IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel

If true, Israel may just take care of several issues.

Apparently no injuries were reported. Hope this does not escalate.

Israel will make 100% sure it will escalate, Israel has had a hardon for War With Iran since 2002, there will probably be some type of False Flag situation within the next 72 hours.

America needs to tell Israel No, No they will not agree to War With Iran but considering that Neo-Conservative Psychopath John Bolton is again involved and he is a Perpetual Warmonger and like all Neo-Conservatives is borderline insane then probably further blackmail material will be used on The Donald for him to go along with sending 50,000 American troops to get ready to be Boots on The Ground to die in Iran for NO reason whatsoever.

Now some in America will support this, they essentially are The Dominionists, you know the crowd who wait for Armageddon so they can be Raptured up to Jesus, so a dangerous combination that is playing with the lives of MILLIONS of peoples, the combination of the Neo-Conservative Psychopaths and the crazy Holy Rollers.

As you comment in your OP, hopefully cooler heads will prevail, if not then yes within the next six months we are probably going to have WWIII because this will pull in Russia, Turkey and also China in some capacity. 90% of peoples on this planet do not want this, only the insane want this.

Make sure you include Evangelicals in that list.

I already did in one comment, the situation is that as a Christian I divorce myself from the Fringe Christian Fundamentalists, they have a wet spot in their panties loving all of this, they want it all to escalate they are nearly orgasmic thinking that Gog and Magog is going to occur soon, they are orgasmic at how near to this madness the Valley of Megiddo is, they want the Dome of The Rock blown up, they wait and hope for Armageddon so they can be Raptured up to Jesus, the situation is though IF they read The Bible correctly The Book of Daniel and Revelation they would realise they are cheerleading for the wrong team, they should already know that only those who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah will get Salvation, that Jesus Christ The Messiah was crucified on The Cross and that HE is the ONLY Jesus Christ and the ONLY Messiah, that you only get Salvation through Jesus Christ Our Messiah, accept Jesus Christ get saved, reject Jesus Christ get thrown into The Lake of Fire. As a Mainstream Christian who believes that Jesus Christ is The Messiah, I know what team I'm on.

The situation is that those others don't give a shit about the Jews, they only care about the Jews and Israel because of their belief in their interpretation of Biblical Prophecy, this essentially is why they are cheerleading for the SHTF in Syria because of the role The Fall of Damascus has in kicking off the events that eventually lead up to the Battle in the Valley of Megiddo.
I'm so sick of these two countries always itching to take the whole world into a nuclear holocaust!

I hope cool heads will prevail on both sides.

9 May 2018

IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel | Breitbart

Israel has been poking them, they are desperate to start a Shit Storm with Iran, a Shit Storm that they will expect America and other Western nations to fight for them. The situation should be if Israel wants war with Iran, then EVERY nation on this planet should sit back and let Israel do its own fighting, nobody else wants a war with Iran, only Israel wants shit with Iran.

Another stupid uneducated moron. They haven’t provoked anything. Also Israel has fought all her own fight and under then ‘53 she never had one foreign soldier fight for her. Not in ‘48, ‘67, ‘73, ‘82 or ‘05.

So get your facts right you dumbfuck

Sent from my iPhone using

"Another stupid uneducated moron."

Yes you are.

"They haven’t provoked anything."

Israel has been frequently bombing INSIDE Syria, bombing Iranian troops who were INVITED by Syria to assist with Russia who were also INVITED by Syria to assist in fighting the um Moderate Rebels who are all affiliated with ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Al-Nusra Front. As Israel has been dropping bombs on Iranian positions this IS provoking both Iran and also now Russia, which is probably why Bibi went to Moscow on Wednesday to explain to Putin WTF Israel was doing in Syria.

"So get your facts right you dumbfuck"

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, even better instead of sitting on your buttocks go and put on a uniform and help them fight.

Why would some one against the war put on a Uniform to fight?

You want it? Go fight!

I am against having a war, I was telling that Troll who is gung ho for all of this that if he wants a war then he should put a uniform on and go and help fight.
I'm so sick of these two countries always itching to take the whole world into a nuclear holocaust!

I hope cool heads will prevail on both sides.

9 May 2018

IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel | Breitbart

Israel has been poking them, they are desperate to start a Shit Storm with Iran, a Shit Storm that they will expect America and other Western nations to fight for them. The situation should be if Israel wants war with Iran, then EVERY nation on this planet should sit back and let Israel do its own fighting, nobody else wants a war with Iran, only Israel wants shit with Iran.

Another stupid uneducated moron. They haven’t provoked anything. Also Israel has fought all her own fight and under then ‘53 she never had one foreign soldier fight for her. Not in ‘48, ‘67, ‘73, ‘82 or ‘05.

So get your facts right you dumbfuck

Sent from my iPhone using

"Another stupid uneducated moron."

Yes you are.

"They haven’t provoked anything."

Israel has been frequently bombing INSIDE Syria, bombing Iranian troops who were INVITED by Syria to assist with Russia who were also INVITED by Syria to assist in fighting the um Moderate Rebels who are all affiliated with ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Al-Nusra Front. As Israel has been dropping bombs on Iranian positions this IS provoking both Iran and also now Russia, which is probably why Bibi went to Moscow on Wednesday to explain to Putin WTF Israel was doing in Syria.

"So get your facts right you dumbfuck"

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, even better instead of sitting on your buttocks go and put on a uniform and help them fight.

Why would some one against the war put on a Uniform to fight?

You want it? Go fight!

I am against having a war, I was telling that Troll who is gung ho for all of this that if he wants a war then he should put a uniform on and go and help fight.

I know, I said the same thing.

Bibi has foamed at the moth for years wanting the US to fight a war with Iran for them. Iran would wipe them off the face of the earth without us.

Bibi knows this. Many Israel’s do not agree. Bibi is so corrupt they have info to indict both him and his wife, but like Trump his flunkies in Government will not act.

I want to make it clear I have no problem with the Jewish people.

I do have problems with Netanyahu. He is not the kind of Leader the Israel people want.
If true, Israel may just take care of several issues.

Apparently no injuries were reported. Hope this does not escalate.

Israel will make 100% sure it will escalate, Israel has had a hardon for War With Iran since 2002, there will probably be some type of False Flag situation within the next 72 hours.

America needs to tell Israel No, No they will not agree to War With Iran but considering that Neo-Conservative Psychopath John Bolton is again involved and he is a Perpetual Warmonger and like all Neo-Conservatives is borderline insane then probably further blackmail material will be used on The Donald for him to go along with sending 50,000 American troops to get ready to be Boots on The Ground to die in Iran for NO reason whatsoever.

Now some in America will support this, they essentially are The Dominionists, you know the crowd who wait for Armageddon so they can be Raptured up to Jesus, so a dangerous combination that is playing with the lives of MILLIONS of peoples, the combination of the Neo-Conservative Psychopaths and the crazy Holy Rollers.

As you comment in your OP, hopefully cooler heads will prevail, if not then yes within the next six months we are probably going to have WWIII because this will pull in Russia, Turkey and also China in some capacity. 90% of peoples on this planet do not want this, only the insane want this.

Make sure you include Evangelicals in that list.

I already did in one comment, the situation is that as a Christian I divorce myself from the Fringe Christian Fundamentalists, they have a wet spot in their panties loving all of this, they want it all to escalate they are nearly orgasmic thinking that Gog and Magog is going to occur soon, they are orgasmic at how near to this madness the Valley of Megiddo is, they want the Dome of The Rock blown up, they wait and hope for Armageddon so they can be Raptured up to Jesus, the situation is though IF they read The Bible correctly The Book of Daniel and Revelation they would realise they are cheerleading for the wrong team, they should already know that only those who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah will get Salvation, that Jesus Christ The Messiah was crucified on The Cross and that HE is the ONLY Jesus Christ and the ONLY Messiah, that you only get Salvation through Jesus Christ Our Messiah, accept Jesus Christ get saved, reject Jesus Christ get thrown into The Lake of Fire. As a Mainstream Christian who believes that Jesus Christ is The Messiah, I know what team I'm on.

The situation is that those others don't give a shit about the Jews, they only care about the Jews and Israel because of their belief in their interpretation of Biblical Prophecy, this essentially is why they are cheerleading for the SHTF in Syria because of the role The Fall of Damascus has in kicking off the events that eventually lead up to the Battle in the Valley of Megiddo.

Same here. I follow the New Testament. We are in a new Covanant, not the old. And,I found a Church that teaches that.
Lucy go girl!

In the Cesspit of The Forum aka the Israel/Palestine Section, there is a thread about the Rabid Ones shouting "burn them, shoot them, kill them" and the Israel Firsters Cheerlead this total barbarism because it's Israel, pretty disgusting IMHO, when you have the maniacs who are the Israeli Settlers frothing at the mouth at the thought of Genociding x amount of Palestinians is it any wonder that some in the Middle East have a problem with the policies of the Israeli Government?

All we hear is the near constant whining and Bedwetting about how Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map and everyone is supposed to burst a vein and yet at the same time we have either complete silence or active Cheerleading of the Israeli Settlers frothing at the mouth about wiping the Palestinians off the map. All we hear is the near constant whining and Bedwetting about how Israel has a right to exist, well the fucking Palestinians have a right to exist also, they have a right to what is theirs their own State alongside Israel ie. The Two State Solution.

Yes Hamas are total POS, they are a terrorist organisation, but the situation is not ALL Palestinians support Hamas and not ALL Palestinians are terrorists or potential terrorists and people should realise that, when we have little children being shot in the head because they are Palestinian and therefore must be terrorists or whatever, then what does this say? It says that unfortunately Israel does not have the moral high ground, shooting little children in the head does NOT give you ANY moral high ground. The only reason WHY Israel gets away with this shit like shooting little children in the head is because Washington DC props them up, at the same time in total hypocrisy it then whines about Syrian children getting shot in the head and in double hypocrisy IGNORES that the Saudi's have been slaughtering Yemeni little children for nearly two years, bombing them with bombs sold to them by Washington DC and London. Pathetic and disgusting.

you nailed it as always.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

You should be a professor of a university.I am serious,i am not being sarcastic in the least.the thing that amazes me about you is you are so young but way ahead advanced in your years of knowledge on this subject than what you are in age..I would guess if i did not know you that you were like in your 60's or 70's the way you know so much ahead of the majority of not just posters at this site but here in the states as well.the brainwashed sheep in america that doesnt know anything more than what the CIA media tells them from the LAMESTREAM news.

If you were in your 60's or 70's i would not be so impressed of your knowledge of the situation but the fact you are so young it just blows me away what an encyclepedia you are on this.How you are so more advanced than most everyone here just blows me away. I am sure i will get some funnys posted on this post or people will laugh at this post but that just shows their ignorance and stupity of the whole situation and their frustration they cant refute your facts and that they listen way too much to what the CIA controlled news tells them instead of independent news sources that are NOT controlled by them:biggrin:

I know a lot about it myself but I am nowhere near on the level on knowledge of this that YOU are as i am sure others that know the truth on this such as tiny dancer as well dont either.Its like you are way up here on this high level of me and others and I am down here.

the Israel apologists of course are MILES down below even me of course who like i said, I am i way far down the ladder lower than you on my knowledge of this much as I know of this more than most posters here at the site,I am like in the minor leagues compared to you where YOU are at the major league level on this.:) as knowledgebale as i am on the situation,I am always learning a lot from you on this.:thup:

I would say you are an encyclepedia on this situation the same way i was with posters in the sports section four years ago on the Rams coming back to LA from st louis.:D

I took to school many posters back then when i told them the rams were coming back to LA in a couple of years and the MAJORITY of them thought i did not know what i was talking about,all of them saying things like-that will never happen.LOL

I was 100 times more smarter on that subject than most of them were.thats how YOU are with the majority of the posters that post at THIS site on THIS situation.:) with me and tiny dancer,its just 50 times smarter since we are at LEAST close to your level of genius about it.:D

You know many young people have a grasp on reality that many older ones,either never had,or lost along the way as they settled in.

I have found this to be true on many boards. This is why I am looking to the future to see how they will turn things around. This is the last gasp of the old and bigoted.
You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.

"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.
If true, Israel may just take care of several issues.

Apparently no injuries were reported. Hope this does not escalate.

Israel will make 100% sure it will escalate, Israel has had a hardon for War With Iran since 2002, there will probably be some type of False Flag situation within the next 72 hours.

America needs to tell Israel No, No they will not agree to War With Iran but considering that Neo-Conservative Psychopath John Bolton is again involved and he is a Perpetual Warmonger and like all Neo-Conservatives is borderline insane then probably further blackmail material will be used on The Donald for him to go along with sending 50,000 American troops to get ready to be Boots on The Ground to die in Iran for NO reason whatsoever.

Now some in America will support this, they essentially are The Dominionists, you know the crowd who wait for Armageddon so they can be Raptured up to Jesus, so a dangerous combination that is playing with the lives of MILLIONS of peoples, the combination of the Neo-Conservative Psychopaths and the crazy Holy Rollers.

As you comment in your OP, hopefully cooler heads will prevail, if not then yes within the next six months we are probably going to have WWIII because this will pull in Russia, Turkey and also China in some capacity. 90% of peoples on this planet do not want this, only the insane want this.

Make sure you include Evangelicals in that list.

I already did in one comment, the situation is that as a Christian I divorce myself from the Fringe Christian Fundamentalists, they have a wet spot in their panties loving all of this, they want it all to escalate they are nearly orgasmic thinking that Gog and Magog is going to occur soon, they are orgasmic at how near to this madness the Valley of Megiddo is, they want the Dome of The Rock blown up, they wait and hope for Armageddon so they can be Raptured up to Jesus, the situation is though IF they read The Bible correctly The Book of Daniel and Revelation they would realise they are cheerleading for the wrong team, they should already know that only those who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah will get Salvation, that Jesus Christ The Messiah was crucified on The Cross and that HE is the ONLY Jesus Christ and the ONLY Messiah, that you only get Salvation through Jesus Christ Our Messiah, accept Jesus Christ get saved, reject Jesus Christ get thrown into The Lake of Fire. As a Mainstream Christian who believes that Jesus Christ is The Messiah, I know what team I'm on.

The situation is that those others don't give a shit about the Jews, they only care about the Jews and Israel because of their belief in their interpretation of Biblical Prophecy, this essentially is why they are cheerleading for the SHTF in Syria because of the role The Fall of Damascus has in kicking off the events that eventually lead up to the Battle in the Valley of Megiddo.

Same here. I follow the New Testament. We are in a new Covanant, not the old. And,I found a Church that teaches that.

When the other messiah - deliberate lower case on the m because as a Christian there is only ONE Messiah Jesus Christ - is eventually presented, the John Hagee types will automatically follow him and they will be following The Anti-Christ. As Christians OUR Bible teaches us that there is only ONE Jesus Christ The Messiah and that was Jesus The Nazarene, Jesus of Nazareth the one who was crucified on The Cross, He is Jesus Christ The Messiah. Now He is rejected by 90% of Jews, there are about 10% of Jews who have accepted Him they are the Messianic Jews and I have friends who are Messianic Jews I've posted many comments about them:

Messianic Jews: A Brief History - Jews for Jesus

Anyhow, the 90% of Jews who reject the Jesus Christ The Messiah who was crucified on The Cross they think he was NOTHING but a common criminal and a vagabond and just lower than whale shit and they wait for their OWN messiah who they call Mashiach and also Mashiach ben David, this one they think is the actual messiah and he will be a political leader descended from King David. So he is a TOTALLY different messiah to OUR Messiah who is Jesus Christ, the one that ALL Christians worship in Christian Churches across the planet, we worship Jesus Christ we do NOT worship this Mashiach ben David, they are two different characters, but the John Hagee types seem TOTALLY oblivious to this situation.

So whenever this Mashiach ben David appears on the scene he will be declared The messiah they have been waiting for and all the John Hagee types will think he's the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, when he is NOT Jesus Christ The Messiah so it's NOT The Second Coming, but being delusional they'll just automatically worship him and follow him because that's what they've been told to do or else OMG they'll be Anti-Semitic or whatever.

The John Hagee types will then join forces to PERSECUTE actual Christians who REFUSE to worship this other messiah, they will INSIST that The Messiah we still worship is The Anti-Christ because they have been deluded into thinking this other messiah is The Second Coming of Jesus Christ and we will reject this.
Last edited:
No so they will get America to do it for them, the majority of the American population will be against it but that does not matter, of course complicating the situation now is Iraq with the Muqtada al-Sadr alliance looking like it is going to be able to form the new government, what options are there? Sanctions on Iraq or re-invade Iraq, although he was a TOTAL POS Iraq was better with Saddam Hussein in charge, there were significantly less problems in general when Saddam was in charge of Iraq, most notably there wasn't Radical Islamist Fundamentalist maniacs running around (because Saddam had them all locked up in Hellhole prisons) and now it seems enough of the previously Secular for decades Iraqi population has been Radicalised through the brutality of aerial bombarding at random and near daily suicide bombs for ten years that they have voted to have Muqtada al-Sadr controlling Iraq.

So there is a new problem now, Iraq is going to have a Radical Islamist Fundamentalist government, something it previously has not had.
I'm not worried about Muslims coming up with new reasons to murder each other and everyone else.
Existing pisses them off.

Well you should be worried, everyone should be worried, there is nothing to be gained by everyone putting their heads in the sand and saying oh well nobody needs to worry about the SHTF, who cares.
We both know half the world has deluded themselves into thinking that kowtowing to murderers makes murderers nicer people.
What we need now is for Trump to kick as much Muslim ass as possible.

"What we need now is for Trump to kick as much Muslim ass as possible."

Yes and that would be kicking ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Al-Nusra Front and all the variety of spin off groups who are associated and/or affiliated with them including Boko Haram and al-Shabaab.
They're coming for us...we strike first.

Former Iranian President Rafsanjani on Using a Nuclear Bomb Against Israel

They laid out their rationale years ago. They want nukes to commit genocide against Jews in the Jewish state because they see any potential retaliation as causing only damages to the Ummah.

It amazes me that some of the children in this thread would harbor such hatred for Jews as to align themselves with this agenda.
I'm not worried about Muslims coming up with new reasons to murder each other and everyone else.
Existing pisses them off.

Well you should be worried, everyone should be worried, there is nothing to be gained by everyone putting their heads in the sand and saying oh well nobody needs to worry about the SHTF, who cares.
We both know half the world has deluded themselves into thinking that kowtowing to murderers makes murderers nicer people.
What we need now is for Trump to kick as much Muslim ass as possible.

"What we need now is for Trump to kick as much Muslim ass as possible."

Yes and that would be kicking ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Al-Nusra Front and all the variety of spin off groups who are associated and/or affiliated with them including Boko Haram and al-Shabaab.
They're coming for us...we strike first.

Former Iranian President Rafsanjani on Using a Nuclear Bomb Against Israel

They laid out their rationale years ago. They want nukes to commit genocide against Jews in the Jewish state because they see any potential retaliation as causing only damages to the Ummah.

It amazes me that some of the children in this thread would harbor such hatred for Jews as to align themselves with this agenda.

Nobody in this thread has advocated ANYONE using nukes on ANYONE else. Get a grip.
You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.

"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

What about the Israeli's opening fire with live rounds on THOUSANDS the other day and shooting at them in broad daylight, including shooting children in the head? Do you support that or condemn it? Of course you SUPPORT shooting children in the head BECAUSE the Israeli's shot the children in the head.

We are able to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah when they do something outrageous, we also have the GROWN UP ability to condemn Israel when it does something outrageous, the Israel Firsters however are not GROWN UP and therefore have an inability to say anything against Israel EVER. Period.

What is the difference between Iran or Hamas saying they want to nuke Israel or whatever and the Israel Firsters advocating that Israel nuke Gaza and not only that but just nuke Iran and Lebanon? There is NO difference it makes YOU as disgusting as the Iran and Hamas you are always whining about.
You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.

"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

What about the Israeli's opening fire with live rounds on THOUSANDS the other day and shooting at them in broad daylight, including shooting children in the head? Do you support that or condemn it? Of course you SUPPORT shooting children in the head BECAUSE the Israeli's shot the children in the head.

We are able to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah when they do something outrageous, we also have the GROWN UP ability to condemn Israel when it does something outrageous, the Israel Firsters however are not GROWN UP and therefore have an inability to say anything against Israel EVER. Period.

What is the difference between Iran or Hamas saying they want to nuke Israel or whatever and the Israel Firsters advocating that Israel nuke Gaza and not only that but just nuke Iran and Lebanon? There is NO difference it makes YOU as disgusting as the Iran and Hamas you are always whining about.
What would you do if thousands of people were storming your border with box cutter knives and throwing rocks.
The reality is that knives and rocks kill.
I'm not worried about Muslims coming up with new reasons to murder each other and everyone else.
Existing pisses them off.

Well you should be worried, everyone should be worried, there is nothing to be gained by everyone putting their heads in the sand and saying oh well nobody needs to worry about the SHTF, who cares.
We both know half the world has deluded themselves into thinking that kowtowing to murderers makes murderers nicer people.
What we need now is for Trump to kick as much Muslim ass as possible.

"What we need now is for Trump to kick as much Muslim ass as possible."

Yes and that would be kicking ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Al-Nusra Front and all the variety of spin off groups who are associated and/or affiliated with them including Boko Haram and al-Shabaab.
They're coming for us...we strike first.

Former Iranian President Rafsanjani on Using a Nuclear Bomb Against Israel

They laid out their rationale years ago. They want nukes to commit genocide against Jews in the Jewish state because they see any potential retaliation as causing only damages to the Ummah.

It amazes me that some of the children in this thread would harbor such hatred for Jews as to align themselves with this agenda.

How about they ALL abandon ALL Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East, that includes Israel, so no nuclear weapons for Iran OR Israel. That would mean that ALL nations in the Middle East would only be allowed Conventional Weapons.

This from The Council of Foreign Relations:


Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.

"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

What about the Israeli's opening fire with live rounds on THOUSANDS the other day and shooting at them in broad daylight, including shooting children in the head? Do you support that or condemn it? Of course you SUPPORT shooting children in the head BECAUSE the Israeli's shot the children in the head.

We are able to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah when they do something outrageous, we also have the GROWN UP ability to condemn Israel when it does something outrageous, the Israel Firsters however are not GROWN UP and therefore have an inability to say anything against Israel EVER. Period.

What is the difference between Iran or Hamas saying they want to nuke Israel or whatever and the Israel Firsters advocating that Israel nuke Gaza and not only that but just nuke Iran and Lebanon? There is NO difference it makes YOU as disgusting as the Iran and Hamas you are always whining about.
What would you do if thousands of people were storming your border with box cutter knives and throwing rocks.
The reality is that knives and rocks kill.

"What would you do if thousands of people were storming your border with box cutter knives and throwing rocks.
The reality is that knives and rocks kill."

There was tear gas, but rubber bullets and water cannons would have effectively got that situation under control. The thing is Israel knows full well they can massacre x amount of Palestinians INCLUDING CHILDREN AND BABIES and they are the ONLY NATION on this planet that can do that and face NO CONSEQUENCES because they have their bought and paid for and probably blackmailed Bitch America to cover for them. ANY other nation would have had unilateral sanctions put on it by the hypocritical America.

As I have commented I have posted many comments supporting Israel and Bibi, but at some point someone like me draws a line in the sand and the thing is there are many millions like me around this planet now, and if Israel keeps pulling shit like they did the other day you are going to rapidly lose support and you'll just be effectively left with your Bitch America supporting you and the Homidical Head Chopping Off Maniacs and Bank Rollers of September 11th The House of Saud. You cannot expect peoples to support you IF you want to become a Rogue State that doesn't give a shit about how you deal with a situation and instead just indiscriminantly start shooting live rounds from machine guns into HUGE crowds and not giving a shit that you have shot children in the head.
Well you should be worried, everyone should be worried, there is nothing to be gained by everyone putting their heads in the sand and saying oh well nobody needs to worry about the SHTF, who cares.
We both know half the world has deluded themselves into thinking that kowtowing to murderers makes murderers nicer people.
What we need now is for Trump to kick as much Muslim ass as possible.

"What we need now is for Trump to kick as much Muslim ass as possible."

Yes and that would be kicking ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Al-Nusra Front and all the variety of spin off groups who are associated and/or affiliated with them including Boko Haram and al-Shabaab.
They're coming for us...we strike first.

Former Iranian President Rafsanjani on Using a Nuclear Bomb Against Israel

They laid out their rationale years ago. They want nukes to commit genocide against Jews in the Jewish state because they see any potential retaliation as causing only damages to the Ummah.

It amazes me that some of the children in this thread would harbor such hatred for Jews as to align themselves with this agenda.

How about they ALL abandon ALL Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East, that includes Israel, so no nuclear weapons for Iran OR Israel. That would mean that ALL nations in the Middle East would only be allowed Conventional Weapons.

This from The Council of Foreign Relations:


Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
You actually believe Muslims are terrorizing the Phillipines because of Israel?
You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.

"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

What about the Israeli's opening fire with live rounds on THOUSANDS the other day and shooting at them in broad daylight, including shooting children in the head? Do you support that or condemn it? Of course you SUPPORT shooting children in the head BECAUSE the Israeli's shot the children in the head.

We are able to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah when they do something outrageous, we also have the GROWN UP ability to condemn Israel when it does something outrageous, the Israel Firsters however are not GROWN UP and therefore have an inability to say anything against Israel EVER. Period.

What is the difference between Iran or Hamas saying they want to nuke Israel or whatever and the Israel Firsters advocating that Israel nuke Gaza and not only that but just nuke Iran and Lebanon? There is NO difference it makes YOU as disgusting as the Iran and Hamas you are always whining about.
What would you do if thousands of people were storming your border with box cutter knives and throwing rocks.
The reality is that knives and rocks kill.

"What would you do if thousands of people were storming your border with box cutter knives and throwing rocks.
The reality is that knives and rocks kill."

There was tear gas, but rubber bullets and water cannons would have effectively got that situation under control. The thing is Israel knows full well they can massacre x amount of Palestinians INCLUDING CHILDREN AND BABIES and they are the ONLY NATION on this planet that can do that and face NO CONSEQUENCES because they have their bought and paid for and probably blackmailed Bitch America to cover for them. ANY other nation would have had unilateral sanctions put on it by the hypocritical America.

As I have commented I have posted many comments supporting Israel and Bibi, but at some point someone like me draws a line in the sand and the thing is there are many millions like me around this planet now, and if Israel keeps pulling shit like they did the other day you are going to rapidly lose support and you'll just be effectively left with your Bitch America supporting you and the Homidical Head Chopping Off Maniacs and Bank Rollers of September 11th The House of Saud. You cannot expect peoples to support you IF you want to become a Rogue State that doesn't give a shit about how you deal with a situation and instead just indiscriminantly start shooting live rounds from machine guns into HUGE crowds and not giving a shit that you have shot children in the head.
You have zero idea of what you’re talking about.
It’s almost ironic to me that you complain about Muslims in Germany.
I’m beginning to think someone else is using your account.
We both know half the world has deluded themselves into thinking that kowtowing to murderers makes murderers nicer people.
What we need now is for Trump to kick as much Muslim ass as possible.

"What we need now is for Trump to kick as much Muslim ass as possible."

Yes and that would be kicking ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Al-Nusra Front and all the variety of spin off groups who are associated and/or affiliated with them including Boko Haram and al-Shabaab.
They're coming for us...we strike first.

Former Iranian President Rafsanjani on Using a Nuclear Bomb Against Israel

They laid out their rationale years ago. They want nukes to commit genocide against Jews in the Jewish state because they see any potential retaliation as causing only damages to the Ummah.

It amazes me that some of the children in this thread would harbor such hatred for Jews as to align themselves with this agenda.

How about they ALL abandon ALL Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East, that includes Israel, so no nuclear weapons for Iran OR Israel. That would mean that ALL nations in the Middle East would only be allowed Conventional Weapons.

This from The Council of Foreign Relations:


Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
You actually believe Muslims are terrorizing the Phillipines because of Israel?

What a ridiculous comment, this has NOTHING to do with the Phillipines and I have not mentioned the Phillipines, what a bizarro attempt at deflection that is from you.

Read the article from The Council on Foreign Relations that I have linked and then we can keep the thread On Topic.
"What we need now is for Trump to kick as much Muslim ass as possible."

Yes and that would be kicking ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Al-Nusra Front and all the variety of spin off groups who are associated and/or affiliated with them including Boko Haram and al-Shabaab.
They're coming for us...we strike first.

Former Iranian President Rafsanjani on Using a Nuclear Bomb Against Israel

They laid out their rationale years ago. They want nukes to commit genocide against Jews in the Jewish state because they see any potential retaliation as causing only damages to the Ummah.

It amazes me that some of the children in this thread would harbor such hatred for Jews as to align themselves with this agenda.

How about they ALL abandon ALL Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East, that includes Israel, so no nuclear weapons for Iran OR Israel. That would mean that ALL nations in the Middle East would only be allowed Conventional Weapons.

This from The Council of Foreign Relations:


Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
You actually believe Muslims are terrorizing the Phillipines because of Israel?

What a ridiculous comment, this has NOTHING to do with the Phillipines and I have not mentioned the Phillipines, what a bizarro attempt at deflection that is from you.

Read the article from The Council on Foreign Relations that I have linked and then we can keep the thread On Topic.
Muslims bring viola even wherever they go.

Links from Liberal News outlets is worthless.
99% of Media outlets hate Israel.
Israel hate gets ratings.
You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.

"Wrong side"? If those who oppose the genocidal antisemitism of the Mullahs are on the "wrong side", I shudder to think what you must view as the right side of this issue.

......and you claim to follow the New testament, no less.

What about the Israeli's opening fire with live rounds on THOUSANDS the other day and shooting at them in broad daylight, including shooting children in the head? Do you support that or condemn it? Of course you SUPPORT shooting children in the head BECAUSE the Israeli's shot the children in the head.

We are able to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah when they do something outrageous, we also have the GROWN UP ability to condemn Israel when it does something outrageous, the Israel Firsters however are not GROWN UP and therefore have an inability to say anything against Israel EVER. Period.

What is the difference between Iran or Hamas saying they want to nuke Israel or whatever and the Israel Firsters advocating that Israel nuke Gaza and not only that but just nuke Iran and Lebanon? There is NO difference it makes YOU as disgusting as the Iran and Hamas you are always whining about.
What would you do if thousands of people were storming your border with box cutter knives and throwing rocks.
The reality is that knives and rocks kill.

"What would you do if thousands of people were storming your border with box cutter knives and throwing rocks.
The reality is that knives and rocks kill."

There was tear gas, but rubber bullets and water cannons would have effectively got that situation under control. The thing is Israel knows full well they can massacre x amount of Palestinians INCLUDING CHILDREN AND BABIES and they are the ONLY NATION on this planet that can do that and face NO CONSEQUENCES because they have their bought and paid for and probably blackmailed Bitch America to cover for them. ANY other nation would have had unilateral sanctions put on it by the hypocritical America.

As I have commented I have posted many comments supporting Israel and Bibi, but at some point someone like me draws a line in the sand and the thing is there are many millions like me around this planet now, and if Israel keeps pulling shit like they did the other day you are going to rapidly lose support and you'll just be effectively left with your Bitch America supporting you and the Homidical Head Chopping Off Maniacs and Bank Rollers of September 11th The House of Saud. You cannot expect peoples to support you IF you want to become a Rogue State that doesn't give a shit about how you deal with a situation and instead just indiscriminantly start shooting live rounds from machine guns into HUGE crowds and not giving a shit that you have shot children in the head.
You have zero idea of what you’re talking about.
It’s almost ironic to me that you complain about Muslims in Germany.
I’m beginning to think someone else is using your account.

The difference is none of those Muslims BELONG on this Continent, we did not invite them here, they were directed in professional ways via NGOs and the fucking UN all doing the role of People Traffickers, they were FORCED on this Continent, they do NOT belong.
They're coming for us...we strike first.

Former Iranian President Rafsanjani on Using a Nuclear Bomb Against Israel

They laid out their rationale years ago. They want nukes to commit genocide against Jews in the Jewish state because they see any potential retaliation as causing only damages to the Ummah.

It amazes me that some of the children in this thread would harbor such hatred for Jews as to align themselves with this agenda.

How about they ALL abandon ALL Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East, that includes Israel, so no nuclear weapons for Iran OR Israel. That would mean that ALL nations in the Middle East would only be allowed Conventional Weapons.

This from The Council of Foreign Relations:


Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
You actually believe Muslims are terrorizing the Phillipines because of Israel?

What a ridiculous comment, this has NOTHING to do with the Phillipines and I have not mentioned the Phillipines, what a bizarro attempt at deflection that is from you.

Read the article from The Council on Foreign Relations that I have linked and then we can keep the thread On Topic.
Muslims bring viola even wherever they go.

Links from Liberal News outlets is worthless.
99% of Media outlets hate Israel.
Israel hate gets ratings.

The Council on Foreign Relations is not Liberal, it is not a Liberal News outlet, the below is directly from The Council on Foreign Relations own website.

Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
Former Iranian President Rafsanjani on Using a Nuclear Bomb Against Israel

They laid out their rationale years ago. They want nukes to commit genocide against Jews in the Jewish state because they see any potential retaliation as causing only damages to the Ummah.

It amazes me that some of the children in this thread would harbor such hatred for Jews as to align themselves with this agenda.

How about they ALL abandon ALL Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East, that includes Israel, so no nuclear weapons for Iran OR Israel. That would mean that ALL nations in the Middle East would only be allowed Conventional Weapons.

This from The Council of Foreign Relations:


Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
You actually believe Muslims are terrorizing the Phillipines because of Israel?

What a ridiculous comment, this has NOTHING to do with the Phillipines and I have not mentioned the Phillipines, what a bizarro attempt at deflection that is from you.

Read the article from The Council on Foreign Relations that I have linked and then we can keep the thread On Topic.
Muslims bring viola even wherever they go.

Links from Liberal News outlets is worthless.
99% of Media outlets hate Israel.
Israel hate gets ratings.

The Council on Foreign Relations is not Liberal, it is not a Liberal News outlet, the below is directly from The Council on Foreign Relations own website.

Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
The council is linked to secret societies including "Skull & Bones". It is a bunch of neo-liberal world-marxists that love little boys. Joschka Fischer is member.

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