If Biden Gets About 10% In Carolina,What Will Be The Next Excuse?It's Still Early In Primary Season?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
If Biden keeps hovering around 9/10/11 percent come Saturday, and probably in 4th or 5th place, whats he gonna say?
Something along the lines that South Carolina doesn't speak for the other 56 States? Lets just wait until the next primary next week in Nevada where I am leading in the polls?
If Biden keeps hovering around 9/10/11 percent come Saturday, and probably in 4th or 5th place, whats he gonna say?
Something along the lines that South Carolina doesn't speak for the other 56 States? Lets just wait until the next primary next week in Nevada where I am leading in the polls?
^ :cuckoo:
If Biden keeps hovering around 9/10/11 percent come Saturday, and probably in 4th or 5th place, whats he gonna say?
Something along the lines that South Carolina doesn't speak for the other 56 States? Lets just wait until the next primary next week in Nevada where I am leading in the polls?

I think the bigger question is why all the lightweight questions? Unless I've missed them, unlike Trump who was hit with every heavy personal question imaginable, even by Fox, about his hands, the size of his penis, Rosie O'Donnell, blood coming out of ears, or whatever, whether his hair was real, his tan, why has there not been (that I've seen), one question about:
  1. Biden's sordid connections with Ukraine, China, and Iran? And his son's jobs? (a president was IMPEACHED over these!)
  2. Bernie's highly sordid past not ever working, trips to the USSR, alliances with commies, etc.?
  3. Liz's specious Indian connection?
  4. Some of Bloomberg's rather gestapo laws of the past?
Are these relevant facts about a candidate's character and integrity cutting too close to the bone and not in keeping with CBS's high journalistic values? Funny how it never was 4 years ago when Trump was fair game to every rotten tomato they could throw his way.
Super-Tuesday is coming up March 3rd.
That will be here before we probably know the results from SC. <g>
That's when the dems find out who is viable and who needs to drop out.

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