If Democrats could have it their way...Could the unemployed drive a Cadillac, buy cigarettes, weed and booze and have healthcare?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?

Yes. The so-called downtrodden peoples of America (of certain skin tones) would indeed be lavished with reparations, land, homes, vehicles and all the rest. And then? Then the green commies would seize all that booty immediately after the revolution because private property does not align with party interests.
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?

It could be. Let me provide an example.

I once sold furniture. I worked with several hard core conservatives. You know, Republicans, always complaining about "welfare". But then they hired this girl. She was terrible. We worked on an "ups" system, where you took turns taking customers as they came in. This girl could not sell shit. Many times she resorted to pan-handling her customers, crying about being pregnant and needing money. She actually flat out asked for donations. She was "burning ups" as we say.

I called a meeting. I asked all the other salespeople if we could pool together some money to pay this girl that was burning ups to stay home. They all agreed. They could easily make the money they paid her by getting more "ups" Then I jumped up and down and told them, "welcome to the democrat party".

That is the thing. If someone is content collecting welfare to survive. Great, the cost of that welfare is a price I am willing to pay to KEEP THEM THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY.
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?

Yes. The so-called downtrodden peoples of America (of certain skin tones) would indeed be lavished with reparations, land, homes, vehicles and all the rest. And then? Then the green commies would seize all that booty immediately after the revolution because private property does not align with party interests.

I’m trying to identify where they have determined the end of the line to be? How much free stuff is too much and how much governmental hand holding is overbearing? I have a firm suspicion that both are infinite in their minds.
Why does one person have a right to have a Cadillac what another person does it!? If weed is legal and this guy has a brick and I don’t why is that OK he has a brick or weed?
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?

Yes. The so-called downtrodden peoples of America (of certain skin tones) would indeed be lavished with reparations, land, homes, vehicles and all the rest. And then? Then the green commies would seize all that booty immediately after the revolution because private property does not align with party interests.

I’m trying to identify where they have determined the end of the line to be? How much free stuff is too much and how much governmental hand holding is overbearing? I have a firm suspicion that both are infinite in their minds.

I agree and your search for answers on this one is a great idea. The democrats will reward select groups and even bribe other groups of citizens indefinitely, but only as long as those groups are vital to their accumulation of power. Seeing as how the democrats always shoot off their own toes, I can see them funding folk with free shit until there's no ink left to print any more money.
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?

Yes. The so-called downtrodden peoples of America (of certain skin tones) would indeed be lavished with reparations, land, homes, vehicles and all the rest. And then? Then the green commies would seize all that booty immediately after the revolution because private property does not align with party interests.

I’m trying to identify where they have determined the end of the line to be? How much free stuff is too much and how much governmental hand holding is overbearing? I have a firm suspicion that both are infinite in their minds.

You give them a shitty place to live, enough food to survive, a free cell phone is fine, and maybe even a car to drive around. Of course health care is also included. If that makes them happy, well then I am quite sure I don't want them in my way in the competitive labor market. I want to compete with people that are driven, that want to improve themselves. Not interested in dealing with people that just want to get by. Better to have them out of the way. Better for all of us.
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?

It could be. Let me provide an example.

I once sold furniture. I worked with several hard core conservatives. You know, Republicans, always complaining about "welfare". But then they hired this girl. She was terrible. We worked on an "ups" system, where you took turns taking customers as they came in. This girl could not sell shit. Many times she resorted to pan-handling her customers, crying about being pregnant and needing money. She actually flat out asked for donations. She was "burning ups" as we say.

I called a meeting. I asked all the other salespeople if we could pool together some money to pay this girl that was burning ups to stay home. They all agreed. They could easily make the money they paid her by getting more "ups" Then I jumped up and down and told them, "welcome to the democrat party".

That is the thing. If someone is content collecting welfare to survive. Great, the cost of that welfare is a price I am willing to pay to KEEP THEM THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY.
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?

Yes. The so-called downtrodden peoples of America (of certain skin tones) would indeed be lavished with reparations, land, homes, vehicles and all the rest. And then? Then the green commies would seize all that booty immediately after the revolution because private property does not align with party interests.

I’m trying to identify where they have determined the end of the line to be? How much free stuff is too much and how much governmental hand holding is overbearing? I have a firm suspicion that both are infinite in their minds.

You give them a shitty place to live, enough food to survive, a free cell phone is fine, and maybe even a car to drive around. Of course health care is also included. If that makes them happy, well then I am quite sure I don't want them in my way in the competitive labor market. I want to compete with people that are driven, that want to improve themselves. Not interested in dealing with people that just want to get by. Better to have them out of the way. Better for all of us.

Haha...super cool story.
Let’s pay people to stay home and stay out of our way...That’s an awesome perspective. THEN, let’s lure all of Mexico’s trash to our country....Makes perfect sense, I’m sure we’ll build an amazing society with such a plan.
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?

Yes. The so-called downtrodden peoples of America (of certain skin tones) would indeed be lavished with reparations, land, homes, vehicles and all the rest. And then? Then the green commies would seize all that booty immediately after the revolution because private property does not align with party interests.

I’m trying to identify where they have determined the end of the line to be? How much free stuff is too much and how much governmental hand holding is overbearing? I have a firm suspicion that both are infinite in their minds.

Ask the farmers, they've gotten something like $24B on top of their subsidies. Pretty sweet deal.
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?

Yes. The so-called downtrodden peoples of America (of certain skin tones) would indeed be lavished with reparations, land, homes, vehicles and all the rest. And then? Then the green commies would seize all that booty immediately after the revolution because private property does not align with party interests.

I’m trying to identify where they have determined the end of the line to be? How much free stuff is too much and how much governmental hand holding is overbearing? I have a firm suspicion that both are infinite in their minds.

Ask the farmers, they've gotten something like $24B on top of their subsidies. Pretty sweet deal.

Yeah..but farmers are actually needed.
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?
Are they US citizens? If so they should get healthcare.

Are there children who are US citizens? If so they should get healthcare and have their rent covered or subsidized.

I don't know of any Dems that want to subsidize their cigs, weed, booze, and luxury cars. That is what is known as a Straw man.
Could their rent be covered or subsidized?
Are Democrats sure that such a scenario is good for the future of America?

Yes. The so-called downtrodden peoples of America (of certain skin tones) would indeed be lavished with reparations, land, homes, vehicles and all the rest. And then? Then the green commies would seize all that booty immediately after the revolution because private property does not align with party interests.

I’m trying to identify where they have determined the end of the line to be? How much free stuff is too much and how much governmental hand holding is overbearing? I have a firm suspicion that both are infinite in their minds.

Ask the farmers, they've gotten something like $24B on top of their subsidies. Pretty sweet deal.

The investor (the U.S. taxpayer) gets a return on investment.
What is the ROi with bottom feeding, leeching parasites?

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