If DeSantis Runs Against Trump in 2024, and Wins, Will Trump Run Third-Party?

From JVL today

1) DeSantis is a phony. Trump is authentic.

You’re not supposed to remember this, but DeSantis is a smarty-pants, Ivy League elite lawyer who is playacting as a populist crusader. Trump is the real thing.

Just look at the booster stuff: DeSantis almost certainly got the booster. But he’s now caught in No Man’s Land where he has positioned himself as quasi anti-vax, even though he’s received the vaccines.

Or look at the anti-lockdown rhetoric: DeSantis is pushing revisionist history about how he refused to impose any sort of precautions in Florida.

If this turns into a hot war, Trump is going to crush him. Maybe it’s possible to outflank Trump on vaccines, but not if you’re a phony who took the vaccines.

Republican primary voters will smell that a mile away.
Trump is the real thing all right.

A real jerkoff.
Trump doesnt have enough supporters outside of the extreme far right to win as an indie or third party. He would just hand the election to Biden by splitting the Republican vote.

Most Republicans who voted for him in 2020 did so out of partisan loyalty, not because they supported him.
More from JVL. Completely right.

no one who has submitted to Trump after getting clobbered by him is capable of selling the dominance politics that Republican voters want.

The next leader of the Republican party won’t be a politician who challenges Trump and unseats him. The Republican party is a totalitarian state and in autocracies, you ascend to the throne by being loyal to the boss and positioning yourself to take over when he passes on.

That's a pretty fucking stupid thing to say.

But one doesn't become a Nazi because they are super bright...

You rubes are hilarious

Yeah, but we don't have to invent fantasies of infighting because we are such pathetic loser fucks that we have no chance in the coming elections, the way you Nazis do....

I'm just sayin...
Trump created DeSantis and would feel rightly aggrieved. And given that he would want revenge and doesn’t give a shit about the Republican Party, I’m guessing he would.

And he just might get more votes than DeSantis.

Of course Biden/Kamala/Elizabeth Warren/Hillary/a dead dog, or whomever the Democrats nominate, would win 45 states with maybe 43% of the vote. But the GOP fratricide would be highly entertaining!
A Trump/DeSantis ticket would be unstoppable.
Trump created DeSantis and would feel rightly aggrieved. And given that he would want revenge and doesn’t give a shit about the Republican Party, I’m guessing he would.

And he just might get more votes than DeSantis.

Of course Biden/Kamala/Elizabeth Warren/Hillary/a dead dog, or whomever the Democrats nominate, would win 45 states with maybe 43% of the vote. But the GOP fratricide would be highly entertaining!
That would give the election to the Democrats. So it won't happen.
Yeah, but we don't have to invent fantasies of infighting because we are such pathetic loser fucks that we have no chance in the coming elections, the way you Nazis do....

I'm just sayin...

Keep clinging, Nazi rube!
That would give the election to the Democrats. So it won't happen.

I agree that it would give the election to the Democrats.

But what won’t happen?

If DeSantis beat Trump, why wouldn’t Trump run as a third party? He doesn’t give a flying fuck about the Republican Party. Or any of his supporters for that matter.

All you are is a means to an end. If you died, Trump wouldn’t give a shit.

That’s the nature of narcissistic autocrats.
I agree that it would give the election to the Democrats.

But what won’t happen?

If DeSantis beat Trump, why wouldn’t Trump run as a third party? He doesn’t give a flying fuck about the Republican Party. Or any of his supporters for that matter.

All you are is a means to an end. If you died, Trump wouldn’t give a shit.

That’s the nature of narcissistic autocrats.

Why would DeSantis run against Trump? Because you Nazis are desperate and NEED HIM TOOOOOO....

You're such a joke.
Can you point me to thread Trump started where he lies about you fighting with fellow Nazi Toro?

Looks like projection on your part, Herr Himmler.
The bloated one lives in an alternate reality. He falsely accuses (lies) that the election was rigged. He lies about Covid, he lies about job creation, he's cheated on his wives. Any and all the follow him are fools.
Can you point me to thread Trump started where he lies about you fighting with fellow Nazi Toro?

Looks like projection on your part, Herr Himmler.

You project your Nazism every time you post here, cultist rube.


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