IDs should be mandatory in order to vote

No. I'd prefer most people didn't vote all. Democracy is a shit show. I just don't by your phony excuses. You think they'll vote Democrat, so you want to keep them from voting any way you can. Dems want to get them to vote, any way they can. It's political struggle for power, nothing more. The excuse making is just tiresome.
I just want people to stop talking for them. That's what folks like you do. you intervene on their behalf and they never asked you to. Life is life. it certainly isn't equal in any manner.
No, but do you want an “mechanic” working on your car that couldn’t even name one model or make of any car ever built? For some reason, Democrats don’t seem to mind the equivalent of this voting in elections, which is even more vital, as long as they vote as they are told.
I don’t really want people voting in elections that think it was stolen from Trump by some massive international conspiracy either but that’s life.

Your intent to limit voting is self serving, has nothing to do with governance.
I don't want people stealing elections. you don't seem to care there.
No. I'd prefer most people didn't vote all. Democracy is a shit show. I just don't by your phony excuses. You think they'll vote Democrat, so you want to keep them from voting any way you can. Dems want to get them to vote, any way they can. It's political struggle for power, nothing more. The excuse making is just tiresome.
I just want people to stop talking for them.
I don't believe you.
No, but do you want an “mechanic” working on your car that couldn’t even name one model or make of any car ever built? For some reason, Democrats don’t seem to mind the equivalent of this voting in elections, which is even more vital, as long as they vote as they are told.
I don’t really want people voting in elections that think it was stolen from Trump by some massive international conspiracy either but that’s life.

Your intent to limit voting is self serving, has nothing to do with governance.

We don’t want to limit voting, we just want to make sure that all votes are valid. Democrats don’t care much about that for some odd reason. Could be the same reason they want felons to vote. They know who the cheaters are and who they will vote for. They don’t need to do anything but enable them to do so.
No. I'd prefer most people didn't vote all. Democracy is a shit show. I just don't by your phony excuses. You think they'll vote Democrat, so you want to keep them from voting any way you can. Dems want to get them to vote, any way they can. It's political struggle for power, nothing more. The excuse making is just tiresome.
I just want people to stop talking for them.
I don't believe you.
I care why?
No. I'd prefer most people didn't vote all. Democracy is a shit show. I just don't by your phony excuses. You think they'll vote Democrat, so you want to keep them from voting any way you can. Dems want to get them to vote, any way they can. It's political struggle for power, nothing more. The excuse making is just tiresome.
I just want people to stop talking for them.
I don't believe you.
Because you're a partisan. Your primary concern is keeping Democrats out of power. From your posting history, that's far, far, more important to you than the preserving the accuracy of the vote.
not so much racist classism...poor people dont have ids...cant drive...why bother with a state id..that they charge for? if the gop is serious about voter id...establish center where people can get ids...but then how to they prove who they are? again a paper trail that can be impossible for some...home births should be registered but often are not...home schooled kids etc...the paper trail is thinning daily

myself i am not pro or con on this...i carry an id at all times..due to the oppressive nature of police in the usa and also cause i am pretty sure i need it to buy certain items...

Of course poor people have IDs.

You know what else they have? They have warrants out for their arrest over a traffic ticket they couldn't afford to pay from four years ago. Going to get their ID renewed represents real risk for people on the bubble.

The bottom line is, inconveniences that might seem trivial to people with a bank account can be real impediments to those without. Of course, Republicans know this - it's why they want more barriers. To keep these people from voting.

Dems naturally want the opposite. They want to bulk mail ballots, already filled in with votes for D's, to anyone who can sign their name.

Neither party gives as shit about improving our elections.
I would agree with your premise dblack with the addition of a modifier: some...some of the entire side thinks this or even using ‘many’ instead of one size fits all approach... but I get your drift.
We don’t want to limit voting, we just want to make sure that all votes are valid. Democrats don’t care much about that for some odd reason. Could be the same reason they want felons to vote. They know who the cheaters are and who they will vote for. They don’t need to do anything but enable them to do so.
Your last post absolutely seemed to lean towards wanting to limit voting to those whose knowledge you found to be some degree of adequate (hence the analogy to a mechanic).

If you guys ever were able to show that any of these laws were preventing actual problems, I’d feel different. It’s a solution in search of a problem.

I’d say it’s extremely probable, nearly certain, that more people are disenfranchised than are prevented from voting illegally.
Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

We provide all of that stuff when we register. Why do we need to do it again?
wait, what? so they have id's already, got it.
Your last post absolutely seemed to lean towards wanting to limit voting to those whose knowledge you found to be some degree of adequate (hence the analogy to a mechanic).
no, he said valid. I see you didn't include that in your response, but that's what the dude said. misrepresenting again, it's what you do.
Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

According to Democrats Blacks are to stupid or poor to get an ID to vote and you are a racist if you claim that the majority of the Black community is not stupid or that many states provide free ID's .

The Left will have no problem calling Owens a token negro or Uncle Tom for daring disagree with Democratic party dogma that is mandated for Black people. .
Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

We provide all of that stuff when we register. Why do we need to do it again?
to prove its you voting,,,
No. I'd prefer most people didn't vote all. Democracy is a shit show. I just don't by your phony excuses. You think they'll vote Democrat, so you want to keep them from voting any way you can. Dems want to get them to vote, any way they can. It's political struggle for power, nothing more. The excuse making is just tiresome.
I just want people to stop talking for them.
I don't believe you.
Because you're a partisan. Your primary concern is keeping Democrats out of power. From your posting history, that's far, far, more important to you than the preserving the accuracy of the vote.
the fk I am, I ain't a fking demofk. I am conservative, I owe no party anything.
Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

We provide all of that stuff when we register. Why do we need to do it again?

Does your voter registration card have your picture on it, or could anyone steal it from you and use it to vote as you?

That would be why.

Hargie Randall, 72, was born in his family’s home in Huntsville, Tex., and has lived in the state his entire life. Randall, now living in Houston’s low-income Fifth Ward neighborhood, has several health problems and such poor eyesight that he is legally blind. He can’t drive and has to ask others for rides.

After Texas implemented its new law, Randall went to the Department of Public Safety (the Texas agency that handles driver’s licenses and identification cards) three times to try to get a photo ID to vote. Each time Randall was told he needed different items. First, he was told he needed three forms of identification. He came back and brought his Medicaid card, bills and a current voter registration card from voting in past elections.

“I thought that because I was on record for voting, I could vote again,” Randall said.

But he was told he still needed more documentation, such as a certified copy of his birth certificate.

Records of births before 1950, such as Randall’s, are not on a central computer and are located only in the county clerk’s office where the person was born.

For Randall, that meant an hour-long drive to Huntsville, where his lawyers found a copy of his birth certificate.

But that wasn’t enough. With his birth certificate in hand, Randall went to the DPS office in Houston with all the necessary documents. But, DPS officials still would not issue him a photo ID because of a clerical mistake on his birth certificate. One letter was off in his last name — “Randell” instead of “Randall” — so his last name was spelled slightly different than on all his other documents.

Kamin, the lawyer, asked the DPS official if they could pull up Randall’s prior driver’s-license information, as he once had a state-issued ID. The official told her that the state doesn’t keep records of prior identification after five years, and there was nothing they could do to pull up that information.

Kamin was finally able to prove to a DPS supervisor that there was a clerical error and was able to verify Randall’s identity by showing other documents.
Now this story I can believe just by experiencing the ultimate misery of going to my own local license bureau. It is something that most people dread and they definitely know not to go on a Monday nor on Friday. The experience includes being fully eye balled by the first person who “greets you”, typically a female employee deemed most militant lol I have known people to go there for the easiest thing possible ,at least you would think, transferring a title per say, my word the nightmare of it all! Anyone who attempts to transfer ownership of a vehicle is automatically assumed to be a thief at least that’s my view lol seriously it is almost comical. I don’t know where they get these people. I’ve been to a few other license branches before and they’re similar in this unnecessary grumpiness/ all people should be treated with suspect until proven innocent lol
Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

According to Democrats Blacks are to stupid or poor to get an ID to vote and you are a racist if you claim that the majority of the Black community is not stupid or that many states provide free ID's .

The Left will have no problem calling Owens a token negro or Uncle Tom for daring disagree with Democratic party dogma that is mandated for Black people. .
what's now funny is they're saying that's not what they're saying. so typical demofk, says it then deny it as long as possible. no honor among them.
Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

As long as there is free access to getting an ID whether one drives or not, or lives in the middle of nowhere or not.
Works for me! Look at that, filthy human....we achieved compromise!

Hargie Randall, 72, was born in his family’s home in Huntsville, Tex., and has lived in the state his entire life. Randall, now living in Houston’s low-income Fifth Ward neighborhood, has several health problems and such poor eyesight that he is legally blind. He can’t drive and has to ask others for rides.

After Texas implemented its new law, Randall went to the Department of Public Safety (the Texas agency that handles driver’s licenses and identification cards) three times to try to get a photo ID to vote. Each time Randall was told he needed different items. First, he was told he needed three forms of identification. He came back and brought his Medicaid card, bills and a current voter registration card from voting in past elections.

“I thought that because I was on record for voting, I could vote again,” Randall said.

But he was told he still needed more documentation, such as a certified copy of his birth certificate.

Records of births before 1950, such as Randall’s, are not on a central computer and are located only in the county clerk’s office where the person was born.

For Randall, that meant an hour-long drive to Huntsville, where his lawyers found a copy of his birth certificate.

But that wasn’t enough. With his birth certificate in hand, Randall went to the DPS office in Houston with all the necessary documents. But, DPS officials still would not issue him a photo ID because of a clerical mistake on his birth certificate. One letter was off in his last name — “Randell” instead of “Randall” — so his last name was spelled slightly different than on all his other documents.

Kamin, the lawyer, asked the DPS official if they could pull up Randall’s prior driver’s-license information, as he once had a state-issued ID. The official told her that the state doesn’t keep records of prior identification after five years, and there was nothing they could do to pull up that information.

Kamin was finally able to prove to a DPS supervisor that there was a clerical error and was able to verify Randall’s identity by showing other documents.
Now this story I can believe just by experiencing the ultimate misery of going to my own local license bureau. It is something that most people dread and they definitely know not to go on a Monday nor on Friday. The experience includes being fully eye balled by the first person who “greets you”, typically a female employee deemed most militant lol I have known people to go there for the easiest thing possible ,at least you would think, transferring a title per say, my word the nightmare of it all! Anyone who attempts to transfer ownership of a vehicle is automatically assumed to be a thief at least that’s my view lol seriously it is almost comical. I don’t know where they get these people. I’ve been to a few other license branches before and they’re similar in this unnecessary grumpiness/ all people should be treated with suspect until proven innocent lol
yep, if one ever moves out of state and then needs to get an in state license, what a challenge. They don't have rights to poor people, they do all people. it's hilarious. demofks think DMV facilities are fan favorites.

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