If FISA said Trump was abusing NSA and spying on Americans

you think he didn't know?

and again - my question was - read that story, take out OBAMA and put in TRUMP -

would you be making the same excuses?

You can put the Easter Bunny's name in there if you want to. It's a bullshit story put out by a bullshit right wing site.
so - let me be clear here - you're saying obama DID NOT DO THIS. FISA is full of shit?

stop attacking me, or the site and address the question if you don't mind.

right now your addressing it seems to be saying FISA is full of shit so before being derailed, just let me know if i understand you correctly.

Did FISA say Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA?
not my question. you keep wanting to twist my questions and never answer them.

do you believe FISA said the obama ADMIN was WAY out of line in their spying?
if no - then take out obama and put in trump and you still better say "no" or that's quite the hypocrite.
if yes - then why is this a non-issue for you but conspiracies about russia are still foam at the mouth type material?

If anyone is twisting, it would be you. FISA had a complaint about the NSA. If you believe Obama personally supervised the day to day operations of the NSA, then you might have a point. He would be personally responsible for the NSA in that case. If, on the other hand, you are sane, and realize that The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence, and that your effort to blame Obama for their day to day actions is stupid, you will quit making such dumb posts.

BDog, com'on man. Obama doesn't have to personally oversee the NSA. All he had to do was to direct his cronies in the Justice Department to file what he wanted with the FISA Court. After the Court approved his request the NSA would be directed to surveil, or release prior surveillance, to him and his administration.
what i got out of this.

I don't hate trump.

all you trumpkins....

now you want to say what obama and hillary did was just fine and who gives a shit... RUSSIA!!!!

from your own post:
Not to mention all the times Comey was asked and Comey answered there was no obstruction.

no obstruction but somehow they're still working together in the background and the link will one day be discovered.

that or -

together we're full of shit and russia is laughing at us.

wouldn't argue #2. i would argue to the death we can't ignore what the past admin did or it will only get worse with each successive administration.

Just fine? Hillary and Bammer did not begin to mess with FISA, Boosh did. All the power those guys have now they can thank Booosh for. Booosh was warned. Guess that's where y'all messed up in electing a "compassionate conservative ". So really, you can hate him to for making all the FISA mess to begin with. As for not. Don't able to ignore the FISA crap, nothing will change, Bammer and Clinton are going to walk already have walked. Just need to be happy they are gone. On the brite side, Susan rice, maybe Hillary will get their cage rattled some, but after Trump gets past all this we will need to hope he doesn't go nuts trying to get political revenge.
yep. bush started it. obama took it to new levels.

neither were right and here we are.

i don't want revenge - i would agree on that. but if people are guilty of crimes, i do want justice. we need to put some bite into our laws if we ever expect any politician on either side to ever give a damn about the law again.

Rest of the country gotta agree, but they don't. Politition get elected on emotion not ideas.
i would agree on that.

Tell ya what Trump could do, declassify all documents related to the Russia investigation. Redact the sources and let the American people decied.
that would be an interesting move. from what i understand he didn't care who was investigated and encouraged it.

the sad part is we will always have people who honestly believe whatever line of bullshit they want to believe. dragonlady for example - holy hell the shit sammichs she eats up. some people you just can't reach and i've learned to give up trying.

i don't care if people disagree. i learn a lot from those discussions actually. but when you're just blind rage in motion - sit down. i don't care. nothing to win from a discussion with that type of mentality and they need to be ignored and let the grown up figure out how to get us how of the pile of shit we're in now due to all sides being assholes for so long.
You can put the Easter Bunny's name in there if you want to. It's a bullshit story put out by a bullshit right wing site.
so - let me be clear here - you're saying obama DID NOT DO THIS. FISA is full of shit?

stop attacking me, or the site and address the question if you don't mind.

right now your addressing it seems to be saying FISA is full of shit so before being derailed, just let me know if i understand you correctly.

Did FISA say Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA?
not my question. you keep wanting to twist my questions and never answer them.

do you believe FISA said the obama ADMIN was WAY out of line in their spying?
if no - then take out obama and put in trump and you still better say "no" or that's quite the hypocrite.
if yes - then why is this a non-issue for you but conspiracies about russia are still foam at the mouth type material?

If anyone is twisting, it would be you. FISA had a complaint about the NSA. If you believe Obama personally supervised the day to day operations of the NSA, then you might have a point. He would be personally responsible for the NSA in that case. If, on the other hand, you are sane, and realize that The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence, and that your effort to blame Obama for their day to day actions is stupid, you will quit making such dumb posts.

BDog, com'on man. Obama doesn't have to personally oversee the NSA. All he had to do was to direct his cronies in the Justice Department to file what he wanted with the FISA Court. After the Court approved his request the NSA would be directed to surveil, or release prior surveillance, to him and his administration.
i give up. he danced around the entire question and he knows it. he knows full and well what i'm asking and he's trying to find a place to hide so he can be right "in this instance". this "micro-innocent" shit is bullshit.

obama knew full well what he was doing. that's why he opened up the laws in the end to allow more of this - which was a total breach of power and nothing of what the executive orders are meant for - much less replacing global treaties.
Just fine? Hillary and Bammer did not begin to mess with FISA, Boosh did. All the power those guys have now they can thank Booosh for. Booosh was warned. Guess that's where y'all messed up in electing a "compassionate conservative ". So really, you can hate him to for making all the FISA mess to begin with. As for not. Don't able to ignore the FISA crap, nothing will change, Bammer and Clinton are going to walk already have walked. Just need to be happy they are gone. On the brite side, Susan rice, maybe Hillary will get their cage rattled some, but after Trump gets past all this we will need to hope he doesn't go nuts trying to get political revenge.
yep. bush started it. obama took it to new levels.

neither were right and here we are.

i don't want revenge - i would agree on that. but if people are guilty of crimes, i do want justice. we need to put some bite into our laws if we ever expect any politician on either side to ever give a damn about the law again.

Rest of the country gotta agree, but they don't. Politition get elected on emotion not ideas.
i would agree on that.

Tell ya what Trump could do, declassify all documents related to the Russia investigation. Redact the sources and let the American people decied.
that would be an interesting move. from what i understand he didn't care who was investigated and encouraged it.

the sad part is we will always have people who honestly believe whatever line of bullshit they want to believe. dragonlady for example - holy hell the shit sammichs she eats up. some people you just can't reach and i've learned to give up trying.

i don't care if people disagree. i learn a lot from those discussions actually. but when you're just blind rage in motion - sit down. i don't care. nothing to win from a discussion with that type of mentality and they need to be ignored and let the grown up figure out how to get us how of the pile of shit we're in now due to all sides being assholes for so long.

Man the best thing you can do is keep the three feet around you calm and in what you consider in order. People up there in Washington are a different class of person. Not super duper, more like a bunch of pit vipers. Lying to any politition is like breathing in and out. They kiss your baby one day, but love killing them in the woumb. They don't want to take your guns, but they will make it harder in ya for having them.
Last edited:
Trump, not Clinton or Obama, is the guy in office.

He is the one in the glare of the investigations' lights.
Did you finally give up pretending you're a conservative Republican, Jake the Alzheimer's riddled fake?
Your post fails on both issues. You live in a home for those with mental issues, bripat, whereas I am whole and healthy. This is not about political allegiance, but Americanism and justice And you have neither political allegiance nor Americanism nor justice, since you are a follower of worthless anarchism.
You didn't defend your previous claims that you're a conservative Republican, so I guess that means you have dropped that charade.
I called your bullshit for what it is. I am a Republican, you are an anarchist, you live in a group home, and I am whole and healthy.
Ah, so you still are maintaining the charade that you're some kind of phony Republican. You aren't doing a good job of it, Fakey.
I am Republican, and you are an anarchist. That comparison speaks for itself.
so - let me be clear here - you're saying obama DID NOT DO THIS. FISA is full of shit?

stop attacking me, or the site and address the question if you don't mind.

right now your addressing it seems to be saying FISA is full of shit so before being derailed, just let me know if i understand you correctly.

Did FISA say Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA?
not my question. you keep wanting to twist my questions and never answer them.

do you believe FISA said the obama ADMIN was WAY out of line in their spying?
if no - then take out obama and put in trump and you still better say "no" or that's quite the hypocrite.
if yes - then why is this a non-issue for you but conspiracies about russia are still foam at the mouth type material?

If anyone is twisting, it would be you. FISA had a complaint about the NSA. If you believe Obama personally supervised the day to day operations of the NSA, then you might have a point. He would be personally responsible for the NSA in that case. If, on the other hand, you are sane, and realize that The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence, and that your effort to blame Obama for their day to day actions is stupid, you will quit making such dumb posts.

BDog, com'on man. Obama doesn't have to personally oversee the NSA. All he had to do was to direct his cronies in the Justice Department to file what he wanted with the FISA Court. After the Court approved his request the NSA would be directed to surveil, or release prior surveillance, to him and his administration.
i give up. he danced around the entire question and he knows it. he knows full and well what i'm asking and he's trying to find a place to hide so he can be right "in this instance". this "micro-innocent" shit is bullshit.

obama knew full well what he was doing. that's why he opened up the laws in the end to allow more of this - which was a total breach of power and nothing of what the executive orders are meant for - much less replacing global treaties.
This is not about Obama. Do you want Trump to be Obama?
Did you finally give up pretending you're a conservative Republican, Jake the Alzheimer's riddled fake?
Your post fails on both issues. You live in a home for those with mental issues, bripat, whereas I am whole and healthy. This is not about political allegiance, but Americanism and justice And you have neither political allegiance nor Americanism nor justice, since you are a follower of worthless anarchism.
You didn't defend your previous claims that you're a conservative Republican, so I guess that means you have dropped that charade.
I called your bullshit for what it is. I am a Republican, you are an anarchist, you live in a group home, and I am whole and healthy.
Ah, so you still are maintaining the charade that you're some kind of phony Republican. You aren't doing a good job of it, Fakey.
I am Republican, and you are an anarchist. That comparison speaks for itself.
It shows that you are a liar and that I am honest, also more intelligent.
Did FISA say Obama personally supervised the day to day actions of the NSA?
not my question. you keep wanting to twist my questions and never answer them.

do you believe FISA said the obama ADMIN was WAY out of line in their spying?
if no - then take out obama and put in trump and you still better say "no" or that's quite the hypocrite.
if yes - then why is this a non-issue for you but conspiracies about russia are still foam at the mouth type material?

If anyone is twisting, it would be you. FISA had a complaint about the NSA. If you believe Obama personally supervised the day to day operations of the NSA, then you might have a point. He would be personally responsible for the NSA in that case. If, on the other hand, you are sane, and realize that The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence, and that your effort to blame Obama for their day to day actions is stupid, you will quit making such dumb posts.

BDog, com'on man. Obama doesn't have to personally oversee the NSA. All he had to do was to direct his cronies in the Justice Department to file what he wanted with the FISA Court. After the Court approved his request the NSA would be directed to surveil, or release prior surveillance, to him and his administration.
i give up. he danced around the entire question and he knows it. he knows full and well what i'm asking and he's trying to find a place to hide so he can be right "in this instance". this "micro-innocent" shit is bullshit.

obama knew full well what he was doing. that's why he opened up the laws in the end to allow more of this - which was a total breach of power and nothing of what the executive orders are meant for - much less replacing global treaties.
This is not about Obama. Do you want Trump to be Obama?
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
Please don't expect anything reasonable from a liberal.

Right now they are too busy getting marinated in their new narrative from the democrat pets in the media.

OBSTRUCTION and not COLLUSION is the new word.

Notice, no collusion threads from the libs on the political page.

They have moved on.
Your post fails on both issues. You live in a home for those with mental issues, bripat, whereas I am whole and healthy. This is not about political allegiance, but Americanism and justice And you have neither political allegiance nor Americanism nor justice, since you are a follower of worthless anarchism.
You didn't defend your previous claims that you're a conservative Republican, so I guess that means you have dropped that charade.
I called your bullshit for what it is. I am a Republican, you are an anarchist, you live in a group home, and I am whole and healthy.
Ah, so you still are maintaining the charade that you're some kind of phony Republican. You aren't doing a good job of it, Fakey.
I am Republican, and you are an anarchist. That comparison speaks for itself.
It shows that you are a liar and that I am honest, also more intelligent.
Attacking me instead of dealing with OP shows that in fact you are liar, not honest, and not intelligent.

Are you able to speak to the OP?
would the left look away and call it business as usual?

would the media ignore it as a non-issue?

just curious what others think about this one.

FISA is an act. It can't really say much.
didn't ask you or anyone to attack FISA. i asked if FISA said trump abused the shit out of his powers in the same manner they are reporting obama did, would you demand trumps head or look away?

FISA has NOT reported that Obama abused his wiretap powers. The ONLY claim of Obama wiretapping Americans has been made by Donald J. Trump, based on no evidence.

Every agency which would have carried out such wiretapping have denied that Obama did any such thing and the Liar In Chief had offered no evidence although he claims to have evidence.

Trump was merely trying to deflect from the Russia investigation when he made that claim.

The staffer who said "The President does not lie" could barely say it with a straight face.
would the left look away and call it business as usual?

would the media ignore it as a non-issue?

just curious what others think about this one.

FISA is an act. It can't really say much.
didn't ask you or anyone to attack FISA. i asked if FISA said trump abused the shit out of his powers in the same manner they are reporting obama did, would you demand trumps head or look away?

FISA has NOT reported that Obama abused his wiretap powers. The ONLY claim of Obama wiretapping Americans has been made by Donald J. Trump, based on no evidence.

Every agency which would have carried out such wiretapping have denied that Obama did any such thing and the Liar In Chief had offered no evidence although he claims to have evidence.

Trump was merely trying to deflect from the Russia investigation when he made that claim.

The staffer who said "The President does not lie" could barely say it with a straight face.
lord when you fuck up - you carry it to the grave huh?

Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans
2016 Cert FISC Memo Opin Order Apr 2017 (4)

FISA Court Finds "Serious Fourth Amendment Issue" In Obama's "Widespread" Illegal Searches Of American Citizens | Zero Hedge

A newly released court order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) found that the National Security Agency, under former President Obama, routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall. In describing the violations, the FISA court said the illegal searches conducted by the NSA under Obama were "widespread" and created a "very serious Fourth Amendment issue."

These new discoveries come from a recently unsealed FISA court document dated April 26, 2017 and center around a hearing dated October 26, 2017, just days before the 2016 election, in which the FISA court apparently learned for the first time of "widespread" and illegal spying on American citizens by the NSA under the Obama administration.

"The October 26, 2016 Notice disclosed that an NSA Inspector General (IG) review...indicated that, with greater frequency than previously disclosed to the Court, NSA analysts had used U.S.-person identifiers to query the result of Internet "upstream" collection, even though NSA's section 702 minimization procedures prohibited such queries...this disclosure gave the Court substantial concern."

take your fucking bullshit elsewhere.
iceberg, please read your own links. They don't say what you think they say.
paragraph 2 of 1st link:

The unlawful surveillance appears to have been a massive abuse of the government’s foreign-intelligence-collection authority, carried out for the purpose of monitoring the communications of Americans in the United States. While aware that it was going on for an extensive period of time, the administration failed to disclose its unlawful surveillance of Americans until late October 2016, when the administration was winding down and the NSA needed to meet a court deadline in order to renew various surveillance authorities under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Read more at: Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

i said obama illegally spied on people.

later in that article:
The FISA-court opinion is now public, available here. The unlawful surveillance was first exposed in a report at Circa by John Solomon and Sara Carter, who have also gotten access to internal, classified reports. The story was also covered extensively Wednesday evening by James Rosen and Bret Baier on Fox News’s Special Report.

yes it does.
not my question. you keep wanting to twist my questions and never answer them.

do you believe FISA said the obama ADMIN was WAY out of line in their spying?
if no - then take out obama and put in trump and you still better say "no" or that's quite the hypocrite.
if yes - then why is this a non-issue for you but conspiracies about russia are still foam at the mouth type material?

If anyone is twisting, it would be you. FISA had a complaint about the NSA. If you believe Obama personally supervised the day to day operations of the NSA, then you might have a point. He would be personally responsible for the NSA in that case. If, on the other hand, you are sane, and realize that The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence, and that your effort to blame Obama for their day to day actions is stupid, you will quit making such dumb posts.

BDog, com'on man. Obama doesn't have to personally oversee the NSA. All he had to do was to direct his cronies in the Justice Department to file what he wanted with the FISA Court. After the Court approved his request the NSA would be directed to surveil, or release prior surveillance, to him and his administration.
i give up. he danced around the entire question and he knows it. he knows full and well what i'm asking and he's trying to find a place to hide so he can be right "in this instance". this "micro-innocent" shit is bullshit.

obama knew full well what he was doing. that's why he opened up the laws in the end to allow more of this - which was a total breach of power and nothing of what the executive orders are meant for - much less replacing global treaties.
This is not about Obama. Do you want Trump to be Obama?
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
You're wrong
If anyone is twisting, it would be you. FISA had a complaint about the NSA. If you believe Obama personally supervised the day to day operations of the NSA, then you might have a point. He would be personally responsible for the NSA in that case. If, on the other hand, you are sane, and realize that The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence, and that your effort to blame Obama for their day to day actions is stupid, you will quit making such dumb posts.

BDog, com'on man. Obama doesn't have to personally oversee the NSA. All he had to do was to direct his cronies in the Justice Department to file what he wanted with the FISA Court. After the Court approved his request the NSA would be directed to surveil, or release prior surveillance, to him and his administration.
i give up. he danced around the entire question and he knows it. he knows full and well what i'm asking and he's trying to find a place to hide so he can be right "in this instance". this "micro-innocent" shit is bullshit.

obama knew full well what he was doing. that's why he opened up the laws in the end to allow more of this - which was a total breach of power and nothing of what the executive orders are meant for - much less replacing global treaties.
This is not about Obama. Do you want Trump to be Obama?
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
You're wrong
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?
BDog, com'on man. Obama doesn't have to personally oversee the NSA. All he had to do was to direct his cronies in the Justice Department to file what he wanted with the FISA Court. After the Court approved his request the NSA would be directed to surveil, or release prior surveillance, to him and his administration.
i give up. he danced around the entire question and he knows it. he knows full and well what i'm asking and he's trying to find a place to hide so he can be right "in this instance". this "micro-innocent" shit is bullshit.

obama knew full well what he was doing. that's why he opened up the laws in the end to allow more of this - which was a total breach of power and nothing of what the executive orders are meant for - much less replacing global treaties.
This is not about Obama. Do you want Trump to be Obama?
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
You're wrong
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?

Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.
i give up. he danced around the entire question and he knows it. he knows full and well what i'm asking and he's trying to find a place to hide so he can be right "in this instance". this "micro-innocent" shit is bullshit.

obama knew full well what he was doing. that's why he opened up the laws in the end to allow more of this - which was a total breach of power and nothing of what the executive orders are meant for - much less replacing global treaties.
This is not about Obama. Do you want Trump to be Obama?
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
You're wrong
care to be more specific?

ie - if you hate someone, you can apply different standards to them?
FISA never said obama's admin never spied on anyone?

Trying to imply that everything that happened while Obama was president was somehow his personal responsibility is only something a mentally deficient person would do. Of course, it makes sense that you would join right wing talking heads in that practice. The electric company misread my meter last month and overcharged me $134.00. I have no doubt that it will be fixed, but is Trump to blame for my misread bill? Is he trying to charge me too much? That is the exact same type of childish blame assignation as you are trying to do.

and given trump wasn't under russian investigation - now repeated AGAIN by comey - what does that make all the people going RUSSIA when *at most* it was his people that *were* under investigation?

trying to imply that trump has anything to do with it is something only a mentally deficient person would do.

hey - your logic. don't blame me it bites you in your one-way ass.
not my question. you keep wanting to twist my questions and never answer them.

do you believe FISA said the obama ADMIN was WAY out of line in their spying?
if no - then take out obama and put in trump and you still better say "no" or that's quite the hypocrite.
if yes - then why is this a non-issue for you but conspiracies about russia are still foam at the mouth type material?

If anyone is twisting, it would be you. FISA had a complaint about the NSA. If you believe Obama personally supervised the day to day operations of the NSA, then you might have a point. He would be personally responsible for the NSA in that case. If, on the other hand, you are sane, and realize that The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence, and that your effort to blame Obama for their day to day actions is stupid, you will quit making such dumb posts.

BDog, com'on man. Obama doesn't have to personally oversee the NSA. All he had to do was to direct his cronies in the Justice Department to file what he wanted with the FISA Court. After the Court approved his request the NSA would be directed to surveil, or release prior surveillance, to him and his administration.
i give up. he danced around the entire question and he knows it. he knows full and well what i'm asking and he's trying to find a place to hide so he can be right "in this instance". this "micro-innocent" shit is bullshit.

obama knew full well what he was doing. that's why he opened up the laws in the end to allow more of this - which was a total breach of power and nothing of what the executive orders are meant for - much less replacing global treaties.
This is not about Obama. Do you want Trump to be Obama?
i want equal application of outrage.

if an action is wrong, the action is wrong. just because you like the person doing it doesn't make it ok.

my point i believe has been proven.
Snowflakes think that's a strange concept.

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