If Biden were PM of GB in 1941

Inner communism?
If you think our police acted too strongly then you at least should be accusing Canada of Fascist tactics.

Did you consider that Trudeau allowed the people to protest for over three weeks and Biden called out the US military on the first day?

And Canada experienced no deaths in our protest while your country experienced 5 or 6??

Perhaps there's a reason why you confuse communism with fascism.
Both are basically the same. Use force to gain and hold political power.

Obey me or else.
I am attacking Biden because I still do not forgive him for his botched Afghanistan withdrawal that made the US look weak and disorganized and IMO emboldened Putin.

So, your theory is that Putin is doing this because of Afghanistan, even though you do not actually want to send troops there to stop Putin?

Do you think that Putin is aware that the vast majority of our country would not be on board with sending troops?
So, your theory is that Putin is doing this because of Afghanistan, even though you do not actually want to send troops there to stop Putin?

Do you think that Putin is aware that the vast majority of our country would not be on board with sending troops?
100% I am. He took Crimea with Obama in office. Stayed silent with Trump and now is taking Eastern Ukraine. He knew Trump was unpredictable and could cause issues for him. He knows Biden won't do anything. So yes, I 100% blame Biden for this.
100% I am. He took Crimea with Obama in office. Stayed silent with Trump and now is taking Eastern Ukraine. He knew Trump was unpredictable and could cause issues for him. He knows Biden won't do anything. So yes, I 100% blame Biden for this.

Even though you do not actually want Biden to do anything involving troops.

Even though you do not actually want Biden to do anything involving troops.

Its not troops. Trump would have spoken with China and made some side deal to sell them cheap oil and not to buy from Russia. EU would not buy from Russia either so where would Russia sell its oil? Such unpredictable moves would have kept Putin in check. Putin knows that Trump will make deals with enemies like he did with North Korea in order to keep the US safer and maintain some sort of order. Biden is an idiot.
Its not troops. Trump would have spoken with China and made some side deal to sell them cheap oil and not to buy from Russia. EU would not buy from Russia either so where would Russia sell its oil? Such unpredictable moves would have kept Putin in check. Putin knows that Trump will make deals with enemies like he did with North Korea in order to keep the US safer and maintain some sort of order. Biden is an idiot.

What color is the sky in this fantasy world you live in?
100% I am. He took Crimea with Obama in office. Stayed silent with Trump and now is taking Eastern Ukraine. He knew Trump was unpredictable and could cause issues for him. He knows Biden won't do anything. So yes, I 100% blame Biden for this.
There wouldn't have been any opposition to crimea with Trump without the GOP senate mandating sanctions. He's not a spy, but he is a fellow traveler of Putin's
What color is the sky in this fantasy world you live in?
That is my educated opinion. Why in your opinion didn't he do this while Trump was in office? Keep in mind I have relatives in Russia and they echo my sentiments. They see the US as much weaker with the vegetable in charge. It is interesting how you turn to insults rather than debate cogently.
There wouldn't have been any opposition to crimea with Trump without the GOP senate mandating sanctions. He's not a spy, but he is a fellow traveler of Putin's
Putin didn't do anything with Trump in office. Neither did Kim Jung Un. Neither did ISIS. Afghanistan didn't see a US death for 18 mos.

Biden is weak. If you cannot see that then I cannot help you.
We would all be speaking German now.

The man is a coward, career politician (like Chamberlain), a loser and not respected by men like Putin. Hitler steamrolled Europe but he was cautious with two men. Stalin and Churchill. Stalin was as crazy as he was but Churchill was no coward and a true patriot. He stood alone against the Reich until Hitler stupidly opened a 2nd front.

We have three more years at least with this uncharismatic vegetable in charge. I am sure China is now emboldened to take Taiwan. Elections have consequences. Next time elect a strong leader who sends mean tweets instead of a Depends wearing fool who is a doormat.

Truth over Facts
How ironic for many reasons. You know that WWII started in Europe in 1939, not 1941. And we only joined the European theater after Hitler declared war on us because we had declared war on Japan, their ally. And you are doing more to provide aid and comfort to Putin yourself.
How ironic for many reasons. You know that WWII started in Europe in 1939, not 1941. And we only joined the European theater after Hitler declared war on us because we had declared war on Japan, their ally. And you are doing more to provide aid and comfort to Putin yourself.
I am conflating Biden with Churchill not FDR.
Trump would have spoken with China and made some side deal to sell them cheap oil and not to buy from Russia.
The president does not sell oil to foreign nations. If the Surrender Accords he negotiated are an example of his diplomacy skills, the we'd be paying China to take our oil.
The president does not sell oil to foreign nations. If the Surrender Accords he negotiated are an example of his diplomacy skills, the we'd be paying China to take our oil.
But him using the EPA to stop drilling permits reduces supply. Same with Oba who was once held in contempt if court over drilling permits in the gulf.

Obama 2.0 here we are.
The president does not sell oil to foreign nations. If the Surrender Accords he negotiated are an example of his diplomacy skills, the we'd be paying China to take our oil.
He makes deals and is the commander in chief. Look, I have relatives in Russia. They see Biden as weak and they did respect Trump. Take it how you will. Putin stayed silent under Trump. You cannot deny that and that was after Trump armed the Ukrainians. Bullies don't respect weakness and Biden is weak.
But him using the EPA to stop drilling permits reduces supply. Same with Oba who was once held in contempt if court over drilling permits in the gulf.

Obama 2.0 here we are.

When rhetoric doesn't match reality.

“the Biden Interior Department approved nearly 900 more permits to drill on public land in 2021 than the Trump administration had in its first year in office, according to an analysis from progressive group Center for Biological Diversity.” Many of the drilling permits are in New Mexico, the U.S.’s second largest oil-producing state.

Who gives a fuck about shit-hole countries?
If the EU doesn't want to do anything about Putin they can deal with the millions of migrants.
The US is NOT the world's cop. I'm fine with coordinated sanctions and no troops.
If 20-years in AFG and $trillions wasted didn't teach you anything, I sure won't .

Just like you left them to deal with the millions of Syrian refugees, when you let Assad murder his people too.
Bill Clinton said we would defend them

Bush Jr defended them

Obama no

Trump defended them

Biden no

None of the Presidents have "defended" the Ukraine. No American troops have fought there.

All of the Presidents you list provided arms, and support to the Ukraine, including Obama and Biden, but only Donald Trump tried to withhold aid for months on end, to aid the Russian attack, and try to force a phony investigation of the Bidens.

Only Donald Trump urged the Ukraine to sign a treaty with Putin and give him what he wants. Only Trump allowed Putin to do whatever he wanted.
That is my educated opinion. Why in your opinion didn't he do this while Trump was in office? Keep in mind I have relatives in Russia and they echo my sentiments. They see the US as much weaker with the vegetable in charge. It is interesting how you turn to insults rather than debate cogently.
"educated opinion".....................:heehee:

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