If a cop enters your home with their bodycam they should be recording,.right?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I get a strong feeling the police did NOT do so when they entered my home and heard my asessment for 20 minutes, electing instead to write some B.S which makes it appear I am a liar. It was something the counseller did as well when she blended two different comments, "confusing" the details.. convenient to just say "hey, I'm a G_dless person who was just confused" ...
I get a strong feeling the police did NOT do so when they entered my home and heard my asessment for 20 minutes, electing instead to write some B.S which makes it appear I am a liar. It was something the counseller did as well when she blended two different comments, "confusing" the details.. convenient to just say "hey, I'm a G_dless person who was just confused" ...
you should always record interactions with police even if they have cameras,,

cops have a habit of loosing or deleting videos if not taking months to give you a copy or not even giving you one,,
you should always record interactions with police even if they have cameras,,

cops have a habit of loosing or deleting videos if not taking months to give you a copy or not even giving you one,,
Well, I have something that is not good for them, as one cop was clearly looking to help my wifes narrative. I stop there. They have had it in for me for decades.
The first rule, at least in the US, is to refuse to let them in your home unless they have a warrant to execute. Voluntarily allowing them in is foolish these days. If the FBI appeared at my door, I'd ask them if they were there to arrest me and if they weren't, I'd refuse to answer any questions without counsel present. If they can DESTROY a 3-Star general with 30+ years of honorable service, they could disappear me if they chose to. They're no different than the Nazi Schutzstaffel, IMO.
Well, I have something that is not good for them, as one cop was clearly looking to help my wifes narrative. I stop there. They have had it in for me for decades.
please dont tell me you let that crazy bitch back in the house??

you should have hidden cameras all over that house to protect you,,
After such a pathetic performance they probably wanted to slap you around too.
People like you are the same who have an instinct to help Nazis and abusive Gulag guards in their time. I live a life of peace, principle and worship, even under trying circumstances.
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The first rule, at least in the US, is to refuse to let them in your home unless they have a warrant to execute. Voluntarily allowing them in is foolish these days. If the FBI appeared at my door, I'd ask them if they were there to arrest me and if they weren't, I'd refuse to answer any questions without counsel present. If they can DESTROY a 3-Star general with 30+ years of honorable service, they could disappear me if they chose to. They're no different than the Nazi Schutzstaffel, IMO.
This is the issue, they walked in uninvited. The trai!ing cop.said "its.cold,.lets get inside" and just proceeds to walk into my home. Im passive in regards to authority so it just unfolded.
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I get a strong feeling the police did NOT do so when they entered my home and heard my asessment for 20 minutes, electing instead to write some B.S which makes it appear I am a liar. It was something the counseller did as well when she blended two different comments, "confusing" the details.. convenient to just say "hey, I'm a G_dless person who was just confused" ...
You don't have a smartphone?
I think its the opposite. He violated a trespass order and she called PD to get him out.
You are one of the in-house putzes. Im in the home. Continue being a Good Little German though. You make jokes abiut people being abused and yiu wonder why fascism is rising in global leadership circles.
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You are one of the in-house putzes. Im in the home. Continue being a Good Little German though. You make jokes abiut people being abused and yiu wonder why fascism is rising in global leadership circles.
You should get your ex woman to post a response with her side of the story.
Otherwise, I seriously doubt anything you say.
You should get your ex woman to post a response with her side of the story.
Otherwise, I seriously doubt anything you say.
"Her side of the story" is well documented. The police in Canada have worked overtime to destroy my life, if not for the employment interference, I could have had the means to leave the situation instead of being assaulted hundreds of times.
Says you. Only.
Says audio/video. Then there is my dog too and what he went through. Imagine being told "i am going to hit your dog' then a half hour or so later I hear him yelp while she is in the kitchen with him? SHe told me "he moved the wrong way".

You have no clue what we were experiencing and for how long and I didn't have the option of leaving since I had employment interference. She would abuse me and tell me to leave if I didnt like it. My home!

You ever live with a compulsive liar, on 15 different pills who will do and say ANYTHING for others not to know how she acts? On top of her slot addiction and debt problems?

WHo is this "BothWings" who liked your post? He hides his profile.
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