If deniers are arguing facts, why would they change their focus?

Notice how Crack Crock gets the base assumptions and premises wrong every time .
What base assumptions and premises do you believe I have gotten wrong, every time?
Cricks meaningful retorts to his copy/paste style of posting.
Retorts to my copy/paste style of posting??? Why would I post retorts to myself? Besides, those weren't retorts. They were evidence-based conclusions.
So compelling, so convincing, so rational.
So frustrated with the ignorance I face here every visit.
Retorts to my copy/paste style of posting??? Why would I post retorts to myself? Besides, those weren't retorts. They were evidence-based conclusions.

So frustrated with the ignorance I face here every visit.
Those retorts were you insulting posters who mock you for your daily copy/paste.

You are here for an obvious agenda, when most are here for frivolous entertainment and are under no delusion of changing hearts or minds.

You grossly overestimate the importance of your threads.

Your choice to be frustrated when you post daily threads on the exact same subject matter.
Those retorts were you insulting posters who mock you for your daily copy/paste.
Ah.. but that's not what you said. Of course, those were insulting comments; comments which were given out in response to many different demonstrations of willful ignorance. I have heard a few criticisms of the links and data I put in my posts but I have not noticed anyone mocking me for it. I'm not certain you know the meaning of the word "mock".
You are here for an obvious agenda, when most are here for frivolous entertainment and are under no delusion of changing hearts or minds.
An agenda. Hmm... saving the world my children will inherit? Guilty as charged. But nowhere have I seen any requirement that I cater to your desire - your agenda - for frivolous entertainment.
You grossly overestimate the importance of your threads.
I'm afraid you haven't the faintest fuck of an idea how much "importance" I assign to my threads.
Your choice to be frustrated when you post daily threads on the exact same subject matter.
It is my choice and I will continue to exercise it as allowed. If you aren't enjoying it, there are other choices you could make as well.
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This is far more significant than the augmentation of "global warming" with "climate change"

Good thing I am consistent on my believing the effects of CO2 are greatly exaggerated and that we shouldn't be alarmed by a warming trend when the geologic record is littered with them and we are still 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods with 26 ft shallower seas.
Arguing with you guys is like swapping spit with a brain damaged squirrel monkey.
I guess you are the expert on swapping spits with monkeys.

You got my attention, tell me about the first time
This is far more significant than the augmentation of "global warming" with "climate change"

As with most Zionist Frauds, the Co2 FRAUD has plants as "deniers" who fuck up, aka "Solar Cycle."

For Michael Robinson, there is the fraud claim that she played football for Oregon State... as a MIDDLE LINEBACKER.... no, maybe a WR, but NOT A LB.... FRAUD... who put that out there... same ones who put out KKK, The mob etc. on JFK, because THEY DID JFK, and that's how they confuse stupid Americans.

There is but one truth about Earth climate change that matters, and that is that it is 99% about WHERE LAND IS and LAND MOVES...

Do you actually think your puerile wordplay qualifies as critical reasoning? Arguing with you guys is like swapping spit with a brain damaged squirrel monkey.
I am sure others want to know, tell us about your spit swapping with brain damaged squirrel monkeys.

Must be a Freudian Slip to go so far off topic in your own thread. Or???
I am sure others want to know, tell us about your spit swapping with brain damaged squirrel monkeys.

Must be a Freudian Slip to go so far off topic in your own thread. Or???
Let us all know when you actually have something to talk about.
Let us all know when you actually have something to talk about.
You brought up spit monkeys while chastising other people for not being on topic. This is something to talk about.

Crick made the subject, how crick is a bitter old hypocrite.

This is far more significant than the augmentation of "global warming" with "climate change"

There is more to the idea of man caused harmful global warming than just “the earth is warming, eeek!” Therefore, critics of those ideas criticize the multiple facets, not just one thing.

It is also a sad fact of debating progressives, that their absurdity is almost always multi layered absurdity. It is one false assumption piled on top of another false assumption and so on.

In this case, the first false assumption is that the earth is warming more so than typical cyclical warming that geologist show has happened throughout the earths history. On top of that is the false assumption that it is human activity is causing this non-existent unusual warming. On top of that is piled the never fully explained idea that a one or 2° increase in the earth’ temperature will wipe out life on earth, Or otherwise
cause catastrophe.

On top of that, is piled the false claim that changes to laws, particularly increases in taxes, will somehow slow down this nonexistent human cause of the nonexistent, unusual and harmful warming.

Rather than present evidence that any of this is actually happening, the usual, so-called “argument” is to describe the horrible consequences in case the alarmist happened to be correct.

So yes. You can say it is difficult to stay focused when pointing out the fallacies of the left. But that is because the left takes a shotgun approach to its claims and never stays focused themselves.

It is a constant game of whack-a-mole, and best approach with a sense of humor, rather than expecting any serious conversation with such people.
Yes they have moved on, having handily discredited the theory. Now it's time to finish the job, and discredit its promoters, and their so called "solutions"...
Solutions? Who provided a solution?
There is more to the idea of man caused harmful global warming than just “the earth is warming, eeek!” Therefore, critics of those ideas criticize the multiple facets, not just one thing.
What I see seems to be the abandonment of any attacks on the basic science and its replacement by ad hominem attacks
It is also a sad fact of debating progressives, that their absurdity is almost always multi layered absurdity. It is one false assumption piled on top of another false assumption and so on.
My position is based on layer upon layer upon layer of peer reviewed hard science.
In this case, the first false assumption is that the earth is warming more so than typical cyclical warming that geologist show has happened throughout the earths history.
That's not a false assumption, its a goddamned physical observation.
On top of that is the false assumption that it is human activity is causing this non-existent unusual warming.
You accuse my side of this argument of false assumptions and then choose to reject the observed warming?
On top of that is piled the never fully explained idea that a one or 2° increase in the earth’ temperature will wipe out life on earth, Or otherwise
cause catastrophe.
No one has ever attempted to explain because no one has ever made that claim. The damage that will be caused by a 1 or 2C temperature increase has been explored thoroughly. You simply haven't been paying attention. Refer to https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_WGII_SummaryForPolicymakers.pdf
On top of that, is piled the false claim that changes to laws, particularly increases in taxes, will somehow slow down this nonexistent human cause of the nonexistent, unusual and harmful warming.
The same link above will also show you what economists think can and should be done. The human race has a problem. It will cost money to deal with it.
Rather than present evidence that any of this is actually happening, the usual, so-called “argument” is to describe the horrible consequences in case the alarmist happened to be correct.
AR6 has enormous amounts of evidence supporting all their conclusions. Why don't you actually examine what you've decided to condemn at the behest of lying, ignorant pundits.
So yes. You can say it is difficult to stay focused when pointing out the fallacies of the left. But that is because the left takes a shotgun approach to its claims and never stays focused themselves.
It is a constant game of whack-a-mole, and best approach with a sense of humor, rather than expecting any serious conversation with such people.
I truly believe the better question is when will warmers present facts?
EMH outs himself.




Americans have the right to freedom of speech, and hiding the Co2 FRAUD behind istismism ain't cutting it.

Mann = Jewish
Hansen = Jewish
Schwab = Jewish

Americans have the right to notice that.

Americans have the right to notice that you claim to be from FLA and have never heard the term CANES before...

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