Debate Now If Blackface Isn't Allowed Then Why Is Womanface?

Blackface is racist. Wearing a headdress is disrespectful. I’m a Native and I would not wear one because I haven’t earned the right to.
I would compare it to me wearing a Purple Heart knowing I haven’t earned the right to do so
Not at all. That kid wasn’t trying to convince people that he was a bona fide date of American tribal chief. It’s observed to think so. It’s like when our history teacher of my school dresses like general, Washington. That’s not stolen valor, even though that teacher never served in the army.
Why the hell is the OP starting yet ANOTHER thread about trans people? Obsession? Projection?

There is no equivalency between black face and transgender women dressing as women. It isn’t mocking women. It isn’t a parody. It isn’t even insulting to women unless you have an issue with allowing transgender people to exist in the first place.

Get over it.
Why the hell is the OP starting yet ANOTHER thread about trans people? Obsession? Projection?

There is no equivalency between black face and transgender women dressing as women. It isn’t mocking women. It isn’t a parody. It isn’t even insulting to women unless you have an issue with allowing transgender people to exist in the first place.

Get over it.

Do you believe blackface is context-dependent?


I did not recognize the image and it doesn’t even look like the typical black face portrayals, hence the question.

He is Justin Trudeau, current Canadian PM. I can't believe you haven't seen this picture. I forget how tiny your bubble is sometimes.
I don’t live my life in your tiny bubble where you are forever searching for outrage.
Breaking your own rules of debate eh? Why, don’t like the answers you are getting?

Again, it's not breaking my rules if I call somebody stupid when it's on the topic. Too bad you're not Spaz, I could threaten to call Trump on you for lying about it but you don't have TDS like he has. However, I can call Meister to see if it truly is off topic or not.
Again, it's not breaking my rules if I call somebody stupid when it's on the topic. Too bad you're not Spaz, I could threaten to call Trump on you for lying about it but you don't have TDS like he has. However, I can call Meister to see if it truly is off topic or not.
The only ones going off topic right now are Coyote and Hellbilly. You two would make a lovely couple. Now getting back on topic, I guess I put it past the left to ever behave in a logical and reasonable manner. After all, a person on here thinks that it's perfectly same to live your life as a Great Dane. 🙄
The only ones going off topic right now are Coyote and Hellbilly. You two would make a lovely couple. Now getting back on topic, I guess I put it past the left to ever behave in a logical and reasonable manner. After all, a person on here thinks that it's perfectly same to live your life as a Great Dane. 🙄
Post 68 was on topic.
Post 68 was on topic.

Yes, exactly thank you for finally admitting it. It was on topic because I was calling you a derp for your idiotic comments about it. Now, if I was calling you a derp for something else completely unrelated then it would be off topic but it wasn't. The fact that I even have to explain this right now is mind boggling.
Yes, exactly thank you for finally admitting it. It was on topic because I was calling you a derp for your idiotic comments about it. Now, if I was calling you a derp for something else completely unrelated then it would be off topic but it wasn't. The fact that I even have to explain this right now is mind boggling.

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