If Ferguson Stays Ferguson, Blacks have no one to blame but themselves

That mind set does last a while, doesn't it? Oh well, it's only been a few decades since apartheid was formally repealed, gotta give the mouth breathers some time I reckon.
really? where I came from there was no apartheid, ever

you make statements expecting not to be called out?
I guess you hail from somewhere other than the good ol' USA regardless of the location indicated beneath your avatar. From 1896 to 1954 racial segregation (apartheid) was national law for the USA!
Ending jim crow hasn't worked out too well.

Yeah, cause white women like Jim's crow!!
They better if they don't want to be found dead in an alley.
That mind set does last a while, doesn't it? Oh well, it's only been a few decades since apartheid was formally repealed, gotta give the mouth breathers some time I reckon.
really? where I came from there was no apartheid, ever

you make statements expecting not to be called out?
I guess you hail from somewhere other than the good ol' USA regardless of the location indicated beneath your avatar. From 1896 to 1954 racial segregation (apartheid) was national law for the USA!
Ending jim crow hasn't worked out too well.
For whom?
Ferguson will hold municipal elections April 7. The mayor and five of the six city councilpersons are white. Three are up for reelection. Since Michael Brown was gunned down by former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, the one loud refrain has repeatedly been how could a city where African-Americans make up the overwhelming majority of the population be policed by a nearly all-white police force, and governed by a nearly all-white city administration? The thought was that the Brown slaying angered and engaged so many thousands that it was almost a done deal that the first chance black residents got they'd jam the polls and totally revamp city government in Ferguson.


I agree, 1000%. I am sick and tired of my people whining and waiting on "others" to come to the rescue when city officials fkkk them over. They act as though these leaders just walks into a community and began governing....their voted in by a hand full of concerned citizens and that's it....meanwhile, sha na na and Jaquan are at home fighting over his hangin with the hommies. You want change, you want people that represent you, you want better communities, THAN DAMIT GET INVOLVED, STAY INVOLVED AND THEN VOTE OR RUN YOURSELF....BUT DAMIT STOP WAITING ON TRAGEDY AND MAYHAM TO MOTIVATE!!
I'd also suggest availing oneself of the opportunities offered to all in this great country, instead of bitching about injustices of the past.
Ferguson will hold municipal elections April 7. The mayor and five of the six city councilpersons are white. Three are up for reelection. Since Michael Brown was gunned down by former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, the one loud refrain has repeatedly been how could a city where African-Americans make up the overwhelming majority of the population be policed by a nearly all-white police force, and governed by a nearly all-white city administration? The thought was that the Brown slaying angered and engaged so many thousands that it was almost a done deal that the first chance black residents got they'd jam the polls and totally revamp city government in Ferguson.

11% of eligible voters voted in the last local election in Ferguson.

Think they will let whitey elect their masters again?

Probably so, unless the get a box of fried chicken and a 40 oz bull for voting.

But then they wouldnt be able to bitch about whitey abusing them.

Uh, whitey did abuse them...next stupid comment?
Whitey quit, found you guys are better at it.

7 shot and injured at Florida spring break house party
Uh, whitey did abuse them...next stupid comment?

nigga please,

making racist comments on e-mail is not abuse

Huh? you talking to me?

that is about the size of it,

proof please

Still having problems with the quote function I see.
That really makes it hard to make a point.

Must be having a problem grasping the EDIT function too.
I hope Police officers & citizens strongly request their Government officials to provide Cops with wearable cameras & microphones! If they don't provide, citizens and Police officers pool their own money and buy these electronic witness equipment.
Ferguson will hold municipal elections April 7. The mayor and five of the six city councilpersons are white. Three are up for reelection. Since Michael Brown was gunned down by former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, the one loud refrain has repeatedly been how could a city where African-Americans make up the overwhelming majority of the population be policed by a nearly all-white police force, and governed by a nearly all-white city administration? The thought was that the Brown slaying angered and engaged so many thousands that it was almost a done deal that the first chance black residents got they'd jam the polls and totally revamp city government in Ferguson.


I agree, 1000%. I am sick and tired of my people whining and waiting on "others" to come to the rescue when city officials fkkk them over. They act as though these leaders just walks into a community and began governing....their voted in by a hand full of concerned citizens and that's it....meanwhile, sha na na and Jaquan are at home fighting over his hangin with the hommies. You want change, you want people that represent you, you want better communities, THAN DAMIT GET INVOLVED, STAY INVOLVED AND THEN VOTE OR RUN YOURSELF....BUT DAMIT STOP WAITING ON TRAGEDY AND MAYHAM TO MOTIVATE!!
I'd also suggest availing oneself of the opportunities offered to all in this great country, instead of bitching about injustices of the past.
Isn't that what the Black residents of Ferguson are trying to do? To take advantage of opportunity you must first remove the obstacles preventing access to that opportunity. But opportunity is not the issue, per se. The issue is that the city has used it's police force to harass and literally rob the Black citizenry. That is the prevalent theme underlined in the DOJ report. The injustices outlined and cited therein are current injustices... not past ones.
I hope Police officers & citizens strongly request their Government officials to provide Cops with wearable cameras & microphones! If they don't provide, citizens and Police officers pool their own money and buy these electronic witness equipment.

That mandate should also be accompanied by stiff penalties for officers who turn their cams off or "forget" to wear them at all.
Nothing can help Ferguson. They should elect all blacks to the city offices. In a year they can call it Ferguson-Detroit. There's nothing to do but write its epitaph.
Nothing can help Ferguson. They should elect all blacks to the city offices. In a year they can call it Ferguson-Detroit. There's nothing to do but write its epitaph.
's sad that you have so little confidence in your fellow Americans, even if they are black. I have posted examples throughout this thread of successful Black cities or enclaves that were destroyed by Whites. Yet, you ignore those historical documentations and dismiss them with impunity and, instead, express only negativity.

Moreover, you apparently missed the post where I linked the story outlining the strategy of the Blacks in Ferguson. They aren't talking about installing an all black government, they are indicating that they will vote Republican the next time around. There are some Blacks running for office now but I suspect Blacks have run in past elections as well but did not win. Lets wait and see what happens!
I can't see the model of every suburb having its own police and court system as being viable. A population of what, 22,000 odd, supporting 70 odd police staff and a court system?

It's going to lead to abuse.
I can't see the model of every suburb having its own police and court system as being viable. A population of what, 22,000 odd, supporting 70 odd police staff and a court system?

It's going to lead to abuse.
Are you speaking in past tense or present tense!
I hope the negroes in Ferguson elect an all negro local government.
Then it can go visit the dozens of negro Majors and city officials in Federal prisons and get their advice on how to destroy a city.
Start with the 'Chocolate City' major and move on to the fucking nest of simians from Detroit.
I'll just ignore most of this post. Too many distortions and disconnects from reality! But, if you want examples of how to destroy a city ask the pilots who dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ask the marauding Whites who destroyed two prosperous autonomous Black enclaves Greenwood , OK (Black Wall street) and Rosewood,Fla.

One more thing: Apparently you haven't heard that Africans and unmixed Blacks are more human than YOU are. If you knew the truth,you'd be less careless in using the term "simian" to describe Blacks
You're so stupid you are bringing the bombing of a couple of cities in Japan which ultimately saved hundreds of thousands of lives into this debate.
I'm not quite ready to PI you.
By all means keep demonstrating how fucking dumb you are. I'm forwarding your posts to a friend whose writing a PHD thesis on 'The Dumbest Forum Members On The Internet'. You're right up there.
I can't see the model of every suburb having its own police and court system as being viable. A population of what, 22,000 odd, supporting 70 odd police staff and a court system?

It's going to lead to abuse.
Are you speaking in past tense or present tense!
I bet the voter turnout in Ferguson(I think today may be local election day there) is less than 20% even after all the burning and looting.
Ferguson will hold municipal elections April 7. The mayor and five of the six city councilpersons are white. Three are up for reelection. Since Michael Brown was gunned down by former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, the one loud refrain has repeatedly been how could a city where African-Americans make up the overwhelming majority of the population be policed by a nearly all-white police force, and governed by a nearly all-white city administration? The thought was that the Brown slaying angered and engaged so many thousands that it was almost a done deal that the first chance black residents got they'd jam the polls and totally revamp city government in Ferguson.

11% of eligible voters voted in the last local election in Ferguson.

Think they will let whitey elect their masters again?

Probably so, unless the get a box of fried chicken and a 40 oz bull for voting.
I'm hoping the blacks come out in force to vote for change. Will they? its a toss up!
If they do, many will be celebrating with a bottle of Sandeman Ruby Port and brea.
"It's a toss up"? Why would that be?
You've been claiming the negroes in Ferguson are really pissed off right?
So if they sit in the fucking shade with their thumbs up their assholes and let 'Whitey' continue to run the shithole AKA Ferguson I'm looking forward to you posting back 'splaning' what the fuck happened. Did 'Whitey' make voting 'too' hard for the poor negroes who never seem to have any trouble getting to the building that hands out the fucking food stamps.
I bet the turnout will be less than 10%.
I feel sorry for you. Everything in life to you is about race. I don't recall you ever posting anything that didn't involve whining about how blacks are not treated with enough respect or given a big enough piece of the pie. Does a day ever go by that you aren't lamenting over the plight of the black man?
Am I here to satisfy YOU? I think not. But to answer your query, I'll jut say you don't get around much do you? You always respond to topics on race. WHY?
I respond to a lot of other topics too, but you only post in the race topics.

Wrong! But so what if I do? Complain to management, not me!
I'm not complaining, just observing. Your whole life seems to center around race and nothing else. But feel free to remain a slave to this one issue.
Get back on topic or leave. This op isn't about me, it's about civil liberties and voting
"Back on topic"? You're the simian who brought the fucking bombing of Japan into the 'topic'. God you're fucking stupid......but frankly I can't expect much more of you.
Am I here to satisfy YOU? I think not. But to answer your query, I'll jut say you don't get around much do you? You always respond to topics on race. WHY?
I respond to a lot of other topics too, but you only post in the race topics.

Wrong! But so what if I do? Complain to management, not me!
I'm not complaining, just observing. Your whole life seems to center around race and nothing else. But feel free to remain a slave to this one issue.
Get back on topic or leave. This op isn't about me, it's about civil liberties and voting
"Back on topic"? You're the simian who brought the fucking bombing of Japan into the 'topic'. God you're fucking stupid......but frankly I can't expect much more of you.
That's just it, you can't expect any more out of him. He certainly reinforces the stereotype, doesn't he? :lol:
Ferguson will hold municipal elections April 7. The mayor and five of the six city councilpersons are white. Three are up for reelection. Since Michael Brown was gunned down by former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, the one loud refrain has repeatedly been how could a city where African-Americans make up the overwhelming majority of the population be policed by a nearly all-white police force, and governed by a nearly all-white city administration? The thought was that the Brown slaying angered and engaged so many thousands that it was almost a done deal that the first chance black residents got they'd jam the polls and totally revamp city government in Ferguson.


I agree, 1000%. I am sick and tired of my people whining and waiting on "others" to come to the rescue when city officials fkkk them over. They act as though these leaders just walks into a community and began governing....their voted in by a hand full of concerned citizens and that's it....meanwhile, sha na na and Jaquan are at home fighting over his hangin with the hommies. You want change, you want people that represent you, you want better communities, THAN DAMIT GET INVOLVED, STAY INVOLVED AND THEN VOTE OR RUN YOURSELF....BUT DAMIT STOP WAITING ON TRAGEDY AND MAYHAM TO MOTIVATE!!
Let's be honest here for just once.
The negroes 100% of the time vote DEM. If all the fucking DEM candidates were fucking orange with purple strips the negroes would vote for them b/c they know instinctively they are going to get more 'free shit' from a Dem government. In the case of Ferguson the DEMs were 'Whitey' last time. So fucking what?
The negroes in Ferguson who actually make the minimal effort to vote will be voting for any DEM on the ballot.
Ferguson will hold municipal elections April 7. The mayor and five of the six city councilpersons are white. Three are up for reelection. Since Michael Brown was gunned down by former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, the one loud refrain has repeatedly been how could a city where African-Americans make up the overwhelming majority of the population be policed by a nearly all-white police force, and governed by a nearly all-white city administration? The thought was that the Brown slaying angered and engaged so many thousands that it was almost a done deal that the first chance black residents got they'd jam the polls and totally revamp city government in Ferguson.


I agree, 1000%. I am sick and tired of my people whining and waiting on "others" to come to the rescue when city officials fkkk them over. They act as though these leaders just walks into a community and began governing....their voted in by a hand full of concerned citizens and that's it....meanwhile, sha na na and Jaquan are at home fighting over his hangin with the hommies. You want change, you want people that represent you, you want better communities, THAN DAMIT GET INVOLVED, STAY INVOLVED AND THEN VOTE OR RUN YOURSELF....BUT DAMIT STOP WAITING ON TRAGEDY AND MAYHAM TO MOTIVATE!!
I'd also suggest availing oneself of the opportunities offered to all in this great country, instead of bitching about injustices of the past.
Isn't that what the Black residents of Ferguson are trying to do? To take advantage of opportunity you must first remove the obstacles preventing access to that opportunity. But opportunity is not the issue, per se. The issue is that the city has used it's police force to harass and literally rob the Black citizenry. That is the prevalent theme underlined in the DOJ report. The injustices outlined and cited therein are current injustices... not past ones.
Then this is the perfect opportunity for the negroes in Ferguson to stand up and take control of their local government right? They have a golden opportunity now right?
If they sit in the fucking shade instead please post back and explain why.
Not going to happen though.
JQ will suddenly leave the forum. 100% fucking predictable.
Ferguson will hold municipal elections April 7. The mayor and five of the six city councilpersons are white. Three are up for reelection. Since Michael Brown was gunned down by former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, the one loud refrain has repeatedly been how could a city where African-Americans make up the overwhelming majority of the population be policed by a nearly all-white police force, and governed by a nearly all-white city administration? The thought was that the Brown slaying angered and engaged so many thousands that it was almost a done deal that the first chance black residents got they'd jam the polls and totally revamp city government in Ferguson.


I agree, 1000%. I am sick and tired of my people whining and waiting on "others" to come to the rescue when city officials fkkk them over. They act as though these leaders just walks into a community and began governing....their voted in by a hand full of concerned citizens and that's it....meanwhile, sha na na and Jaquan are at home fighting over his hangin with the hommies. You want change, you want people that represent you, you want better communities, THAN DAMIT GET INVOLVED, STAY INVOLVED AND THEN VOTE OR RUN YOURSELF....BUT DAMIT STOP WAITING ON TRAGEDY AND MAYHAM TO MOTIVATE!!
Let's be honest here for just once.
The negroes 100% of the time vote DEM. If all the fucking DEM candidates were fucking orange with purple strips the negroes would vote for them b/c they know instinctively they are going to get more 'free shit' from a Dem government. In the case of Ferguson the DEMs were 'Whitey' last time. So fucking what?
The negroes in Ferguson who actually make the minimal effort to vote will be voting for any DEM on the ballot.
Obviously the CAW Cajun Democrats of Ferguson didn't believe in "giving" anything to Blacks but traffic tickets and fines. I guess that's "free stuff" to an Irish idiot. Did ya read the DOJ report,fool?

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