If A President Trump Can Successfully Claim National Emergency For A Wall

President Donald Trump sees the Southern Border as a security and humanitarian crisis. Just as did Democrats just a couple years ago.


What's the point in electing Republicans if they're just going to do the same thing as the Democrats?

It is the right thing to do. When something is the right thing to do, why do Democrats and Republicans have to be at loggerheads?
54 billion is a lot of money but not in comparison to 7.6 trillion, that governments in the US spend on other stuff; it's practically nothing.

The $54 BILLION is a lot of money being spent every year.

Our entire annual budget is far less than the $7.6 TRILLION figure you pulled out of the sky.
Heritage Foundation research shows, 54 billion and the Heritage foundation is a conservative research group. Pew Research, a nonpartisan research group puts the amount closer to 30 million.

That's just plain foolish.

It is impossible for the cost to American taxpayers to be only $30 MILLION per year. The cost to only one large school district could exceed that amount.
54 billion is a lot of money but not in comparison to 7.6 trillion, that governments in the US spend on other stuff; it's practically nothing.

The $54 BILLION is a lot of money being spent every year.
Our entire annual budget is far less than the $7.6 TRILLION figure you pulled out of the sky.
The 7.6 trillion includes state budgets. I'm using this figure because the Heritage Foundation research study included state and federal cost attributed to undocumented immigrants.
Heritage Foundation research shows, 54 billion and the Heritage foundation is a conservative research group. Pew Research, a nonpartisan research group puts the amount closer to 30 million.

That's just plain foolish.

It is impossible for the cost to American taxpayers to be only $30 MILLION per year. The cost to only one large school district could exceed that amount.
Sorry, my mistake. It's 30 billion, not 30 million.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?
If anyone thinks the Democrats won't do this some day whether Trump does or not they are not remembering their recent history..... dems don't respect the rule of law or the constitution or checks and balances....
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?
You DO realize that Barak Obama declared National Emergencies approx 13 times, that he declared a (US) 'National Emergency' over BURUNDI, right?!

Many Americans can't even name the 3 Branches of our government or tell you the name of the Vice President. MOST Americans can not tell you where Burundi is; yet, President Obama somehow got away with calling Burundi a 'national emergency.

We have 20+ million illegals in this country. An estimated 11 million are unidentified - we have no idea who they are, and they are committing felonies by using forged government identification documents to get work. An estimated reported 1500 illegals PER DAY are entering the US. According to the US Border Patrol web site they capture thousands of illegals trying to enter the US illegally. The United States spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year in illegals in this country already.

Being reported today is news of more illegal caravans forming in and coming from Honduras. Tijuana is already so overwhelmed from a humanitarian crisis caused by the previous caravans being stalled outside of our borders that they can no longer take care of all of the people there. They are having to move many to other locations...and more are coming.

And while all of this is going on Democrats have been caught AGAIN engaging in election fraud in Broward county by allowing illegals to vote, and after being caught they actually argued in the courts how they were justified in doing so.

While all of this is going on Democrats did and continue to illegally operate, find, protect and defend illegal sanctuary cities that provide safe haven and protection from US and US Immigration Laws to violent illegals, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, and cop killers.

All of this directly impacts the national security of the United States. Claiming the President has no right to call what is going on a 'national emergency' when other politicians, to include Barak Obama, have already called it the same thing is just political hypocrisy.

Also, to declare the President is leading us down a 'slippery slope' over an issue that DIRECTLY impacts OUR National Security, then President Obama's declaration of a 'national emergency' over BURUNDI was a 'HIGH DIVE' off of a cliff, not a trip down a 'slippery slope'.
Just the stats regarding illegal immigration, the high amount of drug trafficking and the high number of murders, rapes and assaults by illegal aliens is enough reason to spend money to secure the border. Why the hell are the Dems against stopping the crimes?

Explain how the left would take our guns if it could save one life and yet they won't build a fence to save thousands of lives and prevent rapes. The left clearly has no interest in public safely and all they care about is their own agenda.

Read Cloward-Piven strategy to understand why they are deliberately trying to overwhelm us, disarm us and convince the useful idiots to cede their rights to government. If you don't see what is going on, you are either a complete idiot or you are in denial.

"President Donald Trump has asked Congress for $5.7 billion to build a wall along the southern border. He has said that, if necessary, he may declare a “national emergency” and act unilaterally, and that he has the authority to do so.

As is the case any time a president attempts to circumvent Congress and act unilaterally, there is the legal question of whether he can do so and the normative question of whether he should do so. This article addresses only the legal question at hand.

In brief, Trump has a strong argument to make that he, in fact, has the authority to act unilaterally. But in order to explain why, let me lay out the relevant facts.

Groundwork for National Emergency Claim
In his primetime address Tuesday night and through other information that has been disseminated by the White House, the president began to lay the groundwork for declaring a national emergency.

TRENDING: Supreme Court Appears Ready To Strike Down Restrictive Alcohol Law

Here are some of the points the administration has been making for their case:

  • Arguing that the flow of drugs across the border has dramatically increased, claiming that 90 percent of illegal drugs entering our country come across the southern border and that during the last fiscal year, there was a 73 percent increase in fentanyl (amounting to 2,400 pounds) and a 38 percent increase in methamphetamine and heroin coming over the southern border.
  • Citing profits being made by “coyotes” who carry migrants across the border as well as the horrific conditions to which those migrants are subjected. The administration claims that criminal organizations derive $2.5 billion in profits every year from smuggling migrants into the U.S., and that 68.3 percent of all migrants report having been subjected to an act of violence and 31 percent of female migrants report having been sexually assaulted while en route.
  • Highlighting the fact that during the last fiscal year, Customs and Border Patrol agents stopped 17,000 adults at the southern border who had criminal records, and that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents apprehended 6,000 known or suspected gang members at the border.
  • Pointing to the mayhem wrought by many of the illegal aliens who successfully entered our country. In his speech, the president noted that over the last two years, 266,000 illegal immigrants have been charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 murders.
  • Arguing that with caravans of people arriving at the border, the system is simply overwhelmed. The administration is claiming that during the last fiscal year, 60,000 unaccompanied children and 161,000 family units arrived at the border; that 98 percent of family units and unaccompanied alien children are never removed; that there has been a 2,000 percent increase in asylum claims over the last five years; and that immigration courts currently have a backlog of nearly 800,000 cases.
  • Noting that many Democrats who now oppose building a wall once supported the concept. Indeed, in 2006, 26 Democratic senators — including Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden — voted in favor of the Secure Fence Act, which empowered the Department of Homeland Security to build “physical infrastructure enhancements” along the border. Congress, however, has never appropriated the funds for this purpose."

State of 'National Emergency'? The Law Is Firmly on Donald Trump's Side
Just the stats regarding illegal immigration, the high amount of drug trafficking and the high number of murders, rapes and assaults by illegal aliens is enough reason to spend money to secure the border. Why the hell are the Dems against stopping the crimes?

Explain how the left would take our guns if it could save one life and yet they won't build a fence to save thousands of lives and prevent rapes. The left clearly has no interest in public safely and all they care about is their own agenda.

Read Cloward-Piven strategy to understand why they are deliberately trying to overwhelm us, disarm us and convince the useful idiots to cede their rights to government. If you don't see what is going on, you are either a complete idiot or you are in denial.

"President Donald Trump has asked Congress for $5.7 billion to build a wall along the southern border. He has said that, if necessary, he may declare a “national emergency” and act unilaterally, and that he has the authority to do so.

As is the case any time a president attempts to circumvent Congress and act unilaterally, there is the legal question of whether he can do so and the normative question of whether he should do so. This article addresses only the legal question at hand.

In brief, Trump has a strong argument to make that he, in fact, has the authority to act unilaterally. But in order to explain why, let me lay out the relevant facts.

Groundwork for National Emergency Claim
In his primetime address Tuesday night and through other information that has been disseminated by the White House, the president began to lay the groundwork for declaring a national emergency.

TRENDING: Supreme Court Appears Ready To Strike Down Restrictive Alcohol Law

Here are some of the points the administration has been making for their case:

  • Arguing that the flow of drugs across the border has dramatically increased, claiming that 90 percent of illegal drugs entering our country come across the southern border and that during the last fiscal year, there was a 73 percent increase in fentanyl (amounting to 2,400 pounds) and a 38 percent increase in methamphetamine and heroin coming over the southern border.
  • Citing profits being made by “coyotes” who carry migrants across the border as well as the horrific conditions to which those migrants are subjected. The administration claims that criminal organizations derive $2.5 billion in profits every year from smuggling migrants into the U.S., and that 68.3 percent of all migrants report having been subjected to an act of violence and 31 percent of female migrants report having been sexually assaulted while en route.
  • Highlighting the fact that during the last fiscal year, Customs and Border Patrol agents stopped 17,000 adults at the southern border who had criminal records, and that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents apprehended 6,000 known or suspected gang members at the border.
  • Pointing to the mayhem wrought by many of the illegal aliens who successfully entered our country. In his speech, the president noted that over the last two years, 266,000 illegal immigrants have been charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 murders.
  • Arguing that with caravans of people arriving at the border, the system is simply overwhelmed. The administration is claiming that during the last fiscal year, 60,000 unaccompanied children and 161,000 family units arrived at the border; that 98 percent of family units and unaccompanied alien children are never removed; that there has been a 2,000 percent increase in asylum claims over the last five years; and that immigration courts currently have a backlog of nearly 800,000 cases.
  • Noting that many Democrats who now oppose building a wall once supported the concept. Indeed, in 2006, 26 Democratic senators — including Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden — voted in favor of the Secure Fence Act, which empowered the Department of Homeland Security to build “physical infrastructure enhancements” along the border. Congress, however, has never appropriated the funds for this purpose."

State of 'National Emergency'? The Law Is Firmly on Donald Trump's Side

The President can declare a national emergency over anything he wants. We are still under a national emergency from 9/11/2001.

The upshot is that it can be construed as an abuse of power since this would be done over a policy initiative that is, in no way, a decisive remedy to the issues you brought up in your OP.
Go for it, President Trump. The American people are on your side.
Can't wait for the next Democratic prez to follow Trump's lead. It would be worth a stupid wall

Wasn’t emergency until Rush and Coulter told Trump he owns them a fucking wall.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?
You DO realize that Barak Obama declared National Emergencies approx 13 times, that he declared a (US) 'National Emergency' over BURUNDI, right?!

Many Americans can't even name the 3 Branches of our government or tell you the name of the Vice President. MOST Americans can not tell you where Burundi is; yet, President Obama somehow got away with calling Burundi a 'national emergency.

We have 20+ million illegals in this country. An estimated 11 million are unidentified - we have no idea who they are, and they are committing felonies by using forged government identification documents to get work. An estimated reported 1500 illegals PER DAY are entering the US. According to the US Border Patrol web site they capture thousands of illegals trying to enter the US illegally. The United States spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year in illegals in this country already.

Being reported today is news of more illegal caravans forming in and coming from Honduras. Tijuana is already so overwhelmed from a humanitarian crisis caused by the previous caravans being stalled outside of our borders that they can no longer take care of all of the people there. They are having to move many to other locations...and more are coming.

And while all of this is going on Democrats have been caught AGAIN engaging in election fraud in Broward county by allowing illegals to vote, and after being caught they actually argued in the courts how they were justified in doing so.

While all of this is going on Democrats did and continue to illegally operate, find, protect and defend illegal sanctuary cities that provide safe haven and protection from US and US Immigration Laws to violent illegals, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, and cop killers.

All of this directly impacts the national security of the United States. Claiming the President has no right to call what is going on a 'national emergency' when other politicians, to include Barak Obama, have already called it the same thing is just political hypocrisy.

Also, to declare the President is leading us down a 'slippery slope' over an issue that DIRECTLY impacts OUR National Security, then President Obama's declaration of a 'national emergency' over BURUNDI was a 'HIGH DIVE' off of a cliff, not a trip down a 'slippery slope'.
Your exaggerations are as bad as Trumps. First off there are not 20 million undocumented immigrants in the US. Depending on the year the number is somewhere between 8 and 11 million, the number has been decreasing for 12 years. The cost to the nation (federal and state governments) is 54.5 billion a year according the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
Your exaggerations are as bad as Trumps. First off there are not 20 million undocumented immigrants in the US. Depending on the year the number is somewhere between 8 and 11 million, the number has been decreasing for 12 years.
I stopped reading at this point because you just started spewing crap...feel free to post anything to back it up & I'll read it. I have posted links to support my numbers.

Yale, MIT study: 22 million, not 11 million, undocumented immigrants in US

What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?
There is a Constitutional writ that requires the government to protect the people from banks?

Well, you may have a point. The Fed should be the one we declare an emergency against.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?
You DO realize that Barak Obama declared National Emergencies approx 13 times, that he declared a (US) 'National Emergency' over BURUNDI, right?!

Many Americans can't even name the 3 Branches of our government or tell you the name of the Vice President. MOST Americans can not tell you where Burundi is; yet, President Obama somehow got away with calling Burundi a 'national emergency.

We have 20+ million illegals in this country. An estimated 11 million are unidentified - we have no idea who they are, and they are committing felonies by using forged government identification documents to get work. An estimated reported 1500 illegals PER DAY are entering the US. According to the US Border Patrol web site they capture thousands of illegals trying to enter the US illegally. The United States spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year in illegals in this country already.

Being reported today is news of more illegal caravans forming in and coming from Honduras. Tijuana is already so overwhelmed from a humanitarian crisis caused by the previous caravans being stalled outside of our borders that they can no longer take care of all of the people there. They are having to move many to other locations...and more are coming.

And while all of this is going on Democrats have been caught AGAIN engaging in election fraud in Broward county by allowing illegals to vote, and after being caught they actually argued in the courts how they were justified in doing so.

While all of this is going on Democrats did and continue to illegally operate, find, protect and defend illegal sanctuary cities that provide safe haven and protection from US and US Immigration Laws to violent illegals, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, and cop killers.

All of this directly impacts the national security of the United States. Claiming the President has no right to call what is going on a 'national emergency' when other politicians, to include Barak Obama, have already called it the same thing is just political hypocrisy.

Also, to declare the President is leading us down a 'slippery slope' over an issue that DIRECTLY impacts OUR National Security, then President Obama's declaration of a 'national emergency' over BURUNDI was a 'HIGH DIVE' off of a cliff, not a trip down a 'slippery slope'.
Your exaggerations are as bad as Trumps. First off there are not 20 million undocumented immigrants in the US. Depending on the year the number is somewhere between 8 and 11 million, the number has been decreasing for 12 years. The cost to the nation (federal and state governments) is 54.5 billion a year according the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

"According to the most recent analysis by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), one illegal immigrant living in America today costs U.S. citizen taxpayers about $8,075. In total, illegal aliens cost American taxpayers $116 billion annually."

Analysis: Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers $116 billion annually

That's a helluva lot more than Trump is asking for to pay for something that has been proven to reduce illegal border crossings by 90% wherever it is used....


What's the point in electing Republicans if they're just going to do the same thing as the Democrats?

It is the right thing to do. When something is the right thing to do, why do Democrats and Republicans have to be at loggerheads?

Well, I don't think it is the right thing to do, so I'm quite happy they are. I've often felt like gridlock is all that really keeps us out of the ditch.

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