IDF phsically attacks diplomats

delivering food and medical supplies doesn't violate Israeli law.

destroying Arab housing because they have no building permits but allowing retro-active building permits for Jewish housing, shows how little Israel cares about laws including their OWN.

Don't forget to mention, the tribesmen were farming that land before Israel existed.
However, they have no right to live there because the ethnic cleansing policy says so.

It's interesting to see the more foolish posters defending a gang of armed troops pulling a small woman out of a truck, throwing her to the dirt and holding her at gunpoint.

Personally, I feel that's more than a little out of order.

at least they didn't run her over with a bulldozer like Rachel Corrie!

How do you know she was run over on purpose ?

Oh wait, that's right ! You don't !! You just like to bring up these incidents to vilify Israel !

She stood in front of an army bulldozer while the driver was operating. So please don't tell me the driver murdered her.
Despite what you say, you are admitting that it's OK for misguided fools like these activist diplomats to hysterically get in the way.
For a start, diplomats are expected to stay within the laws of the country they are working and their misguided practices are a gross breach of all diplomatic conventions!...

you mean like the laws that Israel regularly flaunts?
Despite the nonsensical raving and ranting of these activist-diplomats, the fact still remains the Highest Court of Justice ruled that proper building permits had not being obtained and thus the IDF actions were completely legal.

It's a pity that this anti-zionists activist fools haven't got the courage to carry out their antics where there are real humanitarian problems such as in Syria where 100.000 people have died! Any aid from these activists anti zionists would no doubt be welcome there.... but of course they know that the worst that can happen when they carry out their little games with Israelis is that they might be pushed aside when necessary.

In Syria a much worse fate may happen to them and this would rather spoil their fun and their arrogant loud mouth,pseudo-bravery would quickly collapse.

meanwhile Israel allows settlements that were built on stolen land and built without building permits, to stand untouched.

shows how little Israel cares about the law.

Despite what you say, you are admitting that it's OK for misguided fools like these activist diplomats to hysterically get in the way.
For a start, diplomats are expected to stay within the laws of the country they are working and their misguided practices are a gross breach of all diplomatic conventions! They would be the first to scream loudly if diplomats from another country carried out similar behavior in their own countries.

Their own bravado is unimpressive and most certainly not being sanctioned by their relelvant governments.

Skye, don't you get it? It was Israel who was involved in this incident ! So to the pro - Palis here, no matter what, no matter how and no matter who, Israel did wrong ! There is absolutely no other possible outcome for them except that Israel is wrong and they are the aggressor ! It's like an automatic thought in their head ! Once they read an article like this, they have no concerns about what happened before or why it happened. All they care about is demonizing Israel. That's what they live for.
meanwhile Israel allows settlements that were built on stolen land and built without building permits, to stand untouched.

shows how little Israel cares about the law.

Despite what you say, you are admitting that it's OK for misguided fools like these activist diplomats to hysterically get in the way.
For a start, diplomats are expected to stay within the laws of the country they are working and their misguided practices are a gross breach of all diplomatic conventions! They would be the first to scream loudly if diplomats from another country carried out similar behavior in their own countries.

Their own bravado is unimpressive and most certainly not being sanctioned by their relelvant governments.

Skye, don't you get it? It was Israel who was involved in this incident ! So to the pro - Palis here, no matter what, no matter how and no matter who, Israel did wrong ! There is absolutely no other possible outcome for them except that Israel is wrong and they are the aggressor ! It's like an automatic thought in their head ! Once they read an article like this, they have no concerns about what happened before or why it happened. All they care about is demonizing Israel. That's what they live for.

Toast, its not because Israel was wrong in stopping the un-authorized shipment, they were wrong to use brutality in a simple arrest if need be...Israel lost an ally in Turkey for brutality on the high seas, instead of simply shooting up the engines to stop them.

These tactics remind me of a Banana republic rather than an American ally.
Indofred, et al,

Something is not right here.

Israeli forces manhandle EU diplomats, seize West Bank aid | Reuters

(Reuters) - Israeli soldiers manhandled European diplomats on Friday and seized a truck full of tents and emergency aid they had been trying to deliver to Palestinians whose homes were demolished this week.
A Reuters reporter saw soldiers throw sound grenades at a group of diplomats, aid workers and locals in the occupied West Bank, and yank a French diplomat out of the truck before driving away with its contents.

"They dragged me out of the truck and forced me to the ground with no regard for my diplomatic immunity," French diplomat Marion Castaing said.

"This is how international law is being respected here," she said, covered with dust.

Once again, the IDF use their fully armed bastards to attack civilians, diplomats in this case.

The Israeli army and police declined to comment.

I noticed that the article doesn't mention if the Diplomats in question were accredited members of a Diplomatic Mission in Israel. Nor did the new article indicate that the Diplomats or the seized truck of tents and emergency aid had received prior approval for entry under the convention.

Diplomatic immunity is not meant to benefit individuals personally; it is meant to ensure that foreign officials can do their jobs. The question here, which the news article does not address, is whether these diplomats were performing duties of there respective missions, whether these duties were accredited with Israel, and whether they had asked permission to proceed. It also doesn't mention if the cargo seized was under diplomatic seal and articles for the official use of the mission; articles for the personal use of a diplomat or members of his family forming part of his household, including articles intended for his establishment. Nor does it say the material had an entry permit and was granted exemption from all customs duties, taxes, and related charges other than charges for storage, cartage and similar services.

Finally, the article doesn't say when the diplomats presented their proper credentials to the Israeli officials. Diplomatic immunity is not card blanche to violate any law, or to ignore any otherwise lawful order.

Any time diplomatic personnel attempt to use their accreditation and standing to deliberately violate the host nation laws, and to stand above the law, the host nation takes a dim view of the mission and may purposely impose limitations and withdraw courtesies, that they would otherwise extend in most cases.

This article has many holes in it. There are questions that people might not ask, if they never had diplomatic immunity.

I would not be too quick to judge. There may be a diplomatic incident here, but it may not necessarily be on the Israeli side that committed it.

And based on some of the diplomatic comments like:

"What the Israelis are doing is not helpful to the negotiations. Under any circumstances, talks or not, they're obligated to respect international law," the unnamed EU diplomat said.​

This may very well be a staged event to create an incident to incite trouble.

Most Respectfully,

Israel generally does not give a rat's ass about any law except when it benefits them. So, blabbing on about law is quite disingenuous.

Bottom line is that Israel bulldozed people houses then stole the tents for their shelter.

Both are lower than whale shit.
If Israel cared about law, they wouldn't be building settlements on stolen land and giving retro-active permits to Jewish settlements.
P F Tinmore; et al,

Clearly, you don't have a understanding on the exchange of diplomatic niceties.

Israel generally does not give a rat's ass about any law except when it benefits them. So, blabbing on about law is quite disingenuous.

Bottom line is that Israel bulldozed people houses then stole the tents for their shelter.

Both are lower than whale shit.

First, when one country violates immunity protocols, the country of the diplomats that were violated, imposes a similar actions on the diplomats in their country; tit-for-tat.

Second, you don't know what went down, and what the Foreign Ministry's intentions are. While the shipment is stopped, you don't know what the intentions are for disposition.​

I'm not sure who is being "disingenuous" here. Everyone knows that periodically, anti-Israeli/pro-Palestinians activist attempt to run borders controls. This is not unusual. They attempt all sorts of penetrations just for the shock value and media event.

I'm not sure that how accurate the story is. I can clearly see, in the pictures, Police on the scene, as well as IDF. It may not have been the IDF that arrested anyone. It may have been police; with IDF backup.

You only know a piece of the story. Clearly not enough to be objective.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore; et al,

Clearly, you don't have a understanding on the exchange of diplomatic niceties.

Israel generally does not give a rat's ass about any law except when it benefits them. So, blabbing on about law is quite disingenuous.

Bottom line is that Israel bulldozed people houses then stole the tents for their shelter.

Both are lower than whale shit.

First, when one country violates immunity protocols, the country of the diplomats that were violated, imposes a similar actions on the diplomats in their country; tit-for-tat.

Second, you don't know what went down, and what the Foreign Ministry's intentions are. While the shipment is stopped, you don't know what the intentions are for disposition.​

I'm not sure who is being "disingenuous" here. Everyone knows that periodically, anti-Israeli/pro-Palestinians activist attempt to run borders controls. This is not unusual. They attempt all sorts of penetrations just for the shock value and media event.

I'm not sure that how accurate the story is. I can clearly see, in the pictures, Police on the scene, as well as IDF. It may not have been the IDF that arrested anyone. It may have been police; with IDF backup.

You only know a piece of the story. Clearly not enough to be objective.

Most Respectfully,

Law or no, it was still an asshole thing for Israel to do on both counts.
P F Tinmore; et al,

Is it really?

P F Tinmore; et al,

Clearly, you don't have a understanding on the exchange of diplomatic niceties.

Israel generally does not give a rat's ass about any law except when it benefits them. So, blabbing on about law is quite disingenuous.

Bottom line is that Israel bulldozed people houses then stole the tents for their shelter.

Both are lower than whale shit.

First, when one country violates immunity protocols, the country of the diplomats that were violated, imposes a similar actions on the diplomats in their country; tit-for-tat.

Second, you don't know what went down, and what the Foreign Ministry's intentions are. While the shipment is stopped, you don't know what the intentions are for disposition.​

I'm not sure who is being "disingenuous" here. Everyone knows that periodically, anti-Israeli/pro-Palestinians activist attempt to run borders controls. This is not unusual. They attempt all sorts of penetrations just for the shock value and media event.

I'm not sure that how accurate the story is. I can clearly see, in the pictures, Police on the scene, as well as IDF. It may not have been the IDF that arrested anyone. It may have been police; with IDF backup.

You only know a piece of the story. Clearly not enough to be objective.

Most Respectfully,

Law or no, it was still an asshole thing for Israel to do on both counts.

The Palestinians are not known to be law abiding. They have an establish history of criminal behaviors.

There are several factions that want to create an environment that hampers a peace agreement between the Palestinians and the Israeli. It is very possible that this is just one more induced event that has the purpose of stressing the situation.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore; et al,

Is it really?

P F Tinmore; et al,

Clearly, you don't have a understanding on the exchange of diplomatic niceties.


First, when one country violates immunity protocols, the country of the diplomats that were violated, imposes a similar actions on the diplomats in their country; tit-for-tat.

Second, you don't know what went down, and what the Foreign Ministry's intentions are. While the shipment is stopped, you don't know what the intentions are for disposition.​

I'm not sure who is being "disingenuous" here. Everyone knows that periodically, anti-Israeli/pro-Palestinians activist attempt to run borders controls. This is not unusual. They attempt all sorts of penetrations just for the shock value and media event.

I'm not sure that how accurate the story is. I can clearly see, in the pictures, Police on the scene, as well as IDF. It may not have been the IDF that arrested anyone. It may have been police; with IDF backup.

You only know a piece of the story. Clearly not enough to be objective.

Most Respectfully,

Law or no, it was still an asshole thing for Israel to do on both counts.

The Palestinians are not known to be law abiding. They have an establish history of criminal behaviors.

There are several factions that want to create an environment that hampers a peace agreement between the Palestinians and the Israeli. It is very possible that this is just one more induced event that has the purpose of stressing the situation.

Most Respectfully,


What do the Palestinians do that is illegal?
P F Tinmore; et al,

You got to be kidding me!


What do the Palestinians do that is illegal?

The Palestinians are dedicated Jihadist and Feday'een. They have been terrorist since before Izz al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand. They've attack airports, highjacked commercial airliners, conducted piracy on the high seas, executed Olympic athletes, conducted suicide bombing, indiscriminate rocket attacks and ambushed unarmed civilians. So many terrorist actions have they been involved in that it would take several pages to list.

Even today, senior members of HAMAS and FATAH advocate further Jihadist and Feday'een action to promote their own agenda.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore; et al,

You got to be kidding me!


What do the Palestinians do that is illegal?

The Palestinians are dedicated Jihadist and Feday'een. They have been terrorist since before Izz al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand. They've attack airports, highjacked commercial airliners, conducted piracy on the high seas, executed Olympic athletes, conducted suicide bombing, indiscriminate rocket attacks and ambushed unarmed civilians. So many terrorist actions have they been involved in that it would take several pages to list.

Even today, senior members of HAMAS and FATAH advocate further Jihadist and Feday'een action to promote their own agenda.

Most Respectfully,

Show me where self defense is illegal.
As to man handling removing someone from a vehicle that is illegally present is allowed. Morons.

Actually, it isn't.
Their immunity protects them from that but they may have their status removed if they were abusing it.
The IDF was well out of order.

If you think it's fine to attack diplomats, I propose smashing the Israeli diplomat's faces in whenever anyone sees one of the bastards.
P F Tinmore; et al,

You got to be kidding me!


What do the Palestinians do that is illegal?

The Palestinians are dedicated Jihadist and Feday'een. They have been terrorist since before Izz al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand. They've attack airports, highjacked commercial airliners, conducted piracy on the high seas, executed Olympic athletes, conducted suicide bombing, indiscriminate rocket attacks and ambushed unarmed civilians. So many terrorist actions have they been involved in that it would take several pages to list.

Even today, senior members of HAMAS and FATAH advocate further Jihadist and Feday'een action to promote their own agenda.

Most Respectfully,

The agenda to remove an invading force.
A lot like the French resistance tried to remove the Nazis.

I suppose they were terrorists as well.
delivering food and medical supplies doesn't violate Israeli law.

destroying Arab housing because they have no building permits but allowing retro-active building permits for Jewish housing, shows how little Israel cares about laws including their OWN.

Don't forget to mention, the tribesmen were farming that land before Israel existed.
However, they have no right to live there because the ethnic cleansing policy says so.

It's interesting to see the more foolish posters defending a gang of armed troops pulling a small woman out of a truck, throwing her to the dirt and holding her at gunpoint.

Personally, I feel that's more than a little out of order.

at least they didn't run her over with a bulldozer like Rachel Corrie!

I don't believe that story at all.
I mean, come on, I've seen the doctored video of an American woman, wearing a high vis jacket, being run over by an Israeli IDF bulldozer.

Would the IDF really deliberately murder a woman by squashing her with their bulldozer?

Oh, yer, they did.

The driver didn't see her - bullshit. Perhaps the driver was an ex bomber pilot from the Liberty attack; they seemed to have very bad eyesight.

Indofred, et al,

Remember, the situation of today, did not happen over night.

The agenda to remove an invading force.
A lot like the French resistance tried to remove the Nazis.

I suppose they were terrorists as well.

The Jewish Agency and the Jewish Immigrant went to the Mandate of Palestine Territory under invitation, under the concept established by the San Remo Convention. They ended up exercising their right to self-determination under the terms and conditions set forth in General Assembly Resolution 181(II). It was the Arab Palestinian, and the Arab League that defied the will of the General Assembly in 1948 and openly attacked, and again provoked conflict in 1967, and again conducted a sneak attack in 1973. In each conflict, the Arab Palestinian lost more and more control of territory. They didn't lose it because of Israeli expansionist ideas or objectives, but because their multinational Arab Armies and the Fifth Columnist of the Palestinian failed to achieve their objective in the form of open aggression.

It was, in the first War of 1948, the belief that all the territory under the former Mandate of Palestine should be brought under Arab rule. And that, without regard to the Resolution and Partition Plan, the Jewish (Israelis) had no right to control of any territory and no right to self-determination. And that same theory, under which the Hostile Arab Palestinian still operates today, is immortalized in both the HAMAS Covenant and the Palestinian National Charter.

The situation in which the Hostile Arab Palestinian now finds themselves is a creation of their own making. The Palestinian wanted to be the aggressor and now finds that they don't like the life of the aggressor and the lockdown and containment they have to endure. Yet, it is what the chose, and the the policy they promote even today.

If the Palestinian publicly advertised the pledge contained within the HAMAS Covenant and the Palestinian National Charter; and painted themselves in the open Jihadist and Feday'een that they are, the world would not be so forgiving. The Hostile Arab Palestine are Jihadist and Feday'een --- and not --- the poor victims of Israeli containment. They are today the body politic that was responsible for some of the most controversial terrorist acts every committed.

Most Respectfully,
Indofred, et al,

Remember, the situation of today, did not happen over night.

The agenda to remove an invading force.
A lot like the French resistance tried to remove the Nazis.

I suppose they were terrorists as well.

The Jewish Agency and the Jewish Immigrant went to the Mandate of Palestine Territory under invitation, under the concept established by the San Remo Convention. They ended up exercising their right to self-determination under the terms and conditions set forth in General Assembly Resolution 181(II). It was the Arab Palestinian, and the Arab League that defied the will of the General Assembly in 1948 and openly attacked, and again provoked conflict in 1967, and again conducted a sneak attack in 1973. In each conflict, the Arab Palestinian lost more and more control of territory. They didn't lose it because of Israeli expansionist ideas or objectives, but because their multinational Arab Armies and the Fifth Columnist of the Palestinian failed to achieve their objective in the form of open aggression.

It was, in the first War of 1948, the belief that all the territory under the former Mandate of Palestine should be brought under Arab rule. And that, without regard to the Resolution and Partition Plan, the Jewish (Israelis) had no right to control of any territory and no right to self-determination. And that same theory, under which the Hostile Arab Palestinian still operates today, is immortalized in both the HAMAS Covenant and the Palestinian National Charter.

The situation in which the Hostile Arab Palestinian now finds themselves is a creation of their own making. The Palestinian wanted to be the aggressor and now finds that they don't like the life of the aggressor and the lockdown and containment they have to endure. Yet, it is what the chose, and the the policy they promote even today.

If the Palestinian publicly advertised the pledge contained within the HAMAS Covenant and the Palestinian National Charter; and painted themselves in the open Jihadist and Feday'een that they are, the world would not be so forgiving. The Hostile Arab Palestine are Jihadist and Feday'een --- and not --- the poor victims of Israeli containment. They are today the body politic that was responsible for some of the most controversial terrorist acts every committed.

Most Respectfully,

Then invaded much more, illegally occupied it, removed the legitimate owners and transplanted their own people, against international law.

Other than that, a bit of mass murder, ethnic cleansing and massive abuse of anyone they fancy, the Israeli government is guilty of nothing.
There is more, always more, to look at when these events are reported. The IDF further states they "foiled an attempt Friday by Palestinians and EU diplomats to rebuild West Bank homes that were demolished earlier this week in accordance with a High Court of Justice ruling." This was no mere mistake or strong-arming of these people. The diplomats in addition to "Dozens of Palestinians arrived at the site, which is near a training base for the IDF’s Kfir Brigade, accompanied by left-wing activists and several diplomats, and began construction on new structures.

The High Court had ruled that the homes in what Palestinians call Khirbet Al-Makhul were constructed illegally, without building permits, and the ramshackle buildings were demolished on Monday.

According to the IDF Spokesperson, Palestinians at the scene Friday afternoon began hurling stones and physically beating the Israeli security forces that arrived."

Soldiers used crowd-dispersing methods to break up the melee and three Palestinians were arrested."
IDF says it blocked EU-Palestinian effort to rebuild demolished homes | The Times of Israel

This rendition of the facts show the IDF did nothing wrong.
Diplomatic immunity does not allow you to deliver materials to people barred by the Government you are a guest of. As to man handling removing someone from a vehicle that is illegally present is allowed. Morons.

I agree with you, it was more than delivering material, it was helping to rebuild ramshackle housing in violation of the law.

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