IDs should be mandatory in order to vote

Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

You do have to show ID to vote. Just not your super duper special ID's with exact match, or certain address requirements that Republicans keep demanding poor people travel many miles and pay serious money to obtain.

Dragonbreath linking CNN.What could possibly be wrong?
Do you like ignorant better? That certainly pertains to those quotes.

If someone is too ignorant to get an ID, not sure I would want them voting in the first place. I know Democrats do, but that is another story.
Getting an ID isn’t always as easy as you think. Not everyone has a certified copy of their birth certificate, especially poor and elderly people. When they do, there could be clerical errors.

Some people had to jump through big hurdles to get hear IDs and it’s no joke.
I am sure you’re right that for some people it is harder to get a copy of their birth certificate, especially when, let’s say, the courthouse burned down where you were born that held state birth certificates and you have to wait so long to receive a copy and similar cases. The thing is people have almost 4 (or 2) years to do it for next national election. That’s more than enough time to obtain one, even with all the expected and unexpected goofs that our government often produces with adding red tape to obtain personal records that the state has in fact lost.
People shouldn’t have to deal with all the government red tape. The government should be more interested in helping people. As the case in the story, the man couldn’t drive but had to get to a courthouse an hour away.

It’s not enough to make an ID free. We need to have people who are funded to get these individuals through the red tape. People are actually want to help.

Then you can mandate voter ID.
Simple is always the best route in most everything, while the government we know is far from that. The more layers of oversight you add the more ridiculous the process becomes. It sounds like you’re adding another layer that would delay the process of waiting around to find people to help. There should be no waiting around in life for others to do what you can do for yourself.

Now, with regards to the blind man who lived an hour’s drive from the courthouse with his records and he needs a copy? I assume the blind man does not have Medicaid that offers vision help- Braille phones etc. for those who are legally blind? Disabled people qualify for disability and the assistance that comes with that. That government assistance should help that particular individual with getting an ID. Helping people one by one gets things done, it’s a small effort to help one and move on to another. Waiting around to form some type of grassroots effort could take a long time, and that wait time needs adjusting.
Now, with regards to the blind man who lived an hour’s drive from the courthouse with his records and he needs a copy? I assume the blind man does not have Medicaid that offers vision help- Braille phones etc. for those who are legally blind? Disabled people qualify for disability and the assistance that comes with that. That government assistance should help that particular individual with getting an ID. Helping people one by one gets things done, it’s a small effort to help one and move on to another. Waiting around to form some type of grassroots effort could take a long time, and that wait time needs adjusting.
I don’t know how many poor and disabled people you work with, I work with a lot of them. The assistance provided by disability isn’t exactly robust. I can hardly get them resources to drive across town let alone across states.

I don’t need a grass roots volunteer effort. I need a large scale government program to make it happen. Lump it into the census. That’s my suggestion.
I always vote in person, WHY because I can still drive, my polling place is close, you can get inside quickly out of the weather, It usually takes 20 min or less & I can still stand that long. people are helpful as both my hearing and eyesight are poor. But what if all that became harder or impossible as I get older? would you make it impossible for me to vote because I was unable to vote in person, DO some of you hate not just minority's but also old white people?

Who the fuck are you talking to?
I always vote in person, WHY because I can still drive, my polling place is close, you can get inside quickly out of the weather, It usually takes 20 min or less & I can still stand that long. people are helpful as both my hearing and eyesight are poor. But what if all that became harder or impossible as I get older? would you make it impossible for me to vote because I was unable to vote in person, DO some of you hate not just minority's but also old white people?
It's called absentee voting.
Duh, yes we have absentee voting. Am talking to the people who say we should all vote in person.

Such as whom? Give us a name, show us a quote, do not just expect us to take your straw man of, "Some people want THIS, because I say they do."
Now, with regards to the blind man who lived an hour’s drive from the courthouse with his records and he needs a copy? I assume the blind man does not have Medicaid that offers vision help- Braille phones etc. for those who are legally blind? Disabled people qualify for disability and the assistance that comes with that. That government assistance should help that particular individual with getting an ID. Helping people one by one gets things done, it’s a small effort to help one and move on to another. Waiting around to form some type of grassroots effort could take a long time, and that wait time needs adjusting.
I don’t know how many poor and disabled people you work with, I work with a lot of them. The assistance provided by disability isn’t exactly robust. I can hardly get them resources to drive across town let alone across states.

I don’t need a grass roots volunteer effort. I need a large scale government program to make it happen. Lump it into the census. That’s my suggestion.
Occupationally I do not work with the indigent population nor the disabled. What I have seen are individuals I know who have extremely low vision, which is pretty much a definition for legally blind. One woman with such limited vision (center of vision missing and only one eye partially detects light) received better care after she spent down her money to get on Medicaid. It might be a state by state thing with how much assistance but she has had but wonderful help with so many things. I could write a short thesis telling you about her life. She’s lucky in that she has a good neighbor who watches out for her and nurses who visit weekly, but I’m not sure about the frequency. Regardless of all the struggles of individuals across the nation with various disabilities and economic problems, there is no good reason that the government should not provide an ID for every single adult citizen in need, but I will stress the word citizen when we’re talking about voting rights.
I don’t need a grass roots volunteer effort. I need a large scale government program to make it happen. Lump it into the census. That’s my suggestion.
Yea, that's just what we need, another worthless dept. in the government. Let's steal some more of the people's money.
Now, with regards to the blind man who lived an hour’s drive from the courthouse with his records and he needs a copy? I assume the blind man does not have Medicaid that offers vision help- Braille phones etc. for those who are legally blind? Disabled people qualify for disability and the assistance that comes with that. That government assistance should help that particular individual with getting an ID. Helping people one by one gets things done, it’s a small effort to help one and move on to another. Waiting around to form some type of grassroots effort could take a long time, and that wait time needs adjusting.
I don’t know how many poor and disabled people you work with, I work with a lot of them. The assistance provided by disability isn’t exactly robust. I can hardly get them resources to drive across town let alone across states.

I don’t need a grass roots volunteer effort. I need a large scale government program to make it happen. Lump it into the census. That’s my suggestion.
Occupationally I do not work with the indigent population nor the disabled. What I have seen are individuals I know who have extremely low vision, which is pretty much a definition for legally blind. One woman with such limited vision (center of vision missing and only one eye partially detects light) received better care after she spent down her money to get on Medicaid. It might be a state by state thing with how much assistance but she has had but wonderful help with so many things. I could write a short thesis telling you about her life. She’s lucky in that she has a good neighbor who watches out for her and nurses who visit weekly, but I’m not sure about the frequency. Regardless of all the struggles of individuals across the nation with various disabilities and economic problems, there is no good reason that the government should not provide an ID for every single adult citizen in need, but I will stress the word citizen when we’re talking about voting rights.
not the job of government to provide anything for the people,,

that makes a weaker people and a weaker country,,
Now, with regards to the blind man who lived an hour’s drive from the courthouse with his records and he needs a copy? I assume the blind man does not have Medicaid that offers vision help- Braille phones etc. for those who are legally blind? Disabled people qualify for disability and the assistance that comes with that. That government assistance should help that particular individual with getting an ID. Helping people one by one gets things done, it’s a small effort to help one and move on to another. Waiting around to form some type of grassroots effort could take a long time, and that wait time needs adjusting.
I don’t know how many poor and disabled people you work with, I work with a lot of them. The assistance provided by disability isn’t exactly robust. I can hardly get them resources to drive across town let alone across states.

I don’t need a grass roots volunteer effort. I need a large scale government program to make it happen. Lump it into the census. That’s my suggestion.
Occupationally I do not work with the indigent population nor the disabled. What I have seen are individuals I know who have extremely low vision, which is pretty much a definition for legally blind. One woman with such limited vision (center of vision missing and only one eye partially detects light) received better care after she spent down her money to get on Medicaid. It might be a state by state thing with how much assistance but she has had but wonderful help with so many things. I could write a short thesis telling you about her life. She’s lucky in that she has a good neighbor who watches out for her and nurses who visit weekly, but I’m not sure about the frequency. Regardless of all the struggles of individuals across the nation with various disabilities and economic problems, there is no good reason that the government should not provide an ID for every single adult citizen in need, but I will stress the word citizen when we’re talking about voting rights.
not the job of government to provide anything for the people,,

that makes a weaker people and a weaker country,,

I beg to differ when it comes to people with disabilities. A lot of these folks don’t have families to depend upon and to live with so these are humans were talking about who of no fault of their own were born with a limitation. Big difference, huge difference, between a person who chooses to be lazy compared to a person who does their very best daily to do what other people do easily.
Now, with regards to the blind man who lived an hour’s drive from the courthouse with his records and he needs a copy? I assume the blind man does not have Medicaid that offers vision help- Braille phones etc. for those who are legally blind? Disabled people qualify for disability and the assistance that comes with that. That government assistance should help that particular individual with getting an ID. Helping people one by one gets things done, it’s a small effort to help one and move on to another. Waiting around to form some type of grassroots effort could take a long time, and that wait time needs adjusting.
I don’t know how many poor and disabled people you work with, I work with a lot of them. The assistance provided by disability isn’t exactly robust. I can hardly get them resources to drive across town let alone across states.

I don’t need a grass roots volunteer effort. I need a large scale government program to make it happen. Lump it into the census. That’s my suggestion.
Occupationally I do not work with the indigent population nor the disabled. What I have seen are individuals I know who have extremely low vision, which is pretty much a definition for legally blind. One woman with such limited vision (center of vision missing and only one eye partially detects light) received better care after she spent down her money to get on Medicaid. It might be a state by state thing with how much assistance but she has had but wonderful help with so many things. I could write a short thesis telling you about her life. She’s lucky in that she has a good neighbor who watches out for her and nurses who visit weekly, but I’m not sure about the frequency. Regardless of all the struggles of individuals across the nation with various disabilities and economic problems, there is no good reason that the government should not provide an ID for every single adult citizen in need, but I will stress the word citizen when we’re talking about voting rights.
not the job of government to provide anything for the people,,

that makes a weaker people and a weaker country,,

I beg to differ when it comes to people with disabilities. A lot of these folks don’t have families to depend upon and to live with so these are humans were talking about who of no fault of their own were born with a limitation. Big difference, huge difference, between a person who chooses to be lazy compared to a person who does their very best daily to do what other people do easily.
I should have been specific,, the federal government,, the communities can come together and help all they want since thats what communities are for,,
Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

How would you vote by mail?
Now, with regards to the blind man who lived an hour’s drive from the courthouse with his records and he needs a copy? I assume the blind man does not have Medicaid that offers vision help- Braille phones etc. for those who are legally blind? Disabled people qualify for disability and the assistance that comes with that. That government assistance should help that particular individual with getting an ID. Helping people one by one gets things done, it’s a small effort to help one and move on to another. Waiting around to form some type of grassroots effort could take a long time, and that wait time needs adjusting.
I don’t know how many poor and disabled people you work with, I work with a lot of them. The assistance provided by disability isn’t exactly robust. I can hardly get them resources to drive across town let alone across states.

I don’t need a grass roots volunteer effort. I need a large scale government program to make it happen. Lump it into the census. That’s my suggestion.
Occupationally I do not work with the indigent population nor the disabled. What I have seen are individuals I know who have extremely low vision, which is pretty much a definition for legally blind. One woman with such limited vision (center of vision missing and only one eye partially detects light) received better care after she spent down her money to get on Medicaid. It might be a state by state thing with how much assistance but she has had but wonderful help with so many things. I could write a short thesis telling you about her life. She’s lucky in that she has a good neighbor who watches out for her and nurses who visit weekly, but I’m not sure about the frequency. Regardless of all the struggles of individuals across the nation with various disabilities and economic problems, there is no good reason that the government should not provide an ID for every single adult citizen in need, but I will stress the word citizen when we’re talking about voting rights.
not the job of government to provide anything for the people,,

that makes a weaker people and a weaker country,,

I beg to differ when it comes to people with disabilities. A lot of these folks don’t have families to depend upon and to live with so these are humans were talking about who of no fault of their own were born with a limitation. Big difference, huge difference, between a person who chooses to be lazy compared to a person who does their very best daily to do what other people do easily.
These people insisting on IDs have no heart or feelings.
Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

If my face and name alone are not enough
to vote then the commies have got control of the nation
Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

Candace likes Hitler

Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

It's racist to require anyone to show ID for anything or to look into their background.

No more background checks for ANY (machine) gun purchases.

(I will not rest until it is lawful for violent felons to carry loaded, belt-fed machine guns in every school and courthouse in America)(Machine guns or Valhalla)
Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

Candace likes Hitler

You like grousing about Hitler, while worshipping people who behave like him, so you'll excuse us if no one values your criticisms.
not so much racist classism...poor people dont have ids...cant drive...why bother with a state id..that they charge for? if the gop is serious about voter id...establish center where people can get ids...but then how to they prove who they are? again a paper trail that can be impossible for some...home births should be registered but often are not...home schooled kids etc...the paper trail is thinning daily

myself i am not pro or con on this...i carry an id at all times..due to the oppressive nature of police in the usa and also cause i am pretty sure i need it to buy certain items...
I agree, but Ga will provide free voter ids
Voter ID | Georgia Department of Driver Services

Still the issue was that GA made it harder for blacks to vote in person, so Stacy Abrams used mail in voting, so now they want to get rid of that. The answer is pretty simple and even moderates like Manchin get .... make the voting periods last over period of days, so parents with kids at home and workers can get to the polls when they can get to the polls, and so states just can't make long lines to discourage voting in specific locals.

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