If Biden's economy is so great...why can't folks pay off their student loans???


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
I'm reading this article about the Supreme Court deciding on Biden's loan forgiveness overreach.

The article paints a pretty bleak picture of the economy...yet all the liberals on here keep saying the economy is like the best ever, never been better.

If the economy is the best ever...why do people who took out loans to get the education to land great jobs in the great economy need loan forgiveness?

If the economy sucks...why are Biden, his administration, the media and the libs lying through their collective teeth about it?

You can't have it both ways.

I'm reading this article about the Supreme Court deciding on Biden's loan forgiveness overreach.

The article paints a pretty bleak picture of the economy...yet all the liberals on here keep saying the economy is like the best ever, never been better.

If the economy is the best ever...why do people who took out loans to get the education to land great jobs in the great economy need loan forgiveness?

If the economy sucks...why are Biden, his administration, the media and the libs lying through their collective teeth about it?

You can't have it both ways.

If you look at student loans and how much those kids have to pay. And if you take into affect most of the people who will get this money are making less than $75K. How about that? A lot of them are making less than $75K.

And I think they only get $10K forgiven or something like that. Not all of it.

It's insane how much they have to pay. They will

1. Never save enough for retirement
2. Have children and that's becoming a problem. Biden's solution will help fix that problem.
3. Never be able to afford to own a home

Are you pro middle class? This student loan forgiveness thing was very pro middle class. Of course the Supreme's are going to strike it down. And of course Republicans are against it.

I was against it at first too but then I educated myself.
I'm reading this article about the Supreme Court deciding on Biden's loan forgiveness overreach.

The article paints a pretty bleak picture of the economy...yet all the liberals on here keep saying the economy is like the best ever, never been better.

If the economy is the best ever...why do people who took out loans to get the education to land great jobs in the great economy need loan forgiveness?

If the economy sucks...why are Biden, his administration, the media and the libs lying through their collective teeth about it?

You can't have it both ways.


Watched him on ABC this evening. The one real question was if he felt he was as irresponsible as Trump. It was comical watching the vegetable twist in the wind. It was worth watching the rest of that useless interview trying to resell the domino theory just to see Biden--His body language couldn't have been any closer to assuming a fetal position. LMAO
Imagine the hundreds of thousands or millions of cumulative dollars spent on useless degrees like gender studies, LGBT studies, justice and peace studies, social justice studies and the plethora of other woke degrees / studies.
They aren't useless. Having a bachelor degree is worth $1 million dollars. We make $1 million more over 30 years than people who do not have degrees. How much more is that a year? $33,000 more a year.

That's even true for me and all I got was a major in communications with a minor in marketing. Still I got jobs I wouldn't have got without having a degree. I didn't have any experience. It opens doors.

Why? Because HR managers went to college. So they respect a person who also went to college.
Are you pro middle class? This student loan forgiveness thing was very pro middle class. Of course the Supreme's are going to strike it down. And of course Republicans are against it.
I'm against it because it's government trying to put a band-aid on a problem that government created, and Biden's approach doesn't solve the problem. Perhaps lower education should teach students the mechanics of compounding interest and other basic loan topics instead of gender identity, lgbt studies, and a slew of other useless subjects.
Imagine the hundreds of thousands or millions of cumulative dollars spent on useless degrees like gender studies, LGBT studies, justice and peace studies, social justice studies and the plethora of other woke degrees / studies.

I make about $100,000. I have a degree.

I said a degree was worth $30,000 more a year

Real median household income was $70,784 in 2021
For households and families, the median income is based on the distribution of the total number of households and families including those with no income.

That means the average home even with 2 people working only makes $71K. I make almost exactly that $33,000 more and I'm single. Imagine if I had a wife making the $55,000 which is what the average person in America makes.

While there are significant variations in pay relative to job type, education level and social and economic factors, the average weekly pay for a person working in the U.S. is $1,070. If a person works 52 weeks in the year, then this represents a national annual salary of $55,640.

And all this was true when Trump was in office too btw.
What pay is considered "very well" for a grocery store worker and how are grocery stores "gouging" us?


Kroger (NYSE: KR) is facing lawsuits from employees claiming that there have been discrepancies in their pay that left them without compensation or improperly paid following problems with the system that handles timekeeping and payroll.

What pay is considered "very well" for a grocery store worker and how are grocery stores "gouging" us?
By the way, the oil companies back when Bush was president and oil went over $4 for the first time? They were gouging us too. Because their profits went through the roof too. If they were only passing on the increased costs how come they suddenly were making record profits?
Walmart is paying $22/hr. in our area. MickeyDs too.
That's pretty damn good.

When the economy goes back to normal I hope they continue to pay employees that much. Or when the economy takes a shit will they suddenly lower how much they are willing to pay? Let's hope $22 hr is here to stay for fast food workers all over America. Maybe we won't supersize our orders but at least the workers can afford to go to college.
Not if you own a Grocery Store. They're gouging you and not paying their employees very well.
Many times it's the wholesalers and suppliers doing the gouging and the stores simply have to follow suit if they want to make retail profit. No choice. The government is enabling all of this.

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