If FISA said Trump was abusing NSA and spying on Americans

Who is reporting that Obama abused his powers, other than the usual RWNJs?

Well certainly not a complicit and partisan media who runs interference for him. See, that's the problem. Obama and Trump could do the same thing and they would praise Obama and vilify Trump or just not report on Obama at all if it was going to make him look bad. When the media will stoop to the level of reporting on how many scoops of ice cream Trump gets in a failed effort to make him look bad, you know that the media isn't impartial truth tellers. There is evidence that shows that within his administration, requests for data went up and revealing names was requested and info was leaked to the press thru out the campaign and after. Only a limited number of people have the ability to ask for that kind of information and the buck stops just a step or two away from those people. The question is, why does that not concern you given all the make believe fake news that places like CNN and NYT spread? What makes you so discriminating between what you're willing to believe and reject?
and this is my point. we can pull obama's name out of what obama did that no one gives a shit about and put in trumps name and you know they'd go apeshit with WE GOT HIM NOW!!!!

the problem we face today is the dual standards of shit like this. like i've said - if trump is guilty - take his ass too. but stop deflecting away from what EITHER side is doing wrong.

punish people or it gets worse.

First you need to show some sort of proof that your claim of Obama using our security services for political gain. Do that, and the discussion will be completely different. Until then, it's just more made up shit.
now why don't you show me where fisa said all it happened to be was "less than forthcoming" - your turn to provide proof, son.

Nope. You're still at bat, even if there are two strikes against you. You claim that Obama is guilty of illegally using the NSA for political gain. Here is an underhanded slow pitch for you. Point out any credible claim from FISA, the NSA, or anybody else that Obama did that. You should be able to knock that one out of the park.
no. this was never my question.

if this were trump we were talking about - would you still put up such defenses? you've defailed long enough.

either answer the question or move on.
Well certainly not a complicit and partisan media who runs interference for him. See, that's the problem. Obama and Trump could do the same thing and they would praise Obama and vilify Trump or just not report on Obama at all if it was going to make him look bad. When the media will stoop to the level of reporting on how many scoops of ice cream Trump gets in a failed effort to make him look bad, you know that the media isn't impartial truth tellers. There is evidence that shows that within his administration, requests for data went up and revealing names was requested and info was leaked to the press thru out the campaign and after. Only a limited number of people have the ability to ask for that kind of information and the buck stops just a step or two away from those people. The question is, why does that not concern you given all the make believe fake news that places like CNN and NYT spread? What makes you so discriminating between what you're willing to believe and reject?
and this is my point. we can pull obama's name out of what obama did that no one gives a shit about and put in trumps name and you know they'd go apeshit with WE GOT HIM NOW!!!!

the problem we face today is the dual standards of shit like this. like i've said - if trump is guilty - take his ass too. but stop deflecting away from what EITHER side is doing wrong.

punish people or it gets worse.

First you need to show some sort of proof that your claim of Obama using our security services for political gain. Do that, and the discussion will be completely different. Until then, it's just more made up shit.
now why don't you show me where fisa said all it happened to be was "less than forthcoming" - your turn to provide proof, son.

Nope. You're still at bat, even if there are two strikes against you. You claim that Obama is guilty of illegally using the NSA for political gain. Here is an underhanded slow pitch for you. Point out any credible claim from FISA, the NSA, or anybody else that Obama did that. You should be able to knock that one out of the park.
no. this was never my question.

if this were trump we were talking about - would you still put up such defenses? you've defailed long enough.

either answer the question or move on.

If you want to make fake accusations about trump, Go ahead. I don't care. I'll just sit back and laugh as you do it. I have never seen any advantage in arguing for something I know to be a lie, so I wouldn't push that, but you are free to do as you like.
and this is my point. we can pull obama's name out of what obama did that no one gives a shit about and put in trumps name and you know they'd go apeshit with WE GOT HIM NOW!!!!

the problem we face today is the dual standards of shit like this. like i've said - if trump is guilty - take his ass too. but stop deflecting away from what EITHER side is doing wrong.

punish people or it gets worse.

First you need to show some sort of proof that your claim of Obama using our security services for political gain. Do that, and the discussion will be completely different. Until then, it's just more made up shit.
now why don't you show me where fisa said all it happened to be was "less than forthcoming" - your turn to provide proof, son.

Nope. You're still at bat, even if there are two strikes against you. You claim that Obama is guilty of illegally using the NSA for political gain. Here is an underhanded slow pitch for you. Point out any credible claim from FISA, the NSA, or anybody else that Obama did that. You should be able to knock that one out of the park.
no. this was never my question.

if this were trump we were talking about - would you still put up such defenses? you've defailed long enough.

either answer the question or move on.

If you want to make fake accusations about trump, Go ahead. I don't care. I'll just sit back and laugh as you do it. I have never seen any advantage in arguing for something I know to be a lie, so I wouldn't push that, but you are free to do as you like.
so you still won't answer the question, will you? you argue whether or not obama did it while all i ask is if this were trump, would you still give the same benefit of doubt.

took you awhile, but i got my answer.
First you need to show some sort of proof that your claim of Obama using our security services for political gain. Do that, and the discussion will be completely different. Until then, it's just more made up shit.
now why don't you show me where fisa said all it happened to be was "less than forthcoming" - your turn to provide proof, son.

Nope. You're still at bat, even if there are two strikes against you. You claim that Obama is guilty of illegally using the NSA for political gain. Here is an underhanded slow pitch for you. Point out any credible claim from FISA, the NSA, or anybody else that Obama did that. You should be able to knock that one out of the park.
no. this was never my question.

if this were trump we were talking about - would you still put up such defenses? you've defailed long enough.

either answer the question or move on.

If you want to make fake accusations about trump, Go ahead. I don't care. I'll just sit back and laugh as you do it. I have never seen any advantage in arguing for something I know to be a lie, so I wouldn't push that, but you are free to do as you like.
so you still won't answer the question, will you? you argue whether or not obama did it while all i ask is if this were trump, would you still give the same benefit of doubt.

took you awhile, but i got my answer.

You had that answer in my first post. It's a bull shit story. Nobody is, or could be guilty of that claim.
now why don't you show me where fisa said all it happened to be was "less than forthcoming" - your turn to provide proof, son.

Nope. You're still at bat, even if there are two strikes against you. You claim that Obama is guilty of illegally using the NSA for political gain. Here is an underhanded slow pitch for you. Point out any credible claim from FISA, the NSA, or anybody else that Obama did that. You should be able to knock that one out of the park.
no. this was never my question.

if this were trump we were talking about - would you still put up such defenses? you've defailed long enough.

either answer the question or move on.

If you want to make fake accusations about trump, Go ahead. I don't care. I'll just sit back and laugh as you do it. I have never seen any advantage in arguing for something I know to be a lie, so I wouldn't push that, but you are free to do as you like.
so you still won't answer the question, will you? you argue whether or not obama did it while all i ask is if this were trump, would you still give the same benefit of doubt.

took you awhile, but i got my answer.

You had that answer in my first post. It's a bull shit story. Nobody is, or could be guilty of that claim.
yea - head in sand. don't like it, bullshit story. you claim FISA said no big deal but can't back it up.

got it. checkmate son and g-night.
would the left look away and call it business as usual?

would the media ignore it as a non-issue?

just curious what others think about this one.

If Obama murdered his wife,

would that mean that Trump could not possibly ever be guilty of anything?

Don't do that. Their reasoning ability can't handle that hypothetical. The best to be hoped for is they start claiming Obama murdered his wife.
Nope. You're still at bat, even if there are two strikes against you. You claim that Obama is guilty of illegally using the NSA for political gain. Here is an underhanded slow pitch for you. Point out any credible claim from FISA, the NSA, or anybody else that Obama did that. You should be able to knock that one out of the park.
no. this was never my question.

if this were trump we were talking about - would you still put up such defenses? you've defailed long enough.

either answer the question or move on.

If you want to make fake accusations about trump, Go ahead. I don't care. I'll just sit back and laugh as you do it. I have never seen any advantage in arguing for something I know to be a lie, so I wouldn't push that, but you are free to do as you like.
so you still won't answer the question, will you? you argue whether or not obama did it while all i ask is if this were trump, would you still give the same benefit of doubt.

took you awhile, but i got my answer.

You had that answer in my first post. It's a bull shit story. Nobody is, or could be guilty of that claim.
yea - head in sand. don't like it, bullshit story. you claim FISA said no big deal but can't back it up.

got it. checkmate son and g-night.
OK.....I guess.....
would the left look away and call it business as usual?

would the media ignore it as a non-issue?

just curious what others think about this one.

If Obama murdered his wife,

would that mean that Trump could not possibly ever be guilty of anything?

Don't do that. Their reasoning ability can't handle that hypothetical. The best to be hoped for is they start claiming Obama murdered his wife.
yet russia is reality based. :)
Trump, not Clinton or Obama, is the guy in office.

He is the one in the glare of the investigations' lights.
Ya cause Under Obama he ORDERED his allies to do NOTHING. That is actual proven fact, what you have with Trump is made up stories by anonymous sources that have proven time and again to be blatantly false when investigated.
would the left look away and call it business as usual?

would the media ignore it as a non-issue?

just curious what others think about this one.

If Obama murdered his wife,

would that mean that Trump could not possibly ever be guilty of anything?

Don't do that. Their reasoning ability can't handle that hypothetical. The best to be hoped for is they start claiming Obama murdered his wife.
yet russia is reality based. :)

Are you referring to the country, or the investigation? Fortunately, the investigation will be long and methodical. All the facts will be found.
Imagine the out cries and wails if he used the IRS to target political enemies
one crisis at a time. i'd love to hear a left sided person tell me they'd not care if trump did this. esp after 10 months of RUSSIA bullshit they clinged onto w/o proof.

i want equal application of the law. equal application of the rage will never happen.

My comment goes towards that, yesterday Comey pretty much admitted there was collusion between Clinton and Lynch but the left ignores that and presses on with the Russian/Trump collusion angle.

The same would apply if Trump used the IRS as a political weapon like Obama and Co did
the left for 10 months screamed for something to be done. now they find they've been clinging to hope and a lie and hope never stood a chance.

now they're pissed their best "bullet" is not even a bb and they were wrong in why they hated someone. i don't begrudge people for hating on people, it does happen. i just wish they'd do it for real reasons vs. invented ones.

he flat out said lynch told him what to say. trump never did. yet he was worried about trump? i honestly think comey is a good guy but so out of his league here and his decisive indecision is a huge part of the mess we're in.

if wrong is wrong and it's your job to call people on it - do it. to anyone and everyone. but to let obama and co slide and go after trump?

and we wonder where the divide is coming from again. 2+ sets of rules for us all to live by.

gotta do away with those.

There is a vast difference between "Please call it a matter and not an investigation" and "I hope you can see your way clear to let Flynn go".

Lynch didn't tell Comey what to say, she asked him to refer to it as a matter with the press. As Comey said, it made no difference what he called it, the press referred to it as an investigation.

That YOU can't see the difference is because you desperate don't want to believe that the Republican Party is going to cut their losses sooner rather than later.

It's a sad day in America when people have to protect themselves from a President who is completely lacking in honesty or integrity.

Comey will be believed because he has a long track record of telling the truth. Trump will not be believed because 70% of what issues from his mouth are "alternative facts" which anyone will tell you are lies.
All the deflection, guys, is not going to help Trump and won't bring Clinton to trial.

Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

During the Obama years, the National Security Agency intentionally and routinely intercepted and reviewed communications of American citizens in violation of the Constitution and of court-ordered guidelines implemented pursuant to federal law.

The unlawful surveillance appears to have been a massive abuse of the government’s foreign-intelligence-collection authority, carried out for the purpose of monitoring the communications of Americans in the United States. While aware that it was going on for an extensive period of time, the administration failed to disclose its unlawful surveillance of Americans until late October 2016, when the administration was winding down and the NSA needed to meet a court deadline in order to renew various surveillance authorities under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

The administration’s stonewalling about the scope of the violation induced an exasperated Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to accuse the NSA of “an institutional lack of candor” in connection with what the court described as “a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.” (The court is the federal tribunal created in 1978 by FISA; it is often referred to as a “secret court” because proceedings before it are classified and ex parte — meaning only the Justice Department appears before the court.)

The FISA-court opinion is now public, available here. The unlawful surveillance was first exposed in a report at Circa by John Solomon and Sara Carter, who have also gotten access to internal, classified reports. The story was also covered extensively Wednesday evening by James Rosen and Bret Baier on Fox News’s Special Report.

now if trump did this - would you not know about it even?

And you think Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA? You know that's just nuts, right?
you think he didn't know?

and again - my question was - read that story, take out OBAMA and put in TRUMP -

would you be making the same excuses?

You can put the Easter Bunny's name in there if you want to. It's a bullshit story put out by a bullshit right wing site.
so - let me be clear here - you're saying obama DID NOT DO THIS. FISA is full of shit?

stop attacking me, or the site and address the question if you don't mind.

right now your addressing it seems to be saying FISA is full of shit so before being derailed, just let me know if i understand you correctly.

Did FISA say Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA?
They said he did not report it when he knew same diff, remind me who was President and in CHARGE of the appointees overseeing NSA?

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