If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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It's in Politics now Sil. Hard to get more activity than that.
No, the thread linked in my signature. I don't see it in politics. The only place I see it is in a forum where the most recent post on any thread besides it is listed as most active as of "yesterday". Hardly a high-view forum. Would you be so kind as to combine the two, this one and that one and put them in politics?
It's at the very top of the forums list and I wish people would use it for true Breaking News, like this. Then it wouldn't be such a disused forum. It was a great idea but posters are ignoring it.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?
I don't see how denying the State the power to force an individual to provide services to another in a fashion that denies individual liberty is "discrimination."

Justice Kennedy (the libertarian on the Court) agrees with me.
All yo
Your thread is in Breaking News. Another high volume forum.
It's not "my thread" and I just told you that the only other threads there are listed most recently replied to as "yesterday". HARDLY a high-volume forum.
u have to do is make another post in it and it will bump it up for others to see again. It has 43 pages of responses, so your belief that it isn't getting a lot of attention is not born out by fact.
[QUOTE="westwall, post: 20073560, member: 23239"]

Your thread is in Breaking News. Another high volume forum.[/QUOTE]
It's not "my thread" (the one linked in my signature) and I just told you that the only other threads there are listed most recently replied to as "yesterday". HARDLY a high-volume forum. If it's USMB policy to keep the important title and content of this monumental political story locked away from the highest-viewed forums, just say so and I'll have to respect that. What choice do I have?
15 pages and over 400 posts in a day is what Sil considers low-volume and discriminatory. :lol:
Your thread is in Breaking News. Another high volume forum.
It's not "my thread" (the one linked in my signature) and I just told you that the only other threads there are listed most recently replied to as "yesterday". HARDLY a high-volume forum. If it's USMB policy to keep the important title and content of this monumental political story locked away from the highest-viewed forums, just say so and I'll have to respect that. What choice do I have?

Sil, no one is trying to bury the thread. If no one is posting in it after 43 pages it is because they don't have anything else to say.
It would be 200 pages in one day if it was in politics or current events.
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... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Nope, since most Christian's are not bigots; those who are do not serve Jesus Christ, who they claim to deeply revere.

What does this have to do with the question?

As to the most recent Supreme Court Decision...

That's not the point of the thread. I'm basically asking the Christians who think they should be allowed to discriminate against gays if they're willing to forgo their own special protections.
Protections in the plural???
Will people PLEASE stop referring to these people just as "Christians"? There are millions of Christians worldwide who definitely DO NOT support what these people are doing in the name of the Christian faith. Make them identify which sect that they are in that incites and condones the kind of disgusting anti-LGBT behavior that is going on. Their conduct is disgraceful, or should all Christians in the world be branded with this offensive conduct? Most Christians are decent people.

lol says some weirdo who keeps trying to tell us Wicca is a 'religion', but can never explain why it is.

You don't know jack about religion, you're just another fashion victim spouting rubbish fed to you, like the rest of the mentally ill 'progressives' here. I bet you don't even know 'witch burning' and ' burning fags to death was a pagan invention, not a Christian one, do you? lol lol lol

"Fashion victim"? Just what the hell is that? Is this the latest from the moronic right-wing propaganda mills, like "virtue signalling"? The people who call themselves "Christians" are prostituting an entire faith. If these jackasses don't have to explain why what they practice is a religion, why does anyone else have to explain why their's is a religion? Nobody feeds me anything, moron. Quite the opposite. I don't buy the horseshit slung by the likes of such trash as Jeffress and the family research council, et al. quite on my own. Stop trying to drag the entire Christian faith into your sewer.

Fashion victim . . .

The Vogue fashion editor who regularly slams Melania's choice in clothes. Lol. Could you IMAGINE? Reality is stranger than fiction. :D


The one on the left is the moron who lets donald screw her. Who is the other one?
Sil, no one is trying to bury the thread. If no one is posting in it after 43 pages it is because they don't have anything else to say.


I'll ask you again to please combine the threads and place the other's (linked in my signature) title in politics or current events. If you refuse to do so, you refuse to do so. Don't lie about forum views though. People can see right through that bullshit and it hurts the credibility of USMB as an impartial website for political discussions. It is a direct attempt by staff to squelch an important story. Which rendered down is an attempt to squelch reality itself as a tool to spin and craft false information. If people don't see a 200-page thread on politics, then they will think the story isn't that important. It's 43 pages for a reason. It would be five times that if it was in politics. And you know it.

I'll remind you again, when Obergefell broke, your staff had allowed threads about it smeared all over both very popular FORUMS.
Will people PLEASE stop referring to these people just as "Christians"? There are millions of Christians worldwide who definitely DO NOT support what these people are doing in the name of the Christian faith. Make them identify which sect that they are in that incites and condones the kind of disgusting anti-LGBT behavior that is going on. Their conduct is disgraceful, or should all Christians in the world be branded with this offensive conduct? Most Christians are decent people.

lol says some weirdo who keeps trying to tell us Wicca is a 'religion', but can never explain why it is.

You don't know jack about religion, you're just another fashion victim spouting rubbish fed to you, like the rest of the mentally ill 'progressives' here. I bet you don't even know 'witch burning' and ' burning fags to death was a pagan invention, not a Christian one, do you? lol lol lol

"Fashion victim"? Just what the hell is that? Is this the latest from the moronic right-wing propaganda mills, like "virtue signalling"? The people who call themselves "Christians" are prostituting an entire faith. If these jackasses don't have to explain why what they practice is a religion, why does anyone else have to explain why their's is a religion? Nobody feeds me anything, moron. Quite the opposite. I don't buy the horseshit slung by the likes of such trash as Jeffress and the family research council, et al. quite on my own. Stop trying to drag the entire Christian faith into your sewer.

Fashion victim . . .

The Vogue fashion editor who regularly slams Melania's choice in clothes. Lol. Could you IMAGINE? Reality is stranger than fiction. :D


The one on the left is the moron who lets donald screw her. Who is the other one?

I said who it is right above the picture you quoted, Einstein. The leftist one is the one who looks like a weird bag lady of course.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?
Do gays engage / believe in some religion I am unaware of that makes heterosexuals / the practice of heterosexuality a sin they are not to engage in?

Didn't think so.

The USSC Justices did not rule on the entire issue but only on this ONE CASE....and the USSC found that the city engaged in harsh / discriminatory behavior against the baker, in a way others were not subjected to. Had the city not 'gone out of its way to punish / slam' the baker the USSC might not have come to this decision.

I remember the 'good ol' days' when a private business owner could hang up a sign stating he had the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Part of me feels owners should have the right to serve anyone they want and anyone they don't....and the right to handle the consequences of that choice.

I was not offended by that in the least. I found, as did many of the owners, that the free market and customers pretty much handled the situation on its own without government intervention. If a business was discriminatory or unfair customers chose not to go there and the business changed or went out of business.

Case in point, I went to a popular Bar-B-Que place one weekend down in Mississippi where I was attending a special military school. It was very popular with military members. After sitting down with my food a young black soldier walked in with his wife and 2 little children. When he got to the counter he was told by the woman at the register they did not serve 'his kind' in there. He was shocked and his wife was embarrassed. Within 5 seconds not only had I but about 25 other military members in the place stood up, as I asked the young woman what 'kind' did she mean. When I looked around at all my military brethren standing up I told her that she obviously meant 'military'...which obviously accounted for a large part of their business.

The owner came running out apologizing, telling us it was all ok, there had been a misunderstanding, and that the young couple's meal was on the house.

...lesson learned.
Will people PLEASE stop referring to these people just as "Christians"? There are millions of Christians worldwide who definitely DO NOT support what these people are doing in the name of the Christian faith. Make them identify which sect that they are in that incites and condones the kind of disgusting anti-LGBT behavior that is going on. Their conduct is disgraceful, or should all Christians in the world be branded with this offensive conduct? Most Christians are decent people.

lol says some weirdo who keeps trying to tell us Wicca is a 'religion', but can never explain why it is.

You don't know jack about religion, you're just another fashion victim spouting rubbish fed to you, like the rest of the mentally ill 'progressives' here. I bet you don't even know 'witch burning' and ' burning fags to death was a pagan invention, not a Christian one, do you? lol lol lol

"Fashion victim"? Just what the hell is that? Is this the latest from the moronic right-wing propaganda mills, like "virtue signalling"? The people who call themselves "Christians" are prostituting an entire faith. If these jackasses don't have to explain why what they practice is a religion, why does anyone else have to explain why their's is a religion? Nobody feeds me anything, moron. Quite the opposite. I don't buy the horseshit slung by the likes of such trash as Jeffress and the family research council, et al. quite on my own. Stop trying to drag the entire Christian faith into your sewer.

Fashion victim . . .

The Vogue fashion editor who regularly slams Melania's choice in clothes. Lol. Could you IMAGINE? Reality is stranger than fiction. :D


The one on the left is the moron who lets donald screw her. Who is the other one?

A person who is supposedly about standing up for women, calling another woman a "moron" because of who she is married too? Maybe people would think your husband is a moron for loving you too? Ever think about that? :D Lol.
The USSC Justices did not rule on the entire issue but only on this ONE CASE....and the USSC found that the city engaged in harsh / discriminatory behavior against the baker, in a way others were not subjected to. Had the city not 'gone out of its way to punish / slam' the baker the USSC might not have come to this decision.


I disagree. I think this case was the lubricant for the final bitter pill. You see, the city should have dealt harshly with anyone who was actually illegally discriminating. The court would've come down quite differently if the couple to be married were black and the baker said "we don't make cakes for your kind". Then the Court would've backed the city with an iron fist. You'd better believe it.

No, this was the Court preparing the public for the final, painful exposure of the false premise the LGBT cult has been surfing illegally through the courts: that regular men and women doing habitual sex stuff can derive a protected identity from those behaviors. No protections at all for that exist in the US Constitution. This was and is a question of lifestyles and not innate qualities. This was a very, very smooth way of the Court saying that without actually saying that.

This was the USSC saying "put your seatbelts on and brace yourselves for impact". Nice touch the way they worded it to seem innocuous and benign though. That's why they've made it that far. It's an art form. Justice Thomas did warn them though "this far and no farther". So, yeah, incremental steps to the final sting.

They fucked up beating up people of faith with a fiscal club. On that same thought, this is going to impact Dumont v Lyon the lesbian adoption case in Michigan where the cult is seeking to punish orphans directly by harming their Christian custodians fiscally for not surrendering innocent children on-demand to gay lifestylists ( who if married have a contract that promises to deny a father or mother for life under that child's roof).
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Sorry. LGBTs can be Christians, as anyone can. Bet you are one of those Protestants who believe that the bible was written by God and that it is inerrant and infallible.
Nope.....you are barking up the wrong tree. .... :cool:
Sorry. LGBTs can be Christians, as anyone can. Bet you are one of those Protestants who believe that the bible was written by God and that it is inerrant and infallible.
Nope.....you are barking up the wrong tree. .... :cool:

The poster obviously has a difficult time reading things, as it says right under your profile that you are a Muslim. Whether or not that is true or not, I don't know, but to assume that you are a Protestant???
OP is a false analogy.
The SCOTUS determined that failing to bake a gake for a faggot orgy is NOT discrimination.
There's that.

Then there's this: the comparison of Christians failing to bake cakes for *celebrations* that they cannot in good conscience be a part of, to queers *discriminating* against Christians (which already happens regularly), are not comparable and nothing you have provided supports the comparison.
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