If facts matter, Hillary should be arrested.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
There is no doubt that Hillary fucked up big time. She knew what she was doing and her handling of classified and top secret information is inexcusable. She needs to be charged. There is more than enough evidence and she can dismiss it all she wants, but this is serious.

"This week, Hillary Clinton’s campaign spokesman revived the age old Clinton family excuse for bad (and in some cases illegal) behavior — the "vast right wing conspiracy."

Unfortunately for Hillary, the evidence against her is both obvious and mounting, and the two men leading the investigation, FBI Director Comey and Intelligence Community Inspector General McCullough, are known for their independence and integrity.

In light of the most recent revelations about "emailgate" detailed below, I would advise Mrs. Clinton that the only drapes that she should be measuring at the moment are those fit for a jail cell in a federal penitentiary.

Make no mistake about it — Hillary Clinton is in very serious trouble. At this point, the only way that Hillary will escape charges for violating federal law is for President Obama to intervene and create a political scandal in Washington not seen since "Watergate."

On Monday, Fox News obtained a copy of an unclassified letter from Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III to the heads of congressional committees. In the letter, he states that he has received sworn statements from two Intelligence Agencies (one is rumored to be the CIA) in which they state that emails found on Hillary Clinton’s server contained "Confidential, and Top Secret Special Access Program material."

The programs in question were so sensitive that McCullough and his investigators had to receive special permission to be accessed. This is a big deal.

Having been briefed to Special Access Programs during my tenure in government service, I can tell you firsthand about a few things.

First, there is no way that Hillary Clinton was unaware of either the risk of exposing information from one of the programs or how to appropriately transmit or store information derived from them via secure communications.

Second, Hillary would have had to have signed a form testifying that she understood this and the penalties for unauthorized disclosures and the danger that doing so posed to our national security when she was given access to the programs in question."

So, there are not thousands of classified emails as the right wing media has reported over and over again, but now just a few dozen to be concerned with according to the IG???

Did you read the ig's letter? It's about the FOIA (freedom of information act) requests for her emails, right? Is the IG investigating her, or investigating the proper release of her emails for the FOIA requests?
Hillary is going to be the next president. You anti-government people don't like the truth very much.
Okay! Let's call off all the primaries and elections off and use that money to invest in science and infrastructure. Matthew has spoken.
So, there are not thousands of classified emails as the right wing media has reported over and over again, but now just a few dozen to be concerned with according to the IG???

Did you read the ig's letter? It's about the FOIA (freedom of information act) requests for her emails, right? Is the IG investigating her, or investigating the proper release of her emails for the FOIA requests?
Care... ya know... I have seen you on here for along time... do you not know that at this point defending hitlery on the email felony is just making you look stupid?
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So, there are not thousands of classified emails as the right wing media has reported over and over again, but now just a few dozen to be concerned with according to the IG???

Did you read the ig's letter? It's about the FOIA (freedom of information act) requests for her emails, right? Is the IG investigating her, or investigating the proper release of her emails for the FOIA requests?
Care... ya know... I have seen you on here for along time... do not know that at this point defending hitlery on the email felony is just making you look stupid?
we'll see Pale.... so far there has been no OFFICIAL release of any kind or charges of any kind regarding Hillary's use of her private server.... it's been about FOIA requests and how the emails are being released....

It has been all speculations, innuendos, arm chair accusations and even fabrications, regurgitated over and over again about her server and her wearing orange, to keep the story alive...on the internet....and in this election cycle.

So, if she is charged with something officially and then found guilty, I will believe it.... until then, i'll stick with ''innocent, until proven guilty''.

So, there are not thousands of classified emails as the right wing media has reported over and over again, but now just a few dozen to be concerned with according to the IG???

Did you read the ig's letter? It's about the FOIA (freedom of information act) requests for her emails, right? Is the IG investigating her, or investigating the proper release of her emails for the FOIA requests?
Care... ya know... I have seen you on here for along time... do not know that at this point defending hitlery on the email felony is just making you look stupid?
we'll see Pale.... so far there has been no OFFICIAL release of any kind or charges of any kind regarding Hillary's use of her private server.... it's been about FOIA requests and how the emails are being released....

It has been all speculations, innuendos, arm chair accusations and even fabrications, regurgitated over and over again about her server and her wearing orange, to keep the story alive...on the internet....and in this election cycle.

So, if she is charged with something officially and then found guilty, I will believe it.... until then, i'll stick with ''innocent, until proven guilty''.

Fine... but if you can sit here and proclaim after ALL the MOUNTAIN of EVIDENCE against her, and say... OH SHE'S INNOCENT... c'mon... you're just looking kinda dumb. She belongs in prison... get real care...

Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG
Mountain of evidence?

IF there were this hill of evidence, she'd be arrested.

You're right. The average Joe would have been. However, she lives by a different standard of rules than we do. So, the justice department needs to go to great links to bring down Goliath.

Be patient.

google this ..


then go jump off a tall building if you need to get over it ....

So, there are not thousands of classified emails as the right wing media has reported over and over again, but now just a few dozen to be concerned with according to the IG???

Did you read the ig's letter? It's about the FOIA (freedom of information act) requests for her emails, right? Is the IG investigating her, or investigating the proper release of her emails for the FOIA requests?
Care... ya know... I have seen you on here for along time... do not know that at this point defending hitlery on the email felony is just making you look stupid?
we'll see Pale.... so far there has been no OFFICIAL release of any kind or charges of any kind regarding Hillary's use of her private server.... it's been about FOIA requests and how the emails are being released....

It has been all speculations, innuendos, arm chair accusations and even fabrications, regurgitated over and over again about her server and her wearing orange, to keep the story alive...on the internet....and in this election cycle.

So, if she is charged with something officially and then found guilty, I will believe it.... until then, i'll stick with ''innocent, until proven guilty''.

Fine... but if you can sit here and proclaim after ALL the MOUNTAIN of EVIDENCE against her, and say... OH SHE'S INNOCENT... c'mon... you're just looking kinda dumb. She belongs in prison... get real care...

Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG

speaking of a mountain of evidence ..

Not long after George W. Bush assumed the presidency in 2001, Rove, his top political aide, set up a private email server for use in the White House. The stated purpose of the system — the primary domain name on which was gwb43.com — was that it would be used exclusively for the sort of political correspondence that Bush and Rove were not permitted to do on the taxpayer’s dime.
Seven years later, Bush and Rove were embroiled in two competing scandals — the Valerie Plame scandal, in which operatives for Vice Pres. Dick Cheney, including Rove and Scooter Libby, were accused of unmasking Valerie Plame, a CIA specialist in the black market for weapons of mass destruction, for purely partisan reasons, and the U.S. Attorney purge, in which Rove’s political operation in the White House was accused of ordering Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to purge eight U.S. attorneys who were qualified prosecutors and replace them with political hacks with little or no prosecutorial experience.

Rove escaped prosecution in the Libby case, but Libby was convicted (Bush quickly commuted the sentence) on March 6, 2007, at the same time Bush and Rove were under fire for purging the U.S. attorneys. During the investigation, it came to light that Rove’s server had been used to send official, non-political emails — correspondence that was required by law to be preserved under the Presidential Records Act.
On April 12, 2007, Rove’s operation admitted that it had deleted at least 5 million emails from the server. In December 2009, technicians who had examined the server reported that the number of emails that had been deleted was far greater — 22 million.

like that MOUNTAIN ?

uh hu ... adios.
So, there are not thousands of classified emails as the right wing media has reported over and over again, but now just a few dozen to be concerned with according to the IG???

Did you read the ig's letter? It's about the FOIA (freedom of information act) requests for her emails, right? Is the IG investigating her, or investigating the proper release of her emails for the FOIA requests?
Care... ya know... I have seen you on here for along time... do not know that at this point defending hitlery on the email felony is just making you look stupid?
we'll see Pale.... so far there has been no OFFICIAL release of any kind or charges of any kind regarding Hillary's use of her private server.... it's been about FOIA requests and how the emails are being released....

It has been all speculations, innuendos, arm chair accusations and even fabrications, regurgitated over and over again about her server and her wearing orange, to keep the story alive...on the internet....and in this election cycle.

So, if she is charged with something officially and then found guilty, I will believe it.... until then, i'll stick with ''innocent, until proven guilty''.

Fine... but if you can sit here and proclaim after ALL the MOUNTAIN of EVIDENCE against her, and say... OH SHE'S INNOCENT... c'mon... you're just looking kinda dumb. She belongs in prison... get real care...

Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG

speaking of a mountain of evidence ..

Not long after George W. Bush assumed the presidency in 2001, Rove, his top political aide, set up a private email server for use in the White House. The stated purpose of the system — the primary domain name on which was gwb43.com — was that it would be used exclusively for the sort of political correspondence that Bush and Rove were not permitted to do on the taxpayer’s dime.
Seven years later, Bush and Rove were embroiled in two competing scandals — the Valerie Plame scandal, in which operatives for Vice Pres. Dick Cheney, including Rove and Scooter Libby, were accused of unmasking Valerie Plame, a CIA specialist in the black market for weapons of mass destruction, for purely partisan reasons, and the U.S. Attorney purge, in which Rove’s political operation in the White House was accused of ordering Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to purge eight U.S. attorneys who were qualified prosecutors and replace them with political hacks with little or no prosecutorial experience.

Rove escaped prosecution in the Libby case, but Libby was convicted (Bush quickly commuted the sentence) on March 6, 2007, at the same time Bush and Rove were under fire for purging the U.S. attorneys. During the investigation, it came to light that Rove’s server had been used to send official, non-political emails — correspondence that was required by law to be preserved under the Presidential Records Act.
On April 12, 2007, Rove’s operation admitted that it had deleted at least 5 million emails from the server. In December 2009, technicians who had examined the server reported that the number of emails that had been deleted was far greater — 22 million.

like that MOUNTAIN ?

uh hu ... adios.
Not only off topic, but at this point, utterly irrelevant.

Go back to school... you need to finish whatever education you might have started.
Mountain of evidence?

IF there were this hill of evidence, she'd be arrested.

You're right. The average Joe would have been. However, she lives by a different standard of rules than we do. So, the justice department needs to go to great links to bring down Goliath.

Be patient.


Either that or there is no case... Of course in Conservistan...that can't be it.
So, there are not thousands of classified emails as the right wing media has reported over and over again, but now just a few dozen to be concerned with according to the IG???

Did you read the ig's letter? It's about the FOIA (freedom of information act) requests for her emails, right? Is the IG investigating her, or investigating the proper release of her emails for the FOIA requests?
Care... ya know... I have seen you on here for along time... do not know that at this point defending hitlery on the email felony is just making you look stupid?
we'll see Pale.... so far there has been no OFFICIAL release of any kind or charges of any kind regarding Hillary's use of her private server.... it's been about FOIA requests and how the emails are being released....

It has been all speculations, innuendos, arm chair accusations and even fabrications, regurgitated over and over again about her server and her wearing orange, to keep the story alive...on the internet....and in this election cycle.

So, if she is charged with something officially and then found guilty, I will believe it.... until then, i'll stick with ''innocent, until proven guilty''.

Fine... but if you can sit here and proclaim after ALL the MOUNTAIN of EVIDENCE against her, and say... OH SHE'S INNOCENT... c'mon... you're just looking kinda dumb. She belongs in prison... get real care...

Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG
we don't know if her server was secure or not secure. we don't know if her computer was hacked and any information was put in the wrong hands. We do know EVERYONE in the administration and gvt that ever communicated with her KNEW she was using her server. We do know someone in gvt had to set up her server and tie it in with the gvt in order for her to use it for her secretary of state job and others in gvt to send her communications. we do know that the 2initial emails that were top secret came from Public sources and NOT the top secret intelligence source. we do know nothing was classified secret or top secret at the time she received these emails. We do know that even if she had the dot gov/.gov email acct as secretary of State, that the .gov email system is an UNCLASSIFIED email system, so even if she had this .gov email acct, the later classified emails that she was sent would be on an UNCLASSIFIED email system as well.

there are a lot of unanswered questions, and a lot of accusations being thrown out there that have "may have" and "could have" and "seems like" etc etc etc in them with no actual facts or charges to support such accusations....

And there have been sooooooooo many lies...

like: she erased her private emails to hide criminal doings, but it turns out she was FOLLOWING GVT regulations for ALL gvt employees and that was to NOT send personal email stuff to the govt archival system and only send gvt archival information....and she did not erase them, she simply deleted them.

Like: She wiped her server clean or erased her server.... but it turned out she did NOT erase her server or "wipe her server clean"....and the FBI has had her server with all personal and gvt emails on it since September...

Like: her server was stored in a bathroom, which was simply another lie
So, there are not thousands of classified emails as the right wing media has reported over and over again, but now just a few dozen to be concerned with according to the IG???

Did you read the ig's letter? It's about the FOIA (freedom of information act) requests for her emails, right? Is the IG investigating her, or investigating the proper release of her emails for the FOIA requests?
Care... ya know... I have seen you on here for along time... do not know that at this point defending hitlery on the email felony is just making you look stupid?
we'll see Pale.... so far there has been no OFFICIAL release of any kind or charges of any kind regarding Hillary's use of her private server.... it's been about FOIA requests and how the emails are being released....

It has been all speculations, innuendos, arm chair accusations and even fabrications, regurgitated over and over again about her server and her wearing orange, to keep the story alive...on the internet....and in this election cycle.

So, if she is charged with something officially and then found guilty, I will believe it.... until then, i'll stick with ''innocent, until proven guilty''.

Fine... but if you can sit here and proclaim after ALL the MOUNTAIN of EVIDENCE against her, and say... OH SHE'S INNOCENT... c'mon... you're just looking kinda dumb. She belongs in prison... get real care...

Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG

speaking of a mountain of evidence ..

Not long after George W. Bush assumed the presidency in 2001, Rove, his top political aide, set up a private email server for use in the White House. The stated purpose of the system — the primary domain name on which was gwb43.com — was that it would be used exclusively for the sort of political correspondence that Bush and Rove were not permitted to do on the taxpayer’s dime.
Seven years later, Bush and Rove were embroiled in two competing scandals — the Valerie Plame scandal, in which operatives for Vice Pres. Dick Cheney, including Rove and Scooter Libby, were accused of unmasking Valerie Plame, a CIA specialist in the black market for weapons of mass destruction, for purely partisan reasons, and the U.S. Attorney purge, in which Rove’s political operation in the White House was accused of ordering Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to purge eight U.S. attorneys who were qualified prosecutors and replace them with political hacks with little or no prosecutorial experience.

Rove escaped prosecution in the Libby case, but Libby was convicted (Bush quickly commuted the sentence) on March 6, 2007, at the same time Bush and Rove were under fire for purging the U.S. attorneys. During the investigation, it came to light that Rove’s server had been used to send official, non-political emails — correspondence that was required by law to be preserved under the Presidential Records Act.
On April 12, 2007, Rove’s operation admitted that it had deleted at least 5 million emails from the server. In December 2009, technicians who had examined the server reported that the number of emails that had been deleted was far greater — 22 million.

like that MOUNTAIN ?

uh hu ... adios.
Not only off topic, but at this point, utterly irrelevant.

Go back to school... you need to finish whatever education you might have started.

if I was any better at making RW's look like the idiots they really are I'd have 10 Masters.
So, there are not thousands of classified emails as the right wing media has reported over and over again, but now just a few dozen to be concerned with according to the IG???

Did you read the ig's letter? It's about the FOIA (freedom of information act) requests for her emails, right? Is the IG investigating her, or investigating the proper release of her emails for the FOIA requests?
Care... ya know... I have seen you on here for along time... do not know that at this point defending hitlery on the email felony is just making you look stupid?
we'll see Pale.... so far there has been no OFFICIAL release of any kind or charges of any kind regarding Hillary's use of her private server.... it's been about FOIA requests and how the emails are being released....

It has been all speculations, innuendos, arm chair accusations and even fabrications, regurgitated over and over again about her server and her wearing orange, to keep the story alive...on the internet....and in this election cycle.

So, if she is charged with something officially and then found guilty, I will believe it.... until then, i'll stick with ''innocent, until proven guilty''.

Fine... but if you can sit here and proclaim after ALL the MOUNTAIN of EVIDENCE against her, and say... OH SHE'S INNOCENT... c'mon... you're just looking kinda dumb. She belongs in prison... get real care...

Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG
we don't know if her server was secure or not secure. we don't know if her computer was hacked and any information was put in the wrong hands. We do know EVERYONE in the administration and gvt that ever communicated with her KNEW she was using her server. We do know someone in gvt had to set up her server and tie it in with the gvt in order for her to use it for her secretary of state job and others in gvt to send her communications. we do know that the 2initial emails that were top secret came from Public sources and NOT the top secret intelligence source. we do know nothing was classified secret or top secret at the time she received these emails. We do know that even if she had the dot gov/.gov email acct as secretary of State, that the .gov email system is an UNCLASSIFIED email system, so even if she had this .gov email acct, the later classified emails that she was sent would be on an UNCLASSIFIED email system as well.

there are a lot of unanswered questions, and a lot of accusations being thrown out there that have "may have" and "could have" and "seems like" etc etc etc in them with no actual facts or charges to support such accusations....

And there have been sooooooooo many lies...

like: she erased her private emails to hide criminal doings, but it turns out she was FOLLOWING GVT regulations for ALL gvt employees and that was to NOT send personal email stuff to the govt archival system and only send gvt archival information....

Like: She wiped her server clean or erased her server.... but it turned out she did NOT erase her server or "wipe her server clean"....and the FBI has had her server with all personal and gvt emails on it since September...

Like" her server was stored in a bathroom, which was simply another lie
Care... please... I've known you for a long time... you know I'm Pale Rider, we have messaged back and forth at one time and had great friendly conversations, and I've seen the pretty pictures of your place up in... well, up north... but c'mon, I'm not going to listen to complete dumbfounding things you're saying like, "we don't know if her server was secure," holy Christ now Care... it's PROVEN IT WASN'T, PERIOD, END OF STORY... it was in her HOME in her freakin', what, BATHROOM or some crap? I can hang with you and I won't insult you, because you're an oldy here like me and I know you're a good person, but I will not buy that hitlery defending garbage... I'm sorry. She's guilty as SIN, and under it all, I think you know it.
So, there are not thousands of classified emails as the right wing media has reported over and over again, but now just a few dozen to be concerned with according to the IG???

Did you read the ig's letter? It's about the FOIA (freedom of information act) requests for her emails, right? Is the IG investigating her, or investigating the proper release of her emails for the FOIA requests?
Care... ya know... I have seen you on here for along time... do not know that at this point defending hitlery on the email felony is just making you look stupid?
we'll see Pale.... so far there has been no OFFICIAL release of any kind or charges of any kind regarding Hillary's use of her private server.... it's been about FOIA requests and how the emails are being released....

It has been all speculations, innuendos, arm chair accusations and even fabrications, regurgitated over and over again about her server and her wearing orange, to keep the story alive...on the internet....and in this election cycle.

So, if she is charged with something officially and then found guilty, I will believe it.... until then, i'll stick with ''innocent, until proven guilty''.

Fine... but if you can sit here and proclaim after ALL the MOUNTAIN of EVIDENCE against her, and say... OH SHE'S INNOCENT... c'mon... you're just looking kinda dumb. She belongs in prison... get real care...

Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG
we don't know if her server was secure or not secure. we don't know if her computer was hacked and any information was put in the wrong hands. We do know EVERYONE in the administration and gvt that ever communicated with her KNEW she was using her server. We do know someone in gvt had to set up her server and tie it in with the gvt in order for her to use it for her secretary of state job and others in gvt to send her communications. we do know that the 2initial emails that were top secret came from Public sources and NOT the top secret intelligence source. we do know nothing was classified secret or top secret at the time she received these emails. We do know that even if she had the dot gov/.gov email acct as secretary of State, that the .gov email system is an UNCLASSIFIED email system, so even if she had this .gov email acct, the later classified emails that she was sent would be on an UNCLASSIFIED email system as well.

there are a lot of unanswered questions, and a lot of accusations being thrown out there that have "may have" and "could have" and "seems like" etc etc etc in them with no actual facts or charges to support such accusations....

And there have been sooooooooo many lies...

like: she erased her private emails to hide criminal doings, but it turns out she was FOLLOWING GVT regulations for ALL gvt employees and that was to NOT send personal email stuff to the govt archival system and only send gvt archival information....

Like: She wiped her server clean or erased her server.... but it turned out she did NOT erase her server or "wipe her server clean"....and the FBI has had her server with all personal and gvt emails on it since September...

Like" her server was stored in a bathroom, which was simply another lie
Care... please... I've known you for a long time... you know I'm Pale Rider, we have messaged back and forth at one time and had great friendly conversations, and I've seen the pretty pictures of your place up in... well, up north... but c'mon, I'm not going to listen to complete dumbfounding things you're saying like, "we don't know if her server was secure," holy Christ now Care... it's PROVEN IT WASN'T, PERIOD, END OF STORY... it was in her HOME in her freakin', what, BATHROOM or some crap? I can hang with you and I won't insult you, because you're an oldy here like and I know you're a good person, but I will not buy that hitlery defending garbage... I'm sorry. She's guilty as SIN, and under it all, I think you know it.

9 Republican led investigations later NOTHING has been proven. Read the papers sometimes.

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