If Biden's economy is so great...why can't folks pay off their student loans???

Obama handed Trump a dream economy. Running perfectly. Trump passes a big tax cut for EVERYONE (which caused our current inflation too btw) and he got a very minor bump in the numbers. But claimed it was the greatest economy every.

Trump shouldn't have given away all those tax breaks for that very minor bump.

I think in 2019 Trump had 2.3% GDP. He mocked Obama when he had 2.2% and he said he would have over 3, 4 or 5 possibly 6% gdp.

He had .1% better. After that massive tax break he gave, which caused inflation and debt. Way to go loser.

Obama handed Trump a dream economy. Running perfectly.

Just look at Obama's awesome 1.7% real GDP growth in 2016!

After that massive tax break he gave, which caused inflation and debt.

How does a tax break cause inflation?

If Biden's economy is so great...why can't folks pay off their student loans???​

Where does anyone getting off bragging about an economy where the only business I know of doing well is THE GOVERNMENT ITSELF.

Meanwhile, in reality, treasury bonds have eroded to nearly FIVE TIMES what they once were under Trump, to where if this keeps up, we will go bankrupt in a few more years just trying to repay the principle on our debt?

Meanwhile, most every week or so for the past year, all I hear about is this big company or that laying off or eliminating THOUSANDS of jobs--- 10,000 here, 5,000 there. Just the other day I think I heard that now Epson was killing 8500 jobs!

And this is happening EVERYWHERE: Microsoft, Google, Twitter, Amazon, Epson--- throw out a name of some big company and I bet they are hiring FEWER not more people. I figure we must have lost at least 100,000 jobs since last year!

Prices way WAY up, wages down, employment down. But government is doing a booming business.
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"Biden's Economy" isn't "so great", it's pretty good. Around 2.7% growth at the moment. The problem is inflation, which spiked (and far worse, then fed on itself) as a result of nine trillion dollars of stimulus, collapsed global supply chains, and a Fed that waited almost a year too long to react. Many are now saying that the Fed has no choice but to keep increasing rates, which could lead to a recession, as the Fed's higher priority is inflation at the moment.

That's where we are. That's reality. "So great" would be a dishonest statement.

Those who are consumed by hardcore partisan politics see everything through the lens of hardcore partisan politics. In other words, they are largely blind.
Why do individuals feel that every job should produce a liveable wage? As an example, McDonalds .. "in the old days" ... created jobs specifically for the high-school teenager to earn a few dollars .. today .. employees demand a liveable wage (whatever that is) for doing the same job of flipping burgers or running a cash register. Why is this unskilled role income equivalent to skilled trades such as a welders ($21/hr avg), electricians ($22.50/hr avg) or plumbers ($28/hr avg)?

Liveable wage is such an ambiguous phrase used to complain about wages, and today's $15 - $22 / hour will quickly become a "non-livable wage" for the upcoming years.
Hey brother, I don't disagree with that. But things are out of wack. Fuck the bottom pay. I agree with you. But occasionally the min wage needs to go up because of inflation. Unfortunately raising it also causes inflation. And for that I now tend to agree with you fuck the bottom pay.

So Biden is focusing on middle class issues. And those policies are shrinking the gap between middle class and the rich.

We look at the share we got in the past and the share we are getting now and now we get less of a share. What is a fair share? That's for our politicians and unions to figure out. Capitalism is the best but only if it's well regulated. If unions have lost their power and companies have gone too far, it's up to the workers and/or government to do something about it. You don't like it? Tough.

That's why Democrats are the labor party and GOP is party for the rich.
"Biden's Economy" isn't "so great", it's pretty good. Around 2.7% growth at the moment. The problem is inflation, which spiked (and far worse, then fed on itself) as a result of nine trillion dollars of stimulus, collapsed global supply chains, and a Fed that waited almost a year too long to react. Many are now saying that the Fed has no choice but to keep increasing rates, which could lead to a recession, as the Fed's higher priority is inflation at the moment.

That's where we are. That's reality. "So great" would be a dishonest statement.

Those who are consumed by hardcore partisan politics see everything through the lens of hardcore partisan politics. In other words, they are largely blind.

Just remember when Obama was president any good news was met by "yea well what about this". Or it was never good enough. Should be better they would say.

But then Trump got in and his numbers were identical to Obama's or maybe .01% better and they claimed he was the greatest of all time. And I could throw it right back at them and say, "yea but what about this?" and they didn't realize how they were judging Trump differently than they did Obama.

I said look at the jobs numbers they said yea but look at the stock market. If the stock market went up they said yea but look at the debt. Constantly moving the goal post on us.

If Biden's economy is so great...why can't folks pay off their student loans???​

You have to know which Dems lies to apply at the appropriate time. Elections, the economy is awesome. Vote purchasing schemes like student loan forgiveness, the economy is near collapse. Allow at least 30 seconds between using these two lies.
government trying to put a band-aid on a problem that government created
Dems don't want to solve this problem, student loans are a HUGE Dem cash cow. The money is funneled to higher education and they kick back money to re-elect Dems. Dem's don't give a shit about the students.
Obama handed Trump a dream economy. Running perfectly.

Just look at Obama's awesome 1.7% real GDP growth in 2016!

After that massive tax break he gave, which caused inflation and debt.

How does a tax break cause inflation?
How? The same way raising unemployment raises prices. Give everyone more money and prices go up. Duh.
Hey brother, I don't disagree with that. But things are out of wack. Fuck the bottom pay. I agree with you. But occasionally the min wage needs to go up because of inflation. Unfortunately raising it also causes inflation. And for that I now tend to agree with you fuck the bottom pay.

So Biden is focusing on middle class issues. And those policies are shrinking the gap between middle class and the rich.

We look at the share we got in the past and the share we are getting now and now we get less of a share. What is a fair share? That's for our politicians and unions to figure out. Capitalism is the best but only if it's well regulated. If unions have lost their power and companies have gone too far, it's up to the workers and/or government to do something about it. You don't like it? Tough.

That's why Democrats are the labor party and GOP is party for the rich.
Biden is not focused on middle class issues .. Biden is focused on flooding the country with illegal aliens with the hopes to secure future Democrat votes, standing up Ukraine, advancing the LGBT agenda, fossil fuel war, increasing taxes, etc ..

What's the opposite of income inequality and what does it mean?
Just remember when Obama was president any good news was met by "yea well what about this". Or it was never good enough. Should be better they would say.

But then Trump got in and his numbers were identical to Obama's or maybe .01% better and they claimed he was the greatest of all time. And I could throw it right back at them and say, "yea but what about this?" and they didn't realize how they were judging Trump differently than they did Obama.

I said look at the jobs numbers they said yea but look at the stock market. If the stock market went up they said yea but look at the debt. Constantly moving the goal post on us.
Yeah, such is the nature of partisan politics. Everything good is to my tribe's credit, everything bad is the other tribe's fault. It's a little insulting that they don't think the rest of us can see how obvious it is.

The "Greatest Economy Ever" farce only came about because the plump orange hyperbole machine said it. Then, of course, the rubes have to dutifully parrot it, since they don't know any better.
Biden is not focused on middle class issues .. Biden is focused on flooding the country with illegal aliens with the hopes to secure future Democrat votes, standing up Ukraine, advancing the LGBT agenda, fossil fuel war, increasing taxes, etc ..

What's the opposite of income inequality and what does it mean?
No that's all complete Republican/Fox News bullshit. Get a life.

Don't come at me with that right wing start and then ask me a question like you're controlling the conversation.

You asked me this?

What's the opposite of income inequality and what does it mean?

You tell me. What's your answer and then I'll respond. I want to see where you are going with it.
Biden is not focused on middle class issues .. Biden is focused on flooding the country with illegal aliens with the hopes to secure future Democrat votes, standing up Ukraine, advancing the LGBT agenda, fossil fuel war, increasing taxes, etc ..

What's the opposite of income inequality and what does it mean?
Ah, okay idiot. I think I see where you are going with this. No I'm not talking about socialism or everyone making the same amount. OMG. You must be a pro free market unregulated capitalism kind of guy. It's never a good idea. The middle class disappears. The middle class wasn't invented by free market unregulated capitalism. It was created by government and unions. Labor laws, and labor had a seat at the table. The difference in pay between the average worker and ceo was 35%. Today it's 350%. Why? Because you don't have a seat at the table and because of unregulated capitalism.

America should have never let the Big 3 go overseas. But we did. Bad decision. The middle class shrinked big time. Suddenly the gap widened.
I'm reading this article about the Supreme Court deciding on Biden's loan forgiveness overreach.

The article paints a pretty bleak picture of the economy...yet all the liberals on here keep saying the economy is like the best ever, never been better.

If the economy is the best ever...why do people who took out loans to get the education to land great jobs in the great economy need loan forgiveness?

If the economy sucks...why are Biden, his administration, the media and the libs lying through their collective teeth about it?

You can't have it both ways.

Most of the lib snowflakes could pay off their student loans

But that would cramp their leisure time

Imagine having a vacation and no money to party in style because you are paying off a student loan

Bummer, huh?
Ah, okay idiot. I think I see where you are going with this. No I'm not talking about socialism or everyone making the same amount. OMG. You must be a pro free market unregulated capitalism kind of guy. It's never a good idea. The middle class disappears. The middle class wasn't invented by free market unregulated capitalism. It was created by government and unions. Labor laws, and labor had a seat at the table. The difference in pay between the average worker and ceo was 35%. Today it's 350%. Why? Because you don't have a seat at the table and because of unregulated capitalism.

America should have never let the Big 3 go overseas. But we did. Bad decision. The middle class shrinked big time. Suddenly the gap widened.
If you are worried about the middle class then end the illegal invasions from mexico and the H1b program that undercuts American workers
If you are worried about the middle class then end the illegal invasions from mexico and the H1b program that undercuts American workers
Then let's go back to before Bush when we went after illegal employers. We have an illegal employer problem. Stop advocating for playing wack a mole with illegals.

And I showed that LEGAL immigration is down and we have way too many jobs going unfilled.

Your arguments were good in 2007 economy but not really today.
If you are worried about the middle class then end the illegal invasions from mexico and the H1b program that undercuts American workers
You do know that wages are up as much as they are going to go right? The Feds raising interest rates will actually slow down demand and suddenly the jobs market will look different. And it will be on purpose. Keeping wages down is part of the feds job. Or a part of fixing inflation. They told us we're going to go through some pain. I think the last time we went through this was from Carter to Reagan. Reagan just got credit for when we finally came out of the pain of dealing/fixing inflation.
Then let's go back to before Bush when we went after illegal employers. We have an illegal employer problem. Stop advocating for playing wack a mole with illegals.

And I showed that LEGAL immigration is down and we have way too many jobs going unfilled.

Your arguments were good in 2007 economy but not really today.
I dont mind punishing employers who KNOWINGLY hire illegals

But false ID’s are easy to get and immigration is a federal responsibility

Dont demand that private businessman do the lazy pinhead’s in washington’s job for them

Seal the border with Trump’s wall, electronic surveillance, and quick reaction patrols

And there is the H1b program that allows major company's such as Disney to import legal scabs to displace American workers
They aren't useless. Having a bachelor degree is worth $1 million dollars. We make $1 million more over 30 years than people who do not have degrees. How much more is that a year? $33,000 more a year.

That's even true for me and all I got was a major in communications with a minor in marketing. Still I got jobs I wouldn't have got without having a degree. I didn't have any experience. It opens doors.

Why? Because HR managers went to college. So they respect a person who also went to college.

See and work with people every day that have one of these so called "degrees".

Some of them are dumb as a box of rocks. Had a manager who once told me "I don't have to know how to do this job, I just have to know how to manage people".

He didn't last long. Last I heard he was working at Lowes.

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