Brexit Has Been a Disaster

Brexit has been a disaster you kipper ****.
Not according to official sources you spastic.

And the good news is, sovereignty, and not your cock sucking EU mates.
And here is the OBR. 4%.
They also say the wankky trade deals will have no impact.
A complete and utter disaster for the country and its people.
It's Latin....

The one thing you have going for yourself is that you are actually a live person instead of an AI generated bot. I'll give you that much.
Well I got it wrong as well.
at first sight

Prima facie is a Latin term that translates to “at first sight” or “based on first impression.” The phrase “prima facie” is used as an adjective or an adverb. As an adjective, prima facie describes a fact or presumption that is sufficient to be regarded as true unless otherwise disproved or rebutted.
Well I got it wrong as well.
at first sight

Prima facie is a Latin term that translates to “at first sight” or “based on first impression.” The phrase “prima facie” is used as an adjective or an adverb. As an adjective, prima facie describes a fact or presumption that is sufficient to be regarded as true unless otherwise disproved or rebutted.
Well at least we are both dumb at the same time.
And since we are not actually using Greek/Latin alphabet we are relegated to using transliterated spellings.

And on top of this we are each living in two countries that use different spellings for words. In the US "fascia" is correct but in the UK its "facie".....something along the lines of color or colour.
Well at least we are both dumb at the same time.
And since we are not actually using Greek/Latin alphabet we are relegated to using transliterated spellings.

And on top of this we are each living in two countries that use different spellings for words. In the US "fascia" is correct but in the UK its "facie".....something along the lines of color or colour.
Always been facie to my knowledge. A fascia is the part of the roof you screw the gutter to.
Always been facie to my knowledge. A fascia is the part of the roof you screw the gutter to.
Same thing....depending upon the books you read and the origin of the person using it.

The Latin literally means "plain as the nose on your face" ....because Italian/Greek noses are notoriously large. And a "face" of the roof is that strip of planks you attach the gutter to which covers the ends of the rafters. (Which once upon a time held the gargoyles)
That's where it all comes from. And the fun part is that computer generated AI's can't hold their own in a conversation such as this. Too many colloquial terms used for an AI to be able to understand.

And where I understand the debate....

The whole world is still having a contraction of their economies due to quarantines, monetary policies, and pandemic. Because it's still the US economy that drives the world economy. So every economic country follows the same policies as the US does. Which has caused widespread inflation and unemployment because pensioners and fixed incomes cannot keep pace with inflation.

The timing of Brexit was coincidentally the same time as we were in quarantines. Which caused more than a few disasters.

5-6% loss of economy is not solely Brexit. And as the various countries in the EU begin tossing out Syrian and Palestinian rebels...things will get better.

This is extremely complicated on many levels for economies in Europe and the USA. The Government can't grow an economy but they sure as heck can screw one up. And the USA and Europe and UK governments screwed up their economies.
Quarantines, money printing, and unrestricted immigration all three have created this disaster.

Truth be known. The British Pound Stirling has done much more for the Euro than the Euro ever did for UK. Now the Euro is depending heavily on the German Mark. I don't know as it can continue to prop it up sufficiently as many in the EU have been engaged in unrestrained borrowing without the tax base to pay the money back (Greece). Which means that even though the UK pulled out...the failing Euro will have an effect....just like the Russian Ruble being worthless.

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