Students Are Refusing to Pay Back Their Loans When Payment Pause Ends

Sounds like a forced foreclosure in real estate, where the owner makes statement to his lien holder.

Except, in real estate you owe money to the banks, not to the government.

The whole "loan forgiveness" was just a bait to get votes. The clueless students fell for it. Of course, public schools wont teach students that government is not a god, but a corporation. And corporations are engaged in commerce. As such they have an obligation to respond to your offer if you issue an offer. How they respond depends on the case, but having "zero reason to negotiate" is not the same as being free of the obligation of negotiating a proposed offer. They can try what they want to get their desired outcome, but so can you. By the way, I am not talking about getting out of something you can actually afford to pay. I am talking about the topic of commerce and sovereignty. All it takes is little of research.
The point is not to game the system, the point is to function within the system in accordance with how it actually sees you: as a party to commerce. If you aren't spiritually inclined, you might not get far with your research because it's more about knowing who you are than about practical application in specific cases. I usually don't even bring this stuff up because usually people who aren't able to figure it out on their own are not ready to accept the reality that everything is commerce. It's unbelievable for most people who grow up in the system we have, because all they know is that government is a god and they depend on it. But more and more people are waking up.
I pay my debts and now I probably have more net worth than you, so shut the fuck up, faggot.

It seems I poke you where it hurts. So it IS truth, eh?
I guess the next thing you'll say is that your dad has more money than mine.

Faggot? It's amusing to hear it from leftist troon.
Because they probably figured it was better to not pay anything, that way if the loan was forgiven, they didn't lose all those payments.

I wonder how many young people voted for Biden because of the loan forgiveness promise that didn't pan out.

I guess its remaining 4 out of 5 who paid nothing in the past three years.
There will be consequences.

If there is any forgiveness, it needs to come from the schools themselves.
Not the taxpayers.
Use the large endowments, not my taxpaying $$$$'s to pay off these loans.
Exactly! Harvard can afford to just that. So can many others. But, what about the ones that can't. Is it fair for them? Congress has the power to write laws to spend more of tax payor's money and pay off all the student debt. Maybe they should pay off credit card debt too.
This is all part of the entitlement attitude the Democrats are creating in young people. I just heard one of them say, on the lawn in front of the SCOTUS, “we aren’t asking for loan forgiveness; we are DEMANDING it.”
This is all part of the entitlement attitude the Democrats are creating in young people. I just heard one of them say, on the lawn in front of the SCOTUS, “we aren’t asking for loan forgiveness; we are DEMANDING it.”

Reminds me of this:

Dimocrats of yesterday: "Ask not, what your country can do for you! Ask, what you can do for your country!"

Dimocrats of today: "Ask not, what your country can do for you! DEMAND IT!!!"
Biden blue balls American college students/graduates saying he's gonna get rid of their debt. No wonder why they're mad.

Student loans payments start back up in October. 40 million Americans will have to pay on average $350 a month after a ~3 year pause.
They were stupid enough to fall for empty promises, since lack of mental capacity to realize that they’ve been duped.
And they'll still vote for him or anyone else who promise them more gibs. They get what they deserve.
thats 350$ less going into the economy from 40 million people ... and many of said people racked up credit card debt due to the extra cash from not paying on their student loans .. a democrat generated economic disaster in the making ..
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Because they probably figured it was better to not pay anything, that way if the loan was forgiven, they didn't lose all those payments.

I wonder how many young people voted for Biden because of the loan forgiveness promise that didn't pan out.
a record # of them voted for him thinking they wouldnt have to pay on their loans .. they honesty believed it when he said he'd cut 20 grand from their debt !
Trickle down simply doesn't work because there's nothing to trickle down. No Matter how hard one works means ZERO. The so called dream has never never ever existed even if one works 80 hours per week.
Trickle down simply doesn't work because there's nothing to trickle down. No Matter how hard one works means ZERO. The so called dream has never never ever existed even if one works 80 hours per week.
I worked 40 hours or so a week and bought an upscale townhouse, enjoyed international travel, treated myself to fancy jewelry, and enjoyed evenings at the theater or a nice restaurant. That’s the American Dream, for sure.
I worked 40 hours or so a week and bought an upscale townhouse, enjoyed international travel, treated myself to fancy jewelry, and enjoyed evenings at the theater or a nice restaurant. That’s the American Dream, for sure.
Well I'm happy for you but the vast majority of working folk have el zippo. They aren't living any kind of a dream. As a father I properly educated my kids against believing in such rubbish. They are working hard and doing well but that's NO kind of idiotic dream
Trickle down simply doesn't work because there's nothing to trickle down. No Matter how hard one works means ZERO. The so called dream has never never ever existed even if one works 80 hours per week.

No fan of trickle-down econ but I wouldn't quite go so far as the above. Clearly, it's working out for some people, but market economies distribute wealth in ways that sometimes don't make sense. I've worked in jobs that were easy and gotten paid well to sometimes not do much of anything. I've had other jobs where I've busted my balls for peanuts, and I've had jobs in between.

The realization I've come to is it's really a matter of finding the right niche. The 'good' jobs are ones in which the demand for your labor is really high and the supply of people like you is really low. The job itself may be easy, difficult as hell, or somewhere in between. I've been fortunate to find work that pays fairly well without having to climb up cell phone antennas or deep sea dive off of oil rigs in the Gulf.
Yeah, I might decided to refuse to pay my car loan or my mortgage. That will show those fascists.
While we all know there is no wealth trickling down, simply don't take out a loan. Live at your parents until your late 30s then get married. No kids. This works great for the nation.
thats 350$ less going into the economy from 40 million people ... and many of said people racked up credit card debt due to the extra cash from not paying on their student loans .. a democrat generated economic disaster in the making ..

Biggest "not my problem" of the decade.


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