IDF phsically attacks diplomats

There is more, always more, to look at when these events are reported. The IDF further states they "foiled an attempt Friday by Palestinians and EU diplomats to rebuild West Bank homes that were demolished earlier this week in accordance with a High Court of Justice ruling." This was no mere mistake or strong-arming of these people. The diplomats in addition to "Dozens of Palestinians arrived at the site, which is near a training base for the IDF’s Kfir Brigade, accompanied by left-wing activists and several diplomats, and began construction on new structures.

The High Court had ruled that the homes in what Palestinians call Khirbet Al-Makhul were constructed illegally, without building permits, and the ramshackle buildings were demolished on Monday.

According to the IDF Spokesperson, Palestinians at the scene Friday afternoon began hurling stones and physically beating the Israeli security forces that arrived."

Soldiers used crowd-dispersing methods to break up the melee and three Palestinians were arrested."
IDF says it blocked EU-Palestinian effort to rebuild demolished homes | The Times of Israel

This rendition of the facts show the IDF did nothing wrong.

Did you mention, the new homes were tents?
Add holding diplomats at gunpoint and you have something very wrong.
There is more, always more, to look at when these events are reported. The IDF further states they "foiled an attempt Friday by Palestinians and EU diplomats to rebuild West Bank homes that were demolished earlier this week in accordance with a High Court of Justice ruling." This was no mere mistake or strong-arming of these people. The diplomats in addition to "Dozens of Palestinians arrived at the site, which is near a training base for the IDF’s Kfir Brigade, accompanied by left-wing activists and several diplomats, and began construction on new structures.

The High Court had ruled that the homes in what Palestinians call Khirbet Al-Makhul were constructed illegally, without building permits, and the ramshackle buildings were demolished on Monday.

According to the IDF Spokesperson, Palestinians at the scene Friday afternoon began hurling stones and physically beating the Israeli security forces that arrived."

Soldiers used crowd-dispersing methods to break up the melee and three Palestinians were arrested."
IDF says it blocked EU-Palestinian effort to rebuild demolished homes | The Times of Israel

This rendition of the facts show the IDF did nothing wrong.

Did you mention, the new homes were tents?
Add holding diplomats at gunpoint and you have something very wrong.

You wish to make more of the fact that diplomats were involved, that is not as important as what these people were doing. They were in the process of rebuilding "homes" that were previously demolished.

Indeed, Foreign Ministry spokesman Paul Hirschson said a formal complaint might be filed with the French over the diplomat’s involvement, reported the Associated Press. “If she did participate then a formal complaint will be filed because that is not the way diplomats behave,” he said.

IDF says it blocked EU-Palestinian effort to rebuild demolished homes | The Times of Israel
P F Tinmore; et al,

You got to be kidding me!


What do the Palestinians do that is illegal?

The Palestinians are dedicated Jihadist and Feday'een. They have been terrorist since before Izz al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand. They've attack airports, highjacked commercial airliners, conducted piracy on the high seas, executed Olympic athletes, conducted suicide bombing, indiscriminate rocket attacks and ambushed unarmed civilians. So many terrorist actions have they been involved in that it would take several pages to list.

Even today, senior members of HAMAS and FATAH advocate further Jihadist and Feday'een action to promote their own agenda.

Most Respectfully,

Show me where self defense is illegal.

Killing civilians on purpose is NOT self defense ! Only a disgusting human being would think that it is.
P F Tinmore; et al,

You got to be kidding me!


The Palestinians are dedicated Jihadist and Feday'een. They have been terrorist since before Izz al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand. They've attack airports, highjacked commercial airliners, conducted piracy on the high seas, executed Olympic athletes, conducted suicide bombing, indiscriminate rocket attacks and ambushed unarmed civilians. So many terrorist actions have they been involved in that it would take several pages to list.

Even today, senior members of HAMAS and FATAH advocate further Jihadist and Feday'een action to promote their own agenda.

Most Respectfully,

Show me where self defense is illegal.

Killing civilians on purpose is NOT self defense ! Only a disgusting human being would think that it is.

Can you honestly tell us how many Palestinian and Israeli civilian deaths have occurred in this 65 years conflict?

I'll Google if you wish...
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P F Tinmore; et al,

You got to be kidding me!


What do the Palestinians do that is illegal?

The Palestinians are dedicated Jihadist and Feday'een. They have been terrorist since before Izz al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand. They've attack airports, highjacked commercial airliners, conducted piracy on the high seas, executed Olympic athletes, conducted suicide bombing, indiscriminate rocket attacks and ambushed unarmed civilians. So many terrorist actions have they been involved in that it would take several pages to list.

Even today, senior members of HAMAS and FATAH advocate further Jihadist and Feday'een action to promote their own agenda.

Most Respectfully,

The agenda to remove an invading force.
A lot like the French resistance tried to remove the Nazis.

I suppose they were terrorists as well.

During the Revolutionary War in America, the British press referred to George Washington as a Terrorist.
Gunny we're not at Parris Island Boot camp. They could have confiscated the contraband...Battering people and recruits joining the Corps is illegal in Democratic Societies...Israel regresses because the world has her behind N. Korea and Iran in likability Polls.

Mentally ill chimps like you are not qualified to comment on complex issues like international law, and certainly not on Israel. You can go back to your pokemon gameboy games now, dimwit. :cuckoo:
arrest all IDF personnel involved in this

Quite the arrogant l'il Colonialist, aren't you?

Just who do you imagine is going to arrest IDF personnel, and on what putative authority?

Thanks for the chuckle, though : ))

America claims the authority to attack many countries; why not Israel?

Does America make that claim?

It still wouldn't change the fact that Hoffy is some anonymous troll on a chat-board who has NO authority of any kind......
P F Tinmore; et al,

You got to be kidding me!


The Palestinians are dedicated Jihadist and Feday'een. They have been terrorist since before Izz al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand. They've attack airports, highjacked commercial airliners, conducted piracy on the high seas, executed Olympic athletes, conducted suicide bombing, indiscriminate rocket attacks and ambushed unarmed civilians. So many terrorist actions have they been involved in that it would take several pages to list.

Even today, senior members of HAMAS and FATAH advocate further Jihadist and Feday'een action to promote their own agenda.

Most Respectfully,

Show me where self defense is illegal.

Killing civilians on purpose is NOT self defense ! Only a disgusting human being would think that it is.

Not true. You base your conclusion on false premise.

The nationals of an occupying power are exempt from "civilian" status.
Show me where self defense is illegal.

Killing civilians on purpose is NOT self defense ! Only a disgusting human being would think that it is.

Not true. You base your conclusion on false premise.

The nationals of an occupying power are exempt from "civilian" status.

To say that the people of Israel are not civilians in their own country is an extremely stupid comment and really just makes you look like a fool.
Indofred, et al,

Remember, the situation of today, did not happen over night.

The agenda to remove an invading force.
A lot like the French resistance tried to remove the Nazis.

I suppose they were terrorists as well.

The Jewish Agency and the Jewish Immigrant went to the Mandate of Palestine Territory under invitation, under the concept established by the San Remo Convention. They ended up exercising their right to self-determination under the terms and conditions set forth in General Assembly Resolution 181(II). It was the Arab Palestinian, and the Arab League that defied the will of the General Assembly in 1948 and openly attacked, and again provoked conflict in 1967, and again conducted a sneak attack in 1973. In each conflict, the Arab Palestinian lost more and more control of territory. They didn't lose it because of Israeli expansionist ideas or objectives, but because their multinational Arab Armies and the Fifth Columnist of the Palestinian failed to achieve their objective in the form of open aggression.

It was, in the first War of 1948, the belief that all the territory under the former Mandate of Palestine should be brought under Arab rule. And that, without regard to the Resolution and Partition Plan, the Jewish (Israelis) had no right to control of any territory and no right to self-determination. And that same theory, under which the Hostile Arab Palestinian still operates today, is immortalized in both the HAMAS Covenant and the Palestinian National Charter.

The situation in which the Hostile Arab Palestinian now finds themselves is a creation of their own making. The Palestinian wanted to be the aggressor and now finds that they don't like the life of the aggressor and the lockdown and containment they have to endure. Yet, it is what the chose, and the the policy they promote even today.

If the Palestinian publicly advertised the pledge contained within the HAMAS Covenant and the Palestinian National Charter; and painted themselves in the open Jihadist and Feday'een that they are, the world would not be so forgiving. The Hostile Arab Palestine are Jihadist and Feday'een --- and not --- the poor victims of Israeli containment. They are today the body politic that was responsible for some of the most controversial terrorist acts every committed.

Most Respectfully,

The Jewish Agency and the Jewish Immigrant went to the Mandate of Palestine Territory under invitation,...

They were, but they were invited by foreigners.

They ended up exercising their right to self-determination under the terms and conditions set forth in General Assembly Resolution 181(II).

No they didn't.

It was the Arab Palestinian, and the Arab League that defied the will of the General Assembly in 1948...

No they didn't. Resolution 181 was never implemented. There was no resolution 181.
Killing civilians on purpose is NOT self defense ! Only a disgusting human being would think that it is.

Not true. You base your conclusion on false premise.

The nationals of an occupying power are exempt from "civilian" status.

To say that the people of Israel are not civilians in their own country is an extremely stupid comment and really just makes you look like a fool.
would you say the green line is a fair point to discuss what we consider civilians?...Any Israeli in the UN recognition of the present borders, i.e. past the Green Line is an invader.
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Killing civilians on purpose is NOT self defense ! Only a disgusting human being would think that it is.

Not true. You base your conclusion on false premise.

The nationals of an occupying power are exempt from "civilian" status.

To say that the people of Israel are not civilians in their own country is an extremely stupid comment and really just makes you look like a fool.

Take it up with the Fourth Geneva Convention. They said it.
Indofred, et al,

Remember, the situation of today, did not happen over night.

The agenda to remove an invading force.
A lot like the French resistance tried to remove the Nazis.

I suppose they were terrorists as well.

The Jewish Agency and the Jewish Immigrant went to the Mandate of Palestine Territory under invitation, under the concept established by the San Remo Convention. They ended up exercising their right to self-determination under the terms and conditions set forth in General Assembly Resolution 181(II). It was the Arab Palestinian, and the Arab League that defied the will of the General Assembly in 1948 and openly attacked, and again provoked conflict in 1967, and again conducted a sneak attack in 1973. In each conflict, the Arab Palestinian lost more and more control of territory. They didn't lose it because of Israeli expansionist ideas or objectives, but because their multinational Arab Armies and the Fifth Columnist of the Palestinian failed to achieve their objective in the form of open aggression.

It was, in the first War of 1948, the belief that all the territory under the former Mandate of Palestine should be brought under Arab rule. And that, without regard to the Resolution and Partition Plan, the Jewish (Israelis) had no right to control of any territory and no right to self-determination. And that same theory, under which the Hostile Arab Palestinian still operates today, is immortalized in both the HAMAS Covenant and the Palestinian National Charter.

The situation in which the Hostile Arab Palestinian now finds themselves is a creation of their own making. The Palestinian wanted to be the aggressor and now finds that they don't like the life of the aggressor and the lockdown and containment they have to endure. Yet, it is what the chose, and the the policy they promote even today.

If the Palestinian publicly advertised the pledge contained within the HAMAS Covenant and the Palestinian National Charter; and painted themselves in the open Jihadist and Feday'een that they are, the world would not be so forgiving. The Hostile Arab Palestine are Jihadist and Feday'een --- and not --- the poor victims of Israeli containment. They are today the body politic that was responsible for some of the most controversial terrorist acts every committed.

Most Respectfully,

They were, but they were invited by foreigners.

They ended up exercising their right to self-determination under the terms and conditions set forth in General Assembly Resolution 181(II).

No they didn't.

It was the Arab Palestinian, and the Arab League that defied the will of the General Assembly in 1948...

No they didn't. Resolution 181 was never implemented. There was no resolution 181.

They were invited by the British who ruled the land after capturing it from the Ottoman empire, Tinmore. You keep acting like only the Palestinians should be there.
The Palestinian Arabs had no autonomy, and NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land. They had no right to say if the British can or cannot invite Jewish people.
Not true. You base your conclusion on false premise.

The nationals of an occupying power are exempt from "civilian" status.

To say that the people of Israel are not civilians in their own country is an extremely stupid comment and really just makes you look like a fool.

Take it up with the Fourth Geneva Convention. They said it.

The fourth geneva convention says hte people of Israel are not civilians ?

Show me a link, this should be good !
would you say the green line is a fair point to discuss what we consider civilians?...Any Israeli in the UN recognition of the present borders, i.e. past the Green Line is an invader.

they are illegal settlers.

invaders? not sure about that. but they are not there legally.

occupying powers don't have the right to settle civilians on occupied land.
To say that the people of Israel are not civilians in their own country is an extremely stupid comment and really just makes you look like a fool.

Take it up with the Fourth Geneva Convention. They said it.

The fourth geneva convention says hte people of Israel are not civilians ?

Show me a link, this should be good !

Even when the definition of protected persons is set out in this way, it may seem rather complicated. Nevertheless, disregarding points of detail, it will be seen that there are two main classes of protected person: (1) ' enemy nationals ' within the national territory of each of the Parties to the conflict and (2) ' the whole population ' of occupied territories (excluding nationals of the Occupying Power).

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P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, this is a common claim by unknowledgeable Palestinians. If you take GA/RES/181(II) out of the equation, it works in Israel favor.

1. Establishment of the Commission

The resolution on the Future Government of Palestine, as adopted by the General Assembly at its one hundred twenty-eighth meeting on 29 November 1947, in paragraph 1, Section B, Part I, that “A Commission shall be set up consisting of one representatives of each of five Member States.” This Commission was charged with direct responsibility for implementing the measures recommended by the General Assembly.

SOURCE: A/AC.21/7 29 January 1948

The Palestinians always claim that GA/RES/181(II) was never "implemented." Only the Palestinian argue this. But oddly enough, they also argue against it.

Indofred, et al,

Remember, the situation of today, did not happen over night.


The Jewish Agency and the Jewish Immigrant went to the Mandate of Palestine Territory under invitation, under the concept established by the San Remo Convention. They ended up exercising their right to self-determination under the terms and conditions set forth in General Assembly Resolution 181(II). It was the Arab Palestinian, and the Arab League that defied the will of the General Assembly in 1948 and openly attacked, and again provoked conflict in 1967, and again conducted a sneak attack in 1973. In each conflict, the Arab Palestinian lost more and more control of territory. They didn't lose it because of Israeli expansionist ideas or objectives, but because their multinational Arab Armies and the Fifth Columnist of the Palestinian failed to achieve their objective in the form of open aggression.

It was, in the first War of 1948, the belief that all the territory under the former Mandate of Palestine should be brought under Arab rule. And that, without regard to the Resolution and Partition Plan, the Jewish (Israelis) had no right to control of any territory and no right to self-determination. And that same theory, under which the Hostile Arab Palestinian still operates today, is immortalized in both the HAMAS Covenant and the Palestinian National Charter.

The situation in which the Hostile Arab Palestinian now finds themselves is a creation of their own making. The Palestinian wanted to be the aggressor and now finds that they don't like the life of the aggressor and the lockdown and containment they have to endure. Yet, it is what the chose, and the the policy they promote even today.

If the Palestinian publicly advertised the pledge contained within the HAMAS Covenant and the Palestinian National Charter; and painted themselves in the open Jihadist and Feday'een that they are, the world would not be so forgiving. The Hostile Arab Palestine are Jihadist and Feday'een --- and not --- the poor victims of Israeli containment. They are today the body politic that was responsible for some of the most controversial terrorist acts every committed.

Most Respectfully,

They were, but they were invited by foreigners.

No they didn't.

It was the Arab Palestinian, and the Arab League that defied the will of the General Assembly in 1948...

No they didn't. Resolution 181 was never implemented. There was no resolution 181.

They were invited by the British who ruled the land after capturing it from the Ottoman empire, Tinmore. You keep acting like only the Palestinians should be there.
The Palestinian Arabs had no autonomy, and NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land. They had no right to say if the British can or cannot invite Jewish people.

The Palestinians also use GA/RES/181(II) when it is to their favor. Palestinians are allowed to pick and choose when the recognize a Resolution.
  • They used it in their Declaration of Independence A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988
  • They used it in Recognition Processes
  • They use it in the Application Process (2011)
Letter dated 25 March 1999 from the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General said:
For the Palestinian side, and since the strategic decision to forge a peace on the basis of coexistence, resolution 181 (II) has become acceptable. The resolution provides the legal basis for the existence of both the Jewish and the Arab States in Mandated Palestine. According to the resolution, Jerusalem should become a corpus separatum, which the Palestinian side is willing to take into consideration and to reconcile with the Palestinian position that East Jerusalem is part of the Palestinian territory and the capital of the Palestinian State. The Palestinian side adheres to international legitimacy and respects General Assembly resolution 181 (II), as well as Security Council resolution 242 (1967), the implementation of which is the aim of the current Middle East peace process.

(Signed) Nasser AL-KIDWA
Ambassador Permanent Observer of
Palestine to the United Nations​

SOURCE: A/53/879 S/1999/334 25 March 1999

A/66/371 S/2011/592 23 September 2011 said:
I have the profound honour, on behalf of the Palestinian people, to submit this application of the State of Palestine for admission to membership in the United Nations.

This application for membership is being submitted based on the Palestinian people’s natural, legal and historic rights and based on United Nations General Assembly resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947 as well as the Declaration of Independence of the State of Palestine of 15 November 1988 and the acknowledgement by the General Assembly of this Declaration in resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988.

(Signed) Mahmoud Abbas
President of the State of Palestine
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
Palestine Liberation Organization​

SOURCE: Application of the State of Palestine for admission to membership in the United Nations

The argument is a derivative of the dispute between Palestinian Factions and the recognition of competent authority.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, this is a common claim by unknowledgeable Palestinians. If you take GA/RES/181(II) out of the equation, it works in Israel favor.

1. Establishment of the Commission

The resolution on the Future Government of Palestine, as adopted by the General Assembly at its one hundred twenty-eighth meeting on 29 November 1947, in paragraph 1, Section B, Part I, that “A Commission shall be set up consisting of one representatives of each of five Member States.” This Commission was charged with direct responsibility for implementing the measures recommended by the General Assembly.

SOURCE: A/AC.21/7 29 January 1948

The Palestinians always claim that GA/RES/181(II) was never "implemented." Only the Palestinian argue this. But oddly enough, they also argue against it.

They were invited by the British who ruled the land after capturing it from the Ottoman empire, Tinmore. You keep acting like only the Palestinians should be there.
The Palestinian Arabs had no autonomy, and NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land. They had no right to say if the British can or cannot invite Jewish people.

The Palestinians also use GA/RES/181(II) when it is to their favor. Palestinians are allowed to pick and choose when the recognize a Resolution.
  • They used it in their Declaration of Independence A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988
  • They used it in Recognition Processes
  • They use it in the Application Process (2011)
Letter dated 25 March 1999 from the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General said:
For the Palestinian side, and since the strategic decision to forge a peace on the basis of coexistence, resolution 181 (II) has become acceptable. The resolution provides the legal basis for the existence of both the Jewish and the Arab States in Mandated Palestine. According to the resolution, Jerusalem should become a corpus separatum, which the Palestinian side is willing to take into consideration and to reconcile with the Palestinian position that East Jerusalem is part of the Palestinian territory and the capital of the Palestinian State. The Palestinian side adheres to international legitimacy and respects General Assembly resolution 181 (II), as well as Security Council resolution 242 (1967), the implementation of which is the aim of the current Middle East peace process.

(Signed) Nasser AL-KIDWA
Ambassador Permanent Observer of
Palestine to the United Nations​

SOURCE: A/53/879 S/1999/334 25 March 1999

A/66/371 S/2011/592 23 September 2011 said:
I have the profound honour, on behalf of the Palestinian people, to submit this application of the State of Palestine for admission to membership in the United Nations.

This application for membership is being submitted based on the Palestinian people’s natural, legal and historic rights and based on United Nations General Assembly resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947 as well as the Declaration of Independence of the State of Palestine of 15 November 1988 and the acknowledgement by the General Assembly of this Declaration in resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988.

(Signed) Mahmoud Abbas
President of the State of Palestine
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
Palestine Liberation Organization​

SOURCE: Application of the State of Palestine for admission to membership in the United Nations

The argument is a derivative of the dispute between Palestinian Factions and the recognition of competent authority.

Most Respectfully,

So then, these are the legal borders of Israel and Palestine.


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