If 95% of University Professors are liberal


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
and STILL most of the US pop. describes themselves as Conservative or right of center what does that tell you? Liberalism is an utter failure even after 3-5 years of lib brainwashing young skulls full of mush.
and STILL most of the US pop. describes themselves as Conservative or right of center what does that tell you? Liberalism is an utter failure even after 3-5 years of lib brainwashing young skulls full of mush.

Since neither of your statistics are true, they can't really "tell" us anything.
and STILL most of the US pop. describes themselves as Conservative or right of center what does that tell you? Liberalism is an utter failure even after 3-5 years of lib brainwashing young skulls full of mush.

Since neither of your statistics are true, they can't really "tell" us anything.

MOST University professors are liberal, while MOST Americans are conservative.

Do you dispute those facts?
If you think a person can't separate their job and their politics, then that's your problem.
and STILL most of the US pop. describes themselves as Conservative or right of center what does that tell you? Liberalism is an utter failure even after 3-5 years of lib brainwashing young skulls full of mush.

Since neither of your statistics are true, they can't really "tell" us anything.

MOST University professors are liberal, while MOST Americans are conservative.

Do you dispute those facts?

The first is likely true, since MOST Americans with college degrees are liberal.

The second is not the slightest bit true.
Read "The Professors" by David Horowitz. Not only are college professors liberal but many of them are old fashioned criminal revolutionaries. How in the world could domestic terrorist Bernadine Dohrn become a college professor after doing time in prison for about a hundred felonies? She was suspected of being involved in planning the Brinks armored car robbery in Nyack NY where two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered but the feds declined to prosecute because they thought she would never get out of prison. Oh yeah, she is married to Obama friend and mentor Bill Ayers, another semi retired domestic terrorist.
Bernardine Dohrn has never been "done time" in prison for a felony, so that's the answer to your question.

The Brinks armored car robbery was done by the other faction of the Weathermen, after Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers had already turned themselves in.
bottom line is despite their attempted brainwashing young minds, young people come out of college MORE Conservative than when they went in. Go figure. The word is out on liberalism thanks to dozens of talk shows and fox etc...
If you think a person can't separate their job and their politics, then that's your problem.

His thread, unintentionally, proves that liberal college professors are NOT brainwashing American students, contrary to incessant lament claiming so from the rightwing propaganda machine.
bottom line is despite their attempted brainwashing young minds, young people come out of college MORE Conservative than when they went in. Go figure. The word is out on liberalism thanks to dozens of talk shows and fox etc...

You have to prove the existence of the attempt. Which you can't.
Agenda driven professors don't teach students to think critically and analytically.
bottom line is despite their attempted brainwashing young minds, young people come out of college MORE Conservative than when they went in. Go figure. The word is out on liberalism thanks to dozens of talk shows and fox etc...

You have to prove the existence of the attempt. Which you can't.
Right. And that is because we cannot get a leftist ideologue to ever admit anything presented could be proof of anything.

They have utilized bizarre reasoning to explain to us clueless how green is blue, and hate is love, and love is hate, and thoughts of God are to be avoided at all costs.
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I had one out of eight teachers who was black nearly every year during my going to school. Amazingly I avoided becoming 1/8th black.

As for the statistics, the GOP is mostly men and the #1 thing all men hate is to be told that they are wrong (see this board for an example). So If you're a conservative male, you avoid college and the good ol' boy network is your only leverage in society.

Thankfully that is going away and women are taking over in the classrooms, on the dais, and soon to be in the board rooms. Anything that democratizes opportunity is a good thing.

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