in broad daylight, including shooting children in the head? Do you support that or condemn it? Of course you SUPPORT shooting children in the head BECAUSE the Israeli's shot the children in the head.

We are able to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah when they do something outrageous, we also have the GROWN UP ability to condemn Israel when it does something outrageous, the Israel Firsters however are not GROWN UP and therefore have an inability to say anything against Israel EVER. Period.

What is the difference between Iran or Hamas saying they want to nuke Israel or whatever and the Israel Firsters advocating that Israel nuke Gaza and not only that but just nuke Iran and Lebanon? There is NO difference it makes YOU as disgusting as the Iran and Hamas you are always whining about.
What would you do if thousands of people were storming your border with box cutter knives and throwing rocks.
The reality is that knives and rocks kill.

"What would you do if thousands of people were storming your border with box cutter knives and throwing rocks.
The reality is that knives and rocks kill."

There was tear gas, but rubber bullets and water cannons would have effectively got that situation under control. The thing is Israel knows full well they can massacre x amount of Palestinians INCLUDING CHILDREN AND BABIES and they are the ONLY NATION on this planet that can do that and face NO CONSEQUENCES because they have their bought and paid for and probably blackmailed Bitch America to cover for them. ANY other nation would have had unilateral sanctions put on it by the hypocritical America.

As I have commented I have posted many comments supporting Israel and Bibi, but at some point someone like me draws a line in the sand and the thing is there are many millions like me around this planet now, and if Israel keeps pulling shit like they did the other day you are going to rapidly lose support and you'll just be effectively left with your Bitch America supporting you and the Homidical Head Chopping Off Maniacs and Bank Rollers of September 11th The House of Saud. You cannot expect peoples to support you IF you want to become a Rogue State that doesn't give a shit about how you deal with a situation and instead just indiscriminantly start shooting live rounds from machine guns into HUGE crowds and not giving a shit that you have shot children in the head.
You have zero idea of what you’re talking about.
It’s almost ironic to me that you complain about Muslims in Germany.
I’m beginning to think someone else is using your account.

The difference is none of those Muslims BELONG on this Continent, we did not invite them here, they were directed in professional ways via NGOs and the fucking UN all doing the role of People Traffickers, they were FORCED on this Continent, they do NOT belong.
So the animals who don’t belong in Europe are saints in the ME?
Do you realize the hypocrisy of your post?
You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.

"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

What about the Israeli's opening fire with live rounds on THOUSANDS the other day and shooting at them in broad daylight, including shooting children in the head? Do you support that or condemn it? Of course you SUPPORT shooting children in the head BECAUSE the Israeli's shot the children in the head.

We are able to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah when they do something outrageous, we also have the GROWN UP ability to condemn Israel when it does something outrageous, the Israel Firsters however are not GROWN UP and therefore have an inability to say anything against Israel EVER. Period.

What is the difference between Iran or Hamas saying they want to nuke Israel or whatever and the Israel Firsters advocating that Israel nuke Gaza and not only that but just nuke Iran and Lebanon? There is NO difference it makes YOU as disgusting as the Iran and Hamas you are always whining about.

the stupid ass whining troll ass kisser of the zionists got his sorry ass OWNED by you Lucy.:2up::abgg2q.jpg::yes_text12:
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?
Why is it that every single time somebody points out something concerning jews the immediate response is: "antisemite, jewhater, racist, white supremacist, Nazi etc? It is getting old and loses its fang rapidly.

It is safe to assume that you are not going to vote for Patrick Little in U.S. Senate race in case you live in California.

better yet WHY it is everytime pesky facts are given on the murderous atrocities and actions of Israel when they cant counter them,that the only rebuttal we ever hear from them is- you are anti-semetic?:rolleyes:

i love how they really embarrass themselves by that when you point out there are jewish folks themselves that are sick Israels governments murderous ways. thats like if a white boy i know goes and calls a black a ****** and i tell that white boy he is a racist,then I am a racist as well.:iyfyus.jpg: dont you just love the logic of these Israel apologists?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

They have an inability to seperate Jewish peoples from the Government of Israel, so any even tiny criticism of the Government of Israel to them is Hating Jews and being Anti-Semitic and wanting Israel nuked or whatever, it is not the thinking of what is expected of grown ups. This ridiculous and poisonous thinking is even targeted at Jews themselves, the latest example being Natalie Portman who is Jewish, so she refused some award they were going to give her because she disagrees with the Government of Israel and the response as expected was totally hysterical and vile and she of course was subjected to the same name calling that others get.

If someone criticises eg. the American Government or the Japanese Government it does not mean who is criticising hates the American and Japanese peoples.

yeah I know this one jerk who i had to break off my friendship with because he had the same arrogant attitude of wrongwinger.would not look at the evidence i gave him and said i hated jews even though i told him i had friends that are jewish and even told him how juduism people are good people and he refused to listen to me and only wanted to hear HIMSELF talk.

The hard part was he was a long time friend of mine who was basically a nice guy that i broke off my friendship with since he refused to look at the evidence. would you have done the same thing with that friend? I cant tolerate someone who acts like an asshole like that,not in REAL life.

Well if a friend stops being a friend because of one issue, you have to think what type of friend were they and are probably better without them in your life. The situation is that on many things we should be available to have an open mind, we might in the end disagree, but we should be prepared to listen to another side of an argument and when presented with it not resort to just name calling etc.
You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.

"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

What about the Israeli's opening fire with live rounds on THOUSANDS the other day and shooting at them in broad daylight, including shooting children in the head? Do you support that or condemn it? Of course you SUPPORT shooting children in the head BECAUSE the Israeli's shot the children in the head.

We are able to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah when they do something outrageous, we also have the GROWN UP ability to condemn Israel when it does something outrageous, the Israel Firsters however are not GROWN UP and therefore have an inability to say anything against Israel EVER. Period.

What is the difference between Iran or Hamas saying they want to nuke Israel or whatever and the Israel Firsters advocating that Israel nuke Gaza and not only that but just nuke Iran and Lebanon? There is NO difference it makes YOU as disgusting as the Iran and Hamas you are always whining about.

the stupid ass whining troll ass kisser of the zionists got his sorry ass :yes_text12:OWNED by you Lucy.:2up::abgg2q.jpg:
You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.

"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

Yes,that NT teaches us to follow the words of Jesus. Hate and killing have no place there.

As opposed to the OT which is full of hate and killing, I often randomly still read some OT but as a Christian I follow the NT. I put the blame on many things on the Scofield Reference Bible because a lot of peoples who have read that think that some verses are Biblical when they in actuality are Footnotes written by C. I. Scofield and are HIS interpretations of what HE thought, they are not the words of Our Lord or the words of the Prophets, Scofieldism is Heresy.

I still prefer King James. I find much of the revision not what I read.
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?
Why is it that every single time somebody points out something concerning jews the immediate response is: "antisemite, jewhater, racist, white supremacist, Nazi etc? It is getting old and loses its fang rapidly.

It is safe to assume that you are not going to vote for Patrick Little in U.S. Senate race in case you live in California.

better yet WHY it is everytime pesky facts are given on the murderous atrocities and actions of Israel when they cant counter them,that the only rebuttal we ever hear from them is- you are anti-semetic?:rolleyes:

i love how they really embarrass themselves by that when you point out there are jewish folks themselves that are sick Israels governments murderous ways. thats like if a white boy i know goes and calls a black a ****** and i tell that white boy he is a racist,then I am a racist as well.:iyfyus.jpg: dont you just love the logic of these Israel apologists?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

They have an inability to seperate Jewish peoples from the Government of Israel, so any even tiny criticism of the Government of Israel to them is Hating Jews and being Anti-Semitic and wanting Israel nuked or whatever, it is not the thinking of what is expected of grown ups. This ridiculous and poisonous thinking is even targeted at Jews themselves, the latest example being Natalie Portman who is Jewish, so she refused some award they were going to give her because she disagrees with the Government of Israel and the response as expected was totally hysterical and vile and she of course was subjected to the same name calling that others get.

If someone criticises eg. the American Government or the Japanese Government it does not mean who is criticising hates the American and Japanese peoples.

yeah I know this one jerk who i had to break off my friendship with because he had the same arrogant attitude of wrongwinger.would not look at the evidence i gave him and said i hated jews even though i told him i had friends that are jewish and even told him how juduism people are good people and he refused to listen to me and only wanted to hear HIMSELF talk.

The hard part was he was a long time friend of mine who was basically a nice guy that i broke off my friendship with since he refused to look at the evidence. would you have done the same thing with that friend? I cant tolerate someone who acts like an asshole like that,not in REAL life.

Well if a friend stops being a friend because of one issue, you have to think what type of friend were they and are probably better without them in your life. The situation is that on many things we should be available to have an open mind, we might in the end disagree, but we should be prepared to listen to another side of an argument and when presented with it not resort to just name calling etc.

see in this case its not like where we were disgreeing on a movie that he liked that i hated and thought was bad its the FACT that he would REFUSE to look at the cold hard facts.I mean it was like pointing out the sun to him saying-hey look the sun is out. and then having that person dismiss it and say -that is just your opinion.:rolleyes: dont get me wrong,the guy was a good guy and a good person and everything that was WHY it was so hard to break my long time friendship with him but to defend the evil atrocities of someone and refuse to look at the evidence that proves he was wrong,if thats not being an asshole,what is? that makes him no better than the evil that he defends.He always CLAIMED he was for world peace yet he would not look at the evil actions of what he defendend,what a fucking hypocrite.

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