If FISA said Trump was abusing NSA and spying on Americans

This is not about Obama. Do you want Trump to be Obama?
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
You're wrong
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?

Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.

and given trump wasn't under russian investigation - now repeated AGAIN by comey - what does that make all the people going RUSSIA when *at most* it was his people that *were* under investigation?

trying to imply that trump has anything to do with it is something only a mentally deficient person would do.

hey - your logic. don't blame me it bites you in your one-way ass.

OK. Since the Russian hacking of our elections is still being investigated, and will be for quite a while longer, I'm OK with waiting until more evidence is uncovered before I make my final judgment, but it's not looking too good for that obese orange clown.
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
You're wrong
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?

Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.

and given trump wasn't under russian investigation - now repeated AGAIN by comey - what does that make all the people going RUSSIA when *at most* it was his people that *were* under investigation?

trying to imply that trump has anything to do with it is something only a mentally deficient person would do.

hey - your logic. don't blame me it bites you in your one-way ass.

OK. Since the Russian hacking of our elections is still being investigated, and will be for quite a while longer, I'm OK with waiting until more evidence is uncovered before I make my final judgment, but it's not looking too good for that obese orange clown.

good to see the objectivity.
bulldog is 100% objectively correct: based on all we have seen, the obese orange clown is in great political danger.
TRUMP was spying on Americans?

Obama's NSA was spying on Americans.

Obama's CIA was spying on the Senate and the USSC.

Obama's Intel Agencies was conducting their own 'Watergate' on the Trump team based on, as we know now, NO CRIME / NO COLLUSION.

...no snowflake reaction.

Had Trump done so - torches, pitchforks, and Impeachment.

Had Comey declared yesterday Trump had obstructed justice, which he did not do, the way he testified Lynch and Obama did, again, torches, pitch forks, and Impeachment.
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You didn't defend your previous claims that you're a conservative Republican, so I guess that means you have dropped that charade.
I called your bullshit for what it is. I am a Republican, you are an anarchist, you live in a group home, and I am whole and healthy.
Ah, so you still are maintaining the charade that you're some kind of phony Republican. You aren't doing a good job of it, Fakey.
I am Republican, and you are an anarchist. That comparison speaks for itself.
It shows that you are a liar and that I am honest, also more intelligent.
Attacking me instead of dealing with OP shows that in fact you are liar, not honest, and not intelligent.

Are you able to speak to the OP?
It shows no such thing. You are immune to facts and logic, so trying to use them on you is a waste of time. Ridicule is the only thing snowflakes like you understand.
i give up. he danced around the entire question and he knows it. he knows full and well what i'm asking and he's trying to find a place to hide so he can be right "in this instance". this "micro-innocent" shit is bullshit.

obama knew full well what he was doing. that's why he opened up the laws in the end to allow more of this - which was a total breach of power and nothing of what the executive orders are meant for - much less replacing global treaties.
This is not about Obama. Do you want Trump to be Obama?
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
You're wrong
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?

Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.
Of course, you snowflake douche bags insist that Trump is responsible for anything any of Trump's subordinates did either after or before they joined his campaign/administration and virtually everything they did is an impeachment offense.

Who do you think you're kidding?
This is not about Obama. Do you want Trump to be Obama?
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
You're wrong
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?

Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.
Of course, you snowflake douche bags insist that Trump is responsible for anything any of Trump's subordinates did either after or before they joined his campaign/administration and virtually everything they did is an impeachment offense.

Who do you think you're kidding?
yea, i'm not gonna let them launch that turd. we all know full well take out OBAMA and put in TRUMP they'd feel like the holy grail of evidence landed sideways up their ass.
iceberg, you sound like McCain did yesterday. Are you OK?

Trump, if he did not know about his associates' interaction with the Russkies, should be fine.

If he knew afterwards and obstructed investigations, then he can be impeached in office and tried after he is removed from office.
This is not about Obama. Do you want Trump to be Obama?
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
You're wrong
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?

Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.
Of course, you snowflake douche bags insist that Trump is responsible for anything any of Trump's subordinates did either after or before they joined his campaign/administration and virtually everything they did is an impeachment offense.

Who do you think you're kidding?

No intention of kidding anyone. I'm content as long as the investigations remain open and thorough. If Trump didn't do anything wrong, he shouldn't have a problem. I;m not sure why he lies so much if he's innocent though.
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
You're wrong
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?

Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.
Of course, you snowflake douche bags insist that Trump is responsible for anything any of Trump's subordinates did either after or before they joined his campaign/administration and virtually everything they did is an impeachment offense.

Who do you think you're kidding?
yea, i'm not gonna let them launch that turd. we all know full well take out OBAMA and put in TRUMP they'd feel like the holy grail of evidence landed sideways up their ass.
Again, it is a bullshit story.
You're wrong
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?

Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.
Of course, you snowflake douche bags insist that Trump is responsible for anything any of Trump's subordinates did either after or before they joined his campaign/administration and virtually everything they did is an impeachment offense.

Who do you think you're kidding?
yea, i'm not gonna let them launch that turd. we all know full well take out OBAMA and put in TRUMP they'd feel like the holy grail of evidence landed sideways up their ass.
Again, it is a bullshit story.
so - your final point is FISA is full of shit.

can you prove this or is your ENTIRE stance is "that article sucks"? if you're going to wind up these discussions with "well that's bullshit" then i'll just avoid them with you in the future.

there's enough pointless shitpile discussions out there already.
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
You're wrong
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?

Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.
Of course, you snowflake douche bags insist that Trump is responsible for anything any of Trump's subordinates did either after or before they joined his campaign/administration and virtually everything they did is an impeachment offense.

Who do you think you're kidding?

No intention of kidding anyone. I'm content as long as the investigations remain open and thorough. If Trump didn't do anything wrong, he shouldn't have a problem. I;m not sure why he lies so much if he's innocent though.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAND trump already said "knock yourself out - investigate away" per comey.

if you want to argue w/comey then have fun. i'm out.
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?

Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.
Of course, you snowflake douche bags insist that Trump is responsible for anything any of Trump's subordinates did either after or before they joined his campaign/administration and virtually everything they did is an impeachment offense.

Who do you think you're kidding?
yea, i'm not gonna let them launch that turd. we all know full well take out OBAMA and put in TRUMP they'd feel like the holy grail of evidence landed sideways up their ass.
Again, it is a bullshit story.
so - your final point is FISA is full of shit.

can you prove this or is your ENTIRE stance is "that article sucks"? if you're going to wind up these discussions with "well that's bullshit" then i'll just avoid them with you in the future.

there's enough pointless shitpile discussions out there already.
You're free to do as you like. The story is crap
Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.
Of course, you snowflake douche bags insist that Trump is responsible for anything any of Trump's subordinates did either after or before they joined his campaign/administration and virtually everything they did is an impeachment offense.

Who do you think you're kidding?
yea, i'm not gonna let them launch that turd. we all know full well take out OBAMA and put in TRUMP they'd feel like the holy grail of evidence landed sideways up their ass.
Again, it is a bullshit story.
so - your final point is FISA is full of shit.

can you prove this or is your ENTIRE stance is "that article sucks"? if you're going to wind up these discussions with "well that's bullshit" then i'll just avoid them with you in the future.

there's enough pointless shitpile discussions out there already.
You're free to do as you like. The story is crap
i don't like it. it's crap. it never happened despite the FISA saying it did.

and trump people are blind. lordy all mighty.
I called your bullshit for what it is. I am a Republican, you are an anarchist, you live in a group home, and I am whole and healthy.
Ah, so you still are maintaining the charade that you're some kind of phony Republican. You aren't doing a good job of it, Fakey.
I am Republican, and you are an anarchist. That comparison speaks for itself.
It shows that you are a liar and that I am honest, also more intelligent.
Attacking me instead of dealing with OP shows that in fact you are liar, not honest, and not intelligent.

Are you able to speak to the OP?
It shows no such thing. You are immune to facts and logic, so trying to use them on you is a waste of time. Ridicule is the only thing snowflakes like you understand.
Fallacy of cuck ad hom attacks, bripat. You are goofy. Can you speak to the OP?

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