If Democrats Won It All, What Good Would That Do ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Maybe we should cancel the November election, and leave it that way indefinitely. We as a nation are undergoing a lot of grief, over this one phenomenon. Riots, pandemic, traffic blocking, economy disruption, animosity, etc. Make no mistake. All this is coming from Democrats relentlessly trying to grab on to the presidency and congressional seats.

But for what ? What gain would there be for the American people ? Doesn't it appear that all this electioneering is just for the personal sake of those who want to get elected ? The Democrats have long claimed to be the champions of the poor and working class. But what could they do that hasn't been already done for 3 years (2017-2019) ? Unemployment for blacks and Hispanics has reached the lowest levels in US history. Likewise with disabled people, veterans, and folks without a high school diploma. Women have attained their lowest level of unemployment in over 70 years.

The median wage has attained its highest level in US history (new records being set continuously). The stock market has reached record highs, and is at that point right now. US energy production as become # 1 in the world. The US military has never been stronger.

If people want extensive healthcare free of charge + some good education, that's simple, just join the military, and give a couple of years of your life to serve your country, which everyone ought to do anyway.

The things that Democrats say they want, they are already getting, so why bother having an election ? . Cancel the election. We're good as we are, and there never would have been a Covid virus here if Democrats had not colluded with the Chinese to unleash it on us, to disrupt Trump's chances for re-election. If no election, we still might have gotten the virus here, with China acting alone, but they might not have without Democrat instigation.

As for Joe Biden, the things he says are his plan for America, have already been done by President Trump. The election seems to be a pointless, harmful, messy problem, that we could probably do better without.
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If democrats took it all, and had congress, the senate and the white house, we'd see states secede, and more than likely a second civil war. Because their agenda is to tear America down and turn it into a third world shit hole. Open the borders, amnesty and voting rights for 23 million illegal aliens, higher taxes, free everything, until other people's money runs out, and the stripping of your constitutional rights like you never thought possible. Say goodbye to the 1st and 2nd Amendment right off the bat. In other words, a LIVING HELL. They would DESTROY America as we know it. That is EXACTLY their intention, because the majority of them HATE America to begin with.

THAT is what we'll have, if democrats are ever in power again.
We should make a committee of random anonymous USMB members for rewriting our Constitution. Maybe make the OP Chairman.
We should make a committee of random anonymous USMB members for rewriting our Constitution. Maybe make the OP Chairman.
I could probably guarantee you, you wouldn't like the way I'd rewrite it, and I wouldn't like the way you rewrote it... might be fun though.
Maybe we should cancel the November election, and leave it that way indefinitely. We as a nation are undergoing a lot of grief, over this one phenomenon. Riots, pandemic, traffic blocking, economy disruption, animosity, etc. Make no mistake. All this is coming from Democrats relentlessly trying to grab on to the presidency and congressional seats.

But for what ? What gain would there be for the American people ? Doesn't it appear that all this electioneering is just for the personal sake of those who want to get elected ? The Democrats have long claimed to be the champions of the poor and working class. But what could they do that hasn't been already done for 3 years (2017-2019) ? Unemployment for blacks and Hispanics has reached the lowest levels in US history. Likewise with disabled people, veterans, and folks without a high school diploma. Women have attained their lowest level of unemployment in over 70 years.

The median wage has attained its highest level in US history (new records being set continuously). The stock market has reached record highs, and is at that point right now. US energy production as become # 1 in the world. The US military has never been stronger.

If people want extensive healthcare free of charge + some good education, that's simple, just join the military, and give a couple of years of your life to serve your country, which everyone ought to do anyway.

The things that Democrats say they want, they are already getting, so why bother having an election ? . Cancel the election. We're good as we are, and there never would have been a Covid virus here if Democrats had not colluded with the Chinese to unleash it on us, to disrupt Trump's chances for re-election. If no election, we still might have gotten the virus here, with China acting alone, but they might not have without Democrat instigation.

As for Joe Biden, the things he says are his plan for America, have already been done by President Trump. The election seems to be a pointless, harmful, messy problem, that we could probably do better without.
Thanks for your fine post. And to answer the question you posed in your thread title, absolutely NO good at all.
Maybe we should cancel the November election, and leave it that way indefinitely. We as a nation are undergoing a lot of grief, over this one phenomenon. Riots, pandemic, traffic blocking, economy disruption, animosity, etc. Make no mistake. All this is coming from Democrats relentlessly trying to grab on to the presidency and congressional seats.

But for what ? What gain would there be for the American people ? Doesn't it appear that all this electioneering is just for the personal sake of those who want to get elected ? The Democrats have long claimed to be the champions of the poor and working class. But what could they do that hasn't been already done for 3 years (2017-2019) ? Unemployment for blacks and Hispanics has reached the lowest levels in US history. Likewise with disabled people, veterans, and folks without a high school diploma. Women have attained their lowest level of unemployment in over 70 years.

The median wage has attained its highest level in US history (new records being set continuously). The stock market has reached record highs, and is at that point right now. US energy production as become # 1 in the world. The US military has never been stronger.

If people want extensive healthcare free of charge + some good education, that's simple, just join the military, and give a couple of years of your life to serve your country, which everyone ought to do anyway.

The things that Democrats say they want, they are already getting, so why bother having an election ? . Cancel the election. We're good as we are, and there never would have been a Covid virus here if Democrats had not colluded with the Chinese to unleash it on us, to disrupt Trump's chances for re-election. If no election, we still might have gotten the virus here, with China acting alone, but they might not have without Democrat instigation.

As for Joe Biden, the things he says are his plan for America, have already been done by President Trump. The election seems to be a pointless, harmful, messy problem, that we could probably do better without.

Democrats are the biggest group of victims this world has ever seen. Unfortunately, the problems they keep complaining of and forever promising to fix, were all mostly of their own doing in the first place during the countless years they had control of everything and forever to change it.
The democrats actually understand our Constitution and how it is supposed to work; unlike the right wing.
And that's why they deny conservatives the right to speak, and support violent anarchists, right ? And why they deny conservatives freedom of religion, by forcing them to go against their religious beliefs, right ?
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics, the law, politics, or morals. This is all they know how to do:
Nobody but enough people in 30 states to have elected Donald Trump president.

This is Democrats version of the "law" >>

As for Joe Biden, the things he says are his plan for America, have already been done by President Trump.
Like Trump campaign promise of healthcare that will replace Obamacare and that we'd all love, it's been promised by Trump but never delivered.
Every American is capable of obtaining free government health care. Very simple. All they have to do is join the military and give couple of years to the service of their country, which they should all do anyway.

As for Trump and healthcare >>

Let Trump tell it to you himself >>



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We should make a committee of random anonymous USMB members for rewriting our Constitution. Maybe make the OP Chairman.


You mean like writing into the 2nd Amendment something too the effect of...

"All civil government agencies; including those designated to enforce law and provide protection to government officials, but are not military; are under the same firearm and accessories laws as all citizens. This restriction extends to all heavy equipment and accessories such as grenades of all forms, body armor, armored vehicles, rockets and rocket launchers, drones, jet aircraft, naval craft, etc..."


Maybe we should cancel the November election, and leave it that way indefinitely. We as a nation are undergoing a lot of grief, over this one phenomenon. Riots, pandemic, traffic blocking, economy disruption, animosity, etc. Make no mistake. All this is coming from Democrats relentlessly trying to grab on to the presidency and congressional seats.

But for what ? What gain would there be for the American people ? Doesn't it appear that all this electioneering is just for the personal sake of those who want to get elected ? The Democrats have long claimed to be the champions of the poor and working class. But what could they do that hasn't been already done for 3 years (2017-2019) ? Unemployment for blacks and Hispanics has reached the lowest levels in US history. Likewise with disabled people, veterans, and folks without a high school diploma. Women have attained their lowest level of unemployment in over 70 years.

The median wage has attained its highest level in US history (new records being set continuously). The stock market has reached record highs, and is at that point right now. US energy production as become # 1 in the world. The US military has never been stronger.

If people want extensive healthcare free of charge + some good education, that's simple, just join the military, and give a couple of years of your life to serve your country, which everyone ought to do anyway.

The things that Democrats say they want, they are already getting, so why bother having an election ? . Cancel the election. We're good as we are, and there never would have been a Covid virus here if Democrats had not colluded with the Chinese to unleash it on us, to disrupt Trump's chances for re-election. If no election, we still might have gotten the virus here, with China acting alone, but they might not have without Democrat instigation.

As for Joe Biden, the things he says are his plan for America, have already been done by President Trump. The election seems to be a pointless, harmful, messy problem, that we could probably do better without.

Democrats are the biggest group of victims this world has ever seen. Unfortunately, the problems they keep complaining of and forever promising to fix, were all mostly of their own doing in the first place during the countless years they had control of everything and forever to change it.
Exactly right, and look at that crap hole Chicago, they don't care if it ever gets fixed. Infact look at all major cities run by demon-cratzi's. It's amazing to me how they can muster up some kind of perceived new wave of Demoncrat hope for the future of this country in that convention, when we've already seen the previews of Demoncrat run anything for the last 50 years.

Infact we are looking at the results of their chaos for America everyday lately, and ignoring that makes us complete fool's.

Anyone can muster up a Hollywood ending to a screenplay put on by the Demoncrats in the convention, and especially in that dramatic ending, so don't be fooled by the bullcrap America, because you ain't blind.

You are living in their folly everyday now. You know what's happen to the American culture and dream, otherwise where it has since been replaced by Democrats multi-culturalism, and worse without traditional American culture and values being no where in sight and no where a part of it.

What the demon-cratzi's did in this convention, was basically their attempt to throw newspaper's over the piles of cat crap throughout the house because they had company coming over soon. Hide that cat crap lol.

Anyone falling for the dimo-natzi's crap need their heads examined, because they definitely slipped on some cat crap over at Uncle Joe's mansion, and therefore struck their head on the end table on their way down.
Maybe we should cancel the November election, and leave it that way indefinitely. We as a nation are undergoing a lot of grief, over this one phenomenon. Riots, pandemic, traffic blocking, economy disruption, animosity, etc. Make no mistake. All this is coming from Democrats relentlessly trying to grab on to the presidency and congressional seats.

But for what ? What gain would there be for the American people ? Doesn't it appear that all this electioneering is just for the personal sake of those who want to get elected ? The Democrats have long claimed to be the champions of the poor and working class. But what could they do that hasn't been already done for 3 years (2017-2019) ? Unemployment for blacks and Hispanics has reached the lowest levels in US history. Likewise with disabled people, veterans, and folks without a high school diploma. Women have attained their lowest level of unemployment in over 70 years.

The median wage has attained its highest level in US history (new records being set continuously). The stock market has reached record highs, and is at that point right now. US energy production as become # 1 in the world. The US military has never been stronger.

If people want extensive healthcare free of charge + some good education, that's simple, just join the military, and give a couple of years of your life to serve your country, which everyone ought to do anyway.

The things that Democrats say they want, they are already getting, so why bother having an election ? . Cancel the election. We're good as we are, and there never would have been a Covid virus here if Democrats had not colluded with the Chinese to unleash it on us, to disrupt Trump's chances for re-election. If no election, we still might have gotten the virus here, with China acting alone, but they might not have without Democrat instigation.

As for Joe Biden, the things he says are his plan for America, have already been done by President Trump. The election seems to be a pointless, harmful, messy problem, that we could probably do better without.

Democrats are the biggest group of victims this world has ever seen. Unfortunately, the problems they keep complaining of and forever promising to fix, were all mostly of their own doing in the first place during the countless years they had control of everything and forever to change it.
Exactly right, and look at that crap hole Chicago, they don't care if it ever gets fixed. Infact look at all major cities run by demon-cratzi's. It's amazing to me how they can muster up some kind of perceived new wave of Demoncrat hope for the future of this country in that convention, when we've already seen the previews of Demoncrat run anything for the last 50 years.

Infact we are looking at the results of their chaos for America everyday lately, and ignoring that makes us complete fool's.

Anyone can muster up a Hollywood ending to a screenplay put on by the Demoncrats in the convention, and especially in that dramatic ending, so don't be fooled by the bullcrap America, because you ain't blind.

You are living in their folly everyday now. You know what's happen to the American culture and dream, otherwise where it has since been replaced by Democrats multi-culturalism, and worse without traditional American culture and values being no where in sight and no where a part of it.

What the demon-cratzi's did in this convention, was basically their attempt to throw newspaper's over the piles of cat crap throughout the house because they had company coming over soon. Hide that cat crap lol.

Anyone falling for the dimo-natzi's crap need their heads examined, because they definitely slipped on some cat crap over at Uncle Joe's mansion, and therefore struck their head on the end table on their way down.
America is rapidly becoming a shithole thanks to the Democrats.

When Trump ran in 2016, rebuilding our infrastructure was a high priority of his but as usual, you just can't get anywhere with politicians because they all seek to get dollars for THEIR area to score points for their own reelection rather than the greater good of the whole country. Now 2020 and Floyd have happened. Imagine that: a career druggie and hood got popped.

Compared to many/most other major countries, America is run down, dilapidated and falling apart. I'm starting to not want to even live here anymore.

Democrats especially have no interest in fixing places like Chicago because it WORKS for them AS IT IS. Victim politics. To them, it is a stable system that keeps them employed.
We should make a committee of random anonymous USMB members for rewriting our Constitution. Maybe make the OP Chairman.
Nothing wrong with the Constitution..........Only thing wrong is your education doesn't allow you to understand it. The last person I'd go to ask about the Constitution is a brain dead Liberal. Our Founders warned us not to give too much power to the gov't because a bunch of self serving assholes would get into office and vote for anything that benefits them without concern of the Country............which is what we have today..........

They can now vote for money for anything they please and the enumerated powers died under the asshole FDR
As for Joe Biden, the things he says are his plan for America, have already been done by President Trump.
Like Trump campaign promise of healthcare that will replace Obamacare and that we'd all love, it's been promised by Trump but never delivered.
Every American is capable of obtaining free government health care. Very simple. All they have to do is join the military and give couple of years to the service of their country, which they should all do anyway.
We both know the military won't take every American. Trump wants to eliminate the Payroll Tax that funds SS so saying he wants to save SS is bull. Does Trump/Devos want school choice or to eliminate teachers unions?

As for Trump's lies about healthcare:
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) sought to address gaps in the health coverage system and led to historic gains in health insurance coverage by extending Medicaid coverage to many low-income individuals and providing Marketplace subsidies for individuals below 400% of poverty. The number of uninsured nonelderly Americans decreased from over 46.5 million in 2010 (the year the ACA was enacted) to just below 27 million in 2016. However, for the second year in a row, the number of uninsured people increased from 2017 to 2018 by nearly 500,000 people​

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