
Apr 22, 2007

I North Dakota, the starting salary at McDonald's is $15 a hour and many times much more. They need to do that to attract workers. The oil boom is creating a lack of workers and North Dakota has a very very tiny illegal immigrate problem. Hence, when their is a lack of workers than the workers get power. When their is a surplus of workers the employers get power.

YES, many legals fill the roles in the fast food industry. However, a good chunk of the workers are illegals. Second effect is illegal are in many industries that Americans would want, such as a quarter of illegals are in high paid construction. Remove the illegals from the market and employers from the agriculture, to fast food servicing to construction would have to find way to attract employees without this never-ending near slave labor called the illegal immigrant. Hence, they would have to attract AMERICANS with higher salaries, benefits, more hours and a more attractive package.

Yet fast food workers and the highly anti-american SEIU supports will all their vigor the illegal immigrant and undermines America in their attempt to stop it. To that effect, it's hard to have sympathy!

Start with eVerify and HUGE stinging penalties for company and the ACTUAL HIRING MANAGER themselves who hire illegals. NAIL THE CORPORATE FARMS THE HARDEST!!! Hear the employers cry they lack workers and then you lefties can finally laugh at them and reply, "No you lack workers at slave labor, poor work environment and no benefits! You will get workers once you raise the pay, provide a better work environment and maybe benefits!"

The only way to raise the pay for unskilled workers is create a worker demand for them!
conflating two unrelated concepts.

i have a better idea, though. stop letting companies like wal-mart fix prices they'll pay for goods so that we force wages down to mexico rates.

btw, illegal immigration is down b/c our economy is stagnant and upward mobility is effectively frozen by rightwing policies.
Very few Illegal Immigrants work at McDonalds, because there's too much public to see them, and because the fines are not worth hiring them. Illegal immigrants work at jobs where they can't be seen, like cotton fields and vegetable fields....jobs that Americans refuse to do.

So your argument is bullshit. And all you're doing is making our food more expensive, because U.S. farmers now have to pay $6.00 an hour to have their crops picked, when South American farmers only pay 50 cents an hour to have their crops picked. So they can sell their crops much cheaper. That's why most of the food you buy comes from South America. You're just fucking American farmers.
I thought of the irony the other day whilst watching a street reporter interview one of the hamburger-flippers here in Denver whining about how they must support a family of 4 with minimum wage of something like $7 per HOUR. He needed at least $15 per hour.

The reporter was from Telemundo, a Spanish speaking television media outlet.

I wonder what the impression was when the interview aired in Mexico, where the daily minimum wage rate is set annually by law: One of the highest Mexican minimum wage rates is 57.46 Mexican pesos.

Given the Mexican Peso = about $0.08

then the LEGAL minimum wage in Mexico is $4.60


And as we know Mexico is not renoun for strict law enforcement.
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Neither the republican, or the democrat leadership want to uphold the law regarding immigration; they don't give a shit about the American workers - they care about winning elections to forward their own agendas. :evil:
conflating two unrelated concepts.

i have a better idea, though. stop letting companies like wal-mart fix prices they'll pay for goods so that we force wages down to mexico rates.

btw, illegal immigration is down b/c our economy is stagnant and upward mobility is effectively frozen by rightwing policies.

Yes, let's conflate three or four unrelated topics instead.

I North Dakota, the starting salary at McDonald's is $15 a hour and many times much more. They need to do that to attract workers. The oil boom is creating a lack of workers and North Dakota has a very very tiny illegal immigrate problem. Hence, when their is a lack of workers than the workers get power. When their is a surplus of workers the employers get power.

YES, many legals fill the roles in the fast food industry. However, a good chunk of the workers are illegals. Second effect is illegal are in many industries that Americans would want, such as a quarter of illegals are in high paid construction. Remove the illegals from the market and employers from the agriculture, to fast food servicing to construction would have to find way to attract employees without this never-ending near slave labor called the illegal immigrant. Hence, they would have to attract AMERICANS with higher salaries, benefits, more hours and a more attractive package.

Yet fast food workers and the highly anti-american SEIU supports will all their vigor the illegal immigrant and undermines America in their attempt to stop it. To that effect, it's hard to have sympathy!

Start with eVerify and HUGE stinging penalties for company and the ACTUAL HIRING MANAGER themselves who hire illegals. NAIL THE CORPORATE FARMS THE HARDEST!!! Hear the employers cry they lack workers and then you lefties can finally laugh at them and reply, "No you lack workers at slave labor, poor work environment and no benefits! You will get workers once you raise the pay, provide a better work environment and maybe benefits!"

The only way to raise the pay for unskilled workers is create a worker demand for them!

You are actually quite right in principle.

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