If Democrats Think There Was 'Violence' Yesterday, Let Them Try This...

Fat Orange Jesus needs to go now. He is a danger to the country.
Obama collaborated with the Russian Intel Service to get and use known Russian-authored propaganda to initiate and run a failed coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the newly elected President.

The DHS and Treasury Departments have made it clear they have irrefutable evidence that the Bidens took over $1 Billion from the CCP and millions from Russians for laundering money.

The Democrats have beenand are far more of a threat to the US that Trump, the most successful President in Decades - in some cases EVER, ever was or will be.

But thank you for demonstrating your emotional, weep and scream at the sky, irrational, 'Orange man Bad', hate-driven mental instability you still have not gotten over since 2016.

If you think Trump was the most successful president in decades, you need your head examined. Trump is the LEAST successful president, even worse than Nixon.
What the hell you talking about?

No new wars, gorsush, kav and Amy, got rid of Obama mandate, got rid of most Obama's regulations, got rid of Paris Accord, Iran deal

Trump kept most all his campaign promises, and is the most successful president in history
Fat Orange Jesus needs to go now. He is a danger to the country.
Obama collaborated with the Russian Intel Service to get and use known Russian-authored propaganda to initiate and run a failed coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the newly elected President.

The DHS and Treasury Departments have made it clear they have irrefutable evidence that the Bidens took over $1 Billion from the CCP and millions from Russians for laundering money.

The Democrats have beenand are far more of a threat to the US that Trump, the most successful President in Decades - in some cases EVER, ever was or will be.

But thank you for demonstrating your emotional, weep and scream at the sky, irrational, 'Orange man Bad', hate-driven mental instability you still have not gotten over since 2016.

If you think Trump was the most successful president in decades, you need your head examined. Trump is the LEAST successful president, even worse than Nixon.
What the hell you talking about?

No new wars, gorsush, kav and Amy, got rid of Obama mandate, got rid of most Obama's regulations, got rid of Paris Accord, Iran deal

Trump kept most all his campaign promises, and is the most successful president in history
all depends on how you define success.

people get into online death matches saying which president was successful and who wasn't and never take the time to define "success" to begin with.
Fat Orange Jesus needs to go now. He is a danger to the country.
Obama collaborated with the Russian Intel Service to get and use known Russian-authored propaganda to initiate and run a failed coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the newly elected President.

The DHS and Treasury Departments have made it clear they have irrefutable evidence that the Bidens took over $1 Billion from the CCP and millions from Russians for laundering money.

The Democrats have beenand are far more of a threat to the US that Trump, the most successful President in Decades - in some cases EVER, ever was or will be.

But thank you for demonstrating your emotional, weep and scream at the sky, irrational, 'Orange man Bad', hate-driven mental instability you still have not gotten over since 2016.

If you think Trump was the most successful president in decades, you need your head examined. Trump is the LEAST successful president, even worse than Nixon.
What the hell you talking about?

No new wars, gorsush, kav and Amy, got rid of Obama mandate, got rid of most Obama's regulations, got rid of Paris Accord, Iran deal

Trump kept most all his campaign promises, and is the most successful president in history
all depends on how you define success.

people get into online death matches saying which president was successful and who wasn't and never take the time to define "success" to begin with.
Trump's success is why he hated him I guess
If you think Trump was the most successful president in decades, you need your head examined.
If you don't KNOW he was you need to pull your head out of your ass, stop watching fake news media, and educate yourself.

Actually, I know he wasn't. He ran up the debt even worse than what Jr. did. And, he wasn't interested in being president, just having rallies and playing golf. Why is it that Trump is awarding the Medal of Freedom to 3 golfers?
Are you really this ignorant about economics?

The reason each successive president runs up bigger and bigger debts, has to do with the nature of debt based currency and the debasement of the dollar, it has nothing to do with politics, and every thing to do with the FED and the international banking cabal.

In fact, Joe will oversee even bigger debts that Trump, if he doesn't, in fact, oversee the final collapse of the dollar, which I fully expect him to do.

Obama oversaw bigger debts than Bush, Bush larger ones than Clinton, etc. etc. etc.

Why do you think these elites and oligarchs are staging all sorts of fake shit and desperately trying to push the population into some sort of staged conflict?

I am relieved to see that the American People are so far united enough that only the extremists are taking the bait.

Most of us see through this bullshit.
13 Days left to go.... what is removing Trump going to accomplish other than a very expensive and wasteful “fuck you” from Democrats and TrumpHaters. There is a fucking pandemic going on with small businesses and families hurting trying to make ends meet and this the leadership Democrats show? God we are fucked.
Fat Orange Jesus needs to go now. He is a danger to the country.
Obama collaborated with the Russian Intel Service to get and use known Russian-authored propaganda to initiate and run a failed coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the newly elected President.

The DHS and Treasury Departments have made it clear they have irrefutable evidence that the Bidens took over $1 Billion from the CCP and millions from Russians for laundering money.

The Democrats have beenand are far more of a threat to the US that Trump, the most successful President in Decades - in some cases EVER, ever was or will be.

But thank you for demonstrating your emotional, weep and scream at the sky, irrational, 'Orange man Bad', hate-driven mental instability you still have not gotten over since 2016.

If you think Trump was the most successful president in decades, you need your head examined. Trump is the LEAST successful president, even worse than Nixon.
What the hell you talking about?

No new wars, gorsush, kav and Amy, got rid of Obama mandate, got rid of most Obama's regulations, got rid of Paris Accord, Iran deal

Trump kept most all his campaign promises, and is the most successful president in history
all depends on how you define success.

people get into online death matches saying which president was successful and who wasn't and never take the time to define "success" to begin with.
Depends on what the definition of "Is" is. Symantic BS.
fILLING YOUR HEAD generic.jpg
Pelosi joins Schumer, other Dems' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment
Pelosi joins Schumer, other Dems' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment

After 4 years of failed coup attempts and a 'stolen election', the Democrats should piss off Millions of Americans by attempting one last coup....


Just like the "insurrection," yesterday was bad reality TEE VEE, and they should have never killed someone in that staged drama to make it look real, so too, this is absolutely absurd.

I have a hard time believing anyone is taking any of this seriously.

This is the number one piece of evidence that, like the whole BLM thing, the Russiagate, the impeachment, we are living in a post-truth reality.
They are leading folks around by their noses. Shameful.

These folks are doing everything they can to manipulate the emotions of the populace into chaos. . . we should ignore these buffoons.

It would take them longer to invoke this process and fill out the paperwork than he has left to serve, we all know how slow D.C. works.

How dumb.
Pelosi joins Schumer, other Dems' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment
Pelosi joins Schumer, other Dems' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment

After 4 years of failed coup attempts and a 'stolen election', the Democrats should piss off Millions of Americans by attempting one last coup....

Lol and you your bitch ass will do what? Call us commie, retard camel toe. While your orange god , the lawless one and the whore of Babylon sit on golden toilets and laugh at you. Hilarious
Fat Orange Jesus needs to go now. He is a danger to the country.
Obama collaborated with the Russian Intel Service to get and use known Russian-authored propaganda to initiate and run a failed coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the newly elected President.

The DHS and Treasury Departments have made it clear they have irrefutable evidence that the Bidens took over $1 Billion from the CCP and millions from Russians for laundering money.

The Democrats have beenand are far more of a threat to the US that Trump, the most successful President in Decades - in some cases EVER, ever was or will be.

But thank you for demonstrating your emotional, weep and scream at the sky, irrational, 'Orange man Bad', hate-driven mental instability you still have not gotten over since 2016.

If you think Trump was the most successful president in decades, you need your head examined. Trump is the LEAST successful president, even worse than Nixon.
What the hell you talking about?

No new wars, gorsush, kav and Amy, got rid of Obama mandate, got rid of most Obama's regulations, got rid of Paris Accord, Iran deal

Trump kept most all his campaign promises, and is the most successful president in history
all depends on how you define success.

people get into online death matches saying which president was successful and who wasn't and never take the time to define "success" to begin with.
Depends on what the definition of "Is" is. Symantic BS.View attachment 438896
there's a huge difference between playing word games and establishing a baseline for communication.

what clinton did was what the clintons are famous for - wordsmithing.

but if you and i are going to talk about whether or not trump was successful, it would help do know how you define a successful presidency overall, not just trumps version of it. if your version of success is anything not trump then any conversation is pointless.

if your criteria for success is "he damn well better build 450 miles of all before he leaves" then he is in fact a success.

huge difference.
They will impeach that fat white boy yet again.
Psychopaths have several personality quirks---
1) yes they don't are about other people
2) they have no soul---so they are never bothered by a conscious

But they have others
3) An overwhelming need for REVENGE to any that stand up to them------they are going after trump, his family, and anyone that supported him because this is what psychopaths do---Xi and Soros are prime examples.
Pelosi joins Schumer, other Dems' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment
Pelosi joins Schumer, other Dems' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment

After 4 years of failed coup attempts and a 'stolen election', the Democrats should piss off Millions of Americans by attempting one last coup....

There was in fact rightwing violence yesterday, everyone knows that; violence by Trump thugs and criminals.
13 Days left to go.... what is removing Trump going to accomplish other than a very expensive and wasteful “fuck you” from Democrats and TrumpHaters. There is a fucking pandemic going on with small businesses and families hurting trying to make ends meet and this the leadership Democrats show? God we are fucked.
What do the asshats on the left care. They are elitist twats with no life besides their ideology ...and...it ain’t their money so....
Pelosi joins Schumer, other Dems' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment
Pelosi joins Schumer, other Dems' calls to remove Trump through 25th Amendment

After 4 years of failed coup attempts and a 'stolen election', the Democrats should piss off Millions of Americans by attempting one last coup....

There was in fact rightwing violence yesterday, everyone knows that; violence by a few thugs and criminals.

Fixed it for ya.....;)
Fat Orange Jesus needs to go now. He is a danger to the country.
Obama collaborated with the Russian Intel Service to get and use known Russian-authored propaganda to initiate and run a failed coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the newly elected President.

The DHS and Treasury Departments have made it clear they have irrefutable evidence that the Bidens took over $1 Billion from the CCP and millions from Russians for laundering money.

The Democrats have beenand are far more of a threat to the US that Trump, the most successful President in Decades - in some cases EVER, ever was or will be.

But thank you for demonstrating your emotional, weep and scream at the sky, irrational, 'Orange man Bad', hate-driven mental instability you still have not gotten over since 2016.

If you think Trump was the most successful president in decades, you need your head examined. Trump is the LEAST successful president, even worse than Nixon.
What the hell you talking about?

No new wars, gorsush, kav and Amy, got rid of Obama mandate, got rid of most Obama's regulations, got rid of Paris Accord, Iran deal

Trump kept most all his campaign promises, and is the most successful president in history
all depends on how you define success.

people get into online death matches saying which president was successful and who wasn't and never take the time to define "success" to begin with.
Depends on what the definition of "Is" is. Symantic BS.View attachment 438896
there's a huge difference between playing word games and establishing a baseline for communication.

what clinton did was what the clintons are famous for - wordsmithing.

but if you and i are going to talk about whether or not trump was successful, it would help do know how you define a successful presidency overall, not just trumps version of it. if your version of success is anything not trump then any conversation is pointless.

if your criteria for success is "he damn well better build 450 miles of all before he leaves" then he is in fact a success.

huge difference.
Promises made, promises kept.

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