If a store did not charge you for merch would you return and pay for it?

What would you do?

  • Yes, I would return to pay for the merchandise

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • Fuck 'em

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
So if you went shopping at large, national chain store and the store did not correctly ring up your order, and you get home to see your receipt says "paid in cash" instead of how you really paid, which was with your debit card, do you consider it your lucky day, or do you return wirh your receipt and explain they did not charge your credit card and you were never billed for your merchandise?
I have done it in the past where I pointed out where something was not wrung up properly.

I have had bartenders not ring up a second beer. I just add it to their tip
I would go back and pay and have done so in the past. It was at the grocery store and forgot about the case of sodas at the bottom of the cart. :) Also one a young girl working alone in a convenience I assume was sort of scared of me gave me back way too much change I didn't notice until I was over a hundred miles away so I called first the number on the sales slip the lady on the phone said she would call ahead but the cops were there but I got it straightened out.
The people that clean the pool didnt have the autopay function working right and we could have gotten 9 months of free poll cleaning.
They were shocked to find that they hadnt been charging us.
To me it's all about honesty.
  • Fact
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I was a teenager I would always go inside and flirt with the cashier girls at fast food places.

About 30% of the time the cashier would forget to charge me because I used my good looks, charm and magician's skills to temporarily distract them from their robotic cashier routine. Then when they "rebooted" back to their routine, they did so thinking that I must have already paid for my food. After all, they recalled telling me the price and recalled seeing me pull cash out of my pocket to pay for it. But then they got distracted and I put my money back in my pocket before I ever gave it to them.

My friends could not figure out how the hell I was doing it. It was like some freakish mind control power. They called this trick my "Free Fast Food Jedi Mind Control Trick.
The people that clean the pool didnt have the autopay function working right and we could have gotten 9 months of free poll cleaning.
They were shocked to find that they hadnt been charging us.
To me it's all about honesty.
The reality is a mom and pop pool cleaning company and a large, national chain store can elicit a different response in whether one wants to go thru the trouble of paying back your bill. Another factor is both the cost of the bill, and your own financial means.

You have plenty of money, so the decision is quite easy for you.
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The reality is a mom and pop pool cleaning company and a large, national chain store can elecit a different response in whether one wants to go thru the trouble of paying back your bill. Another factor is both the cost of the bill, and your own financial means.

You have plenty of money, so the decision is quite easy for you.

Like I said.
It's about being honest. I wouldnt have asked for a service or product I couldnt pay for and no one else would either.
They expected to have to pay for it.
Not exactly as described, but I have done this in the past several times.
Like RW, I have been at a restaurant and noticed the waitress didn't ring up a 2nd round of beer and we told her. Things like that. It is stealing, and stealing is always wrong.
I even told the truth when selling a car, I had a 1970 Mercury Comet. I repainted the car, and noticed when I went over railroad tracks I would hear this loud rattle. Got under the car and realized the uni-body frame was massively rusted out. Bad enough it was no longer safe to drive without repair.
I sold it as a parts car to someone and lost money. I could have sold it in newspaper classifieds and kept my mouth shut and got a good $1000 more. But that is also a form of theft.
I am honest
So if you went shopping at large, national chain store and the store did not correctly ring up your order, and you get home to see your receipt says "paid in cash" instead of how you really paid, which was with your debit card, do you consider it your lucky day, or do you return wirh your receipt and explain they did not charge your credit card and you were never billed for your merchandise?

I one time went to a stationary store to buy some scratch offs. The clerk took down the entire stack to count out the five cards I had requested. ($5.00/card.)

I gave him the $25.00. He handed me the big stack instead of just the five he had removed. (I believe he was distracted by a couple of kids “shopping” in the store.)

I was a bit distracted, myself, but almost immediately realized what had just happened. The only delay in my returning the wrong part of the pile to the clerk was my own distraction and the fact that th e clerk was handling another customer.

He looked like he felt stupid. Almost mad at me. But he took the big stack back quickly enough and gave me back the five cards I had actually purchased.

He didn’t say “thank you,” either. I was a little surprised by that.

Oh. And none of my scratches cards were winners. 🤨
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I have done it. Went back to pay for the 2 lb block of cheese they hadn't noticed.

Another time when I was having lunch with a date, I ordered a "side" of garlic-toasted bread to go with my clam chowder. After enjoying the entire meal I excused myself to my date and said I was going to the restroom.

As I was returning to our table my "date" was smiling at me and waving the meal ticket towards me. I wondered why. He said the server had forgotten to charge him for the garlic bread. I looked at the ticket and when she was soon in sight I waved her over and said, "Miss, an item I ordered is listed on your ticket but we were not charged for it." She almost lost all composure and thanked me exuberantly several times as she adjusted the amount of our lunch. She said we saved her a heartbreak.

I NEVER accepted another invitation from that date again. He didn't meet the character standards I must find ( and later did ) in a person in order to begin or sustain a romantic interest.

I felt very good that I had done the right thing for the server and for myself and sooner than later learned what a creep I began avoiding. Win/Win.
So if you went shopping at large, national chain store and the store did not correctly ring up your order, and you get home to see your receipt says "paid in cash" instead of how you really paid, which was with your debit card, do you consider it your lucky day, or do you return wirh your receipt and explain they did not charge your credit card and you were never billed for your merchandise?
Depends. I would first check to make sure it was not charged to my debit or credit card and they just coded it incorrectly. But if they really didn't charge me I would try to make it right.

One time long ago before credit cards got popular and we were still struggling financially, I charged groceries at a small mom and pop owned grocery store in a very small town in Texas. One month I couldn't pay the whole bill so paid $125 for our monthly grocery bill leaving somewhat of a balance on credit. When I balanced our bank statement that month we had all this extra money in our account.

I finally found the error. On that grocery check intended to be $125, I had written one hundred and 25/100 in the body of the check and $1.25 in the little area to the right of the written out part. the cashier at the grocery store rang it up as $125 and the bank processed it as $1.25. I went immediately to the store and explained to the owner what has happened and paid him the balance of the bill. He gave me a free gallon of ice cream for my honesty. :)

I honestly think honest people do not intentionally cheat others. But I wouldn't walk a mile or whatever, especially in a snowstorm uphill both ways, to return a penny as "Honest Abe" was once reported to have done. :)
So if you went shopping at large, national chain store and the store did not correctly ring up your order, and you get home to see your receipt says "paid in cash" instead of how you really paid, which was with your debit card, do you consider it your lucky day, or do you return wirh your receipt and explain they did not charge your credit card and you were never billed for your merchandise?
I don't understand how that could happen

I one time went to a stationary store to buy some scratch offs. The clerk took down the entire stack to count out the five cards I had requested. ($5.00/card.)

I gave him the $25.00. He handed me the big stack instead of just the five he had removed. (I believe he was distracted by a couple of kids “shopping” in the store.)

I was a bit distracted, myself, but almost immediately realized what had just happened. The only delay in my returning the wrong part of the pile to the clerk was my own distraction and the fact that th e clerk was handling another customer.

He looked like he felt stupid. Almost mad at me. But he took the big stack back quickly enough and gave me back the five cards I had actually purchased.

He didn’t say “thank you,” either. I was a little surprised by that.

Oh. And none of my svlvrarchie cards were winners. 🤨

I gotta think it was a dune coon running the place.
Those people are some of the rudest MFer's on the planet.
I have done it. Went back to pay for the 2 lb block of cheese they hadn't noticed.

Another time when I was having lunch with a date, I ordered a "side" of garlic-toasted bread to go with my clam chowder. After enjoying the entire meal I excused myself to my date and said I was going to the restroom.

As I was returning to our table my "date" was smiling at me and waving the meal ticket towards me. I wondered why. He said the server had forgotten to charge him for the garlic bread. I looked at the ticket and when she was soon in sight I waved her over and said, "Miss, an item I ordered is listed on your ticket but we were not charged for it." She almost lost all composure and thanked me exuberantly several times as she adjusted the amount of our lunch. She said we saved her a heartbreak.

I NEVER accepted another invitation from that date again. He didn't meet the character standards I must find ( and later did ) in a person in order to begin or sustain a romantic interest.

I felt very good that I had done the right thing for the server and for myself and sooner than later learned what a creep I began avoiding. Win/Win.

It's about principles.
It depends.....A local store sure.....One 50 miles away likely not.

LOL.....I bought two identical TVs at Walmart years ago. I got home and noticed that they only charged me for one. I went back to pay for the other one and they told me to forget it!
How much was the TV that you didn't have to pay for in the end?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. After getting home from the grocery store one day, I saw on my receipt that one of my cans of green beans was not on there. I went back and paid for it the next day.

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