If A President Trump Can Successfully Claim National Emergency For A Wall

The cost to American tax payers to provide for illegal aliens is a National Emergency. I hear figures anywhere from 100-150 billion tax payer dollars we spend each year to accommodate illegals. We could provide workers with green cards to work but not to stay here. Birthright citizenship needs to end for anyone in our country illegally. It is a National Emergency.
I guess you missed the news that Trump has said it does *not* have to be a wall but can be a fence?

And the national emergency would be in response to the flow of illegals and drugs across our southern border. The fence would be to stop it.

And the 2006 annual allocation of 1.3 billion for border security expansion and repair should cover that. In the last 10 years, there has been 733 miles of Wall and Security Fencing built. A few miles each year. About 74 miles each year until 2017 when ZERO inches of additional walls and security fencing have been installed. In the last 2 years, there has been 2.6 billion allocated according to the 2006 Border Security Law. I already told you where it's gone to. If Trump were serious about the Wall/Security Fence He would have installed 118 miles in the last 2 years. And there are places where there is walls (not security fences) that are literally falling down in bad need of repair. It's all a con game.
I guess you missed the news that Trump has said it does *not* have to be a wall but can be a fence?

And the national emergency would be in response to the flow of illegals and drugs across our southern border. The fence would be to stop it.
My, my, the great beautiful wall that covers the border paid for by Mexico has become a 1,000 mile, correct a 235 mile wall, correction 235 mile fence paid for not by Mexico but the federal government.

A 235 mile fence is not going to stop drugs coming across the border for two reasons. First, drug traffickers aren't idiots. When there is a barrier they will just go around it and there is going to be 1800 miles without that barrier. Second, most of the drugs that come from Mexico come through ports entry, not in some kids backpack climbing a fence.
Invasions are armed operations organized with the intention of taking control of a foreign sovereign territory through the use of force. The migrants are not armed, organized, or intending to take control of U.S. territory.

If these are invaders, it's probably the first time in human history that the invaders were mostly unarmed women and children.

Not surprising finding a Progressive who wants to define things to fit their needs.

invasions (plural noun)
  1. an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
    "in 1546 England had to be defended from invasion" · "the Allied invasion of Normandy"
    occupation · conquering · capture · seizure · annexation · annexing · takeover · appropriation · expropriation · arrogation · overrunning · overwhelming · storming · attack· incursion · offensive · assailing · assault · onslaught · foray · sortie · raid

And there are only a few exceptions where it's acceptable to fire on the masses. One would be an armed invasion. And the run on the gates were NOT armed and were quickly disippated by the Mexican Army and Police. The crowd never made it to make the attempt and all that were serious were deported by Mexico back to their respective countries of origin. No one died. So much for your invasion.
The cost to American tax payers to provide for illegal aliens is a National Emergency. I hear figures anywhere from 100-150 billion tax payer dollars we spend each year to accommodate illegals. We could provide workers with green cards to work but not to stay here. Birthright citizenship needs to end for anyone in our country illegally. It is a National Emergency.
So all we have to do is stop giving them money. Rebuilding the walls on the border is a waste.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?
Man, you guys are really hung up on this wall business, that if build is supposed to make Trump look like a fool
The cost to American tax payers to provide for illegal aliens is a National Emergency. I hear figures anywhere from 100-150 billion tax payer dollars we spend each year to accommodate illegals. We could provide workers with green cards to work but not to stay here. Birthright citizenship needs to end for anyone in our country illegally. It is a National Emergency.
How can illegal immigration that has been going on for over 60 years and is now at a 12 year low suddenly become an emergency.

There is a huge range of estimates on the cost of illegal immigration since undocumented immigrants live in the shadows. I'm surprised you didn't use the Trump 200 billion dollar figure. Most the estimates make wild assumptions based on anecdotal evidence. The estimates by anti-immigration groups go as high a trillion dollars. And some liberal groups are claiming the contributions of undocumented immigrants exceed the cost. Well, the truth is somewhere in between.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think thank pegs the cost at 54 billion, a far cry from Trump's 200 billion. Other estimates from Pew Research, Association for Migration Research have come up with lower figures between 30 billion and 45 billion. The 54 billion a year is probably the best estimate because it's based on the most reliable data available. However the cost could be 10 or 15 billion higher or lower but certainly not a 150 billion.
The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer
Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.
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The cost to American tax payers to provide for illegal aliens is a National Emergency. I hear figures anywhere from 100-150 billion tax payer dollars we spend each year to accommodate illegals. We could provide workers with green cards to work but not to stay here. Birthright citizenship needs to end for anyone in our country illegally. It is a National Emergency.
How can illegal immigration that has been going on for over 60 years and is now at a 12 year low suddenly become an emergency.

There is a huge range of estimates on the cost of illegal immigration since undocumented immigrants live in the shadows. I'm surprised you didn't use the Trump 200 billion dollar figure. Most the estimates make wild assumptions based on anecdotal evidence. The estimates by anti-immigration groups go as high a trillion dollars. And some liberal groups are claiming the contributions of undocumented immigrants exceed the cost. Well, the truth is somewhere in between.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think thank pegs the cost at 54 billion, a far cry from Trump's 200 billion. Other estimates from Pew Research, Association for Migration Research have come up with lower figures between 30 billion and 45 billion. The 54 billion a year is probably the best estimate because it's based on the most reliable data available. However the cost could be 10 or 15 billion higher or lower but certainly not a 150 billion.
The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer
Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.
It’s only an emergency now because it threatens his political future.
The cost to American tax payers to provide for illegal aliens is a National Emergency. I hear figures anywhere from 100-150 billion tax payer dollars we spend each year to accommodate illegals. We could provide workers with green cards to work but not to stay here. Birthright citizenship needs to end for anyone in our country illegally. It is a National Emergency.
How can illegal immigration that has been going on for over 60 years and is now at a 12 year low suddenly become an emergency.

There is a huge range of estimates on the cost of illegal immigration since undocumented immigrants live in the shadows. I'm surprised you didn't use the Trump 200 billion dollar figure. Most the estimates make wild assumptions based on anecdotal evidence. The estimates by anti-immigration groups go as high a trillion dollars. And some liberal groups are claiming the contributions of undocumented immigrants exceed the cost. Well, the truth is somewhere in between.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think thank pegs the cost at 54 billion, a far cry from Trump's 200 billion. Other estimates from Pew Research, Association for Migration Research have come up with lower figures between 30 billion and 45 billion. The 54 billion a year is probably the best estimate because it's based on the most reliable data available. However the cost could be 10 or 15 billion higher or lower but certainly not a 150 billion.
The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer
Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.
It’s only an emergency now because it threatens his political future.
Trump sees illegal immigration as the key to his re-election. Falling apprehension rates which goes back over 10 years and a declining population of undocumented immigrants do not help his cause. So he has made the wall his do or die stand.

The democrats have no reason to give in to Trump demands at this time. 49% of public are holding him responsible for the shutdown. and 33% hold the democrats responsible. As the weeks drag on, serious issues are going to come out of the shutdown. TSA and flight controllers at our airports can't continue working indefinitely without pay and neither can the border patrol, FBI, CIA, and DEA. Worse thou, moral is terrible and that is going to lead to complacency, missing work, and in some cases walkouts. The public may hold both Trump and democrats responsible but they will look to the president for action because this is occurring on his watch.
How can illegal immigration that has been going on for over 60 years and is now at a 12 year low suddenly become an emergency.

There is a huge range of estimates on the cost of illegal immigration since undocumented immigrants live in the shadows. I'm surprised you didn't use the Trump 200 billion dollar figure. Most the estimates make wild assumptions based on anecdotal evidence. The estimates by anti-immigration groups go as high a trillion dollars. And some liberal groups are claiming the contributions of undocumented immigrants exceed the cost. Well, the truth is somewhere in between.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think thank pegs the cost at 54 billion, a far cry from Trump's 200 billion. Other estimates from Pew Research, Association for Migration Research have come up with lower figures between 30 billion and 45 billion. The 54 billion a year is probably the best estimate because it's based on the most reliable data available. However the cost could be 10 or 15 billion higher or lower but certainly not a 150 billion.
The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer
Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.

Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers nearly $750 billion over lifetime: Report
Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Thursday, August 3, 2017
Steven A. Camarota, research director at the Center for Immigration Studies, crunched the numbers and found that the current population of illegal immigrants will drain nearly $750 billion from taxpayers over their lifetimes — amounting to six times the deportation costs.
Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers nearly $750 billion over lifetime: Report
How can illegal immigration that has been going on for over 60 years and is now at a 12 year low suddenly become an emergency.

There is a huge range of estimates on the cost of illegal immigration since undocumented immigrants live in the shadows. I'm surprised you didn't use the Trump 200 billion dollar figure. Most the estimates make wild assumptions based on anecdotal evidence. The estimates by anti-immigration groups go as high a trillion dollars. And some liberal groups are claiming the contributions of undocumented immigrants exceed the cost. Well, the truth is somewhere in between.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think thank pegs the cost at 54 billion, a far cry from Trump's 200 billion. Other estimates from Pew Research, Association for Migration Research have come up with lower figures between 30 billion and 45 billion. The 54 billion a year is probably the best estimate because it's based on the most reliable data available. However the cost could be 10 or 15 billion higher or lower but certainly not a 150 billion.
The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer
Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.

Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers nearly $750 billion over lifetime: Report
Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Thursday, August 3, 2017
Steven A. Camarota, research director at the Center for Immigration Studies, crunched the numbers and found that the current population of illegal immigrants will drain nearly $750 billion from taxpayers over their lifetimes — amounting to six times the deportation costs.
Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers nearly $750 billion over lifetime: Report
"According to a new report being released Thursday by a think tank that wants to see stricter immigration limits."

The fact is there no link to such a report and no details about how the calculations were made. However, our president has said they cost us 200 billion a year and this report says over a lifetime, says they cost us 750 billion. So does that mean their lifetime in the US is only 3.75 years?

Either this report or our president is bull shitting. I say both are.
Trump sees illegal immigration as the key to his re-election. Falling apprehension rates which goes back over 10 years and a declining population of undocumented immigrants do not help his cause. So he has made the wall his do or die stand.

The democrats have no reason to give in to Trump demands at this time. 49% of public are holding him responsible for the shutdown. and 33% hold the democrats responsible. As the weeks drag on, serious issues are going to come out of the shutdown. TSA and flight controllers at our airports can't continue working indefinitely without pay and neither can the border patrol, FBI, CIA, and DEA. Worse thou, moral is terrible and that is going to lead to complacency, missing work, and in some cases walkouts. The public may hold both Trump and democrats responsible but they will look to the president for action because this is occurring on his watch.

President Donald Trump sees the Southern Border as a security and humanitarian crisis. Just as did Democrats just a couple years ago.

The Democrats were they not making this personal, could end this in 15 minutes and come away with numerous wins. DACA is just one.
The cost to American tax payers to provide for illegal aliens is a National Emergency. I hear figures anywhere from 100-150 billion tax payer dollars we spend each year to accommodate illegals. We could provide workers with green cards to work but not to stay here. Birthright citizenship needs to end for anyone in our country illegally. It is a National Emergency.
You hear wrong. The best estimate is 54.5 billion from a study done by the Heritage Foundation a conservative think tank. Studies by Pew Research and Institute for Migration Studies puts the figure around 25 or 30 billion a year. Not sure what constitute a national emergency but certainly not the undocumented immigrant population which is now at a 12 year low.
The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer
"According to a new report being released Thursday by a think tank that wants to see stricter immigration limits."

The fact is there no link to such a report and no details about how the calculations were made. However, our president has said they cost us 200 billion a year and this report says over a lifetime, says they cost us 750 billion. So does that mean their lifetime in the US is only 3.75 years?

Either this report or our president is bull shitting. I say both are.

You can't deny the huge cost of illegal aliens to American taxpayers. In the not distant past, Democrats have said the same thing.

Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?
May 21, 2010
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a conservative advocacy group that favors tighter immigration laws, argues that the answer is clear: illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers more than $100 billion each year.
Arizona's Gateway For Illegal Immigrants
States usually bear the brunt of the burden.

Arizona state treasurer Dean Martin says his state loses between $1.3 billion and $2.5 billion each year on illegal immigrants. In addition to the fiscal costs of incarcerating and educating illegal immigrants and their families, Arizona also faces a variety of other indirect costs, says Martin, who favors Arizona's controversial new immigration law.
Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?
Thanks for pointing how how dumb the people on your side are. You vote for retards.
President Donald Trump sees the Southern Border as a security and humanitarian crisis. Just as did Democrats just a couple years ago.


What's the point in electing Republicans if they're just going to do the same thing as the Democrats?
"According to a new report being released Thursday by a think tank that wants to see stricter immigration limits."

The fact is there no link to such a report and no details about how the calculations were made. However, our president has said they cost us 200 billion a year and this report says over a lifetime, says they cost us 750 billion. So does that mean their lifetime in the US is only 3.75 years?

Either this report or our president is bull shitting. I say both are.

You can't deny the huge cost of illegal aliens to American taxpayers. In the not distant past, Democrats have said the same thing.

Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?
May 21, 2010
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a conservative advocacy group that favors tighter immigration laws, argues that the answer is clear: illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers more than $100 billion each year.
Arizona's Gateway For Illegal Immigrants
States usually bear the brunt of the burden.

Arizona state treasurer Dean Martin says his state loses between $1.3 billion and $2.5 billion each year on illegal immigrants. In addition to the fiscal costs of incarcerating and educating illegal immigrants and their families, Arizona also faces a variety of other indirect costs, says Martin, who favors Arizona's controversial new immigration law.
Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?
I don't deny undocumented immigrants are responsible for significant costs but the far right has exaggerated them to monstrous proportions . Trump has exaggerated the cost by a factor of 4 times what the Heritage Foundation research shows, 54 billion and the Heritage foundation is a conservative research group. Pew Research, a nonpartisan research group puts the amount closer to 30 million.

54 billion is a lot of money but not in comparison to 7.6 trillion, that governments in the US spend on other stuff; it's practically nothing. To put the issue in prospective, for every dollar governments spends on undocumented immigrants, they spend 140 dollars on other items. Keep in mind this is based on the research of the Heritage Foundation, not some far out liberal think tank.
The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer
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