If banning rifles is a winner for democrats, why do they want to hide it from voters?

Oh, you have harmed me. I am not a Pervert. There are three classes of Perverts. There is the Prevert. That's the Pervert in Training. Then there is the Pervert. That's the practicing Pervert. Then there is me, the Provert, the Instructor.

Wow proud of instructing perverts

You have far more problems than your irrational fear of Ar 15s

Humor is not your strong suit. And I don't fear the AR15. I respect it. I just don't respect you.

And I don't respect control freaks who try to tell other people how they should live their lives

Then you shouldn't respect yourself since you are trying to use Rural America's values for Urban America. You should strip off your shirt and use a strap on your own back.
You have no idea what Rural America is really like, You have been just a sometimes visitor...

That had to be the longest visit in history, 19 years straight with a Rural Route address. Damn, you can sure make things up. Now,stop making shit up.
This is the thing you anti gunners don't realize about the teenagers from Parkland..... teenagers eat tidepods, play Fortnight, and snort condoms.... Those of us who understand the history of mankind and human nature, want to protect the Bill of Rights... So, while teenagers forget, we remember....and we are going to remember in November what you want to do to our gun Rights....

This is why the gun control extremist groups are telling the gun control extremist democrats to not say they want to ban Assault rifles.......

Dem Candidate Tedra Cobb Tells Supporters She Wants ‘Assault Rifle’ Ban But ‘Cannot Say That’ in Public

Tedra Cobb, the Democratic candidate in New York's 21st Congressional District, told a group of teenage supporters that she supports a ban on certain firearms but won't say so publicly for fear of losing her election.

"When I was at this thing today, it was the first table I was at, a woman said, ‘How do you feel about assault rifles?' And I said they should be banned," Cobb can be heard saying in the video recorded by one of the attendees. "And I said, you know, people were getting up to go, to go get their lunch because it was a buffet, and I just said to her, I want you to know Cindy, I cannot say that."

When the woman pushed back on Cobb keeping quiet on how she feels about banning certain firearms, Cobb said coming out in favor of a gun ban would lead to her losing her bid against Republican incumbent Elise Stefanik.

"And she said, ‘Well, I want you to' and I said, ‘I won't win,'" Cobb said. "I said Moms Demand [Action] says, and Tricia Pleau said, ‘Do not say that you want an assault rifle ban because you will not win.'"

Tricia Pleau is a member of the New York chapter of the gun-control group Moms Demand Action.

Cobb's campaign website features a page on "Addressing Gun Violence" detailing her support for a number of gun-control measures but does not feature any language supporting a specific ban on any firearms.

Chris Martin, regional press secretary of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Cobb's comments are disqualifying.

"Tedra Cobb knows that she's wildly out of touch with the district, so she's desperately trying to hide her liberal agenda from voters," Martin said. "First, she was forced to admit that she raised taxes over 20 times, and now she's being exposed for lying to voters about her support for an assault weapons ban and taking guns away from law-abiding citizens."

The Cobb campaign did not respond to a request for comment from the Free Beacon but did issue a statement to The Post Star.
I don't know any Democrats who want to ban rifles.
Why would you........oh, I forgot. You are a lying SOS. Thanks for reminding me.

Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

Standard NRA boiler plate. People are buying it less and less every day. Regardless, the cult rifle for these killings is the AR-15 and it's clones. You want to change that, change the cult of the thing. Until then, something has to be done.

No...you are a moron...... there are over 8 million AR-15s in private hands...... those weapons are used for lawful purposes...fewer than 5 have been used in mass shootings more people are killed by lawnmowers, you moron, than are killed by AR-15 rifles each year...

When I see people carrying into schools lawnmowers that can fire that many rounds a minute and are used to gun down school children, people in theaters, people at concerts and such then I will be the first to want to discuss changing how we do lawnmowers. It's one thing for accidental deaths and another for killing in cold blood in our schools. If you can't see the difference then you shouldn't even own a lawn mower much less a firearm.

Lawnmowers kill more people than people using Ar15’s… you silly fucker
Wow proud of instructing perverts

You have far more problems than your irrational fear of Ar 15s

Humor is not your strong suit. And I don't fear the AR15. I respect it. I just don't respect you.

And I don't respect control freaks who try to tell other people how they should live their lives

Then you shouldn't respect yourself since you are trying to use Rural America's values for Urban America. You should strip off your shirt and use a strap on your own back.
You have no idea what Rural America is really like, You have been just a sometimes visitor...

That had to be the longest visit in history, 19 years straight with a Rural Route address. Damn, you can sure make things up. Now,stop making shit up.
Well you certainly do not understand rural America by your posts...
This is the thing you anti gunners don't realize about the teenagers from Parkland..... teenagers eat tidepods, play Fortnight, and snort condoms.... Those of us who understand the history of mankind and human nature, want to protect the Bill of Rights... So, while teenagers forget, we remember....and we are going to remember in November what you want to do to our gun Rights....

This is why the gun control extremist groups are telling the gun control extremist democrats to not say they want to ban Assault rifles.......

Dem Candidate Tedra Cobb Tells Supporters She Wants ‘Assault Rifle’ Ban But ‘Cannot Say That’ in Public

Tedra Cobb, the Democratic candidate in New York's 21st Congressional District, told a group of teenage supporters that she supports a ban on certain firearms but won't say so publicly for fear of losing her election.

"When I was at this thing today, it was the first table I was at, a woman said, ‘How do you feel about assault rifles?' And I said they should be banned," Cobb can be heard saying in the video recorded by one of the attendees. "And I said, you know, people were getting up to go, to go get their lunch because it was a buffet, and I just said to her, I want you to know Cindy, I cannot say that."

When the woman pushed back on Cobb keeping quiet on how she feels about banning certain firearms, Cobb said coming out in favor of a gun ban would lead to her losing her bid against Republican incumbent Elise Stefanik.

"And she said, ‘Well, I want you to' and I said, ‘I won't win,'" Cobb said. "I said Moms Demand [Action] says, and Tricia Pleau said, ‘Do not say that you want an assault rifle ban because you will not win.'"

Tricia Pleau is a member of the New York chapter of the gun-control group Moms Demand Action.

Cobb's campaign website features a page on "Addressing Gun Violence" detailing her support for a number of gun-control measures but does not feature any language supporting a specific ban on any firearms.

Chris Martin, regional press secretary of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Cobb's comments are disqualifying.

"Tedra Cobb knows that she's wildly out of touch with the district, so she's desperately trying to hide her liberal agenda from voters," Martin said. "First, she was forced to admit that she raised taxes over 20 times, and now she's being exposed for lying to voters about her support for an assault weapons ban and taking guns away from law-abiding citizens."

The Cobb campaign did not respond to a request for comment from the Free Beacon but did issue a statement to The Post Star.
I don't know any Democrats who want to ban rifles.
Why would you........oh, I forgot. You are a lying SOS. Thanks for reminding me.

Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

See that is the problem, the snowflakes(crowd) rely on emotion only. They know nothing about the facts of the issue.
They’re all for banning all firearms... Progressives are emotional fuck ups

They were quite specific. They were talking about the AR-15 and it's clones. Meanwhile the little kid in the suit was doing the NRA boiler plate and wasn't listening at all to anyone else.
This is the thing you anti gunners don't realize about the teenagers from Parkland..... teenagers eat tidepods, play Fortnight, and snort condoms.... Those of us who understand the history of mankind and human nature, want to protect the Bill of Rights... So, while teenagers forget, we remember....and we are going to remember in November what you want to do to our gun Rights....

This is why the gun control extremist groups are telling the gun control extremist democrats to not say they want to ban Assault rifles.......

Dem Candidate Tedra Cobb Tells Supporters She Wants ‘Assault Rifle’ Ban But ‘Cannot Say That’ in Public

Tedra Cobb, the Democratic candidate in New York's 21st Congressional District, told a group of teenage supporters that she supports a ban on certain firearms but won't say so publicly for fear of losing her election.

"When I was at this thing today, it was the first table I was at, a woman said, ‘How do you feel about assault rifles?' And I said they should be banned," Cobb can be heard saying in the video recorded by one of the attendees. "And I said, you know, people were getting up to go, to go get their lunch because it was a buffet, and I just said to her, I want you to know Cindy, I cannot say that."

When the woman pushed back on Cobb keeping quiet on how she feels about banning certain firearms, Cobb said coming out in favor of a gun ban would lead to her losing her bid against Republican incumbent Elise Stefanik.

"And she said, ‘Well, I want you to' and I said, ‘I won't win,'" Cobb said. "I said Moms Demand [Action] says, and Tricia Pleau said, ‘Do not say that you want an assault rifle ban because you will not win.'"

Tricia Pleau is a member of the New York chapter of the gun-control group Moms Demand Action.

Cobb's campaign website features a page on "Addressing Gun Violence" detailing her support for a number of gun-control measures but does not feature any language supporting a specific ban on any firearms.

Chris Martin, regional press secretary of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Cobb's comments are disqualifying.

"Tedra Cobb knows that she's wildly out of touch with the district, so she's desperately trying to hide her liberal agenda from voters," Martin said. "First, she was forced to admit that she raised taxes over 20 times, and now she's being exposed for lying to voters about her support for an assault weapons ban and taking guns away from law-abiding citizens."

The Cobb campaign did not respond to a request for comment from the Free Beacon but did issue a statement to The Post Star.
I don't know any Democrats who want to ban rifles.
Why would you........oh, I forgot. You are a lying SOS. Thanks for reminding me.

Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

See that is the problem, the snowflakes(crowd) rely on emotion only. They know nothing about the facts of the issue.
They’re all for banning all firearms... Progressives are emotional fuck ups

They were quite specific. They were talking about the AR-15 and it's clones. Meanwhile the little kid in the suit was doing the NRA boiler plate and wasn't listening at all to anyone else.

AR15s are just sporting rifles, Obviously that crowd of snowflakes don’t know the facts
I don't know any Democrats who want to ban rifles.
Why would you........oh, I forgot. You are a lying SOS. Thanks for reminding me.

Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

Standard NRA boiler plate. People are buying it less and less every day. Regardless, the cult rifle for these killings is the AR-15 and it's clones. You want to change that, change the cult of the thing. Until then, something has to be done.

No...you are a moron...... there are over 8 million AR-15s in private hands...... those weapons are used for lawful purposes...fewer than 5 have been used in mass shootings more people are killed by lawnmowers, you moron, than are killed by AR-15 rifles each year...

When I see people carrying into schools lawnmowers that can fire that many rounds a minute and are used to gun down school children, people in theaters, people at concerts and such then I will be the first to want to discuss changing how we do lawnmowers. It's one thing for accidental deaths and another for killing in cold blood in our schools. If you can't see the difference then you shouldn't even own a lawn mower much less a firearm.

Lawnmowers kill more people than people using Ar15’s… you silly fucker

If people are using lawnmowers to murder people where you are at, I suggest you do something about it. We don't seem to have that problem here. I guess we take exception to lining people up so that people with lawnmowers can mow them down at will. You must live in a very stupid and violent area.
Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

Standard NRA boiler plate. People are buying it less and less every day. Regardless, the cult rifle for these killings is the AR-15 and it's clones. You want to change that, change the cult of the thing. Until then, something has to be done.

No...you are a moron...... there are over 8 million AR-15s in private hands...... those weapons are used for lawful purposes...fewer than 5 have been used in mass shootings more people are killed by lawnmowers, you moron, than are killed by AR-15 rifles each year...

When I see people carrying into schools lawnmowers that can fire that many rounds a minute and are used to gun down school children, people in theaters, people at concerts and such then I will be the first to want to discuss changing how we do lawnmowers. It's one thing for accidental deaths and another for killing in cold blood in our schools. If you can't see the difference then you shouldn't even own a lawn mower much less a firearm.

Lawnmowers kill more people than people using Ar15’s… you silly fucker

If people are using lawnmowers to murder people where you are at, I suggest you do something about it. We don't seem to have that problem here. I guess we take exception to lining people up so that people with lawnmowers can mow them down at will. You must live in a very stupid and violent area.

Shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun laws will change that
This is the thing you anti gunners don't realize about the teenagers from Parkland..... teenagers eat tidepods, play Fortnight, and snort condoms.... Those of us who understand the history of mankind and human nature, want to protect the Bill of Rights... So, while teenagers forget, we remember....and we are going to remember in November what you want to do to our gun Rights....

This is why the gun control extremist groups are telling the gun control extremist democrats to not say they want to ban Assault rifles.......

Dem Candidate Tedra Cobb Tells Supporters She Wants ‘Assault Rifle’ Ban But ‘Cannot Say That’ in Public

Tedra Cobb, the Democratic candidate in New York's 21st Congressional District, told a group of teenage supporters that she supports a ban on certain firearms but won't say so publicly for fear of losing her election.

"When I was at this thing today, it was the first table I was at, a woman said, ‘How do you feel about assault rifles?' And I said they should be banned," Cobb can be heard saying in the video recorded by one of the attendees. "And I said, you know, people were getting up to go, to go get their lunch because it was a buffet, and I just said to her, I want you to know Cindy, I cannot say that."

When the woman pushed back on Cobb keeping quiet on how she feels about banning certain firearms, Cobb said coming out in favor of a gun ban would lead to her losing her bid against Republican incumbent Elise Stefanik.

"And she said, ‘Well, I want you to' and I said, ‘I won't win,'" Cobb said. "I said Moms Demand [Action] says, and Tricia Pleau said, ‘Do not say that you want an assault rifle ban because you will not win.'"

Tricia Pleau is a member of the New York chapter of the gun-control group Moms Demand Action.

Cobb's campaign website features a page on "Addressing Gun Violence" detailing her support for a number of gun-control measures but does not feature any language supporting a specific ban on any firearms.

Chris Martin, regional press secretary of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Cobb's comments are disqualifying.

"Tedra Cobb knows that she's wildly out of touch with the district, so she's desperately trying to hide her liberal agenda from voters," Martin said. "First, she was forced to admit that she raised taxes over 20 times, and now she's being exposed for lying to voters about her support for an assault weapons ban and taking guns away from law-abiding citizens."

The Cobb campaign did not respond to a request for comment from the Free Beacon but did issue a statement to The Post Star.
I don't know any Democrats who want to ban rifles.
Why would you........oh, I forgot. You are a lying SOS. Thanks for reminding me.

Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

See that is the problem, the snowflakes(crowd) rely on emotion only. They know nothing about the facts of the issue.
They’re all for banning all firearms... Progressives are emotional fuck ups

They were quite specific. They were talking about the AR-15 and it's clones. Meanwhile the little kid in the suit was doing the NRA boiler plate and wasn't listening at all to anyone else.

AR15s are just sporting rifles, Obviously that crowd of snowflakes don’t know the facts

Which were created to wage war. Remember, I have a lot more experience with them than you do and I know that there really isn't any difference in operation of an AR-15 and a M-16A-4 Military Rifle. With the exception that what you are used to is cheap junk in comparison. But it still fires just as fast, reloads just as fast and handles just as fast. And a Warrior won't be able to tell the difference in a fire fight. That is what it was designed to do and it does it better than any other light rifle in the world. Just because you can shot a small animal with it doesn't mean it's not meant for war. I can also shoot small animals with a M-249S but why would I.
Standard NRA boiler plate. People are buying it less and less every day. Regardless, the cult rifle for these killings is the AR-15 and it's clones. You want to change that, change the cult of the thing. Until then, something has to be done.

No...you are a moron...... there are over 8 million AR-15s in private hands...... those weapons are used for lawful purposes...fewer than 5 have been used in mass shootings more people are killed by lawnmowers, you moron, than are killed by AR-15 rifles each year...

When I see people carrying into schools lawnmowers that can fire that many rounds a minute and are used to gun down school children, people in theaters, people at concerts and such then I will be the first to want to discuss changing how we do lawnmowers. It's one thing for accidental deaths and another for killing in cold blood in our schools. If you can't see the difference then you shouldn't even own a lawn mower much less a firearm.
Lawnmowers kill more people than people using Ar15’s… you silly fucker

If people are using lawnmowers to murder people where you are at, I suggest you do something about it. We don't seem to have that problem here. I guess we take exception to lining people up so that people with lawnmowers can mow them down at will. You must live in a very stupid and violent area.
Shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun laws will change that

But you are talking about wholesale murder using lawnmowers where you are at. Since you equate the two as the same, there can be no other explanation. Wow, death race 2000 with lawnmowers.
This is the thing you anti gunners don't realize about the teenagers from Parkland..... teenagers eat tidepods, play Fortnight, and snort condoms.... Those of us who understand the history of mankind and human nature, want to protect the Bill of Rights... So, while teenagers forget, we remember....and we are going to remember in November what you want to do to our gun Rights....

This is why the gun control extremist groups are telling the gun control extremist democrats to not say they want to ban Assault rifles.......

Dem Candidate Tedra Cobb Tells Supporters She Wants ‘Assault Rifle’ Ban But ‘Cannot Say That’ in Public

Tedra Cobb, the Democratic candidate in New York's 21st Congressional District, told a group of teenage supporters that she supports a ban on certain firearms but won't say so publicly for fear of losing her election.

"When I was at this thing today, it was the first table I was at, a woman said, ‘How do you feel about assault rifles?' And I said they should be banned," Cobb can be heard saying in the video recorded by one of the attendees. "And I said, you know, people were getting up to go, to go get their lunch because it was a buffet, and I just said to her, I want you to know Cindy, I cannot say that."

When the woman pushed back on Cobb keeping quiet on how she feels about banning certain firearms, Cobb said coming out in favor of a gun ban would lead to her losing her bid against Republican incumbent Elise Stefanik.

"And she said, ‘Well, I want you to' and I said, ‘I won't win,'" Cobb said. "I said Moms Demand [Action] says, and Tricia Pleau said, ‘Do not say that you want an assault rifle ban because you will not win.'"

Tricia Pleau is a member of the New York chapter of the gun-control group Moms Demand Action.

Cobb's campaign website features a page on "Addressing Gun Violence" detailing her support for a number of gun-control measures but does not feature any language supporting a specific ban on any firearms.

Chris Martin, regional press secretary of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Cobb's comments are disqualifying.

"Tedra Cobb knows that she's wildly out of touch with the district, so she's desperately trying to hide her liberal agenda from voters," Martin said. "First, she was forced to admit that she raised taxes over 20 times, and now she's being exposed for lying to voters about her support for an assault weapons ban and taking guns away from law-abiding citizens."

The Cobb campaign did not respond to a request for comment from the Free Beacon but did issue a statement to The Post Star.
I don't know any Democrats who want to ban rifles.
Why would you........oh, I forgot. You are a lying SOS. Thanks for reminding me.

Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

Standard NRA boiler plate. People are buying it less and less every day. Regardless, the cult rifle for these killings is the AR-15 and it's clones. You want to change that, change the cult of the thing. Until then, something has to be done.

No...you are a moron...... there are over 8 million AR-15s in private hands...... those weapons are used for lawful purposes...fewer than 5 have been used in mass shootings more people are killed by lawnmowers, you moron, than are killed by AR-15 rifles each year...

When I see people carrying into schools lawnmowers that can fire that many rounds a minute and are used to gun down school children, people in theaters, people at concerts and such then I will be the first to want to discuss changing how we do lawnmowers. It's one thing for accidental deaths and another for killing in cold blood in our schools. If you can't see the difference then you shouldn't even own a lawn mower much less a firearm.

The Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 with 2 pistols... the Luby's cafe shooter 24 with 2 pistols.... you don't know what you are talking about...

School shootings are rare...... more people are killed by lawn mowers than are killed in school mass shootings you doofus.....
I don't know any Democrats who want to ban rifles.
Why would you........oh, I forgot. You are a lying SOS. Thanks for reminding me.

Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

See that is the problem, the snowflakes(crowd) rely on emotion only. They know nothing about the facts of the issue.
They’re all for banning all firearms... Progressives are emotional fuck ups

They were quite specific. They were talking about the AR-15 and it's clones. Meanwhile the little kid in the suit was doing the NRA boiler plate and wasn't listening at all to anyone else.

AR15s are just sporting rifles, Obviously that crowd of snowflakes don’t know the facts

Which were created to wage war. Remember, I have a lot more experience with them than you do and I know that there really isn't any difference in operation of an AR-15 and a M-16A-4 Military Rifle. With the exception that what you are used to is cheap junk in comparison. But it still fires just as fast, reloads just as fast and handles just as fast. And a Warrior won't be able to tell the difference in a fire fight. That is what it was designed to do and it does it better than any other light rifle in the world. Just because you can shot a small animal with it doesn't mean it's not meant for war. I can also shoot small animals with a M-249S but why would I.

Na, AR15s are just sporting rifles
Humor is not your strong suit. And I don't fear the AR15. I respect it. I just don't respect you.

And I don't respect control freaks who try to tell other people how they should live their lives

Then you shouldn't respect yourself since you are trying to use Rural America's values for Urban America. You should strip off your shirt and use a strap on your own back.
You have no idea what Rural America is really like, You have been just a sometimes visitor...

That had to be the longest visit in history, 19 years straight with a Rural Route address. Damn, you can sure make things up. Now,stop making shit up.
Well you certainly do not understand rural America by your posts...

You only understand the NRA boiler plate. Nothing else. And you are losing this argument badly. Try being creative. So far, you have a bunch of people running around slaughtering people with Lawn Mowers but don't want to have firearms regulations because that would have no affect in that death rate. Then you have the misquoting of the SC rulings. Then you have the hail mary for the next SC Justice appointment. What's next. I have read the NRA boiler plate. Put it down and actually make sense. The Boiler plate doesn't make sense anymore.
And that is unConstitutional..... The Supreme Court has ruled on this and those lower courts are in violation of the law.

We have been through it many times. The Supreme Court has NOT ruled on the lower courts. In fact, they have refused to hear them. Meaning, they may or many not agree with it but don't find those ruling as unconstitutional. Are we going to do this dog and pony show again? Are you going to go into all the ways that the SC has ruled the way you think they did only to have it pointed out that you are cherry picking and leaving out the real meat of the rulings? Just how many times are you going to do this. I have the time.

Yes.... they did, in Heller...... the lower courts are breaking the law..... the process is the Supreme Court has to call them out...they haven't done that yet.... they need 4 votes to hear a case and rule on it.... they have had 4 pretend justices and kennedy.......that isn't the case anymore....you twit.

Here we go again. Heller was granted the right to have a license to have a fully functional handgun in his home. Not to carry it outside his home. Not to carry any sort of Rifle, Shotgun or anything else. In fact, it specifically dealt with hanguns in the home only. The original DC law stated the handgun had to either disassembled or stored with a trigger guard on it to make it legal. And it had to be not only registered but the owner had to be registered. Heller was denied the License. The Court overturned the ruling and forced DC to allow fully functional Handguns in the homes for home defense and forced DC to issue Heller the License to own the weapon in his home. DC outlawed the AR-15 specifically and that was upheld. DC just went overboard when it pertained to hand guns and were slapped down for it. 4 states and numerous townships have used Heller to either heavily regulate the AR-15 or outright ban it. You just keep wet dreaming, there cupcake. And stop making shit up.

Wrong dumb ass..... in Heller Scalia stated that all bearable arms in common use for lawful purposes are protected by the 2nd Amendment.... try reading it again....slowly....sound out the words.....

Then, moron.....Scalia went in on Friedman v Highland Park and specifically stated the AR-15 rifle was protected.......read that again slowly too...

Here we go again. Scalia voiced his dissenting view. A dissenting view is the losing side of the ruling. His view meant absolutely nothing yet you present it as the winning argument. Here it is without the dissent that means nothing.

No. 07–290. Argued March 18, 2008—Decided June 26, 2008
District of Columbia law bans handgun possession by making it a crime
to carry an unregistered firearm and prohibiting the registration of
handguns; provides separately that no person may carry an unli-
censed handgun, but authorizes the police chief to issue 1-year li-
censes; and requires residents to keep lawfully owned firearms
unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock or similar de-
vice. Respondent Heller, a D. C. special policeman, applied to regis-
ter a handgun he wished to keep at
home, but the District refused. He filed this suit seeking, on Second Amendment grounds, to enjoin
the city from enforcing the bar on handgun registration, the licensing
requirement insofar as it prohibit s carrying an unlicensed firearm in
the home, and the trigger-lock requirement insofar as it prohibits the
use of functional firearms in the home. The District Court dismissed
the suit, but the D. C. Circuit reversed, holding that the Second
Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess firearms and
that the city’s total ban on handguns, as well as its requirement that
firearms in the home be kept nonfunctional even when necessary for
self-defense, violated that right.Held:

The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a
firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for
traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

Pp. 2–53.(a)
The Amendment’s prefatory clause announces a purpose, but
does not limit or expand the scope of the second part, the operative
clause. The operative clause’s text and history demonstrate that it
connotes an individual right to keep and bear arms. Pp. 2–22.(b)
The prefatory clause comports with the Court’s interpretation

of the operative clause. The “militia” comprised all males physically
capable of acting in concert for the common defense. The Antifederal-
ists feared that the Federal Government would disarm the people in
order to disable this citizens’ militia, enabling a politicized standing
army or a select militia to rule. The response was to deny Congress
power to abridge the ancient right of individuals to keep and bear
arms, so that the ideal of a citizens’ militia would be preserved.

Pp. 22–28.(c)
The Court’s interpretation is confirmed by analogous arms-
bearing rights in state constitutions that preceded and immediately
followed the Second Amendment. Pp. 28–30.(d)
The Second Amendment’s drafting history, while of dubious
interpretive worth, reveals three state Second Amendment proposals
that unequivocally referred to an individual right to bear arms.

Pp. 30–32.(e)
Interpretation of the Second Amendment by scholars, courts
and legislators, from immediately after its ratification through the
late 19th century also supports the Court’s conclusion. Pp. 32–47.(f)
None of the Court’s precedents forecloses the Court’s interpretation. Neither
United States v. Cruikshank , 92 U. S. 542, 553, nor Presser v.
Illinois, 116 U. S. 252, 264–265, refutes the individual-
rights interpretation. United States v. Miller, 307 U. S. 174, does not
limit the right to keep and bear arms to militia purposes, but rather
limits the type of weapon to which the right applies to those used by
the militia, i.e., those in common use for lawful purposes. Pp. 47–54.
2. Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited.
It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any
manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, con-
cealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment
or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast
doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by
felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of fire-
arms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or
laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of
arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those
“in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition
of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

Pp. 54–56.
3. The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to
self-defense) violate the Second Amendment. The District’s total ban
on handgun possession in the home amounts to a prohibition on an
entire class of “arms” that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the
lawful purpose of self-defense. Under any of the standards of scru-
tiny the Court has applied to enumerated constitutional rights, this
Cite as: 554 U. S. ____ (2008) Syllabus prohibition—in the place where
the importance of the lawful defense of self, family, and property is mo
st acute—would fail constitutional muster. Similarly, the requirement that
any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock
makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core
lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence unconstitutional. Because
Heller conceded at oral argument that the D. C. licensing law is permissible
if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously, the Court assumes that
a license will satisfy his prayer for relief and does not address the licensing
requirement. Assuming he is not disqualified from exercising Second Amendment
rights, the District must permit Heller to register his handgun and
must issue him a license to carry it in the home. Pp. 56–64.

The dissent was not listed here because it means absolutely nothing in the ruling that was passed. Once again, you interpret it as something it isn't. Again, stop making shit up.

Moron...Scalia wrote the majority opinion in Heller..... he wrote the dissenting opinion on why the court needed to take the Friedman v Highland Park case.....clarifying Heller even more than Caetano v Massachusettes did.....
I don't know any Democrats who want to ban rifles.
Why would you........oh, I forgot. You are a lying SOS. Thanks for reminding me.

Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

Standard NRA boiler plate. People are buying it less and less every day. Regardless, the cult rifle for these killings is the AR-15 and it's clones. You want to change that, change the cult of the thing. Until then, something has to be done.

No...you are a moron...... there are over 8 million AR-15s in private hands...... those weapons are used for lawful purposes...fewer than 5 have been used in mass shootings more people are killed by lawnmowers, you moron, than are killed by AR-15 rifles each year...

When I see people carrying into schools lawnmowers that can fire that many rounds a minute and are used to gun down school children, people in theaters, people at concerts and such then I will be the first to want to discuss changing how we do lawnmowers. It's one thing for accidental deaths and another for killing in cold blood in our schools. If you can't see the difference then you shouldn't even own a lawn mower much less a firearm.

The Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 with 2 pistols... the Luby's cafe shooter 24 with 2 pistols.... you don't know what you are talking about...

School shootings are rare...... more people are killed by lawn mowers than are killed in school mass shootings you doofus.....

Here is your average semi auto in action...
I don't know any Democrats who want to ban rifles.
Why would you........oh, I forgot. You are a lying SOS. Thanks for reminding me.

Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

See that is the problem, the snowflakes(crowd) rely on emotion only. They know nothing about the facts of the issue.
They’re all for banning all firearms... Progressives are emotional fuck ups

They were quite specific. They were talking about the AR-15 and it's clones. Meanwhile the little kid in the suit was doing the NRA boiler plate and wasn't listening at all to anyone else.

AR15s are just sporting rifles, Obviously that crowd of snowflakes don’t know the facts

Which were created to wage war. Remember, I have a lot more experience with them than you do and I know that there really isn't any difference in operation of an AR-15 and a M-16A-4 Military Rifle. With the exception that what you are used to is cheap junk in comparison. But it still fires just as fast, reloads just as fast and handles just as fast. And a Warrior won't be able to tell the difference in a fire fight. That is what it was designed to do and it does it better than any other light rifle in the world. Just because you can shot a small animal with it doesn't mean it's not meant for war. I can also shoot small animals with a M-249S but why would I.

Moron. The AR-15 is not a military weapon and has never been used in war...... it is not the M-16, it is just like any other semi automatic rifle, pistol or shotgun.

It is technically a crappy rifle..... it doesn't "do it better" than any other light rifle.....
And I don't respect control freaks who try to tell other people how they should live their lives

Then you shouldn't respect yourself since you are trying to use Rural America's values for Urban America. You should strip off your shirt and use a strap on your own back.
You have no idea what Rural America is really like, You have been just a sometimes visitor...

That had to be the longest visit in history, 19 years straight with a Rural Route address. Damn, you can sure make things up. Now,stop making shit up.
Well you certainly do not understand rural America by your posts...

You only understand the NRA boiler plate. Nothing else. And you are losing this argument badly. Try being creative. So far, you have a bunch of people running around slaughtering people with Lawn Mowers but don't want to have firearms regulations because that would have no affect in that death rate. Then you have the misquoting of the SC rulings. Then you have the hail mary for the next SC Justice appointment. What's next. I have read the NRA boiler plate. Put it down and actually make sense. The Boiler plate doesn't make sense anymore.
Your fear of sporting rifles has made fool of you.
You anti-gun nutters are all the same... spineless control freaks
Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

See that is the problem, the snowflakes(crowd) rely on emotion only. They know nothing about the facts of the issue.
They’re all for banning all firearms... Progressives are emotional fuck ups

They were quite specific. They were talking about the AR-15 and it's clones. Meanwhile the little kid in the suit was doing the NRA boiler plate and wasn't listening at all to anyone else.

AR15s are just sporting rifles, Obviously that crowd of snowflakes don’t know the facts

Which were created to wage war. Remember, I have a lot more experience with them than you do and I know that there really isn't any difference in operation of an AR-15 and a M-16A-4 Military Rifle. With the exception that what you are used to is cheap junk in comparison. But it still fires just as fast, reloads just as fast and handles just as fast. And a Warrior won't be able to tell the difference in a fire fight. That is what it was designed to do and it does it better than any other light rifle in the world. Just because you can shot a small animal with it doesn't mean it's not meant for war. I can also shoot small animals with a M-249S but why would I.

Moron. The AR-15 is not a military weapon and has never been used in war...... it is not the M-16, it is just like any other semi automatic rifle, pistol or shotgun.

It is technically a crappy rifle..... it doesn't "do it better" than any other light rifle.....

Letting the federal government tell me what firearms if any I should own… No thanks
First off your fear is unfounded on just that, fear of the unknown..

It ain't a "fear". It's a fact that the dem Party wishes to ban anything that looks nasty to them. There is already a SCOTUS ruling on them though. So that will slow them down, but if you think that they don't desire the absolute disarmament of the People of the USA, then you are a fool.

"It's a fact that the dem Party wishes to ban anything that looks nasty to them. "

Like 32 ounce sodas?
I don't know any Democrats who want to ban rifles.
Why would you........oh, I forgot. You are a lying SOS. Thanks for reminding me.

Hey, dumb shit...just for you...watch the video mark at 1:56

Standard NRA boiler plate. People are buying it less and less every day. Regardless, the cult rifle for these killings is the AR-15 and it's clones. You want to change that, change the cult of the thing. Until then, something has to be done.

No...you are a moron...... there are over 8 million AR-15s in private hands...... those weapons are used for lawful purposes...fewer than 5 have been used in mass shootings more people are killed by lawnmowers, you moron, than are killed by AR-15 rifles each year...

When I see people carrying into schools lawnmowers that can fire that many rounds a minute and are used to gun down school children, people in theaters, people at concerts and such then I will be the first to want to discuss changing how we do lawnmowers. It's one thing for accidental deaths and another for killing in cold blood in our schools. If you can't see the difference then you shouldn't even own a lawn mower much less a firearm.

The Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 with 2 pistols... the Luby's cafe shooter 24 with 2 pistols.... you don't know what you are talking about...

School shootings are rare...... more people are killed by lawn mowers than are killed in school mass shootings you doofus.....

2007. Virginia Tech was the start. He went from building to building. No one even noticed as he moved from each building and killed more people. There were no safe guards in place. Today, those safeguards prevent this from happening. Had he been isolated to only one building he might have killed 2 or 3 before he was stopped. It's a lot harder today. And you need a more target rich environment to get much over 7 these days. And then you need a lot of ammo and the means to fire a lot of ammo fast. The handgun just won't cut it. The Shotgun won't cut it.

1991. Luby's cafe was the worst in history until Virginia Tech. It was a very target rich environment. He killed 23 and wounded 27 using two handguns with extra mags. These people were seated and had no warning and were stunned when he crashed his truck through the front of the building. Had he an AR-15,the body count would have been well over 100. He was very good at what he was doing. Had his tools been better.......

You keep bringing up these two and yet, the VT wouldn't have changed a thing regardless of weapons. That the Luby's Cafe could have been a hell of a lot worse with an AR-15 since the conditions were saturated with targets.

I wonder, are you drooling when you bring these things up?

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