IDF phsically attacks diplomats

P F Tinmore, et al,


toastman, et al,

Yeah, that is a Palestinian Claim.

Ok but Tinmore thinks ALL of Israel is considered occupied. I'm talking about Tel-Aviv, Haifa. And he thinks the Jewish residents there are not civilians


This is the objective of the Palestinian Feday'een (asymmetric insurgents and terrorists).

Most Respectfully,

...with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate,...

And those were still Palestine's international boundaries after the 1948 war. (the international boundaries in the above map)

So, what is your point?

The Palestinians, had they not opted for war, would have the borders outlined in the Map. However, in the infinite propensity for lethal action, opened hostilities. And the consequences for that fatal mistake was the loss of territorial control.

I would think that was quite obvious, given the continuous crying for sovereignty and control. After every confrontation, the Palestinians and Arab allies loose something. And then the world has to suffer through decades of the border arguments and terrorism.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,


toastman, et al,

Yeah, that is a Palestinian Claim.



This is the objective of the Palestinian Feday'een (asymmetric insurgents and terrorists).

Most Respectfully,

...with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate,...

And those were still Palestine's international boundaries after the 1948 war. (the international boundaries in the above map)

So, what is your point?

The Palestinians, had they not opted for war, would have the borders outlined in the Map. However, in the infinite propensity for lethal action, opened hostilities. And the consequences for that fatal mistake was the loss of territorial control.

I would think that was quite obvious, given the continuous crying for sovereignty and control. After every confrontation, the Palestinians and Arab allies loose something. And then the world has to suffer through decades of the border arguments and terrorism.

Most Respectfully,

Loss of territorial control but not a loss in territory. Israel merely increases its occupation.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, well this is a question; isn't it.

Loss of territorial control but not a loss in territory. Israel merely increases its occupation.

Given that war reparations, restitution for terrorism, and compensation loss of life, damages, and injuries of protected persons and non-combatants, the liability may be quite substantial; we don't know.

We will have to see what the Peace Treaty works out. Absent a treaty, it may become and extended occupation of Palestinian Territory as outlined in the 1988 Declaration of Independence and/or the Application for admission to the UN.

Most Respectfully,
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P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, well this is a question; isn't it.

Loss of territorial control but not a loss in territory. Israel merely increases its occupation.

Given that war reparations, restitution for terrorism, and compensation loss of life, damages, and injuries of protected persons and non-combatants, the liability may be quite substantial; we don't know.

Indeed, Israel owes the Palestinians quite a lot.

We will have to see what the Peace Treaty works out. Absent a treaty, it may become and extended occupation of Palestinian Territory as outlined in the 1988 Declaration of Independence and/or the Application for admission to the UN.

I am not holding my breath for a peace treaty. I cannot envision any proposal that would be agreeable to both sides. I just can't.

This conflict will continue until the people of the world decide they want peace more than war and decide to enforce international law. The way to peace is already in place. We only need to follow it.

Most Respectfully,
Back to the topic in question....

Nice deflection by the pro Israel group - you totally managed to hide the actual topic again.

Anyway, the news.

EU tells Israel to explain seizure of Palestinian aid | Reuters

(Reuters) - Senior European Union officials told Israel to explain why its soldiers seized a truckload of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians, saying they deplored the confiscation.
Israeli soldiers manhandled European diplomats on Friday and seized tents and emergency aid they had been trying to deliver to Palestinians whose homes were demolished this week.

The pro Israel lot neglect to mention:
This took place on illegally occupied land
The Israelis demolished houses, built by people that were there before Israel even existed
The Euro groups were delivering food and TENTS so the victims had shelter
The IDF stole the relief supplies

The pro Israel lot claim the Arabs were trying to rebuild their demolished homes but it was just tents.
The IDF attacked the convoy, attacked diplomats and stole the lot.

Once again, Israel's dogs do the bidding of their masters and the masters lie to cover up their ethnic cleansing attempts.
Back to the topic in question....

Nice deflection by the pro Israel group - you totally managed to hide the actual topic again.

Anyway, the news.

EU tells Israel to explain seizure of Palestinian aid | Reuters

(Reuters) - Senior European Union officials told Israel to explain why its soldiers seized a truckload of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians, saying they deplored the confiscation.
Israeli soldiers manhandled European diplomats on Friday and seized tents and emergency aid they had been trying to deliver to Palestinians whose homes were demolished this week.

The pro Israel lot neglect to mention:
This took place on illegally occupied land
The Israelis demolished houses, built by people that were there before Israel even existed
The Euro groups were delivering food and TENTS so the victims had shelter
The IDF stole the relief supplies

The pro Israel lot claim the Arabs were trying to rebuild their demolished homes but it was just tents.
The IDF attacked the convoy, attacked diplomats and stole the lot.

Once again, Israel's dogs do the bidding of their masters and the masters lie to cover up their ethnic cleansing attempts.

Show me how the pro - Israeli group tried to hide the actual topic
(Reuters) - Israeli soldiers manhandled European diplomats on Friday ...
Interesting, no report on diplomats' manholes.
and seized a truck full of tents and emergency aid they had been trying to deliver ...
Bedouins would enjoy additional free tents and "aid" - fits their nomadic "lifestyle" perfectly, of course.
... to Palestinians whose homes were demolished this week.
Another illegal bedouin settlement goes bust amid claims that their sheep have been grazing there for generations. So, if my cat pisses on some land long enough - land's mine. The bedouin have some cool excuses, indeed. Beats eminent domain.
A Reuters reporter saw soldiers throw sound grenades at a group of diplomats, aid workers and locals in the occupied West Bank, and yank a French diplomat out of the truck before driving away with its contents.
Occupational crier.
I'll bet.
Palistanians have the same addiction, betting on wrong horses, wrong moves and movers, etc..
... However, in their defence, they didn't rape her.
Were she raped in some arab country the incident would be hushed as politically incorrect, of course. And, indeed, the report was about "manhandling", not "womanhandling".
Back to the topic in question....

Nice deflection by the pro Israel group - you totally managed to hide the actual topic again.

Anyway, the news.

EU tells Israel to explain seizure of Palestinian aid | Reuters

(Reuters) - Senior European Union officials told Israel to explain why its soldiers seized a truckload of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians, saying they deplored the confiscation.
Israeli soldiers manhandled European diplomats on Friday and seized tents and emergency aid they had been trying to deliver to Palestinians whose homes were demolished this week.

The pro Israel lot neglect to mention:
This took place on illegally occupied land
The Israelis demolished houses, built by people that were there before Israel even existed
The Euro groups were delivering food and TENTS so the victims had shelter
The IDF stole the relief supplies

The pro Israel lot claim the Arabs were trying to rebuild their demolished homes but it was just tents.
The IDF attacked the convoy, attacked diplomats and stole the lot.

Once again, Israel's dogs do the bidding of their masters and the masters lie to cover up their ethnic cleansing attempts.

Show me how the pro - Israeli group tried to hide the actual topic

Just like that.:lol:
This took place on illegally occupied land
What's the name of the state that allegedly had existed there to cry illegal stuff?
The Israelis demolished houses, built by people that were there before Israel even existed
Did the bedouin produce any birth certificates and somesuch to back the contention up?
The Euro groups were delivering food and TENTS so the victims had shelter
Any "group", delivering ice to Antarctica, consists of dumbass individuals. So, delivering tents to the bedouin who has plenty of those to support the "nomadic lifestyle" was a typical provocation to cry abuse and theft, of course.
The IDF stole the relief supplies
It was the will of allah.
The pro Israel lot claim the Arabs were trying to rebuild their demolished homes but it was just tents.
Everything starts with tents, and illegal arab settlements ain't no exception, of course.
The IDF attacked the convoy, attacked diplomats and stole the lot.
Wazzup? It was meant to end that way, wasn't it?
#VisualLies: Exposing the Truth Behind Demonstrations in Judea and Samaria
Published on: September 21, 2013

Demonstrations in Judea and Samaria are known to make headlines, but do they show the truth? While images from the scenes of demonstrations may often seem violent and dramatic, more often than not a single shot is taken out of frame and out of context, failing to accurately portray what really happened beyond individual frame caught in the lens.

This is what we know [the facts]:
Yesterday, following an illegal attempt by Palestinians and foreign activists to erect tents in Samaria’s Hemdat area, in the northern Jordan Valley, security personnel responded to the site with the intent to implement a standing Supreme Court Decision. At the site, Palestinian and foreign activists violently objected, throwing stones and striking Israeli security forces. The security personnel contained the violence with riot dispersal means, seized the tents and detained three Palestinians who were the main instigators, forcefully objecting to the activity. Reports that foreign diplomats abused their diplomatic privileges are currently being reviewed and, if required, complaints will be filed with the relevant authorities.

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Paul Hirschson, said a formal complaint might be filed with the French over the involvement of French diplomat, Marion Castaing. “If she did participate then a formal complaint will be filed because that is not the way diplomats behave,” he said.

This is what is seen in the media: French diplomat Marion Castaing on the floor, with some media outlets questioning about the guns supposedly pointed at her by an Israeli police officer.


These images, such as the one shown above, are then turned viral. By spreading this misinformation, false interpretations are born with no context or truth behind them.

This is what the media fails to show:


The photo used to spread this misinformation was taken as a screenshot from a video with footage clearly showing that Marion Castaing was neither physically dragged to the floor nor had guns pointed at her. Also, the photo clearly shows that the officer is holding his gun by the magazine, nowhere near the rifle’s grip.



How come you haven’t come across these two photos, also filmed at demonstrations and protests in Judea and Samaria? Footage is filmed, photos are captured, and in the end, only those inciting the most controversy make your papers’ headlines. Although it may be difficult to disprove what is visible, it is important to make note that Palestinians who wish to deliberately spread lies about Israel are playing with the images that are being made visible to you, often times circulating false or poorly photoshopped photographs, as seen in the examples below:

Photo of IDF Soldier Stepping on Girl Proven False ? IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces

5 Anti-IDF Lies Which Turned Viral ? IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces

PROVED FAKE: Photo of Palestinian Prisoner Maysara Abu Hamdiya Handcuffed to Bed ? IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces

5 Anti-IDF Lies Which Turned Viral ? IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces

Many photos and videos have been manipulated to show Israel in a negative light. This is just another example of the length to which people will go to spread lies.

In addition to framing the scene in a misrepresentative way, Palestinians also often use the presence of photojournalists to impact the situation itself, as Palestinian protesters see their being filmed as an opportunity to instigate violence even when the situation does not call for it.

Italian photojournalist Ruben Salvadori realized that media doesn’t always show the big picture while covering Palestinian protests in Judea and Samaria. He explains: “Sometimes the situation is tense and dangerous, but many other times, the riots are nothing more than groups of young Palestinian kids who, with their face covered, throw rocks and disperse after the first tear gas is shot or go home if no IDF soldier comes.”

As shown in the video below, Palestinian children are often encouraged to confront IDF soldiers, taunting and provoking the soldiers in order to incite violence.

[ame=]Behind Palestinian Demonstrations - What Really Happens On TV - YouTube[/ame]

The recent demonstrations in Judea and Samaria have been making headlines lately, but these headlines aren’t always the real news. While photographs may appear to be authentic and honest, there is far more to visual journalism than is made public. Sometimes photojournalists capture a tense moment with perfect timing, but other times the action is staged.

#VisualLies: Exposing the Truth Behind Demonstrations in Judea & Samaria
Israel destroys a Palestinian village and steals their land.

Move along folks, there is nothing new here.
Israeli forces manhandle EU diplomats, seize West Bank aid | Reuters

(Reuters) - Israeli soldiers manhandled European diplomats on Friday and seized a truck full of tents and emergency aid they had been trying to deliver to Palestinians whose homes were demolished this week.
A Reuters reporter saw soldiers throw sound grenades at a group of diplomats, aid workers and locals in the occupied West Bank, and yank a French diplomat out of the truck before driving away with its contents.

"They dragged me out of the truck and forced me to the ground with no regard for my diplomatic immunity," French diplomat Marion Castaing said.

"This is how international law is being respected here," she said, covered with dust.

Once again, the IDF use their fully armed bastards to attack civilians, diplomats in this case.

The Israeli army and police declined to comment.

I'll bet.

First they knock down houses in their usual ethnic cleansing activities, them they attack and steal aid being sent to their victims and break international laws regarding diplomatic immunity and the rights of diplomats to travel unhindered.

Of course, the soldiers concerned in this major diplomatic incident will be punished.
Probably lose their rights to chocolate rations for a week.

However, they won't starve because they can eat all the food they stole from the diplomats when they held them up at gunpoint and threw a slightly built, unarmed woman out of a truck and held her at gunpoint.
However, in their defence, they didn't rape her.
Sorry the next time they'll allow any unannounced van possibly filled with explosives drive wherever it wants to and then blow itself up. After all, there "might" be a "diplomat" or "journalist" in it. I mean, it's not like Palestinians haven't used Red Cross Vehicles or Ambulances, or acted as if they are journalists, veiled women etc. before they ended up murdering a bunch of innocent people. No. It's all the Israelis fault.
I understand there is dancing in the streets when terrorist lies fool other people based on religious prejudice of being "infidels". The early reports on 9/11 were of people dancing in the streets everywhere in the Middle East, which tells me hundreds of thousands of people knew before it happened and were promised a day of jubilation on 9/11. Other early reports accused Jewish people of not showing up for work on 9/11. They were ready for a nation they could fool so easily.

It made me recollect a warning I'd heard from patriots who fought in the fights of WWII. Their warning was "be chary." We should.

They program people to kill themselves to kill enemies and are drugged and made promises that stretch the imagination of their future life in paradise in order to get them to murder and commit mayhem against people they can't con with their bullshit and lies.
RetiredGySgt, et al,

As I said, there was something wrong with the story.

Something is not right here.

I was trying to figure out the mission and duties of the diplomats.

Israel rejects EU criticism of Palestinian aid seizure

So a diplomat struck a police officer. now we are learning the REST of the story. Diplomats are not free to disobey local laws nor court rulings, they are not free to disregard the laws of the land they serve in.

They appear to be agent provocateurs. It is unknown (at this time) whether they are state sanctioned and sponsored --- or not.

In the diplomatic world, there are a whole slew of these self righteous, independent operators that abuse international diplomatic protections in the name of their own agenda. They are usually the younger, idealistic foreign service officers that recently acquired tenure.

I suspect there is still more to this story to come-out.

Most Respectfully,
Israel demolishes Arab housing that has no permits, but gives retro-active permits to Jewish housing that was built illegally.

when Israel flaunts its own laws in such a fashion, why should anyone else respect Israel's laws?
Israel demolishes Arab housing that has no permits, but gives retro-active permits to Jewish housing that was built illegally. when Israel flaunts its own laws in such a fashion, why should anyone else respect Israel's laws?
Inshallah effin lefties heed the allegation and stop bothering the courts with their dumbass soots.

As shown in the video below, Palestinian children are often encouraged to confront IDF soldiers, taunting and provoking the soldiers in order to incite violence.

Behind Palestinian Demonstrations - What Really Happens On TV - YouTube

The recent demonstrations in Judea and Samaria have been making headlines lately, but these headlines aren’t always the real news. While photographs may appear to be authentic and honest, there is far more to visual journalism than is made public. Sometimes photojournalists capture a tense moment with perfect timing, but other times the action is staged.[/B][/SIZE]

#VisualLies: Exposing the Truth Behind Demonstrations in Judea & Samaria
And of course, the Jackass Leftist French 'reporter' Initiated the physical incident.

[ame=]?????????? ???(??????) ???? ????(???? ??"?)-20/09/2013?? - YouTube[/ame]

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