If banning rifles is a winner for democrats, why do they want to hide it from voters?

The Mini-14 isn't the same as the AR is and you know it. The Mini-14 didn't rewrite how wars are fought in the modern day world. The AR did. You can do the dog and pony act all you want but if a law is passed specifically naming the AR-15 and all it's clones then that IS constitutional and has held up in Federal court. Stop making shit up.

Cut the shit

The Ar is nothing but a plain old ordinary semiautomatic rifle

And the only reason to pick one semiautomatic rifle to ban is to eventually ban others.

With that paranoia, how do you get out of bed? You are like the person that has the paper delivered directly to his bed every morning so he can read the Obituaries to see if he is in there to see if it's worth getting up or not.

says the feeble minded old man who is so afraid of a rifle he wants it banned

There is no good reason to ban the Ar 15 none zero zip nada

I've given some pretty good reasons. You haven't given one single reason why the moving the AR up to the FFL standard (not banning) would stop the sun from coming up in the morning.

Because it is the same rifle as all the other rifles, and giving in to morons like you will just lead to all the other semi auto rifles, pistols and shotguns being put into that standard....

The AR-15 rifle and all other semi auto rifles are protected by the 2nd Amendment.... you can't change that, you can only lie about it.

4 states and many lower governments have specifically singled the AR-15 out by name and have made special laws concerning just the AR-15 and it's clones. They have not been banned but they have been elevated to requiring a FFL License to own them. You, like them, can place the name Ban on it but it's atually elevating them to FFL status. And it's been upheld in Federal Court. Now, stop making shit up.
Yep, that is why any new frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul.
The whole gun control movement is based off fucked up emotion

Yes, it's emotional when you get your kids killed while they are in a place of learning. It's emotional when you lose your family while they are in a theater. It's emotional when your family member loses his life for eating popcorn too loud. Yes, you are right, that's very emotional. Making an attempt to keep one specific weapon out of the public is also emotional just not on the same scale. Those innocents that were mowed down caught in the mob murders families certainly got emotional over the use of the Thompson Machine Guns. You aren't saying anything original that wasn't said in 1933 and 1934. The same methods can still be used. But obviously, our Congress Critters aren't nearly as smart nor ballsy as they used to be and are bought and paid for even worse.

How do you get out of bed being the emotional wreck that you are

I heard that uncontrollable emotional swings often accompany dementia

I try and change those things I can change and don't try and change the things I can't change. Simple as that. And if you get caught up in one of those changes, live with it.

And who the fuck are you to tell me what I should or should not do?

That's the problem with you control freaks

And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.
Red states are deregulating firearms...
Cut the shit

The Ar is nothing but a plain old ordinary semiautomatic rifle

And the only reason to pick one semiautomatic rifle to ban is to eventually ban others.

With that paranoia, how do you get out of bed? You are like the person that has the paper delivered directly to his bed every morning so he can read the Obituaries to see if he is in there to see if it's worth getting up or not.

says the feeble minded old man who is so afraid of a rifle he wants it banned

There is no good reason to ban the Ar 15 none zero zip nada

I've given some pretty good reasons. You haven't given one single reason why the moving the AR up to the FFL standard (not banning) would stop the sun from coming up in the morning.

Because it is the same rifle as all the other rifles, and giving in to morons like you will just lead to all the other semi auto rifles, pistols and shotguns being put into that standard....

The AR-15 rifle and all other semi auto rifles are protected by the 2nd Amendment.... you can't change that, you can only lie about it.

4 states and many lower governments have specifically singled the AR-15 out by name and have made special laws concerning just the AR-15 and it's clones. They have not been banned but they have been elevated to requiring a FFL License to own them. You, like them, can place the name Ban on it but it's atually elevating them to FFL status. And it's been upheld in Federal Court. Now, stop making shit up.
That is why Rural America and urban America will never have the same interests.
Anti-gun nutters like yourself need to mind your own business
Cut the shit

The Ar is nothing but a plain old ordinary semiautomatic rifle

And the only reason to pick one semiautomatic rifle to ban is to eventually ban others.

With that paranoia, how do you get out of bed? You are like the person that has the paper delivered directly to his bed every morning so he can read the Obituaries to see if he is in there to see if it's worth getting up or not.

says the feeble minded old man who is so afraid of a rifle he wants it banned

There is no good reason to ban the Ar 15 none zero zip nada

I've given some pretty good reasons. You haven't given one single reason why the moving the AR up to the FFL standard (not banning) would stop the sun from coming up in the morning.

Because it is the same rifle as all the other rifles, and giving in to morons like you will just lead to all the other semi auto rifles, pistols and shotguns being put into that standard....

The AR-15 rifle and all other semi auto rifles are protected by the 2nd Amendment.... you can't change that, you can only lie about it.

4 states and many lower governments have specifically singled the AR-15 out by name and have made special laws concerning just the AR-15 and it's clones. They have not been banned but they have been elevated to requiring a FFL License to own them. You, like them, can place the name Ban on it but it's atually elevating them to FFL status. And it's been upheld in Federal Court. Now, stop making shit up.

And that is unConstitutional..... The Supreme Court has ruled on this and those lower courts are in violation of the law.
Yep, that is why any new frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul.
The whole gun control movement is based off fucked up emotion

Yes, it's emotional when you get your kids killed while they are in a place of learning. It's emotional when you lose your family while they are in a theater. It's emotional when your family member loses his life for eating popcorn too loud. Yes, you are right, that's very emotional. Making an attempt to keep one specific weapon out of the public is also emotional just not on the same scale. Those innocents that were mowed down caught in the mob murders families certainly got emotional over the use of the Thompson Machine Guns. You aren't saying anything original that wasn't said in 1933 and 1934. The same methods can still be used. But obviously, our Congress Critters aren't nearly as smart nor ballsy as they used to be and are bought and paid for even worse.

How do you get out of bed being the emotional wreck that you are

I heard that uncontrollable emotional swings often accompany dementia

I try and change those things I can change and don't try and change the things I can't change. Simple as that. And if you get caught up in one of those changes, live with it.

And who the fuck are you to tell me what I should or should not do?

That's the problem with you control freaks

And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.

The day a feeble old man like you could lay a hand on me is the day I'll eat a bullet.

My stepfather thought he could lay his hands on me but he too learned his lesson

You people don't give a flying or any other kind of FUCK about the murder rate or murder victims all you care about is controlling other people
Yes, it's emotional when you get your kids killed while they are in a place of learning. It's emotional when you lose your family while they are in a theater. It's emotional when your family member loses his life for eating popcorn too loud. Yes, you are right, that's very emotional. Making an attempt to keep one specific weapon out of the public is also emotional just not on the same scale. Those innocents that were mowed down caught in the mob murders families certainly got emotional over the use of the Thompson Machine Guns. You aren't saying anything original that wasn't said in 1933 and 1934. The same methods can still be used. But obviously, our Congress Critters aren't nearly as smart nor ballsy as they used to be and are bought and paid for even worse.

How do you get out of bed being the emotional wreck that you are

I heard that uncontrollable emotional swings often accompany dementia

I try and change those things I can change and don't try and change the things I can't change. Simple as that. And if you get caught up in one of those changes, live with it.

And who the fuck are you to tell me what I should or should not do?

That's the problem with you control freaks

And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.
Red states are deregulating firearms...

Let's take a look at the least firearms regulation states.

Kansas makes the top of the list. It's a VERY Red State It also makes the top of the list as the worst run economy in the US. It's one of the highest Welfare states for food stamps, social programs and more. If I had to pick a state that was the most likely to have an armed rebellion by poor people,, this would be the one.

Vermont comes in as #2. But it's a deep blue state. The reason is that it's very low in population. Low population usually means there are a lot of rural areas that don't really require a lot of gun regulations. Vermont is still trying to stand ready for the Revolutionary War as it is it's always has. Great place to live or visit if you want to step back to the early days of the United States. Many of you gun nutz should consider moving there. All you would need to do is to find jobs which they seem to lack.

South Dakota is #3. South Dakota is a welfare state with only small pockets of population. It's about as rural as you can get. Most states have cities with more population that the entire state has. I don't live in a particularly large city in Colorado and yet our town is as large as Sioux Falls, SD which is the largest city in SD. It's population is spread out in a very rural way. And it's another Welfare State. And many of the businesses that other states have as private businesses, SD has city owned like the Cement Factory in Rapid City. And yes, South Dakota is a Red State.

Alaska is #4. I spent 3 years living in Alaska. I can tell you that you can't tell an Alaskan to do ANYTHING. These are some of the nicest folks you ever wanted to meet but they are also some of the independent people as well. They are big on Individual Rights. But, truth be told, Alaska is a Welfare State. Over 1/3 or all income or employment comes directly from the Federal Government. And this does not include the social programs since Alaskans that are hard up have trouble making the Federal Rate. Last year, Alaska cut their Oil Revenue that they give back to all Alaskans back to 1000 from 3000 dollars as it's getting mighty tight since the programs like the "Bridge to Nowhere" are being monitored more closely. If ever we had a state that could be great without Federal Aid, it would be Alaska. If we ever had one that isn't, it is also Alaska. Probably the #1 Welfare State in the Union. Yes, very, very Red.

Missouri is #5. Missouri made the top 3 list of the Corporate Welfare States. But they have made some real fine choices in reducing their poor welfare rates. I applaud their putting people to work who are capable of working. Missouri is more a light Pink state that also goes to a Purple state. Sorry, but you can't claim this as just a Red state. It's not. It goes from election to election. This state is doing well.

Wyoming is #6. Yes, a very, very Red state. But also a very, very welfare state. And has almost no population. The largest city they have would be considered small in almost every other state. Another highly rural dominant state. They lack heavy industry and depend on oil and coal. I will admit they have made inroads in trying to clean up their welfare social programs. When you once had the worst in the nation, anything can be an improvement. But they also have one of the highest Corporate Welfare in the Nation per Capita. That's not hard to do when you don't have that many capita to drive that number down. Their entire economy is tied directly to oil and coal and goes up and down like a yo yo. Mostly down.

Kentucky comes in at #7. This puppy makes the list of Per Capita Welfare Recipients at #1. Yes, it's a real Red State. And like MOST Red States, it's in extreme financial trouble. And like most Red States, it's near the top of the list for Corporate Welfare. This is another case of poorly run Government which caters to only the rich, buys off the poor to keep the from noticing. Yes, another case of a very, very Red State.

I won't go any further down the list. But Most of the states that are Red States with lower gun regs than others have some things in common.

1. High Social Welfare Rates
2. Low Employment Rates
3. High rate of Rural Population
4. Are in Financial Trouble

2 out of the 5 are not Red States. Those 2 don't seem to be having those problems with the exception of the High rate of Rural Population. Rustbucket is right about one thing and only one thing. Rural Population areas require fewer gun regs. In fact, rural population areas require fewer laws since they have fewer people who interact with each other less. On the other side of the coin, higher population areas need more laws because people interact with each other more. You can't have one size fits all but that seems to be what the guncrazies want. If you think NYC, Detroit, Atlanta or LA would be safe to live anywhere near with no gun laws or the same laws as a rural area you would be sadly mistaken and probably dead.
Yes, it's emotional when you get your kids killed while they are in a place of learning. It's emotional when you lose your family while they are in a theater. It's emotional when your family member loses his life for eating popcorn too loud. Yes, you are right, that's very emotional. Making an attempt to keep one specific weapon out of the public is also emotional just not on the same scale. Those innocents that were mowed down caught in the mob murders families certainly got emotional over the use of the Thompson Machine Guns. You aren't saying anything original that wasn't said in 1933 and 1934. The same methods can still be used. But obviously, our Congress Critters aren't nearly as smart nor ballsy as they used to be and are bought and paid for even worse.

How do you get out of bed being the emotional wreck that you are

I heard that uncontrollable emotional swings often accompany dementia

I try and change those things I can change and don't try and change the things I can't change. Simple as that. And if you get caught up in one of those changes, live with it.

And who the fuck are you to tell me what I should or should not do?

That's the problem with you control freaks

And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.

The day a feeble old man like you could lay a hand on me is the day I'll eat a bullet.

My stepfather thought he could lay his hands on me but he too learned his lesson

You people don't give a flying or any other kind of FUCK about the murder rate or murder victims all you care about is controlling other people

I was hoping you would say that you would become a Ballerina in that case and I was going to send you a Four Four. Your fat ass would probably not fit in a tutu.
With that paranoia, how do you get out of bed? You are like the person that has the paper delivered directly to his bed every morning so he can read the Obituaries to see if he is in there to see if it's worth getting up or not.

says the feeble minded old man who is so afraid of a rifle he wants it banned

There is no good reason to ban the Ar 15 none zero zip nada

I've given some pretty good reasons. You haven't given one single reason why the moving the AR up to the FFL standard (not banning) would stop the sun from coming up in the morning.

Because it is the same rifle as all the other rifles, and giving in to morons like you will just lead to all the other semi auto rifles, pistols and shotguns being put into that standard....

The AR-15 rifle and all other semi auto rifles are protected by the 2nd Amendment.... you can't change that, you can only lie about it.

4 states and many lower governments have specifically singled the AR-15 out by name and have made special laws concerning just the AR-15 and it's clones. They have not been banned but they have been elevated to requiring a FFL License to own them. You, like them, can place the name Ban on it but it's atually elevating them to FFL status. And it's been upheld in Federal Court. Now, stop making shit up.

And that is unConstitutional..... The Supreme Court has ruled on this and those lower courts are in violation of the law.

We have been through it many times. The Supreme Court has NOT ruled on the lower courts. In fact, they have refused to hear them. Meaning, they may or many not agree with it but don't find those ruling as unconstitutional. Are we going to do this dog and pony show again? Are you going to go into all the ways that the SC has ruled the way you think they did only to have it pointed out that you are cherry picking and leaving out the real meat of the rulings? Just how many times are you going to do this. I have the time.
How do you get out of bed being the emotional wreck that you are

I heard that uncontrollable emotional swings often accompany dementia

I try and change those things I can change and don't try and change the things I can't change. Simple as that. And if you get caught up in one of those changes, live with it.

And who the fuck are you to tell me what I should or should not do?

That's the problem with you control freaks

And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.

The day a feeble old man like you could lay a hand on me is the day I'll eat a bullet.

My stepfather thought he could lay his hands on me but he too learned his lesson

You people don't give a flying or any other kind of FUCK about the murder rate or murder victims all you care about is controlling other people

I was hoping you would say that you would become a Ballerina in that case and I was going to send you a Four Four. Your fat ass would probably not fit in a tutu.

Keep your fetishes to yourself you old pervert
I try and change those things I can change and don't try and change the things I can't change. Simple as that. And if you get caught up in one of those changes, live with it.

And who the fuck are you to tell me what I should or should not do?

That's the problem with you control freaks

And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.

The day a feeble old man like you could lay a hand on me is the day I'll eat a bullet.

My stepfather thought he could lay his hands on me but he too learned his lesson

You people don't give a flying or any other kind of FUCK about the murder rate or murder victims all you care about is controlling other people

I was hoping you would say that you would become a Ballerina in that case and I was going to send you a Four Four. Your fat ass would probably not fit in a tutu.

Keep your fetishes to yourself you old pervert

Oh, you have harmed me. I am not a Pervert. There are three classes of Perverts. There is the Prevert. That's the Pervert in Training. Then there is the Pervert. That's the practicing Pervert. Then there is me, the Provert, the Instructor.
And who the fuck are you to tell me what I should or should not do?

That's the problem with you control freaks

And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.

The day a feeble old man like you could lay a hand on me is the day I'll eat a bullet.

My stepfather thought he could lay his hands on me but he too learned his lesson

You people don't give a flying or any other kind of FUCK about the murder rate or murder victims all you care about is controlling other people

I was hoping you would say that you would become a Ballerina in that case and I was going to send you a Four Four. Your fat ass would probably not fit in a tutu.

Keep your fetishes to yourself you old pervert

Oh, you have harmed me. I am not a Pervert. There are three classes of Perverts. There is the Prevert. That's the Pervert in Training. Then there is the Pervert. That's the practicing Pervert. Then there is me, the Provert, the Instructor.

Wow proud of instructing perverts

You have far more problems than your irrational fear of Ar 15s
And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.

The day a feeble old man like you could lay a hand on me is the day I'll eat a bullet.

My stepfather thought he could lay his hands on me but he too learned his lesson

You people don't give a flying or any other kind of FUCK about the murder rate or murder victims all you care about is controlling other people

I was hoping you would say that you would become a Ballerina in that case and I was going to send you a Four Four. Your fat ass would probably not fit in a tutu.

Keep your fetishes to yourself you old pervert

Oh, you have harmed me. I am not a Pervert. There are three classes of Perverts. There is the Prevert. That's the Pervert in Training. Then there is the Pervert. That's the practicing Pervert. Then there is me, the Provert, the Instructor.

Wow proud of instructing perverts

You have far more problems than your irrational fear of Ar 15s

Humor is not your strong suit. And I don't fear the AR15. I respect it. I just don't respect you.
How do you get out of bed being the emotional wreck that you are

I heard that uncontrollable emotional swings often accompany dementia

I try and change those things I can change and don't try and change the things I can't change. Simple as that. And if you get caught up in one of those changes, live with it.

And who the fuck are you to tell me what I should or should not do?

That's the problem with you control freaks

And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.
Red states are deregulating firearms...

Let's take a look at the least firearms regulation states.

Kansas makes the top of the list. It's a VERY Red State It also makes the top of the list as the worst run economy in the US. It's one of the highest Welfare states for food stamps, social programs and more. If I had to pick a state that was the most likely to have an armed rebellion by poor people,, this would be the one.

Vermont comes in as #2. But it's a deep blue state. The reason is that it's very low in population. Low population usually means there are a lot of rural areas that don't really require a lot of gun regulations. Vermont is still trying to stand ready for the Revolutionary War as it is it's always has. Great place to live or visit if you want to step back to the early days of the United States. Many of you gun nutz should consider moving there. All you would need to do is to find jobs which they seem to lack.

South Dakota is #3. South Dakota is a welfare state with only small pockets of population. It's about as rural as you can get. Most states have cities with more population that the entire state has. I don't live in a particularly large city in Colorado and yet our town is as large as Sioux Falls, SD which is the largest city in SD. It's population is spread out in a very rural way. And it's another Welfare State. And many of the businesses that other states have as private businesses, SD has city owned like the Cement Factory in Rapid City. And yes, South Dakota is a Red State.

Alaska is #4. I spent 3 years living in Alaska. I can tell you that you can't tell an Alaskan to do ANYTHING. These are some of the nicest folks you ever wanted to meet but they are also some of the independent people as well. They are big on Individual Rights. But, truth be told, Alaska is a Welfare State. Over 1/3 or all income or employment comes directly from the Federal Government. And this does not include the social programs since Alaskans that are hard up have trouble making the Federal Rate. Last year, Alaska cut their Oil Revenue that they give back to all Alaskans back to 1000 from 3000 dollars as it's getting mighty tight since the programs like the "Bridge to Nowhere" are being monitored more closely. If ever we had a state that could be great without Federal Aid, it would be Alaska. If we ever had one that isn't, it is also Alaska. Probably the #1 Welfare State in the Union. Yes, very, very Red.

Missouri is #5. Missouri made the top 3 list of the Corporate Welfare States. But they have made some real fine choices in reducing their poor welfare rates. I applaud their putting people to work who are capable of working. Missouri is more a light Pink state that also goes to a Purple state. Sorry, but you can't claim this as just a Red state. It's not. It goes from election to election. This state is doing well.

Wyoming is #6. Yes, a very, very Red state. But also a very, very welfare state. And has almost no population. The largest city they have would be considered small in almost every other state. Another highly rural dominant state. They lack heavy industry and depend on oil and coal. I will admit they have made inroads in trying to clean up their welfare social programs. When you once had the worst in the nation, anything can be an improvement. But they also have one of the highest Corporate Welfare in the Nation per Capita. That's not hard to do when you don't have that many capita to drive that number down. Their entire economy is tied directly to oil and coal and goes up and down like a yo yo. Mostly down.

Kentucky comes in at #7. This puppy makes the list of Per Capita Welfare Recipients at #1. Yes, it's a real Red State. And like MOST Red States, it's in extreme financial trouble. And like most Red States, it's near the top of the list for Corporate Welfare. This is another case of poorly run Government which caters to only the rich, buys off the poor to keep the from noticing. Yes, another case of a very, very Red State.

I won't go any further down the list. But Most of the states that are Red States with lower gun regs than others have some things in common.

1. High Social Welfare Rates
2. Low Employment Rates
3. High rate of Rural Population
4. Are in Financial Trouble

2 out of the 5 are not Red States. Those 2 don't seem to be having those problems with the exception of the High rate of Rural Population. Rustbucket is right about one thing and only one thing. Rural Population areas require fewer gun regs. In fact, rural population areas require fewer laws since they have fewer people who interact with each other less. On the other side of the coin, higher population areas need more laws because people interact with each other more. You can't have one size fits all but that seems to be what the guncrazies want. If you think NYC, Detroit, Atlanta or LA would be safe to live anywhere near with no gun laws or the same laws as a rural area you would be sadly mistaken and probably dead.
Rural states are great for self-employment... And they have no need for frivolous laws and regulations
I try and change those things I can change and don't try and change the things I can't change. Simple as that. And if you get caught up in one of those changes, live with it.

And who the fuck are you to tell me what I should or should not do?

That's the problem with you control freaks

And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.
Red states are deregulating firearms...

Let's take a look at the least firearms regulation states.

Kansas makes the top of the list. It's a VERY Red State It also makes the top of the list as the worst run economy in the US. It's one of the highest Welfare states for food stamps, social programs and more. If I had to pick a state that was the most likely to have an armed rebellion by poor people,, this would be the one.

Vermont comes in as #2. But it's a deep blue state. The reason is that it's very low in population. Low population usually means there are a lot of rural areas that don't really require a lot of gun regulations. Vermont is still trying to stand ready for the Revolutionary War as it is it's always has. Great place to live or visit if you want to step back to the early days of the United States. Many of you gun nutz should consider moving there. All you would need to do is to find jobs which they seem to lack.

South Dakota is #3. South Dakota is a welfare state with only small pockets of population. It's about as rural as you can get. Most states have cities with more population that the entire state has. I don't live in a particularly large city in Colorado and yet our town is as large as Sioux Falls, SD which is the largest city in SD. It's population is spread out in a very rural way. And it's another Welfare State. And many of the businesses that other states have as private businesses, SD has city owned like the Cement Factory in Rapid City. And yes, South Dakota is a Red State.

Alaska is #4. I spent 3 years living in Alaska. I can tell you that you can't tell an Alaskan to do ANYTHING. These are some of the nicest folks you ever wanted to meet but they are also some of the independent people as well. They are big on Individual Rights. But, truth be told, Alaska is a Welfare State. Over 1/3 or all income or employment comes directly from the Federal Government. And this does not include the social programs since Alaskans that are hard up have trouble making the Federal Rate. Last year, Alaska cut their Oil Revenue that they give back to all Alaskans back to 1000 from 3000 dollars as it's getting mighty tight since the programs like the "Bridge to Nowhere" are being monitored more closely. If ever we had a state that could be great without Federal Aid, it would be Alaska. If we ever had one that isn't, it is also Alaska. Probably the #1 Welfare State in the Union. Yes, very, very Red.

Missouri is #5. Missouri made the top 3 list of the Corporate Welfare States. But they have made some real fine choices in reducing their poor welfare rates. I applaud their putting people to work who are capable of working. Missouri is more a light Pink state that also goes to a Purple state. Sorry, but you can't claim this as just a Red state. It's not. It goes from election to election. This state is doing well.

Wyoming is #6. Yes, a very, very Red state. But also a very, very welfare state. And has almost no population. The largest city they have would be considered small in almost every other state. Another highly rural dominant state. They lack heavy industry and depend on oil and coal. I will admit they have made inroads in trying to clean up their welfare social programs. When you once had the worst in the nation, anything can be an improvement. But they also have one of the highest Corporate Welfare in the Nation per Capita. That's not hard to do when you don't have that many capita to drive that number down. Their entire economy is tied directly to oil and coal and goes up and down like a yo yo. Mostly down.

Kentucky comes in at #7. This puppy makes the list of Per Capita Welfare Recipients at #1. Yes, it's a real Red State. And like MOST Red States, it's in extreme financial trouble. And like most Red States, it's near the top of the list for Corporate Welfare. This is another case of poorly run Government which caters to only the rich, buys off the poor to keep the from noticing. Yes, another case of a very, very Red State.

I won't go any further down the list. But Most of the states that are Red States with lower gun regs than others have some things in common.

1. High Social Welfare Rates
2. Low Employment Rates
3. High rate of Rural Population
4. Are in Financial Trouble

2 out of the 5 are not Red States. Those 2 don't seem to be having those problems with the exception of the High rate of Rural Population. Rustbucket is right about one thing and only one thing. Rural Population areas require fewer gun regs. In fact, rural population areas require fewer laws since they have fewer people who interact with each other less. On the other side of the coin, higher population areas need more laws because people interact with each other more. You can't have one size fits all but that seems to be what the guncrazies want. If you think NYC, Detroit, Atlanta or LA would be safe to live anywhere near with no gun laws or the same laws as a rural area you would be sadly mistaken and probably dead.
Rural states are great for self-employment... And they have no need for frivolous laws and regulations
That is why rural and urban will never have the same interests...
And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.

The day a feeble old man like you could lay a hand on me is the day I'll eat a bullet.

My stepfather thought he could lay his hands on me but he too learned his lesson

You people don't give a flying or any other kind of FUCK about the murder rate or murder victims all you care about is controlling other people

I was hoping you would say that you would become a Ballerina in that case and I was going to send you a Four Four. Your fat ass would probably not fit in a tutu.

Keep your fetishes to yourself you old pervert

Oh, you have harmed me. I am not a Pervert. There are three classes of Perverts. There is the Prevert. That's the Pervert in Training. Then there is the Pervert. That's the practicing Pervert. Then there is me, the Provert, the Instructor.

Wow proud of instructing perverts

You have far more problems than your irrational fear of Ar 15s
It’s a black thing...
And who the fuck are you to tell me what I should or should not do?

That's the problem with you control freaks

And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.
Red states are deregulating firearms...

Let's take a look at the least firearms regulation states.

Kansas makes the top of the list. It's a VERY Red State It also makes the top of the list as the worst run economy in the US. It's one of the highest Welfare states for food stamps, social programs and more. If I had to pick a state that was the most likely to have an armed rebellion by poor people,, this would be the one.

Vermont comes in as #2. But it's a deep blue state. The reason is that it's very low in population. Low population usually means there are a lot of rural areas that don't really require a lot of gun regulations. Vermont is still trying to stand ready for the Revolutionary War as it is it's always has. Great place to live or visit if you want to step back to the early days of the United States. Many of you gun nutz should consider moving there. All you would need to do is to find jobs which they seem to lack.

South Dakota is #3. South Dakota is a welfare state with only small pockets of population. It's about as rural as you can get. Most states have cities with more population that the entire state has. I don't live in a particularly large city in Colorado and yet our town is as large as Sioux Falls, SD which is the largest city in SD. It's population is spread out in a very rural way. And it's another Welfare State. And many of the businesses that other states have as private businesses, SD has city owned like the Cement Factory in Rapid City. And yes, South Dakota is a Red State.

Alaska is #4. I spent 3 years living in Alaska. I can tell you that you can't tell an Alaskan to do ANYTHING. These are some of the nicest folks you ever wanted to meet but they are also some of the independent people as well. They are big on Individual Rights. But, truth be told, Alaska is a Welfare State. Over 1/3 or all income or employment comes directly from the Federal Government. And this does not include the social programs since Alaskans that are hard up have trouble making the Federal Rate. Last year, Alaska cut their Oil Revenue that they give back to all Alaskans back to 1000 from 3000 dollars as it's getting mighty tight since the programs like the "Bridge to Nowhere" are being monitored more closely. If ever we had a state that could be great without Federal Aid, it would be Alaska. If we ever had one that isn't, it is also Alaska. Probably the #1 Welfare State in the Union. Yes, very, very Red.

Missouri is #5. Missouri made the top 3 list of the Corporate Welfare States. But they have made some real fine choices in reducing their poor welfare rates. I applaud their putting people to work who are capable of working. Missouri is more a light Pink state that also goes to a Purple state. Sorry, but you can't claim this as just a Red state. It's not. It goes from election to election. This state is doing well.

Wyoming is #6. Yes, a very, very Red state. But also a very, very welfare state. And has almost no population. The largest city they have would be considered small in almost every other state. Another highly rural dominant state. They lack heavy industry and depend on oil and coal. I will admit they have made inroads in trying to clean up their welfare social programs. When you once had the worst in the nation, anything can be an improvement. But they also have one of the highest Corporate Welfare in the Nation per Capita. That's not hard to do when you don't have that many capita to drive that number down. Their entire economy is tied directly to oil and coal and goes up and down like a yo yo. Mostly down.

Kentucky comes in at #7. This puppy makes the list of Per Capita Welfare Recipients at #1. Yes, it's a real Red State. And like MOST Red States, it's in extreme financial trouble. And like most Red States, it's near the top of the list for Corporate Welfare. This is another case of poorly run Government which caters to only the rich, buys off the poor to keep the from noticing. Yes, another case of a very, very Red State.

I won't go any further down the list. But Most of the states that are Red States with lower gun regs than others have some things in common.

1. High Social Welfare Rates
2. Low Employment Rates
3. High rate of Rural Population
4. Are in Financial Trouble

2 out of the 5 are not Red States. Those 2 don't seem to be having those problems with the exception of the High rate of Rural Population. Rustbucket is right about one thing and only one thing. Rural Population areas require fewer gun regs. In fact, rural population areas require fewer laws since they have fewer people who interact with each other less. On the other side of the coin, higher population areas need more laws because people interact with each other more. You can't have one size fits all but that seems to be what the guncrazies want. If you think NYC, Detroit, Atlanta or LA would be safe to live anywhere near with no gun laws or the same laws as a rural area you would be sadly mistaken and probably dead.
Rural states are great for self-employment... And they have no need for frivolous laws and regulations
That is why rural and urban will never have the same interests...

Then why do you demand that the Urban Areas force the same Laws that the Rural Areas do when it would be completely suicidal to do so? Single people or small groups are more stable while large groups will have some fringe groups that can be very dangerous. We NEED gun more gun restrictions in the urban areas. Yet you fight tooth and nail to prevent it even at the cost of human lives.
I will believe the far left leaders on this when they disarm their own security.
I will believe the far left leaders on this when they disarm their own security.

Ok, don't believe the left 1%. Neither do I. But how about the other 98% leaving out the 1% of the far right? Or do we just want to hear from the fringe groups of both sides and think that is what all the rest of us think. I for one am sick and tired of the lies and insults from both fringe groups. Nothing seems to get done.
I try and change those things I can change and don't try and change the things I can't change. Simple as that. And if you get caught up in one of those changes, live with it.

And who the fuck are you to tell me what I should or should not do?

That's the problem with you control freaks

And you demonstrate the problem with a spoiled child. Hope more firearms regulations come down the pike so you can feel nice and spanked.
Red states are deregulating firearms...

Let's take a look at the least firearms regulation states.

Kansas makes the top of the list. It's a VERY Red State It also makes the top of the list as the worst run economy in the US. It's one of the highest Welfare states for food stamps, social programs and more. If I had to pick a state that was the most likely to have an armed rebellion by poor people,, this would be the one.

Vermont comes in as #2. But it's a deep blue state. The reason is that it's very low in population. Low population usually means there are a lot of rural areas that don't really require a lot of gun regulations. Vermont is still trying to stand ready for the Revolutionary War as it is it's always has. Great place to live or visit if you want to step back to the early days of the United States. Many of you gun nutz should consider moving there. All you would need to do is to find jobs which they seem to lack.

South Dakota is #3. South Dakota is a welfare state with only small pockets of population. It's about as rural as you can get. Most states have cities with more population that the entire state has. I don't live in a particularly large city in Colorado and yet our town is as large as Sioux Falls, SD which is the largest city in SD. It's population is spread out in a very rural way. And it's another Welfare State. And many of the businesses that other states have as private businesses, SD has city owned like the Cement Factory in Rapid City. And yes, South Dakota is a Red State.

Alaska is #4. I spent 3 years living in Alaska. I can tell you that you can't tell an Alaskan to do ANYTHING. These are some of the nicest folks you ever wanted to meet but they are also some of the independent people as well. They are big on Individual Rights. But, truth be told, Alaska is a Welfare State. Over 1/3 or all income or employment comes directly from the Federal Government. And this does not include the social programs since Alaskans that are hard up have trouble making the Federal Rate. Last year, Alaska cut their Oil Revenue that they give back to all Alaskans back to 1000 from 3000 dollars as it's getting mighty tight since the programs like the "Bridge to Nowhere" are being monitored more closely. If ever we had a state that could be great without Federal Aid, it would be Alaska. If we ever had one that isn't, it is also Alaska. Probably the #1 Welfare State in the Union. Yes, very, very Red.

Missouri is #5. Missouri made the top 3 list of the Corporate Welfare States. But they have made some real fine choices in reducing their poor welfare rates. I applaud their putting people to work who are capable of working. Missouri is more a light Pink state that also goes to a Purple state. Sorry, but you can't claim this as just a Red state. It's not. It goes from election to election. This state is doing well.

Wyoming is #6. Yes, a very, very Red state. But also a very, very welfare state. And has almost no population. The largest city they have would be considered small in almost every other state. Another highly rural dominant state. They lack heavy industry and depend on oil and coal. I will admit they have made inroads in trying to clean up their welfare social programs. When you once had the worst in the nation, anything can be an improvement. But they also have one of the highest Corporate Welfare in the Nation per Capita. That's not hard to do when you don't have that many capita to drive that number down. Their entire economy is tied directly to oil and coal and goes up and down like a yo yo. Mostly down.

Kentucky comes in at #7. This puppy makes the list of Per Capita Welfare Recipients at #1. Yes, it's a real Red State. And like MOST Red States, it's in extreme financial trouble. And like most Red States, it's near the top of the list for Corporate Welfare. This is another case of poorly run Government which caters to only the rich, buys off the poor to keep the from noticing. Yes, another case of a very, very Red State.

I won't go any further down the list. But Most of the states that are Red States with lower gun regs than others have some things in common.

1. High Social Welfare Rates
2. Low Employment Rates
3. High rate of Rural Population
4. Are in Financial Trouble

2 out of the 5 are not Red States. Those 2 don't seem to be having those problems with the exception of the High rate of Rural Population. Rustbucket is right about one thing and only one thing. Rural Population areas require fewer gun regs. In fact, rural population areas require fewer laws since they have fewer people who interact with each other less. On the other side of the coin, higher population areas need more laws because people interact with each other more. You can't have one size fits all but that seems to be what the guncrazies want. If you think NYC, Detroit, Atlanta or LA would be safe to live anywhere near with no gun laws or the same laws as a rural area you would be sadly mistaken and probably dead.
Rural states are great for self-employment... And they have no need for frivolous laws and regulations

And illegal immigrant employment.
I will believe the far left leaders on this when they disarm their own security.

Ok, don't believe the left 1%. Neither do I. But how about the other 98% leaving out the 1% of the far right? Or do we just want to hear from the fringe groups of both sides and think that is what all the rest of us think. I for one am sick and tired of the lies and insults from both fringe groups. Nothing seems to get done.

The far left right wants to ban guns? I will need to see evidence of that!

The far left is the most dangerous group in the world, they should be removed from power.

But then again anyone right of the far left will look far right.

When the far left become serious and disarm their security I will believe they want true gun control.

Until the it is nothing more than hot air.

Just like the Walls they build around their mansions to keep the people out that they claim to care about.

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