IED blast in Minneapolis Mosque this AM

Along with the next generation?
What do you think the future holds but the collapse of Western civilization at the going rate. Do you think this is something that can be done later? I don't think so.

There has to be some way to convey our offense at the way Islam conducts itself based on ludicrous plagiarism of a maniac. Human rights and all the other good shit people say diversity brings is turning out to be a bust with Islam.
How can we have a discussion, when everything you are saying is propaganda and scare bullshit parroted from the TV?


This is the religious breakdown of the US.


I think you are being a bit hyperbolic when you talk about a "collapse of civilization" due to Islam. If the collapse of civilization comes, it won't be due to an ancient religion, it will be due to an unsustainable economic system.

You don't think there is enough money in Islams hand to destabilize any country they choose? What do you think refugees are doing to make our economies sustainable? Islam does not pay a penny for any Muslim in Europe, or America. And does not have to lift a finger to drain economies welfare funds. Not to mention the ever increasing bill for security. That is not sustainable already, and it is time to admit it.

If there is aid from the countries they left I have not heard about it.
Nope, I don't think there is enough money in the hands of Islam to destabilize the nation.

It's not the job of refugees to make the economy work.

I'm sure Caucasian Americans, and probably elderly Americans are draining SSI the quickest.

If the ever increasing bill for security is breaking the bank, that is our own damn fault for giving into hysteria and fear promulgated by TV propaganda of the ruling elites and the media elites, because it is largely an unnecessary cost. Border security and TSA is ineffective and doesn't catch anything, as such, it is a waste of money.

It isn't the job of other nations to pay for our security or to fund our welfare programs.

I did not say the USA. We will be the only one speaking about it soon without fear of arrest.
What do you think the future holds but the collapse of Western civilization at the going rate. Do you think this is something that can be done later? I don't think so.

There has to be some way to convey our offense at the way Islam conducts itself based on ludicrous plagiarism of a maniac. Human rights and all the other good shit people say diversity brings is turning out to be a bust with Islam.
How can we have a discussion, when everything you are saying is propaganda and scare bullshit parroted from the TV?


This is the religious breakdown of the US.


I think you are being a bit hyperbolic when you talk about a "collapse of civilization" due to Islam. If the collapse of civilization comes, it won't be due to an ancient religion, it will be due to an unsustainable economic system.

You don't think there is enough money in Islams hand to destabilize any country they choose? What do you think refugees are doing to make our economies sustainable? Islam does not pay a penny for any Muslim in Europe, or America. And does not have to lift a finger to drain economies welfare funds. Not to mention the ever increasing bill for security. That is not sustainable already, and it is time to admit it.

If there is aid from the countries they left I have not heard about it.
Nope, I don't think there is enough money in the hands of Islam to destabilize the nation.

It's not the job of refugees to make the economy work.

I'm sure Caucasian Americans, and probably elderly Americans are draining SSI the quickest.

If the ever increasing bill for security is breaking the bank, that is our own damn fault for giving into hysteria and fear promulgated by TV propaganda of the ruling elites and the media elites, because it is largely an unnecessary cost. Border security and TSA is ineffective and doesn't catch anything, as such, it is a waste of money.

It isn't the job of other nations to pay for our security or to fund our welfare programs.

I did not say the USA. We will be the only one speaking about it soon without fear of arrest.
Not sure I particularly care what happens somewhere else. If they can't take care of their own shit, that is on them. Our Constitution only governs us.
What do you think the future holds but the collapse of Western civilization at the going rate. Do you think this is something that can be done later? I don't think so.

There has to be some way to convey our offense at the way Islam conducts itself based on ludicrous plagiarism of a maniac. Human rights and all the other good shit people say diversity brings is turning out to be a bust with Islam.
How can we have a discussion, when everything you are saying is propaganda and scare bullshit parroted from the TV?


This is the religious breakdown of the US.


I think you are being a bit hyperbolic when you talk about a "collapse of civilization" due to Islam. If the collapse of civilization comes, it won't be due to an ancient religion, it will be due to an unsustainable economic system.

You don't think there is enough money in Islams hand to destabilize any country they choose? What do you think refugees are doing to make our economies sustainable? Islam does not pay a penny for any Muslim in Europe, or America. And does not have to lift a finger to drain economies welfare funds. Not to mention the ever increasing bill for security. That is not sustainable already, and it is time to admit it.

If there is aid from the countries they left I have not heard about it.
Nope, I don't think there is enough money in the hands of Islam to destabilize the nation.

It's not the job of refugees to make the economy work.

I'm sure Caucasian Americans, and probably elderly Americans are draining SSI the quickest.

If the ever increasing bill for security is breaking the bank, that is our own damn fault for giving into hysteria and fear promulgated by TV propaganda of the ruling elites and the media elites, because it is largely an unnecessary cost. Border security and TSA is ineffective and doesn't catch anything, as such, it is a waste of money.

It isn't the job of other nations to pay for our security or to fund our welfare programs.

I did not say the USA. We will be the only one speaking about it soon without fear of arrest.
Not sure I particularly care what happens somewhere else. If they can't take care of their own shit, that is on them. Our Constitution only governs us.

I agree, Islam does not need our help. That means no more aid. Let them govern themselves with Sharia plus feed their own people, taking care of their own infrastructure, building their own clean water facilities and power plants with their own money. Let them educate their own too. Islam needs a serious hint no one wants any part of it and its agenda. Time to throw the wrench in the works.

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