Idiots Grind their Little Gears Here. Meanwhile, the Real World Moves on

You are one of the idiots referenced in the thread title. If you've got nothing to say about the actual topic of this thread, get the fuck out.
Time for people to point out the facts. No more or less.

Anyone that has to spin is causing more harm then good.
You clearly have nothing to say on the topic. Get the fuck out, loser.
Interracial marriage in US hits new high: 1 in 12 - US news - Life | NBC News

For all the nonsense posted here, out in the real world people are getting on with being real people.

"A Pew Research Center study, released Thursday, details a diversifying America where interracial unions and the mixed-race children they produce are challenging typical notions of race.

"The rise in interracial marriage indicates that race relations have improved over the past quarter century," said Daniel Lichter, a sociology professor at Cornell University. "Mixed-race children have blurred America's color line. They often interact with others on either side of the racial divide and frequently serve as brokers between friends and family members of different racial backgrounds," he said."

"The results of these studies provide a positive
outlook, suggesting that an awareness of the arbitrary nature of
race may lessen the impact of racial stereotypes on individuals. For
multiracial individuals, the results of this study suggest that an
increased awareness of race as social construction could potentially
provide a protective function for multiracial individuals from
racial stigmatization. By emphasizing the fact that race is a biologically
meaningless dimension along which to categorize people,
multiracial individuals are also able to undermine the validity of
many of the social stereotypes and stigmata associated with race."
It's good to know that as we leave the idiot racists behind, the US will continue to lead the world in moving forward. There will always be 'mistakes' like matthew, shitshisspeedos, and salt, but they are increasingly isolated aberrations that will be eliminated or left behind.

The demographic facts referenced here bear this out.

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