If FISA said Trump was abusing NSA and spying on Americans

one crisis at a time. i'd love to hear a left sided person tell me they'd not care if trump did this. esp after 10 months of RUSSIA bullshit they clinged onto w/o proof.

i want equal application of the law. equal application of the rage will never happen.

My comment goes towards that, yesterday Comey pretty much admitted there was collusion between Clinton and Lynch but the left ignores that and presses on with the Russian/Trump collusion angle.

The same would apply if Trump used the IRS as a political weapon like Obama and Co did
the left for 10 months screamed for something to be done. now they find they've been clinging to hope and a lie and hope never stood a chance.

now they're pissed their best "bullet" is not even a bb and they were wrong in why they hated someone. i don't begrudge people for hating on people, it does happen. i just wish they'd do it for real reasons vs. invented ones.

he flat out said lynch told him what to say. trump never did. yet he was worried about trump? i honestly think comey is a good guy but so out of his league here and his decisive indecision is a huge part of the mess we're in.

if wrong is wrong and it's your job to call people on it - do it. to anyone and everyone. but to let obama and co slide and go after trump?

and we wonder where the divide is coming from again. 2+ sets of rules for us all to live by.

gotta do away with those.

MThis is why I did not support Trump. He has stepped on every single land mine Bammer left for him and he gets rolled dailey by his republican colleagues in congress. Typically the news would be buzzing with Republicans slugging it out over yesterday, but what do you hear ? Nothing. This whole swamp thing was a great idea in theory, but he did it all wrong. He tried to wrestling all the gaters and tossing dynamite in the water, when he should have spent some time learning how the critters work. Who cares about what the democrats did and do with FISA. It's a moot point because nothing will ever be done to change it.
you think this is over?

and again - if you don't care what the dems did with FISA and the IRS then if trump does it - is it still ok?

by allowing one side to do it and get away with it you establish it's acceptable. period.

not for you, not for your side, but for all.

that's the problem liberals have a hard time with.

Trump don't have the wits for head games and paper wars. Look what a mess he made already. He and his people need to stiop giving this nonsense air time and get to catching up on his agenda.

looks like he came out on top of this yesterday. comey did tell him 3 times he was not under investigation and he did in no way obstruct comey. he said to investigate whoever he wants.

your hate of trump does not make him the person you think he is.
Who is reporting that Obama abused his powers, other than the usual RWNJs?

Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

During the Obama years, the National Security Agency intentionally and routinely intercepted and reviewed communications of American citizens in violation of the Constitution and of court-ordered guidelines implemented pursuant to federal law.

The unlawful surveillance appears to have been a massive abuse of the government’s foreign-intelligence-collection authority, carried out for the purpose of monitoring the communications of Americans in the United States. While aware that it was going on for an extensive period of time, the administration failed to disclose its unlawful surveillance of Americans until late October 2016, when the administration was winding down and the NSA needed to meet a court deadline in order to renew various surveillance authorities under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

The administration’s stonewalling about the scope of the violation induced an exasperated Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to accuse the NSA of “an institutional lack of candor” in connection with what the court described as “a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.” (The court is the federal tribunal created in 1978 by FISA; it is often referred to as a “secret court” because proceedings before it are classified and ex parte — meaning only the Justice Department appears before the court.)

The FISA-court opinion is now public, available here. The unlawful surveillance was first exposed in a report at Circa by John Solomon and Sara Carter, who have also gotten access to internal, classified reports. The story was also covered extensively Wednesday evening by James Rosen and Bret Baier on Fox News’s Special Report.

now if trump did this - would you not know about it even?

And you think Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA? You know that's just nuts, right?
you think he didn't know?

and again - my question was - read that story, take out OBAMA and put in TRUMP -

would you be making the same excuses?

You can put the Easter Bunny's name in there if you want to. It's a bullshit story put out by a bullshit right wing site.
so - let me be clear here - you're saying obama DID NOT DO THIS. FISA is full of shit?

stop attacking me, or the site and address the question if you don't mind.

right now your addressing it seems to be saying FISA is full of shit so before being derailed, just let me know if i understand you correctly.

Did FISA say Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA?

Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

During the Obama years, the National Security Agency intentionally and routinely intercepted and reviewed communications of American citizens in violation of the Constitution and of court-ordered guidelines implemented pursuant to federal law.

The unlawful surveillance appears to have been a massive abuse of the government’s foreign-intelligence-collection authority, carried out for the purpose of monitoring the communications of Americans in the United States. While aware that it was going on for an extensive period of time, the administration failed to disclose its unlawful surveillance of Americans until late October 2016, when the administration was winding down and the NSA needed to meet a court deadline in order to renew various surveillance authorities under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

The administration’s stonewalling about the scope of the violation induced an exasperated Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to accuse the NSA of “an institutional lack of candor” in connection with what the court described as “a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.” (The court is the federal tribunal created in 1978 by FISA; it is often referred to as a “secret court” because proceedings before it are classified and ex parte — meaning only the Justice Department appears before the court.)

The FISA-court opinion is now public, available here. The unlawful surveillance was first exposed in a report at Circa by John Solomon and Sara Carter, who have also gotten access to internal, classified reports. The story was also covered extensively Wednesday evening by James Rosen and Bret Baier on Fox News’s Special Report.

now if trump did this - would you not know about it even?

And you think Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA? You know that's just nuts, right?
you think he didn't know?

and again - my question was - read that story, take out OBAMA and put in TRUMP -

would you be making the same excuses?

You can put the Easter Bunny's name in there if you want to. It's a bullshit story put out by a bullshit right wing site.
so - let me be clear here - you're saying obama DID NOT DO THIS. FISA is full of shit?

stop attacking me, or the site and address the question if you don't mind.

right now your addressing it seems to be saying FISA is full of shit so before being derailed, just let me know if i understand you correctly.

Did FISA say Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA?
not my question. you keep wanting to twist my questions and never answer them.

do you believe FISA said the obama ADMIN was WAY out of line in their spying?
if no - then take out obama and put in trump and you still better say "no" or that's quite the hypocrite.
if yes - then why is this a non-issue for you but conspiracies about russia are still foam at the mouth type material?
My comment goes towards that, yesterday Comey pretty much admitted there was collusion between Clinton and Lynch but the left ignores that and presses on with the Russian/Trump collusion angle.

The same would apply if Trump used the IRS as a political weapon like Obama and Co did
the left for 10 months screamed for something to be done. now they find they've been clinging to hope and a lie and hope never stood a chance.

now they're pissed their best "bullet" is not even a bb and they were wrong in why they hated someone. i don't begrudge people for hating on people, it does happen. i just wish they'd do it for real reasons vs. invented ones.

he flat out said lynch told him what to say. trump never did. yet he was worried about trump? i honestly think comey is a good guy but so out of his league here and his decisive indecision is a huge part of the mess we're in.

if wrong is wrong and it's your job to call people on it - do it. to anyone and everyone. but to let obama and co slide and go after trump?

and we wonder where the divide is coming from again. 2+ sets of rules for us all to live by.

gotta do away with those.

MThis is why I did not support Trump. He has stepped on every single land mine Bammer left for him and he gets rolled dailey by his republican colleagues in congress. Typically the news would be buzzing with Republicans slugging it out over yesterday, but what do you hear ? Nothing. This whole swamp thing was a great idea in theory, but he did it all wrong. He tried to wrestling all the gaters and tossing dynamite in the water, when he should have spent some time learning how the critters work. Who cares about what the democrats did and do with FISA. It's a moot point because nothing will ever be done to change it.
you think this is over?

and again - if you don't care what the dems did with FISA and the IRS then if trump does it - is it still ok?

by allowing one side to do it and get away with it you establish it's acceptable. period.

not for you, not for your side, but for all.

that's the problem liberals have a hard time with.

Trump don't have the wits for head games and paper wars. Look what a mess he made already. He and his people need to stiop giving this nonsense air time and get to catching up on his agenda.

looks like he came out on top of this yesterday. comey did tell him 3 times he was not under investigation and he did in no way obstruct comey. he said to investigate whoever he wants.

your hate of trump does not make him the person you think he is.

Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction. Makes no difference. You assume I have a hate for Trump. Don't know the guy so I can't say if I hate him or not. I can not say he is a loser because, well he isn't. I would say he is bigly ignorant of how his job works. He figured all you trumpkins would follow him to Washington with AR15's and machetes, but y'all stayed home once you figured y'all were safe from messikins and mooslims, but what happened? Trump got to Washington and was STOPPED cold. Why? Fuck FISA what Hillary did, Booosh did or whatever. Y'all should be pissed that congress and the president are not doing work. Russi? Republicans and democrats have handed Putin just what he wanted, a paralyzed American government .
Trump, not Clinton or Obama, is the guy in office.

He is the one in the glare of the investigations' lights.
Did you finally give up pretending you're a conservative Republican, Jake the Alzheimer's riddled fake?
Your post fails on both issues. You live in a home for those with mental issues, bripat, whereas I am whole and healthy. This is not about political allegiance, but Americanism and justice And you have neither political allegiance nor Americanism nor justice, since you are a follower of worthless anarchism.
You didn't defend your previous claims that you're a conservative Republican, so I guess that means you have dropped that charade.
I called your bullshit for what it is. I am a Republican, you are an anarchist, you live in a group home, and I am whole and healthy.
the left for 10 months screamed for something to be done. now they find they've been clinging to hope and a lie and hope never stood a chance.

now they're pissed their best "bullet" is not even a bb and they were wrong in why they hated someone. i don't begrudge people for hating on people, it does happen. i just wish they'd do it for real reasons vs. invented ones.

he flat out said lynch told him what to say. trump never did. yet he was worried about trump? i honestly think comey is a good guy but so out of his league here and his decisive indecision is a huge part of the mess we're in.

if wrong is wrong and it's your job to call people on it - do it. to anyone and everyone. but to let obama and co slide and go after trump?

and we wonder where the divide is coming from again. 2+ sets of rules for us all to live by.

gotta do away with those.

MThis is why I did not support Trump. He has stepped on every single land mine Bammer left for him and he gets rolled dailey by his republican colleagues in congress. Typically the news would be buzzing with Republicans slugging it out over yesterday, but what do you hear ? Nothing. This whole swamp thing was a great idea in theory, but he did it all wrong. He tried to wrestling all the gaters and tossing dynamite in the water, when he should have spent some time learning how the critters work. Who cares about what the democrats did and do with FISA. It's a moot point because nothing will ever be done to change it.
you think this is over?

and again - if you don't care what the dems did with FISA and the IRS then if trump does it - is it still ok?

by allowing one side to do it and get away with it you establish it's acceptable. period.

not for you, not for your side, but for all.

that's the problem liberals have a hard time with.

Trump don't have the wits for head games and paper wars. Look what a mess he made already. He and his people need to stiop giving this nonsense air time and get to catching up on his agenda.

looks like he came out on top of this yesterday. comey did tell him 3 times he was not under investigation and he did in no way obstruct comey. he said to investigate whoever he wants.

your hate of trump does not make him the person you think he is.

Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction. Makes no difference. You assume I have a hate for Trump. Don't know the guy so I can't say if I hate him or not. I can not say he is a loser because, well he isn't. I would say he is bigly ignorant of how his job works. He figured all you trumpkins would follow him to Washington with AR15's and machetes, but y'all stayed home once you figured y'all were safe from messikins and mooslims, but what happened? Trump got to Washington and was STOPPED cold. Why? Fuck FISA what Hillary did, Booosh did or whatever. Y'all should be pissed that congress and the president are not doing work. Russi? Republicans and democrats have handed Putin just what he wanted, a paralyzed American government .
what i got out of this.

I don't hate trump.

all you trumpkins....wow. if not hate there is a strong bias.

now you want to say what obama and hillary did was just fine and who gives a shit... RUSSIA!!!!

from your own post:
Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction.

no obstruction but somehow they're still working together in the background and the link will one day be discovered.

that or -

together we're full of shit and russia is laughing at us.

wouldn't argue #2. i would argue to the death we can't ignore what the past admin did or it will only get worse with each successive administration.
Comey's testimony has stood up to the flack yesterday.

The Senate, FBI, and intel agencies will continue with their investigations.

Gowdy has been assigned as chair of the House Oversight Committee, so he will begin a series of investigations to try deflect from Trump's problems. The MSM has already told him he is going to oversighted by their reporters.
And you think Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA? You know that's just nuts, right?
you think he didn't know?

and again - my question was - read that story, take out OBAMA and put in TRUMP -

would you be making the same excuses?

You can put the Easter Bunny's name in there if you want to. It's a bullshit story put out by a bullshit right wing site.
so - let me be clear here - you're saying obama DID NOT DO THIS. FISA is full of shit?

stop attacking me, or the site and address the question if you don't mind.

right now your addressing it seems to be saying FISA is full of shit so before being derailed, just let me know if i understand you correctly.

Did FISA say Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA?
not my question. you keep wanting to twist my questions and never answer them.

do you believe FISA said the obama ADMIN was WAY out of line in their spying?
if no - then take out obama and put in trump and you still better say "no" or that's quite the hypocrite.
if yes - then why is this a non-issue for you but conspiracies about russia are still foam at the mouth type material?

If anyone is twisting, it would be you. FISA had a complaint about the NSA. If you believe Obama personally supervised the day to day operations of the NSA, then you might have a point. He would be personally responsible for the NSA in that case. If, on the other hand, you are sane, and realize that The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence, and that your effort to blame Obama for their day to day actions is stupid, you will quit making such dumb posts.
MThis is why I did not support Trump. He has stepped on every single land mine Bammer left for him and he gets rolled dailey by his republican colleagues in congress. Typically the news would be buzzing with Republicans slugging it out over yesterday, but what do you hear ? Nothing. This whole swamp thing was a great idea in theory, but he did it all wrong. He tried to wrestling all the gaters and tossing dynamite in the water, when he should have spent some time learning how the critters work. Who cares about what the democrats did and do with FISA. It's a moot point because nothing will ever be done to change it.
you think this is over?

and again - if you don't care what the dems did with FISA and the IRS then if trump does it - is it still ok?

by allowing one side to do it and get away with it you establish it's acceptable. period.

not for you, not for your side, but for all.

that's the problem liberals have a hard time with.

Trump don't have the wits for head games and paper wars. Look what a mess he made already. He and his people need to stiop giving this nonsense air time and get to catching up on his agenda.

looks like he came out on top of this yesterday. comey did tell him 3 times he was not under investigation and he did in no way obstruct comey. he said to investigate whoever he wants.

your hate of trump does not make him the person you think he is.

Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction. Makes no difference. You assume I have a hate for Trump. Don't know the guy so I can't say if I hate him or not. I can not say he is a loser because, well he isn't. I would say he is bigly ignorant of how his job works. He figured all you trumpkins would follow him to Washington with AR15's and machetes, but y'all stayed home once you figured y'all were safe from messikins and mooslims, but what happened? Trump got to Washington and was STOPPED cold. Why? Fuck FISA what Hillary did, Booosh did or whatever. Y'all should be pissed that congress and the president are not doing work. Russi? Republicans and democrats have handed Putin just what he wanted, a paralyzed American government .
what i got out of this.

I don't hate trump.

all you trumpkins....

now you want to say what obama and hillary did was just fine and who gives a shit... RUSSIA!!!!

from your own post:
Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction.

no obstruction but somehow they're still working together in the background and the link will one day be discovered.

that or -

together we're full of shit and russia is laughing at us.

wouldn't argue #2. i would argue to the death we can't ignore what the past admin did or it will only get worse with each successive administration.

Just fine? Hillary and Bammer did not begin to mess with FISA, Boosh did. All the power those guys have now they can thank Booosh for. Booosh was warned. Guess that's where y'all messed up in electing a "compassionate conservative ". So really, you can hate him to for making all the FISA mess to begin with. As for not. Don't able to ignore the FISA crap, nothing will change, Bammer and Clinton are going to walk already have walked. Just need to be happy they are gone. On the brite side, Susan rice, maybe Hillary will get their cage rattled some, but after Trump gets past all this we will need to hope he doesn't go nuts trying to get political revenge.
would the left look away and call it business as usual?

would the media ignore it as a non-issue?

just curious what others think about this one.

FISA is an act. It can't really say much.
didn't ask you or anyone to attack FISA. i asked if FISA said trump abused the shit out of his powers in the same manner they are reporting obama did, would you demand trumps head or look away?
Who is reporting that Obama abused his powers, other than the usual RWNJs?

Get real, BDog! You honestly believe that the MSM is going to report anything damning against Obama? Key-rist! They think he walks on water (they'd be lucky if he BATHES in water)!

I don't know if Obama abused FISA, but there appears to be more evidence that he did than evidence Trump colluded with Russia.
Trump, not Clinton or Obama, is the guy in office.

He is the one in the glare of the investigations' lights.
Did you finally give up pretending you're a conservative Republican, Jake the Alzheimer's riddled fake?
Your post fails on both issues. You live in a home for those with mental issues, bripat, whereas I am whole and healthy. This is not about political allegiance, but Americanism and justice And you have neither political allegiance nor Americanism nor justice, since you are a follower of worthless anarchism.
You didn't defend your previous claims that you're a conservative Republican, so I guess that means you have dropped that charade.
I called your bullshit for what it is. I am a Republican, you are an anarchist, you live in a group home, and I am whole and healthy.
Ah, so you still are maintaining the charade that you're some kind of phony Republican.

You aren't doing a good job of it, Fakey.
would the left look away and call it business as usual?

would the media ignore it as a non-issue?

just curious what others think about this one.

FISA is an act. It can't really say much.
didn't ask you or anyone to attack FISA. i asked if FISA said trump abused the shit out of his powers in the same manner they are reporting obama did, would you demand trumps head or look away?
Who is reporting that Obama abused his powers, other than the usual RWNJs?

Get real, BDog! You honestly believe that the MSM is going to report anything damning against Obama? Key-rist! They think he walks on water (they'd be lucky if he BATHES in water)!

I don't know if Obama abused FISA, but there appears to be more evidence that he did than evidence Trump colluded with Russia.

Half Black Jesus can do what ever he wants.
would the left look away and call it business as usual?

would the media ignore it as a non-issue?

just curious what others think about this one.

FISA is an act. It can't really say much.
didn't ask you or anyone to attack FISA. i asked if FISA said trump abused the shit out of his powers in the same manner they are reporting obama did, would you demand trumps head or look away?
Who is reporting that Obama abused his powers, other than the usual RWNJs?

Get real, BDog! You honestly believe that the MSM is going to report anything damning against Obama? Key-rist! They think he walks on water (they'd be lucky if he BATHES in water)!

I don't know if Obama abused FISA, but there appears to be more evidence that he did than evidence Trump colluded with Russia.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, no matter how stooooopid it is.
you think he didn't know?

and again - my question was - read that story, take out OBAMA and put in TRUMP -

would you be making the same excuses?

You can put the Easter Bunny's name in there if you want to. It's a bullshit story put out by a bullshit right wing site.
so - let me be clear here - you're saying obama DID NOT DO THIS. FISA is full of shit?

stop attacking me, or the site and address the question if you don't mind.

right now your addressing it seems to be saying FISA is full of shit so before being derailed, just let me know if i understand you correctly.

Did FISA say Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA?
not my question. you keep wanting to twist my questions and never answer them.

do you believe FISA said the obama ADMIN was WAY out of line in their spying?
if no - then take out obama and put in trump and you still better say "no" or that's quite the hypocrite.
if yes - then why is this a non-issue for you but conspiracies about russia are still foam at the mouth type material?

If anyone is twisting, it would be you. FISA had a complaint about the NSA. If you believe Obama personally supervised the day to day operations of the NSA, then you might have a point. He would be personally responsible for the NSA in that case. If, on the other hand, you are sane, and realize that The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence, and that your effort to blame Obama for their day to day actions is stupid, you will quit making such dumb posts.
so no.

you won't answer the question you'll attack me and the source and pretend none of this ever happened.

but i'll bet you your own testicles that if trump did this you'd be furious for life and loving it cause you got that son of a bitch now.

glad to know you won't answer any questions, just pull the liberal bullshit.
you think this is over?

and again - if you don't care what the dems did with FISA and the IRS then if trump does it - is it still ok?

by allowing one side to do it and get away with it you establish it's acceptable. period.

not for you, not for your side, but for all.

that's the problem liberals have a hard time with.

Trump don't have the wits for head games and paper wars. Look what a mess he made already. He and his people need to stiop giving this nonsense air time and get to catching up on his agenda.

looks like he came out on top of this yesterday. comey did tell him 3 times he was not under investigation and he did in no way obstruct comey. he said to investigate whoever he wants.

your hate of trump does not make him the person you think he is.

Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction. Makes no difference. You assume I have a hate for Trump. Don't know the guy so I can't say if I hate him or not. I can not say he is a loser because, well he isn't. I would say he is bigly ignorant of how his job works. He figured all you trumpkins would follow him to Washington with AR15's and machetes, but y'all stayed home once you figured y'all were safe from messikins and mooslims, but what happened? Trump got to Washington and was STOPPED cold. Why? Fuck FISA what Hillary did, Booosh did or whatever. Y'all should be pissed that congress and the president are not doing work. Russi? Republicans and democrats have handed Putin just what he wanted, a paralyzed American government .
what i got out of this.

I don't hate trump.

all you trumpkins....

now you want to say what obama and hillary did was just fine and who gives a shit... RUSSIA!!!!

from your own post:
Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction.

no obstruction but somehow they're still working together in the background and the link will one day be discovered.

that or -

together we're full of shit and russia is laughing at us.

wouldn't argue #2. i would argue to the death we can't ignore what the past admin did or it will only get worse with each successive administration.

Just fine? Hillary and Bammer did not begin to mess with FISA, Boosh did. All the power those guys have now they can thank Booosh for. Booosh was warned. Guess that's where y'all messed up in electing a "compassionate conservative ". So really, you can hate him to for making all the FISA mess to begin with. As for not. Don't able to ignore the FISA crap, nothing will change, Bammer and Clinton are going to walk already have walked. Just need to be happy they are gone. On the brite side, Susan rice, maybe Hillary will get their cage rattled some, but after Trump gets past all this we will need to hope he doesn't go nuts trying to get political revenge.
yep. bush started it. obama took it to new levels.

neither were right and here we are.

i don't want revenge - i would agree on that. but if people are guilty of crimes, i do want justice. we need to put some bite into our laws if we ever expect any politician on either side to ever give a damn about the law again.
Trump don't have the wits for head games and paper wars. Look what a mess he made already. He and his people need to stiop giving this nonsense air time and get to catching up on his agenda.

looks like he came out on top of this yesterday. comey did tell him 3 times he was not under investigation and he did in no way obstruct comey. he said to investigate whoever he wants.

your hate of trump does not make him the person you think he is.

Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction. Makes no difference. You assume I have a hate for Trump. Don't know the guy so I can't say if I hate him or not. I can not say he is a loser because, well he isn't. I would say he is bigly ignorant of how his job works. He figured all you trumpkins would follow him to Washington with AR15's and machetes, but y'all stayed home once you figured y'all were safe from messikins and mooslims, but what happened? Trump got to Washington and was STOPPED cold. Why? Fuck FISA what Hillary did, Booosh did or whatever. Y'all should be pissed that congress and the president are not doing work. Russi? Republicans and democrats have handed Putin just what he wanted, a paralyzed American government .
what i got out of this.

I don't hate trump.

all you trumpkins....

now you want to say what obama and hillary did was just fine and who gives a shit... RUSSIA!!!!

from your own post:
Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction.

no obstruction but somehow they're still working together in the background and the link will one day be discovered.

that or -

together we're full of shit and russia is laughing at us.

wouldn't argue #2. i would argue to the death we can't ignore what the past admin did or it will only get worse with each successive administration.

Just fine? Hillary and Bammer did not begin to mess with FISA, Boosh did. All the power those guys have now they can thank Booosh for. Booosh was warned. Guess that's where y'all messed up in electing a "compassionate conservative ". So really, you can hate him to for making all the FISA mess to begin with. As for not. Don't able to ignore the FISA crap, nothing will change, Bammer and Clinton are going to walk already have walked. Just need to be happy they are gone. On the brite side, Susan rice, maybe Hillary will get their cage rattled some, but after Trump gets past all this we will need to hope he doesn't go nuts trying to get political revenge.
yep. bush started it. obama took it to new levels.

neither were right and here we are.

i don't want revenge - i would agree on that. but if people are guilty of crimes, i do want justice. we need to put some bite into our laws if we ever expect any politician on either side to ever give a damn about the law again.

Rest of the country gotta agree, but they don't. Politition get elected on emotion not ideas.
would the left look away and call it business as usual?

would the media ignore it as a non-issue?

just curious what others think about this one.

FISA is an act. It can't really say much.
didn't ask you or anyone to attack FISA. i asked if FISA said trump abused the shit out of his powers in the same manner they are reporting obama did, would you demand trumps head or look away?

FISA has NOT reported that Obama abused his wiretap powers. The ONLY claim of Obama wiretapping Americans has been made by Donald J. Trump, based on no evidence.

Every agency which would have carried out such wiretapping have denied that Obama did any such thing and the Liar In Chief had offered no evidence although he claims to have evidence.

Trump was merely trying to deflect from the Russia investigation when he made that claim.

The staffer who said "The President does not lie" could barely say it with a straight face.
looks like he came out on top of this yesterday. comey did tell him 3 times he was not under investigation and he did in no way obstruct comey. he said to investigate whoever he wants.

your hate of trump does not make him the person you think he is.

Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction. Makes no difference. You assume I have a hate for Trump. Don't know the guy so I can't say if I hate him or not. I can not say he is a loser because, well he isn't. I would say he is bigly ignorant of how his job works. He figured all you trumpkins would follow him to Washington with AR15's and machetes, but y'all stayed home once you figured y'all were safe from messikins and mooslims, but what happened? Trump got to Washington and was STOPPED cold. Why? Fuck FISA what Hillary did, Booosh did or whatever. Y'all should be pissed that congress and the president are not doing work. Russi? Republicans and democrats have handed Putin just what he wanted, a paralyzed American government .
what i got out of this.

I don't hate trump.

all you trumpkins....

now you want to say what obama and hillary did was just fine and who gives a shit... RUSSIA!!!!

from your own post:
Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction.

no obstruction but somehow they're still working together in the background and the link will one day be discovered.

that or -

together we're full of shit and russia is laughing at us.

wouldn't argue #2. i would argue to the death we can't ignore what the past admin did or it will only get worse with each successive administration.

Just fine? Hillary and Bammer did not begin to mess with FISA, Boosh did. All the power those guys have now they can thank Booosh for. Booosh was warned. Guess that's where y'all messed up in electing a "compassionate conservative ". So really, you can hate him to for making all the FISA mess to begin with. As for not. Don't able to ignore the FISA crap, nothing will change, Bammer and Clinton are going to walk already have walked. Just need to be happy they are gone. On the brite side, Susan rice, maybe Hillary will get their cage rattled some, but after Trump gets past all this we will need to hope he doesn't go nuts trying to get political revenge.
yep. bush started it. obama took it to new levels.

neither were right and here we are.

i don't want revenge - i would agree on that. but if people are guilty of crimes, i do want justice. we need to put some bite into our laws if we ever expect any politician on either side to ever give a damn about the law again.

Rest of the country gotta agree, but they don't. Politition get elected on emotion not ideas.
i would agree on that.
would the left look away and call it business as usual?

would the media ignore it as a non-issue?

just curious what others think about this one.

FISA is an act. It can't really say much.
didn't ask you or anyone to attack FISA. i asked if FISA said trump abused the shit out of his powers in the same manner they are reporting obama did, would you demand trumps head or look away?

FISA has NOT reported that Obama abused his wiretap powers. The ONLY claim of Obama wiretapping Americans has been made by Donald J. Trump, based on no evidence.

Every agency which would have carried out such wiretapping have denied that Obama did any such thing and the Liar In Chief had offered no evidence although he claims to have evidence.

Trump was merely trying to deflect from the Russia investigation when he made that claim.

The staffer who said "The President does not lie" could barely say it with a straight face.
this is so full of shit the new york city sewage department couldn't process it.

there is no russia investigation. it's over. it was a bogus lie you sold yourself to get you through hating a president.

and i'm sure every agency that did it said it was fine. but FISA has said otherwise, as linked many times. if you choose to ignore it - your call. but saying it didn't happen is so willfully full of shit i'm surprised you can walk w/o leaving a shit trail behind you.
Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction. Makes no difference. You assume I have a hate for Trump. Don't know the guy so I can't say if I hate him or not. I can not say he is a loser because, well he isn't. I would say he is bigly ignorant of how his job works. He figured all you trumpkins would follow him to Washington with AR15's and machetes, but y'all stayed home once you figured y'all were safe from messikins and mooslims, but what happened? Trump got to Washington and was STOPPED cold. Why? Fuck FISA what Hillary did, Booosh did or whatever. Y'all should be pissed that congress and the president are not doing work. Russi? Republicans and democrats have handed Putin just what he wanted, a paralyzed American government .
what i got out of this.

I don't hate trump.

all you trumpkins....

now you want to say what obama and hillary did was just fine and who gives a shit... RUSSIA!!!!

from your own post:
Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction.

no obstruction but somehow they're still working together in the background and the link will one day be discovered.

that or -

together we're full of shit and russia is laughing at us.

wouldn't argue #2. i would argue to the death we can't ignore what the past admin did or it will only get worse with each successive administration.

Just fine? Hillary and Bammer did not begin to mess with FISA, Boosh did. All the power those guys have now they can thank Booosh for. Booosh was warned. Guess that's where y'all messed up in electing a "compassionate conservative ". So really, you can hate him to for making all the FISA mess to begin with. As for not. Don't able to ignore the FISA crap, nothing will change, Bammer and Clinton are going to walk already have walked. Just need to be happy they are gone. On the brite side, Susan rice, maybe Hillary will get their cage rattled some, but after Trump gets past all this we will need to hope he doesn't go nuts trying to get political revenge.
yep. bush started it. obama took it to new levels.

neither were right and here we are.

i don't want revenge - i would agree on that. but if people are guilty of crimes, i do want justice. we need to put some bite into our laws if we ever expect any politician on either side to ever give a damn about the law again.

Rest of the country gotta agree, but they don't. Politition get elected on emotion not ideas.
i would agree on that.

Tell ya what Trump could do, declassify all documents related to the Russia investigation. Redact the sources and let the American people decied.

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