If climate change isn't happening ok...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
So what, pollute and emit more carbon and greenhouse gasses because that's fine?

Climate change says we shouldn't be doing that and here's why. People who say climate change isn't happening, or manmade seem to be saying we should emit more not less.

Or am I missing something?
So what, pollute and emit more carbon and greenhouse gasses because that's fine?

Climate change says we shouldn't be doing that and here's why. People who say climate change isn't happening, or manmade seem to be saying we should emit more not less.

Or am I missing something?

Yes, politics. You have been tricked into believing that the government is acting in the best interest of the earth by regulating and taxing and banning. Our coal is still being used by earthlings in China, only for pennies on the dollar to those who mine it for them. And the EPA wants to give polluting rights to the highest bidder.
It has nothing to do with climate.
So what, pollute and emit more carbon and greenhouse gasses because that's fine?

Climate change says we shouldn't be doing that and here's why. People who say climate change isn't happening, or manmade seem to be saying we should emit more not less.

Or am I missing something?

Stop killing electrons with these stupid AGW posts
Is farting OK? You know, methane emission...

How about breathing or keeping warm? How we gonna stop the earth and volcanoes from spewing it out... oh no... the sky is falling....

This mind set is funny as hell to observe. The earth lives on CO2. without it plant life DIES, Man dies, all the animals die, all the fish die.... yet these fools want to scrub this naturally occurring item from our atmosphere when they have no proof whatsoever that it is harmful in any way up to and above 7,000ppm, during which the earth has survived and flourished with life.

The empirical evidence is there but they choose to ignore it for their own political agenda. Kill off millions of people, starve them, leave them in poverty, all due to a cult... Are we living in mid evil times?
How we gonna stop the earth and volcanoes from spewing it out..
If you try to point out how many millions of tons of "toxic" (to humans but not to Earth herself) gases and solid particles are spewed into the atmosphere with only one large volcanic eruption they immediately will tell you "that's different" sulphur, methane and solid particles from fossil fuels and not harmful etc… All in all we couldn't produce that much pollution in a few hundred years than a volcanic eruption does. I am all for reducing pollution while we are reasonable about it but do not buy into the hysteria they try to create.
AGWCult member need to trap their farts in a jar and just stop posting on the Internet, it burns "Fossil fuels" and creates manmade climate warming change
So what, pollute and emit more carbon and greenhouse gasses because that's fine?

Climate change says we shouldn't be doing that and here's why. People who say climate change isn't happening, or manmade seem to be saying we should emit more not less.

Or am I missing something?
What, because there were inventions that catapulted human kind? You don't get that?
How we gonna stop the earth and volcanoes from spewing it out..
If you try to point out how many millions of tons of "toxic" (to humans but not to Earth herself) gases and solid particles are spewed into the atmosphere with only one large volcanic eruption they immediately will tell you "that's different" sulphur, methane and solid particles from fossil fuels and not harmful etc… All in all we couldn't produce that much pollution in a few hundred years than a volcanic eruption does. I am all for reducing pollution while we are reasonable about it but do not buy into the hysteria they try to create.
Mr. Defcon, you are extremely ignorant if you think that volcanoes are currently putting out anywhere near the pollutants that mankind is. It is not volcanoes that are making the air in the cities in China toxic to breathe. It was not volcanoes that made the air in American cities a brown haze of toxic chemicals before we adapted the clean air regulations. And it is not volcanoes that have increased the GHG load in the atmosphere by over 40%. People like you that flap yap without the slightest research are a demonstration of the ignorance of the far right.
So what, pollute and emit more carbon and greenhouse gasses because that's fine?

Climate change says we shouldn't be doing that and here's why. People who say climate change isn't happening, or manmade seem to be saying we should emit more not less.

Or am I missing something?
What, because there were inventions that catapulted human kind? You don't get that?
OK, the domestication of the horse was a key point in the development of civilization. So why don't you stable a couple in your bedroom?

There are many things we used to get where we are. And no longer use because we have moved on to better things. Change is happening, and dumb bastards can only stand beside the road and yell 'Get a horse'.
So what, pollute and emit more carbon and greenhouse gasses because that's fine?

Climate change says we shouldn't be doing that and here's why. People who say climate change isn't happening, or manmade seem to be saying we should emit more not less.

Or am I missing something?
What, because there were inventions that catapulted human kind? You don't get that?
OK, the domestication of the horse was a key point in the development of civilization. So why don't you stable a couple in your bedroom?

There are many things we used to get where we are. And no longer use because we have moved on to better things. Change is happening, and dumb bastards can only stand beside the road and yell 'Get a horse'.
railroads, cruise liners, interstate system, the air plane, yeah none of that was man. agriculture, the combine, hmmm you don't know much I guess.
So what, pollute and emit more carbon and greenhouse gasses because that's fine?

Climate change says we shouldn't be doing that and here's why. People who say climate change isn't happening, or manmade seem to be saying we should emit more not less.

Or am I missing something?
No, you didn't miss anything. People who watch FOX News all the time will believe whatever they're told.
Of course Climate Change is happening. It's been changing since the planet cooled billions of years ago.
So what, pollute and emit more carbon and greenhouse gasses because that's fine?

Climate change says we shouldn't be doing that and here's why. People who say climate change isn't happening, or manmade seem to be saying we should emit more not less.

Or am I missing something?
No, you didn't miss anything. People who watch FOX News all the time will believe whatever they're told.
how do you know what Fox news reports regarding climate and pollution unless you, you watch it. LOL you're hilarious.
How we gonna stop the earth and volcanoes from spewing it out..
If you try to point out how many millions of tons of "toxic" (to humans but not to Earth herself) gases and solid particles are spewed into the atmosphere with only one large volcanic eruption they immediately will tell you "that's different" sulphur, methane and solid particles from fossil fuels and not harmful etc… All in all we couldn't produce that much pollution in a few hundred years than a volcanic eruption does. I am all for reducing pollution while we are reasonable about it but do not buy into the hysteria they try to create.
Mr. Defcon, you are extremely ignorant if you think that volcanoes are currently putting out anywhere near the pollutants that mankind is. It is not volcanoes that are making the air in the cities in China toxic to breathe. It was not volcanoes that made the air in American cities a brown haze of toxic chemicals before we adapted the clean air regulations. And it is not volcanoes that have increased the GHG load in the atmosphere by over 40%. People like you that flap yap without the slightest research are a demonstration of the ignorance of the far right.
Dear Mr. Old Rocks,
Thank you very much for your opinion and for being civil in your communication. Believe me, it is a breath of fresh air in a toxic environment the demagogues, provocateurs and community organizers create instead of an adult exchange of ideas in a civil manner.
I do have to note my protest to your error labeling one to be on the far right just for being observant and having a different opinion from yours.
I do not know how accurate your GHG calculator is therefore I have to rely on my assumption that a data input by estimated values can be errant therefore, the calculated results consequently be errant. I also have to note that a nobody (as far as I have knowledge about) was capping an erupting volcano to achieve controlled eruption through a measuring channel with instrumentation to determine how many millions of tons toxic gases and solid particles are discharged into the atmosphere. I am well aware of the assumption on your part, since you labeled me as "far right," that I am for breathing dirty air, drinking dirty water and depleting the ozone layer for the sole purpose of destroying mankind. I bear witness that your assumptions are incorrect in that regard, although you might consider my witnessing as "flap yep."
So what, pollute and emit more carbon and greenhouse gasses because that's fine?

Climate change says we shouldn't be doing that and here's why. People who say climate change isn't happening, or manmade seem to be saying we should emit more not less.

Or am I missing something?
No, you didn't miss anything. People who watch FOX News all the time will believe whatever they're told.
…and you know that how? Are you one of them?

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